We know they’ve been trying to kill us for a while now. On the other hand though, life is risky and nobody makes it out alive. So how do you balance paranoia with pragmatism? When is a weather event just a run of the mill tornado in Oklahoma? When is a mass shooting just your average police scanner event in Gangland Park? When is an elevated death rate just from a nasty bug going around? When is a forest fire just a regular old forest fire?
On the other hand, when are those types of events special Ops? Here’s my handy cheat sheet of the 22 Things to Look for When the Government is Trying to Kill You:
1. There’s elements that are extremely unusual or unprecedented. With a natural disaster I might be looking for signs that a Hurricane suddenly strengthens when it should be weakening or that it is unexpectedly steering towards a more populated area. Perhaps an Earthquake happens in an area that doesn’t normally see earthquakes of that magnitude or a forest fire skips trees but incinerates cars and houses instead. Perhaps everybody was running a test of a terrorist drill at the exact same time as a terrorist attack happened, or doing a system upgrade that caused a critical warning system to be down at exactly the time it was needed most.
2. There’s clear protocol violations which maximized the destruction, damage and deaths from an event. Exits are blocked and water is withheld from a forest fire. Police are told to stand down and not allow any distraught parents in while a school shooting is underway killing their children. Everybody is told to mask up and lockdown to stop a virus, even though this violated every epidemiological principle known before 2020. The follow on devastation from deaths of despair from alcohol and drug abuse, economic immiseration, starvation, suicide and delayed medical treatment were completely predictable.
3. The mainstream media news is schizophrenic. This is the laser pointer that Sage Hana references. On the one hand an event may be wildly blown out of proportion, such as the Covid death count ticker tape of splashing blood red screens in 2020 or the entire day of 9/11/2001, as the event du jour. On the other hand deaths can be ignored, maligned, or marginalized such as we see with the crickets in the mainstream regarding the Covid vaccine induced genocide. Wars in faraway lands might be our patriotic duty to support or when our bombs drop on a wedding in Pakistan they may not be covered at all. Those mass shootings, or police brutality events, or school shootings, or traffic fatalities that are picked to be highlighted almost always serve a political agenda of enforcing a narrative that divides the masses on personal, political, racial, religious, ethnic or class lines.
4. There is often predictive programming on fictional movies, television shows and advertisements in advance of the event. Virus, zombie and outbreak movies, usually about something universally fatal which scientists are feverishly working on a cure or a vaccine for, have been popular for decades. The TV show The Simpsons is often thought of as having the best predictive programming.
5. The threat is downplayed and then ramped up in an incoherent fashion. Everybody is supposed to go shopping in Chinatown while Covid is raging. The forest fires in Lahaina had been put out already, but the kids were still sent home from school for a high wind advisory. That sound at the route 91 Harvest festival Las Vegas massacre was just firecrackers. Mass panic often ensues right afterwards which maximizes casualties.
6. Drills, simulations and tabletop exercises have been carried out in advance of an event. There’s too many examples to cite here. They always game it out in advance it seems.
7. There’s a divide between real world indicators and what is being reported by the mainstream. What are real world indicators? These include eyewitness accounts from people on the ground, especially those who have lived in an area for a long time and thus know other people. Weather conditions and satellite reports and total reported deaths can help even while recognizing that these systems can be fudged. Although California has issued a first ever Tropical Storm Warning extending north of LA County and governor Gavin Newsome has declared a state of Emergency, Nevada has done no such things in advance of Hilary. There’s a flood watch and that’s it, even though it looks to be barreling towards the high desert. Meanwhile, though, Las Vegas has canceled droves of flights on Sunday while LA just seems to be expecting delays. Hmmm.
8. The same players seem to be involved in every Op. You see the same people on TV whether they are officials or crisis actors. Certain ones are just handpicked for interviews while others are completely ignored. The good are usually censored outright or brownlisted through algos that intentionally ignore their posts. The bad are either promoted to the top or quietly shuffled to the end of the bench for next time. All keep their pensions and are still trotted out for interviews until the day they burn in the raging pits of hell.
