Collage of Compliance, Part 1
Why Did So Many People Get the Jabs? A Tale of Friends and Family
I am am taking a title that Sage Hana used in a discussion once and pivoting it into my own multipart series. So there's my attribution. It's a great title.
I've known BFF number one since middle school, when she liked to compliment me on my artwork. We didn't become close friends until high school though, when I made a 180 degree pivot from hanging out in seedy drug houses to becoming an artistic, nerdy choir girl. She'd always been a straight laced kid, that was clear. Her friends and family all lived in Ohio and she never showed more than the most fleeting interest in ever moving away from there.
She became a biomechanical engineer, which is a way of saying that she travels from hospital to hospital fixing all those fancy monitoring machines that medical centers have. We'd had a brief discussion many years before regarding vaccines. She'd gotten jabbed as required for her work, she'd gotten her kids jabbed as required for their school. She'd never had a real problem with them, and was sorry that my infant girl had had such a bad reaction to her first one, which had sent me down the rabbit hole of “antivax,” which was really just me reading through actual scientific literature on a case by case basis. I wasn't going to change her mind about anything though.
I wasn't surprised when she posted her Covid jab photo in February or March of 2021. Of my friends I suppose I respected her decision the most. It was straightforward and direct, and she wasn't sanctimonious about it. It was just a this is what I do and I trust the science thing, at a time when the jabs were still widely viewed as some sort of miracle. She'd made a point years before that she didn't want our differing views on vaccines to come between our friendship and I'd left those discussions off of the table.
I worried about her though. There was a lot of mounting evidence that these conjabs amounted to gross scientific fraud, if you knew where to look for it. My first clue that they were really bad came before they'd even been released, when they started warning that some old people were going to die shortly after getting the "vaccine" because well, old people die, and it was to be expected.CNN: People Can Be Expected to Die After Jabs
That seemed a tell to me, in poker terms. They'd been saying for almost a year that if we just stayed at home, and wore masks, and social distanced and didn't gather and avoided everyone, that we could save grandma. And Grandma always died from Covid, never from old age, pneumonia, the flu or cancer (Grandma also didn't die from counterproductive medical practices like ventilation and remdesiver, or even depression from the forced isolation, but that's another story). If we just did as we were told, grandma could live forever, never succumbing to the inevitable toll of our mortality that we all, one day, must face. It was like nobody was allowed to die anymore. During 2020 the death of even the very old, the very sick and those with low quality of life had been elevated to some type of Shakespearean tragedy.
On the eve of the rollout of the conjabs, however, this story changed overnight. Old people could be expected to die following administration of the "vaccine" because they had health issues and were frail. They were changing the narrative midstream. The only reason I could see for this was that they knew there were significant safety signals in the trials and needed these deaths swept under the rug. So they proactively made death just a coincidental byproduct of living.
I watched the CDC mortality tracker in January of 2021 as the conjabs were getting rolled out to care homes and the elderly. You could see a clear spike in all cause mortality that when stratified by age indeed showed that the oldest age groups, those 85 and older and next those 65 to 84, were dying in mass numbers. It almost perfectly mirrored the jab rollout, a point that I've also seen made by attorney Reinhard Fuellmich. It gets a bit harder to stratify younger age groups who got the jab at different times, but the safety signal was clear and unequivocal. These "vaccines" were almost certainly associated with a spike in all cause mortality and in Covid cases. They were neither safe nor effective. Some people on the inside knew this so they were front running the narrative by normalizing death. It wasn't that the old and frail weren't being hurt by the jabs. It was just so much easier to sweep those deaths under the rug.
People who did "the right thing,” however, don't want to hear that they might have volunteered to shorten their lifespans. I hoped I was wrong. BFF number 1 seemed “okay” after the jabs. She definitely complained about unspecified health issues for a few months after the vaccines on Facebook. She's always been the type to suffer in silence though. We messaged each other a few months ago and we went on about personal family type of issues. She mentioned that she had Covid in December, but we already know the shots are worthless for that purpose. My feeling, just from knowing her, is that she is unlikely to take a booster unless she feels required to, due to those unspecified health issues that she'd prefer to suffer in silence through.
I hope she is well and stays that way. This is Part 1 of Collage of Compliance
Hi Amy, congrats on a great article!
And the sentence you wrote
> People who did "the right thing,” don't want to hear that they might have volunteered to shorten their lifespans
could be the title for a follow-up story digging into that particular issue.
Spot on!