I sometimes harvest memes from Quora among other places, but many of these are funny stories instead. I still have not stopped laughing over this one:
What’s the funniest misunderstanding you’ve ever experienced with someone?
It wasn’t my personal experience but I recall reading of a significant cultural misunderstanding at Christmas in the main shopping district of Seoul, Korea. It was during the early 1980s when Korea was just emerging as a player on the global economic stage and was embracing American culture and iconography. The area was decorated in a traditional American Christmas with Christmas trees, candy canes, and Santa Claus on a Crucifix.
I’m thinking I need to put on my artist hat and draw that one out. It seems appropriate even if it no longer tis the season.
This seems entirely predictable. What do you mean sacrificing children in Satanic rituals invokes destruction? All souls are weighted equally in the eyes of God.
The Sunset Fire is the only one they have managed to put out thus far. Alas, both the Hollywood sign and the Getty are still standing. This is far too untargeted for me to harbor any delusions that either the White Hats or God himself decided to burn out specific evil enclaves. Satan is wont to eat his own sometimes.
Even from a secular viewpoint however this is all a predictable consequence of letting psychopaths run the show while the rest of us worker bees keep our heads down and construct the Death Star in our own little niches of the machine. As the LA Fires still rage Congress is predictably hard at work sending money to Ukraine. No, scratch that. They’re trying to protect a war criminal and genocider. We are all Gazans now.
I suspect all of the above is the correct answer regarding the causes of the LA fires. It is getting difficult to parse threads on Twitter regarding this as many photos and videos look like they have been AI enhanced. Here is one, however, which shows the same roving projectile I saw on two other videos in completely different spots (one in Santa Monica on a traffic cam and another in Studio City). Now if somebody at home can make a simple laser that burns through metal one would have to assume that the US government possesses far greater technology. Even Angelinos are waking up to the idea that maybe these people in charge don’t have our best interests at heart.
Here’s another one of those skipping houses patterns I’ve noted before. Could Chemtrail poison sprayed in the sky be enhancing flammability? Yes. Could HAARP be directing high winds in the area? Yes. Could individual arsonists be playing a role? Yes. I’ve heard some gangs are looting abandoned houses and sometimes setting fire to them afterwards in the evacuated burn zones. Could firefighters and other rescue personell be asked to stand down and let it burn? Yes. Could decades of environmental mismanagement by Karens have added tinder to the flames? Of course! On and on the finger pointing at everyone can go, in a manner reminiscent of the Great Covid con.
The beautiful PCH views from where I ran my first marathon (That’s a lie: I mostly walked and limped after the first 12 miles. I got to the finish line, though, a hair over 6 hours later) have all been destroyed. The scorpions that run things count on collective shock as they set a timer on the land grab.
It sounds very diverse!
New boss same as old boss. Stop deluding yourself playing hero ball.
I’ve been using the Santa Monica Pier as my benchmark. When I lived in Venice Beach saw smoke coming up from the Malibu mountains many times. I never saw anything like this.
I’d add prayer to this list:
Isn’t it funny how HAARP can’t make it rain over Los Angeles to help put out the fires? When do we start finding solutions instead of being led by narcissistic psychopaths who cause problems?
This song has been going through my head all morning. I’m still waiting on a translation on the Japanese from my girls. It’s a convergence song…
Random picture of Eliza flying a kite:
Prayer should be backed up with action…
Yes, I have seen Santa Ana Wind-driven fires skip homes while burning out the neighbors. This was noticed in the Panorama Fire of 1980 in Southern California. 310 homes burned and the newscasts noticed how some houses were miraculously saved. My dad was beekeeper at this time and had about 50 hives in this one area close to CSUSB that burned. When we went to survey the damage, we found the same thing-a beehive sitting there next to the ash of its neighbor. I'm not sure about space based lasers. I know there are drones who can drop incendiaries as directed. I note the current fire seemed to wipe out the older, cheaper (relatively) structures in PP neighborhoods. Not all beachfront properties are nice. The land is valuable while the property needs to be struck down and rebuilt. Need a reset? Fire-Problem solved.
Love the climate change meme...it's perfect!
The Kristin meme is shocking.