9. There is a marginalization, ignoring, demonization, and gaslighting of the actual victims of an Op. They can’t get supplies. Doctors don’t believe that they were harmed by some safe and effective medication which they were told to take, or that any loved ones died from it. People whose bodies were burned to ashes or whose remains were swept out might never be found. Good luck procuring a death certificate or getting any help from the state!
10. The evidence must be hidden so the public at large is blocked from specific areas Even independent journalists are often blocked and told to get statements from officials instead. Those who sneak in do so at their own peril.
11. The dissidents are divided into infighting and put into unproductive conspiracy theory rabbit holes. The Nobody died in Las Vegas theory obviously would alienate anybody who knows people who either died or were injured in the Las Vegas mass shooting. It’s just the Flu bros will obviously alienate anybody who had a case of Covid that they felt was more severe than just the flu. The No Airplanes Hit the Twin Towers folks will obviously alienate anybody who was sure that they saw airplanes sticking out from WTC one and two that morning. I always counsel to stick with the things you know.
12. The money always leads towards lawfare. Tick toc is the gun of the silent war of delay, deny, dead. Stalling tactics are employed to time out victims of compensation. Those who have lost everything and are dependant on paycheck to paycheck are bankrupted in every way by state bureaucrats whose paychecks are dependant on denying them help. The news cycle, if it covered the original Op at all, moves on to the next new things. Their houses and families are still in ruins. The death count increases daily. There will be no investigation.
13. Numbers, dates, names and locations of an event have a deeper, often occult meaning. I understand that the numbers 1 and 9 are significant in witchcraft, so COVID-19 and 9/11 both utilize them. The Las Vegas mass shooting occurred at the route 91 Harvest Festival. The mass Asian tsunami was started by an Earthquake which was curiously upgraded to a 9.1 on the Richter scale with its center location changed. I learned about this devastation from a hotel room in Oceanside, California on Christmas night. Many hazardous waste removal protocols were violated following a train derailment in the oddly named town of East Palestine, Ohio. Numbers in double or triplicate are often important as well such as 8/8 for the Maui fires. I don’t go as far down this rabbit hole as some do, but I definitely take note.
14. Actions by certain insiders indicate foreknowledge of an event. Insiders shorted airline stocks in the leadup to 9/11. Insiders bought up stock in Moderna in the lead up to COVID-19. Some people didn’t show up to work in the twin towers. Certain people buy up insurance policies in advance of disaster. A long time ago those things were called insider trading. Buying a $1 million insurance policy just a few weeks before your wife dies in a tragic accident was viewed as evidence of preplanning.
15. A lot of money was heisted. Where’s that missing $3 trillion? I’m sure it was just a computer glitch.
16. There is a pre set narrative which explains the event which always places blame on the victims. Any “natural” disaster is blamed on climate change and is the reason we can’t have nice things. Covid-19 was the inevitable result of overpopulation and had nothing to do with tinkering with bugs in labs or a mass psyop. All of these people who died suddenly since the jabs came out are victims of global boiling.
17. Legislation enacted in response to the disaster aids in collecting more money for the state and instituting more control against the people. The Patriot Act, which was written well in advance of 9/11, killed many birds with one stone. It empowered the warfare and security state while at the same time eroding the rights of US citizens. I can think of two people I knew who were swept up in a dragnet from long ago charges and forced to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to the state to clear their name: in one case a US citizen man who had lived in Spain and then Thailand for 20 years was forcefully repatrioted to the US on a drug charge from the 1980’s in which he had skipped out of the country. When my uncle Bruce went to renew his driver’s license they dredged up a court appearance from the late 1970’s following on from a traffic stop. The officer, who was by 2005 or so already dead, hd written that he thought he smelled alcohol on my uncle’s breath at the time. He had to hire a lawyer just to clear his name and renew his California driver’s license from a charge three decades before.
