All my jabbed friends and family (with the exception of one friend who was partially awake from the beginning but succumbed to pressure from family and got jabbed but now regrets it) are resolutely asleep. They all scuttle around as if the last two-and-a-half years never happened and appear to have no interest whatsoever in talking about any of it, especially the injections. Ironically, my awake friend is the only one with an obvious jab injury -- pericarditis, although my daughter's best friend died of a brain tumor several months after her jabs. No one is linking it to the injections, though, because her doctors said she had had the tumor for years and it had suddenly become aggressive. I, however, am very suspicious and cannot help but wonder if the tumor's sudden aggressiveness was caused by the injections.
Yes I get an open hostile sense like if I started speaking directly of the jabs in their presence they would literally put their fingers in their ears and sing "La La La La I can't hear you!" over me. I have to accept that what is blocking them is their own mind and let it go...
Yes, there is a palpable sense of hostility surrounding any mention of the shots. I just don't go there anymore. I do sense it has something to do with what you mentioned in a recent post: if one dies, they all die. So this weird mental blindness is perhaps an unconscious defence mechanism. Whatever it is, I find it surreal and deeply disturbing.
Amy, you know it was, just can't prove it. The girl,s brain tumor. just as likely originated from some other vax. Friend of mine like early 50's lost his Brother. hadn't seen him in a year when he came over and told me. How'd he die? motorcycle accident. Hmm?! ran into something. I told him that kind of thing can be the Vax. he doubted it. Google died suddenly you'll find lots. He sheepishly said my mother died suddenly. S next i learn his dad is in hospital. heart. no heart trouble before. dad died last week. He lost his family. He a smart guy but pretty blue pilled. It not difficult to see. He should be worried. plus I know one old woman complete incapacitated post jab. so i know around me 3? dead 1 injured. I'm also making the point it isn't 40 injuries to one death. more like 1 death for every 6 or eight injuries. IMHO. Easier to hide the deaths.
Once they start thinking about it they will see a lot of dead and injured they just refuse to see. I'm going with your ratio of about 1 dead 7 injured. I think many of the injured (like my mother's roommate) refuse to tie any of it together.
Tlhanks for answer my note on ratio injured to vax. I read most all your posts. There is something just truthful and pleasant about them Please don't try to be different. Just keep speaking from your heart, if that is indeed what I perceive. What you need is somebody you don't know giving you advice. Some of the stats are hundreds or thousands even injured to one dead. I think this is partly accounted for by the stacks of bodies that get reported once in a while. And surely they don't mean for any stacks of bodies to be found. Pretty easy to just keep track of which hospital patients never get a call or a visit. Or even the write up they give when check in alerts the staff that this is one they can kill. God Bless You. Hey do you know any Bible verses about astrology like. "The stars in their courses fought against Sisera" SP. or "canst thou bind the sweet influence of the Plieades" In Gen 1 God made the starts for signs among other things. My very knowledgeable and not at all given to making stuff up in the Bible said you can't prove that stars aren't angels as the terms are very much interchangeable in the Bible. Too far away you might say? I think the answer to that is distance has a considerably different nature where like the angel that placed one foot on the earth and one on the sea raised his right hand and swore by Him that liveth forever and ever that there shall be time no longer. or something like that. I'm saying what is far away in a dimension with no time? Pisces are the best females. We capricorns are the best males. or close. Ha.
I once got into a disagreement with Jehovah's Witnesses, who interpret the Bible as saying "astrology bad." Indeed there are texts referring to mediums and necromancers and fortune tellers as bad, but those are somewhat different things: mediums and necromancers are communicating with the dead and fortune tellers are trying to divine the future. I consider astrology in a somewhat different category for example the three wise men found baby Jesus due to the placement of the stars in the skies: Genesis 1:14 And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years," A prudent farmer would be tracking this and personality types may logically relate to the season of birth, which would have been especially true in an era when very few travelled far from their place of birth...
Sun in Capricorn, "Resolutely asleep". All encompassing and profound! Thank you! As is "scuttle around as if.............."
The Atlantic has a circulation of 833,000 and 700 staff. Some of them will read the article "Did a Famous Doctor’s COVID Shot Make His Cancer Worse?" and will still likely remain resolute, but not as asleep.
Safe & effective documentary is well balanced but still too long and therefore not palatable for most of the disillusioned ones. You might try getting them to watch the same main character of the documentary - Dr. Aseem Malhorta - with Dan Wooton, a 9 minute video on youtube:
This one has made people close to me reconsider their previously fanatically zealous stance on getting more boosters. I followed up with this video after joking with my old man that if a gene therapy injection is good enough for 8 mice, then it's good enough for my Dad! He laughed nervously, and since has not booked in for the bivalent (meaning 'double strength' in Latin)...
Never give up, never surrender, never compromise who you are and the right path you are walking on through history. It has always been noted that throughout history when dissidents stop speaking out, that's when the worst atrocities are committed by the state. In the same vein, when we stop speaking out to try and save our family and friends from the democide, for the sake of avoiding confrontation and arguments - that is when those we love are at their most vulnerable and at their most impressionable.
Love it but I am curious the notes...yes most I think just want normal. Me too! Most people are so desperate to go back to what they knew that they will endure all kinds of horrors just to get there. The smart money says the path forward is going to be different from the path before.
My ex, who was one of the last people I ever though would get an experimental "vaccine" injection, has now said she wished she hadn't gotten the two she was coerced into so she could keep her paraprofessional teaching position.
