Almost 25 Million More People Than Expected Have Died Since the Pandemic Began
A Substack Compilation
I’ve been pondering the evolution of substack in the past few days. I want to give my incredible thanks and gratitude for this medium. For all of my paid subscribers, contributers, or even those that just regularly like, comment or share my posts I say thank you. Substack has allowed me to evolve as a writer in so many ways. In late 2021 when I started it I felt like I was shouting into the void. My books had flopped spectacularly and what I had thought was a regular readership of my work vanished into thin air. I was near cut off from the physical world through my refusal to wear a facemask and I was near cut off from the digital world from my opposition of basically the whole system of one world totalitarian control. I was basically going crazy out there.
I did not smell a rat with the Covid narrative per say until February of 2020. I was actually very concerned about it when I first heard about it in late January. Me and my husband were trying to secure an emergency visa at the time and this required us to go to two different hospitals to try to get medical records plus a few other places. The many many many Chinese people in Phuket Immigration all wore facemasks and looked terrified. I knew that something like 57,000 tourist specifically from Wuhan had specifically come to Phuket in January of 2020 before travel was cut off. I knew if this virus spread asymptomatically the way they said and had a high fatality rate as they said, we would see it in Phuket and quickly.
I didn’t believe at the time that China would sacrifice their economy with their brutal lockdown unless they were really scared that this was the real deal. We voluntarily quarantine ourselves and waited it out. When we went to the beach on February 14, absolutely nothing had happened. Everybody was still oblivious about it at the time. That’s when I knew that the story was serving some other pretext. I found a few links on Zerohedge comments section indicating that the virus was circulating in wastewater samples before its official timeline and one oddly that identified the first outbreak point as Toledo, Ohio. I’ve heard of the place.
What a long strange trip it has been. Super Sally in the Phillipines I think summarized a lot of the highlights of the 25 million extra cumulative mortality. Cumulative excess mortality, by the way, should hang out around zero. This means that 25 million extra people have died globally since the start of the pandemic.
In it she writes:
Yet the silence over the fallout from the Covid-19 vaccines, now demonstrated known to be not just ineffective but absolutely identified as unsafe from the earliest clinical trials. Trials which were bankrolled, rushed, shortcut, and did not look at the usual outcomes such as on fertility, mutagenicity, carcinogenicity, toxicology, biodistribution studies.
In most countries, which did not kill persons with hospital protocols or euthanize their elderly with sedatives, the initial lockdowns in 2020 and into early 2021 seemed protective against deaths. Some of this reduction was due to fewer accidents through less movement, but much of it was likely, ironically, due to reduced access to medical care.
Hospital errors are a leading cause of death; ranked 3rd among causes in the US.
Infant and child deaths were reduced in many places; 10% reduction for UK, Philippines here, US here. Euromomo plot shows lower than usual deaths in the second half of 2020 and into most of 2021 (before C-19 vaccination of children started). Could this be due to lack of well-child, vaccination visits? It is not just Covid-19 vaccines that are unsafe. Perhaps it is most, or even all, vaccines.
Medical misadventure is a leading cause of death worldwide! Thanks to the Plandemic, we are now in the grips of the largest, most devastating medical error ever perpetuated! An estimated 20.86 million excess deaths, so far, continuing to rise. Excess deaths at least 3x higher than estimated Covid-19 deaths, which in reality took mostly those who were already at the end of life with multiple comorbidities, and who largely should have been counted among usual and not excess deaths.
Reports back to early 2021 right at the beginning of rollout were already raising concerns on safety. They were ignored, now we can see, to our peril. Norway, Jan 2021 example. Tehran Times, Feb 2021.
March 2023 article on UK data reveals that 1 in every 73 vaccinated persons had died by June 2022 compared to just 1 in every 172 unvaccinated persons. This is a devastating increase in death rates!
I think most of my readers already know a lot of that information but my hat is off to Super Sally for putting it together. Along with my gratitude for readers of my posts, I also am in gratitude for many substack writers who I read who move the alt narrative forward.
There seems to be a renewed debate regarding virus/there is no virus after Dr. Mike Yeadon came out saying there is no proof of a virus. Several people have weighed in on this including John Carter at Postcards from Barsoon and Sage Hana:
As written there:
when they sprayed melathione on treees in Los Angeles at night with helicopters ( sounded like a war attack) people came in the next day with same symptoms of congestion and sickness. I wish I could recall what we had them take.
I tried to ask Yeadon about potential toxins being employed which might explain the people who got sick with something.
Follow the graph. Follow the government reported data and make a graph. In the graph, we find truth. 😅
Arguing about things unseen such as 5G Radiation or toxins in the air or water or viruses or the Great Higher Power as funneled through the Catholic Church vs. the Buddhist Monastery vs. the peyote trip that you are on is fraught with peril.
And then you have the STEM extrapolations to reach conclusions because STEMs worship at the altar of the data.
Give me something to believe in.
Signed, Poison
What if the excess well over 20 million deaths is all of the above? Why couldn’t it be poisons in the air, land and water, which might interact with a virus which is also mutating in human bodies? Why couldn’t it be electromagnification also interacting with those same things? Why couldn’t psychological factors also play in, where granny has lost the will to live because of masks and lockdowns after also testing positive for Covid? When you have more money than God and millions of worker bees all putting their own piece of the puzzle in, why couldn’t all of those things be happening in different places to different degrees? Some poison in the water here? Check. 5G radiation blast there? Check. Some chemtrails over an area that was already sprayed with a novel pathogen? Also check. They could maybe run thousands of tests easily tracked by AI and segmented for testing purposes.
Now even unvaccinated blood supposedly shows stress under low electrical currents:
The so called Covid vaccines would also of course play a role. They probably are degrading immune systems, but perhaps depending on another outside factor such as a poisoned area, a hot lot or a 5G blast. Of course adrenaline spikes also play a role in died suddenly. Maybe it is even some gnarly zombie fungus like in the Last of Us. Why does it have to be one of the above when all of the above is the likely correct answer? Why can’t we all just get along?
Control the money and you control the people…
As I’m reading this ... I get a text from another employee , that one of the other nurse’s grandchild just died ... 5 yrs old , sepsis and pneumonia... yes jabbed , and yes probably immunosuppressed . People better wake up . What a sad day .
Amy this was a great summary of this issue of excess deaths.
Tell me why do you think most people are unaware of this?Willful blindness? Its not on TV?
Or maybe out of 8 billion it is a drop in the bucket?
Is it slowing down at all? Because it seems like the disability is rising...which would fit into Universal Basic Income for those people...and a ready made population that will take the CBDC's....