18. Victims, witnesses, independant reporters, and whistleblowers to the Op are silenced. Sometimes this involves them dying under mysterious circumstances or being forced to sign non disclosure agreements where they cannot talk about what they saw or experienced. In order to collect funeral expenses for their dead son on GoFundMe the fundraiser might not be allowed to mention the vaccine as a cause of death. Somebody who catches video footage of a critical event might have the tape confiscated.
19. Critical evidence is buried from the public. An investigation of the Maui fires would likely include a detailed timeline of the blaze and a backtracking to the source. PG&E, for example, has been on the hook for lax maintenance to their own power lines which led to several California wildfires. That won’t be done, however, because the Maui fire did not have entirely natural origins. A transparent investigation into any mass shooting would include detailed forensic and ballistic information: what caliber of bullets were used and what was their trajectory? Every single one needs to be viewed as a potential homicide investigation.
Instead in an Op you see the exact opposite take place. News is leaked to the media in a drip fashion from “authorities” with carefully manicured photos or videos. The crime scene is carted off and burned into scrap metal in China while victims ashes still smolder in the ruins. The investigation is always trusted to foxes guarding the hen house. It has nothing to do with saving lives either now or from preventing the next tragedy to happen. It has everything to do with CYA in government pension funded jobs.
20. Any legal proceedings or hearings which do take place are entirely focused on show trials and deflecting blame. Some are buried entirely, as was the case with casino comglomerant MGM Grand which settled with survivors of the Route 91 massacre who alleged that they didn’t do enough to stop “lone guman” Stephen Paddock from bringing weapons into his hotel room. They settled for $800 million with victims. This is important because had discovery happened, which would have included of course ballistics, eyewitness video and testimony, it would have been quickly discovered that Paddock had, at a bare minimum, not acted alone.
Alice in Wonderland techniques are used in large Ops. “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire. Although jet fuel led to the World Trade Centers pancaking into their footprint one of the hijackers passports was undamaged on the ground. Covid vaccine rollouts led to widespread Covid outbreaks, which was universally a sign that we needed more vaccines. Up is down and black is white.
I have been following Geoff Cygnus and his exposure of the Maui fires. This guy is doing real journalism and my hat is off to him Please note the extent to which he fears for his life and is backing up all of his files with trusted friends in the event of something happening to him. As we all know though fires routinely incinerate cars into ashes while leaving beach umbrellas untouched:
Resistence is futile. I think they’ve bared their teeth and put many ops on full display in an attempt to demoralize the masses with their full capabilities. I sometimes think the entire presidency of Joe Biden is on Op. They’ve lost all pretense of even trying to hide it anymore: if they want to make fire rain out of the sky, or make sure pedos are in charge they’ll do it. Now more than ever we need people pulling together and looking under the hood. The fate of humanity depends on it.
Although Hurricane Hilary looks like it blew over with fairly minimal damage, I still see the fingerprints of weather modification. The storm center followed an extremely unusual trajectory, as though it was steered to Los Angeles:
And what was up with the 5.1 Eartquake during it? This is from the Urban Dictionary:
And then there was the tornado too?
So what do we call that? A hurriquakenado?
This is a short clip from History regarding the St Louis arch. I am less interested in that and more interested in the ways HAARP (there are two stations in Alaska and one in Puerto Rico) could heat up the ionosphere to potentially direct weather events. I could not find that clip, however:
"Show me the Incentive, I will show you the outcome" - Munger, Buffets Bitch
So now what am I missing here?
Well thought out, Amy. It is a great shame that we find you here, corralled where your words are seen by so few.
Did you mention the fine art of cancellation and censorship? That which has been sub-contracted out to the social media billionaires? I remember watching Zuckerbugger and Jack Dorsey sweating with fear as the US Senators gave them a grilling over b/s Russiagate. Now the US government has the damned nerve to create faked disgust that they actually went back to their corporations and implemented the crack down as suggested. Droves of us were deplatformed and consequently silenced between 2020 and 2022. Few have been reinstated.
Good list, Amy!
The whole fucking world is one big fucking Op.