I’ve been busy and am now burned out from listening to earnings calls. I grabbed both Pfizer and AstraZeneca among others. AZ seemed to be distancing itself from jabs and mostly talked about their cancer treatments.
Pfizer was full steam ahead with their “vaccines” program, what with their $32 billion in profits. They claimed a 2% rebound rate with Paxlovid in the vaccinated, which sounded a little fishy (cough cough Joe Biden). One analyst did ask about safety of the conjabs, and was given this response by Mikael Dolsten:
“Tolerability is, of course, supported by our 1 billion doses of the platform in COVID.”
Those billion shots in people’s arms with no complaints whatsoever is how they know it’s safe! Oddly the analyst was asking about trial data, but well, we are the trial now. And speaking of trials, #Nuremberg2 is popping up. So is VAERS and Pfizer (mostly critical comments) and #BillGates_QuitIndia and ResignJacinda. Death has a long tail and it seems that a lot of people are no longer keeping up with the Kardashians.
The earnings calls were generally depressing in a we lie to you way. But it did have me thinking how they can manipulate statistics to come up with whatever numbers they want to. Those manipulations might hold a key to intent, which is what would be necessary to prove fraud.
Let’s look at this in another way. If you have been given an experimental drug and die shortly afterwards, shouldn’t that be noted somewhere? The fact that you haven’t gotten your second dose yet should be irrelevant from a safety monitoring standpoint. Somebody had to know that a lot of people would die from the first shot, so they made the call to lump them in the category of “unvaccinated,” which is criminal fraud. This also would make their Covid spikes after first dose disappear and just look like a pandemic of the unvaccinated. But who did this?
I hope and pray that these things ae reaching critical mass, but my earnings calls were completely business as usual. There’s also the fact that a lot of people wee complicit in this. Toby Rogers had the interesting take that this might be due to mass poisoning from vaccines since the 1960’s.
I don’t want to jump too far into the rabbit hole of vaccines are responsible for everything, because we’ve been getting systematically poisoned in other ways. But it is an interesting theory and once you see vaccine injury you can’t unsee it. I know that I absolutely never connected my poor health to immune suppression from a likely vaccine injury until decades later. I know a lot of parents reach a tipping point and suddenly they rereview their baby’s declining health after each of those jab visits.
It would mean a lot of people are complicit in this. I’m posting these more for cathartic effect.
I think I’m going to try to catch butterflies now…
It is true that before the new jabs were rolled out, over 50% of the vaccine-exposed U.S. population was suffering from vaccine-induced immune disorders. It expresses as neurological and brain disorder, arthritis, cancers, diabetes, thyroid disorders, major organ failures, digestive disorders, skin disorders, life threatening allergies, asthma, etc.
Yes. We were primed to fall apart quickly from the new jabs. It is just what the doctor ordered to push us over the cliff.
2nd smartest guy has a different take, he says this is where the chew toys get thrown to the dogs, to conceal the real culprits: https://2ndsmartestguyintheworld.substack.com/p/why-is-vaccineinjured-being-allowed
i think he's right, we have to go to the root of the evil. the philanthropaths but also the money behind them. if we can get discovery for what's on the books at blackrock and vanguard, one way or another, it's all over.