Sep 5Liked by Amy Sukwan

It's been dropping worldwide since the rollout of a certain product. Experts still baffled.........

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Well researched, Amy.

I have tried in vain via all means I know to find a full scale non paywalled text image of that article from NYT:


However, this link is packed with many of Guttmacher's statements and is worth preserving and saving to PDF in whatever depopulation folder you have on your hard-drives:


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Sep 5·edited Sep 5Liked by Amy Sukwan

Sick, murderous Guttmacher spat on his oath to do no harm. I wonder if he realized his scheme to assure “it’s not considered genocide” was purely demonic. Evil ALWAYS tips its hand. Guttmacher tipped his with a bloody, anti-human vision salted with fear and lies when he “compared the world population with the threat of nuclear war . . . explosive type of population increase, unsupportable, in that it is outdistancing food, it retards economic development.”

“The devil . . . speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44). Fear is the antithesis of Godliness. “God is love” (1 John 4:8). “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear” (1 John 4:18). “The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7).

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Thanks for the links!

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Excellent discussion.

The world wants us sterilized, only God wants us to create children.

God wins!

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The major upside to our population bottleneck is that in only a couple of generations, a majority of people will have descended from parents who chose to have children and fought like hell to have them, rather than just from parents who wanted to have sex. This is unprecedented in human history and will have transformative cultural, genetic, and spiritual consequences.

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Sep 5Liked by Amy Sukwan

My parent’s horrible marriage and divorce had a HUGE effect on me. I never married or had children, let alone a true, loving relationship. Perhaps it is karma.

Truly, God is the only answer. Looking to material things, or to people for “happiness”, is futile. I’ve realized that for many years.

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me and my sisters were born at the very end of the Baby Boom and they started closing schools that we had gone to due to the steep decline in enrollment … so the consequences ripple through the economy too.

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I was born in 1979 at the absolute trough of births prior to the current era.. Yes there were a lot of concerns about school closures and the like but there was a baby bump in the 1980s as the the baby boomers were having babies. These things go in ebbs and flows naturally without heavy handed and heartbreaking government monkeywrenching..tyrants gotta tyrant I guess...

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Yes! The exact opposite of what Guttmacher claimed.

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Sep 5Liked by Amy Sukwan

I suspect it’s the revenge of the nerds. Claus Schwab, his mini me and Bill Gates are the kind of guys who never got laid in college and are now taking it out on us.

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Bill Gates has been a notorious womanizer going back a long way, so I'm doubtful of this theory.

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Bill Gates strikes me as an autistic weird type whose money can make his problems coincidentally go away. I think he figured that out at a young age. I've seen interviews of the guy that are beyond cringe, with pretty newscasters laughing at the most stupid psychotic shit out of his mouth. He is of course a puppet in the game and there are many above him. But he still personifies this visceral reaction in me. I've seen the type before they just didn't have as much money

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Sep 5Liked by Amy Sukwan

let's not forget the scorpions lie about EVERYTHING, so why would they be telling us the truth about world population?


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Sep 5Liked by Amy Sukwan

Governments prove to be idiotic at best, genocidal at worst. Feels like this recent round of genocide will all but knock us off the maps within a generation. Especially because the jizz in the jabs is evidently self spreading, and in food and air as well. Inspect your produce for small pinholes, they are vaccinating tomatoes and such as well.

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I just love your Venn diagram HAHAHAHA

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Sep 6Liked by Amy Sukwan

Yes! And I conclude that 1) God will not allow His precious creation to be destroyed by human hubris and 2) these last four years have been a test of faith. Do I trust in you entirely, O Lord? How many times in the Bible have I read (in some variant or other) "Do not fear".

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365 times one for each day of the year variations of do not fear are in the Bible. I came up with that a few years ago. It's the only thing I've been (indirectly) fact checked on. What an honor...

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Sep 6Liked by Amy Sukwan

Thank you Amy, really fine article. I'm always amazed at the people who believe everything is a con, but think all the population stats are true.

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It's extremely difficult to parse out the data. Some of that is because words matter. Take the simple muddying the waters replacement of the word "Women" with "birthing people." Not only do I find this insulting but this becomes intentionally confusing from a statistical point of view. So are birthing people now everyone, doubling the fertile population from the traditional "females of childbirthing age" stats that are collected formally for 10-49 year old girls and women, segmented out in 5 year cohorts? If my 45 year old husband decides he wants to identify as a 6 year old girl and be in a polyamorous relationship, is he now counted in those stats or not? What if my four year old son says he identifies as 30 year old Barbie? This way madness lies.

Of course there is the other side of the black pill which says that every single bit of the population stats are bunk so there is no use parsing the data at all. The numbers are all made up fantasy. In most developed nations the overwhelming majority are tagged and tracked through a variety of carrot and stick measures: in the US, for example, a hospital birth automatically ensues assignment of an SS number. Midwife births are going to be licensed and notify too (in case of emergency) and if you want an income tax refund, the baby better have an SS. Then there's doctor's visits, school enrollments, social services, et cetera. The bulk of these numbers are reported by city, county, state, district, et cetera for budget allocation and congressional district purposes. So I've never gone down the full black pill route, though if some county whistleblower were to say "Hey my area only has 49,960 unique individuals in my database but they say we have a population of 150,000" I'd listen. Really just see what you can see with you own eyes...

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Here is what I found about the birth gap in May of 2023 -


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Child Protective Services began in the 70s. Their psychological terrorism upon the common family plays a huge part in why people do not want to have children.

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Sep 5Liked by Amy Sukwan

Amy, The UNZ Review that came today... might have something worth reading for you and Sage Hana. I just keep reading many different writers while I try to sort things out.

Also, I don't know how you keep going with all the defeats you contend with.

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I feel like I finally found peeps that understand the gravity of all this❗️

That’s what this 5 Part series I put together is about❗️

There are those

Playing Games🕹️

It’s such a large issue I had to break it into more digestible segments… here is a preview to each part. 👇🏽


Final Part 5 out this Monday 16th

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