Some last minute costume ideas
Surprisingly Yahoo still has Matthew Perry’s death in the news: acccording to this article, he died without drowning. That would imply that some sort of medical event like cardiac arrest as originally reported took him out. It’s almost like in times of old when a star died with all of the speculation in the comments section. One claimed it was a miracle that the 54 year old star had lived that long at all with past issues with alcohol and drugs. The commenters seem to think hhis heart gave out from past addictions, or it could have been his prescription drugs, or maybe he got back into drugs and somebody snuck in and out of the house, or maybe it was the hot tub water constricting his blood vessels…they speculate about everything but they don’t want to be one of those antivaxxer conspiracy theorists who thinks everybody dies from the jabs! No no no it couldn’t be that! And why can’t we just let him rest in peace already!
I have a jab related question from this first list about whether when poison expires it is less or more poisonous: what about expired covid vaccines? Would they be less or more dangerous? Still not getting them, but I’m real curious how the thinking goes..
Happy October 31…here’s hoping the Saints can shed us in protective cover soon…
Add water to that list. Every person I know who passed away, vaxxed or not, had ingested it. Way up there with oxygen. It's a doozy.
I saw in the paper yesterday - the NY Times obituary section - there were 4 articles about Matthew Perry's death. Today's NYT Obit section contained SIX articles about Matthew Perry. Below those six articles was an obit about a woman who died at 102 years old who survived the holocaust and horrid medical experimentation (Wanda Poltawska). But just the one obit on Wanda. Priorities!