“I had a dream about you.” I told my husband Ka in the restaurant on the morning of December 23, 2024. I was leaving that evening for my flight back to the USA alone again. Five years into this and my husband’s visa had been delayed and then one week later was denied due to refusing vaccines.
I shook my head as I sipped my coffee. “I didn’t realize it was you at first. In my dream I was in a classroom of some sort, like for high school. I wanted to sit nearby this boy with very short buzz cut blond hair and grey eyes. I thought he was cute, even though he was very quiet. I didn’t know it was you at first. In my dream you be the farang Ka! Like a handsome 18 year old white boy with a military style haircut!”
My husband smiled. “I think good the dream.”
I continued. “This black snake came into the classroom. Everybody was scared of it, but me and you were able to get rid of the snake. Everyone in the class realized we had special powers. The snake could not bite me. It could bite you, but you would not die or be injured from it.”
“Very lucky to see the snake in a dream.” Ka chimed in. The snake was a type I have never seen in real life, so it was not a cobra or a viper. Perhaps it was a black mamba. Everybody else was terrified of it.
“So I started asking you, or this blond haired high school version of you, about yourself. You told me that I talked too much and sometimes should give people some space to form their own thoughts. I thought you were right. So I began asking everyone in the class about themselves. They told me so many things. Then we started talking about how we were going to recognize each other once we transitioned into life again. You had this idea about some markings on our sexual organs.”
I continued. “See this classroom we were in was some type of holding place for souls before they were born again. But in my dream then two black snakes a male and a female came into the classroom! Everyone was terrified and they were standing on chairs, but I knew that the snakes could strike them on the chairs. But the female snake saw a helpless baby laying on the floor. She slithered up to the baby, flicking her tongue out as the child stared in astonishment. I knew if the snake bit the baby the girl would die. But instead of striking the female snake sank her fangs into the baby’s finger like she was trying to suck energy from the child. I got up then and cast the two snakes out of the room.”
“The dream ended with you telling me that the baby could not be born into this world with the snake bite. I told you that though the child would always have a mark from the encounter, she was still a good soul to come back to Earth.”
“Very lucky the dream about the snakes.” Ka said. “It usually means good luck. Big money soon.”
I sighed. “I hope so. It was odd how I knew it was you in the dream even though you looked nothing like you. We were in a transition before this life, I think.”
Up until five years ago I didn’t care in the least who was President of the United States. I never watched news or any other television program. I just wanted to be left alone with my family. But the totalitarian agenda became so obvious and grotesque that it began affecting my life and the life of family members. Now I feel a need to stay on top of things, not because they tell the truth but because I need rebuttals for the common lies.
I have read about the executive order from Trup rescinding the Covid-19 vaccination requirements for legal immigrants to the USA. A few people on substack including SuperSally and Heather B messaged me regarding this. I am thrilled if any part of my pushback contributed to the moving the needle away from this mandated mRNA madness.
Now will this affect my husband’s personal visa case to live with me in the USA? I am not sure. They already denied his visa on the last day of 2024, which now requires a waiver for refusing vaccines which costs $930 alone to file. It seems that the bureaucrats did what they always do: they passed the buck off to someone else in a manner that increases the costs, time and misery to the victims of their “services.” Had they not specifically denied Ka’s visa some three weeks ago and instead had left it In Processing until the transition to Trump it would have left us in a much better negotiating situation. So it appears that somebody went out of their way to mess things up while they still could for us.
Of course there are other possibilities. Trump seems to be pivoting to a lot of things which I don’t agree with. Do you want mRNA cancer vaccines built up in 48 hours? I’ll pass thanks.
There’s still fires burning in California. It’s getting hard to keep track of them…
I think the mass deportations could usher in a police state nobody wants. At best situations which were created by the Biden administration are being undone by the Trump Executive Orders, but there was a lot of unnecessary pain along the way which will never be addressed. So it is a bittersweet celebration at best.
And then there is the ugly stuff. How do you define an “anti-semite?” Somebody who is opposed to genocide? Somebody opposed to thieves making laws which enrich themselves at the expense of everyone else? Is it just intelligent people who thus ask too many uncomfortable questions who need to be eliminated?
How long are we going to play this game for? Until our collective annihilation? We’ve become so clever that we kill ourselves?
I have never understood the allure of a man made program of reality such as the metaverse. What does it smell and taste and feel like? I’d rather enjoy the five dimensional real world, thanks.
From my first glances at Trump’s executive orders, he seems to be undoing the harm from many of Biden’s prior EO’s. I am adamantly opposed to Trump’s rescinding of US citizenship for those born in the USA. From my amply documented personal experience not everyone who should be eligible for a long stay green card is able to get one: the requirements have piled on more and more onerously year by year. This creates the underclass of quasi slave labor that businesses so love (just like the prisoner California firefighting brigade earning $10 per day! Can’t we all just be prisoners?). It also forces desperation and broken families, which the scorpions in charge very much desire. It will also require more police state goons to check more documents. Why are all of these orders about taking rights away?
I have maintained for a long time that you cannot fix illegal, or more often quasi legal, tenuous status immigration, until you address the ample problems with the current broken legal immigration system. Sure, you can immigrate to the USA if you have a spouse or a family member to sponsor you. It will cost thousands of dollars and may take one decade or more. You have to be healthy enough to work but also must take 10-15 vaccines at your health check that might debilitate your health. You might be designated with a “communicable disease of concern” based on some bogus tests or vindictive or greedy doctors. You must be free of any criminal record, and your sponsor must be willing to pony up all taxes to feed the forever war enslavement and death machine everywhere. Your sponsor must make enough to assure that you are never designated a “public charge.”
But look over there. They say there’s free lodging and $5000 gift cards! All you have to do is say you’re a refugee!
I believe that they sacrificed the Covid-19 “vaccines” in order to keep the wider contagion scam from being blown wide open. I expect some news stories to come out regarding outbreaks of other scary “vaccine preventable” stuff to keep that lie on the table. My younger daughter’s application to a school in Michigan is still pending health department approval of philosophical exemptions to vaccines. These administrators all deal in quota systems and they seem to be tightening the screws on that.
When did we give doctors so much power? They can prevent travel, take your children away, put you under house arrest, keep you from enrolling your child in school…on and on it goes.
Can we just DOGE the whole thing already?
Here is a video from inside the restaurant. I did some cleanup and painting but the owner of the place never materialized. I’d love to paint a mural and make it pretty in there if they’re going to stick me and my husband in perpetuity in Thailand. I’m nt trusting of any of it except as a con and a grift.
It’s not all bad in Las Vegas, though I really despise sleeping alone. We haven’t worried about the price of eggs as our three hens have been apply providing us with them:
This is a quick selfie of me and the girls. Here’s to not having everyone intentionally seperated any more. The visa denial in late December alone will cost me $2K to $3K extra if I play this by their rules, even if that somehow passed eventually. I’m trying hard to pray for these people but I alternate between that and open contempt. My trust level is so negative that I don’t actually want to force them to lie by asking them anything anymore. I’ll pray for their souls, I suppose.
Some days are better than others. Be wary of those who only focus on victory as much as those who only focus on defeat…
Let’s call it wait and see mode…
I like to remind myself every year that February is always my hardest month. Though its not that cold here (portland or), I just find it rough. I hope the new rulings go our way. Public sentiment changes sides grain by grain until it overwhelms the scale.
Thinking of you and Ka when I heard this. Hoping and praying good things come your way. 🦋