As previously mentioned I have been busy listening to earnings calls from publicly traded companies large and small. Do you want to know some words that were never uttered on any of these? The words Trump, Biden, Climate Change (ESG goals were mentioned a lot though), vaccine, God and for the most part, Covid. The only company that mentioned politics at all was Sinclair Broadcasting, in the context of political advertising spending returning with the 2024 presidential election year. The only company which mentioned sports at all was adidas while highlighting the wins of sponsored atheletes and teams. Consumer packaged goods company Ball lamented a loss of revenue due to a certain boycott while avoiding mentioning Bud Light specifically by name. Those things are theater for the masses while the real power counts the cash flows.
I found this video regarding a man living without electricity or identification very interesting. He’s single ladies. Could you really live a life this simply and be happy? I suppose it depends on what you feel your path is…
Back to work for me…
Thank you so much for the link to the film about Titus.
It was wonderful. I couldn't stop watching.
I say same...thank you for the film about Titus.
Eye opening.