I remember when I was 18 I supposedly needed some vaccines to attend college in Ohio. I was perfectly okay with that, I mean they were watching out for public health and all. I even requested one beyond the call of duty.
It took me over a decade to really face what happened next.
The woman doctor reviewed my medical records. I needed TDAP for the college. Believing as I did at the time that vaccines were universally without any side effects other than a sore arm and maybe flu like symptoms I asked her myself about the chicken pox vaccine.
"I have never had chicken pox." I explained to my doctor in requesting it. The varicella vaccine was pretty new to the market back then and public service announcements were running all day explaining the horrific effects of getting this disease in adulthood. I might get pox scars all over my face, or have to be hospitalized or even worse.
"It's a two dose series." My doctor explained. I enthusiastically agreed.
I felt a little off for a few days after my second shot, but I was positive that this was normal and a sign that the jab was working. After that, during my college years, I seemed to get cold and flu bugs that lasted practically all winter. I drank a lot of Theraflu and cut a lot of classes.
When I was 24 years old I was visiting my older brother when he caught chicken pox from a friend who had unknowingly brought his contagious young child over. The young girl had a fever that night but no signs of illness otherwise. The friend explained a few days later that the child was diagnosed with chicken pox and apologized for it. My unjabbed 28 year old brother developed huge pustules on his face and arms. In order to not spread disease we decided to lay low in the house. It was a type of soft quarantine but really my brother looked like hell.
Thank God I am vaccinated, I remember thinking at the time. About one week after my brother I developed a virulently high fever. The next day red spots appeared all over my face and chest. I saw the same doctor who had administered the varicella vaccine series six years earlier.
"It's good that you got the vaccine. You should have a mild case." The doctor explained. This clear evidence of vaccine failure was systematically ignored by me at the time. My case of chicken pox was not mild. I was hosting a high fever and explosive red pustules, a few of which scabbed over and came off on my pillow, leaving scars. My illness followed an identical trajectory as it had in my unvaccinated brother, even down to a few near matching scars on our cheek and foreheads that we both have to this day. After two weeks of hell I flew back to my boyfriend's house in California. I was past the contagious phase but still looked pretty terrible.
After a time with my boyfriend I noticed that he never seemed to get sick.I was always getting some type of cold or flu bug, yet despite him sleeping in the same bed with me, he never caught whatever I had. My boyfriend thought I had candida, a yeast overgrowth, and he introduced me to alternative health. He thought I should do a water fast and colon cleanse and introduced me to a Dr. Schulz who had a detox center in Marina del Ray.
Dr. Schulz was a firm believer that gut and digestive health played a huge role in overall well being. He thought that toxins in the air, water and food were contributing to chronic diseases. This led to imbalances which allowed parasites to flourish.
I bought into his Formula 1 and Formula 2 colon cleanse products. I did a five day water and broth fast followed by a vegan grain free cleanse diet. I most definitely had tapeworms which were expelled.
My health improved immediately. I lost about 15 pounds which had piled up in my midsection. I no longer had trouble with body odor, and I needed about one less hour of sleep per night. I became pregnant with my older daughter one month later. I no longer got sick all winter years would go by without so much as a sniffle. A cold or flu or Covid bug swept through the Las Vegas house in November of 2019. It was rough for a few weeks, but that is the last time I've been sick with anything.
Seemingly overnight I went from a lazy twenty something who ate whatever and drank whatever to someone who was militantly obsessed with what went into my body. I poured over ingredient lists on food, went organic and GMO free, and developed a passion for cooking from scratch. Despite this I had a curious lack of interest in questioning always safe and always effective vaccines. It was like I was brainwashed. It wasn't until my infant daughter's bad reaction to her first jab that I even began to dig under the surface.
Subliminal messaging is far more insiduos and powerful than most people are aware. I've noticed it for years with friends who get sick with flu-like symptoms after getting a flu jab, who say this is proof that the vaccine is working. Those same friends seem to be in doctor's offices a lot for completely unrelated things like eczema or GI issues. Sometimes I feel like screaming at them "This is a con!" but it would do no good. I was there once too.
I sometimes wonder in looking back at my late teens and early 20s if any of my myriad health issues were caused by the jabs. No doctor would ever speculate in such a direction, but my immune system was shot. During my health craze I put it all down to drinking too much beer and eating too much fast food, which certainly contributed. But during a period of young adulthood when I should have been at peak health I was chronically unhealthy. It all seemed to start after those jabs at 18.
I think the dissonance regarding the Covid shots might be too much for the system to bear. These are the most dangerous and ineffective shots in history. There's evidence mounting of ADE and if fraud can be shown in the trials, the liability protection could go away. Every positive Covid test in a triple jabbed or friend or family member dying suddenly lowers their ranks. Some of the jabbed, either outright vaccine injured or simply sick all of the time with immune system damage, are going to be seeking real healing. It could implode the for profit medical system as it exists today.
I think it's about time...