It seems the WHO Pandemic Treaty is hitting some stumbling blocks. It’s not really hard to see why if you think about it. They’re just planning on doing the same things harder for the next pandemic!
It seems to be waking people up to the broader concerns:
They’ve been at it for awhile…
Never forget
In Canada they’ve had the brilliant idea to kill people off instead of helping them, to treat some budget shortfall:
Government officials will assure you that excess deaths equals winning. I’m happy to see Sweden is tracking close to normal at least:
Now if we could just get them off the let’s start World War III for MIC profit scam, and the let’s flood the area with migrants NGO gravy train, maybe we’d be getting somewhere more. There’s just no profit in health and human flourishing.
And if we didn’t spend all of this money destroying and destabilizing regions and people, causing death, poverty and widespread displacement, what jobs would we have left?
Speaking of a scam I have debated with many people regarding the potential of AI to change the future. I think it is an overhyped investment which will never replace those who have been made in the image of God (that being all of us). That said google’s assistant chat feature was apparently so bad I have to think that they intentionally made it as stupid as possible. Perhaps they’re trying to build needed critical thinking skills in the human population? I couldn’t stop laughing at some of these!
Here’s some very questionable health advice. I think they picked up this first one from a 1930’s advertisement:
Yikes. I also don’t recall this Beatles song from any of my Greatest Hits albums
Maybe health advice isn’t the AI assistent’s best area. Perhaps history is a better match for it!
The Flat Earth types knew it all along!
Are coconuts fruits or vegetables or something else entirely? I guess it’s something like a seed
I’d say this was the most accurate calculation of the bunch!
I like Rat’s figure better:
Everything does need a safety margin! I think the bong hitting programmers of Google’s AI assistant realized that they’d be out of a job if the thing worked properly, so they went to town on making it as terrible as possible so they can get paid to “try” to fix it. I really appreciated the laugh though and think considering the state of the world that I desperately needed it.
Can we get back to ignoring these types, like you might have done with your bong hitting woke nephew? They don’t seem to have any ideas of their own…
I saw some of the AI comments in another article today, but the others you served up are absolutely delicious!! OMG. This is an article for the ages.
That was fun.......still smiling!