At the time she did get the first, she was in college "health" classes that considered the latest greatest shots ever to be the bee's knees and appeared to be pretty brainwashed.
My family is mostly against the shots, too much Cherokee history in the family to trust the Man very far I suspect.
My 18yo daughter went and got the shot while a runway at 17. She's always been a hypochondriac so it's hard to tell if she's sick more often or if it's just the same old same old. She, my ex, and my ex's mom are the only ones in the family I know of who've had positive-PCR covid, all three were injected. I'm hoping my incoming unexpected grandchild isn't shot-damaged as my youngling got preggo shortly after turning 18. Birth defects aren't common in my family with one heart problem as the standout exception. My daughter has zero coherence regarding government malfeasance, "I don't want to hear your crazy government theories" she said last time I offered her data in response to something stupid she said. While I feel sorry for the situation she's put herself in with repeated poor life choices, I'm guiltily glad she's not my responsibility anymore.
Regarding the teeth, one possible culprit could be the masking - "mask mouth". It causes a build-up of bacteria in the mouth. Plus, especially with the cloth ones, people wear the same one for very long times, and whatever is causing their gum disease or cavities just gets worse and worse.
Humans aren't meant to have a bacteria-laden blocking their breathing.
I don't know if this is best to post here on an old thread. But couple things m ight be interesting to you. When I was keeping up with this, that means around others that shared that interest, I got to be pretty good at guessing people's sun sign. Easiest to guess is if they are air or fire. Capricorn, me, surest thing about astrology is that earth and water hang together. You could bet on it. If you in company of a new group, maybe half a dozen or a few more, if you find yourself enjoying the company and everybody else is too, Then you are in earth and water. Except Leo. Leo hangs out with earth and water more often than not. . I was hanging out with four strippers 15 years ago and had been for 5 years or so. I brought up sun signs. I don't talk about it so much anymore. Well. we are all Capricorns. Sagitarius, I don't know them. Not aquarious hardly either. Gemini annoys me. you pisces if I remember. If I could think of how to test my earth and water thing I'm sure it would prove out. Hey, did you record that dancing spider or did you just post somebody else's? I think that is neat Love and Appreciate You and what you do.
I don't know that I'm getting through to anyone. Mostly the topic is avoided. My friend who had a stroke shortly after taking the J&J shot (who I implored earlier to please wait on taking any jabs) has never said anything about it. (Though his wife was quick to tell me it had nothing to do with the shot.) Though recently he remarked at a rare dinner we shared, that there seemed to be people trying to take over the world. When I told him that years ago, he rolled his eyes and said "Not everything is a conspiracy, Kathleen." I was astounded. No acknowledgment of what I'd been warning about, it was like he was giving me new information. "Really? Huh. Well, gee, M, look who's catching up." He looked confused. I honestly don't know if he remembers...
I have a similar experience with many people. I've decided that if it got into their collective awareness to be retrieved at a later time with no memory of where they had read or heard it before that that was good enough for me. BFF 3 in particular basically laughed me off in 2020 about how public health was good and how she didn't think they were trying to kill us or anything. I'm curious how she feels now. Becoming conscious is a process...
That's the best approach though depending on the relationship can be challenging. This is a 30 plus year relationship, so it feels deeply disconnected from that pov. Still, in terms of people seeing through, you're exactly right. It doesn't matter.
All my jabbed friends and family (with the exception of one friend who was partially awake from the beginning but succumbed to pressure from family and got jabbed but now regrets it) are resolutely asleep. They all scuttle around as if the last two-and-a-half years never happened and appear to have no interest whatsoever in talking about any of it, especially the injections. Ironically, my awake friend is the only one with an obvious jab injury -- pericarditis, although my daughter's best friend died of a brain tumor several months after her jabs. No one is linking it to the injections, though, because her doctors said she had had the tumor for years and it had suddenly become aggressive. I, however, am very suspicious and cannot help but wonder if the tumor's sudden aggressiveness was caused by the injections.
Yes I get an open hostile sense like if I started speaking directly of the jabs in their presence they would literally put their fingers in their ears and sing "La La La La I can't hear you!" over me. I have to accept that what is blocking them is their own mind and let it go...
Yes, there is a palpable sense of hostility surrounding any mention of the shots. I just don't go there anymore. I do sense it has something to do with what you mentioned in a recent post: if one dies, they all die. So this weird mental blindness is perhaps an unconscious defence mechanism. Whatever it is, I find it surreal and deeply disturbing.
Condolences on your daughter's best friend...
Thanks, Amy
Amy, you know it was, just can't prove it. The girl,s brain tumor. just as likely originated from some other vax. Friend of mine like early 50's lost his Brother. hadn't seen him in a year when he came over and told me. How'd he die? motorcycle accident. Hmm?! ran into something. I told him that kind of thing can be the Vax. he doubted it. Google died suddenly you'll find lots. He sheepishly said my mother died suddenly. S next i learn his dad is in hospital. heart. no heart trouble before. dad died last week. He lost his family. He a smart guy but pretty blue pilled. It not difficult to see. He should be worried. plus I know one old woman complete incapacitated post jab. so i know around me 3? dead 1 injured. I'm also making the point it isn't 40 injuries to one death. more like 1 death for every 6 or eight injuries. IMHO. Easier to hide the deaths.
Once they start thinking about it they will see a lot of dead and injured they just refuse to see. I'm going with your ratio of about 1 dead 7 injured. I think many of the injured (like my mother's roommate) refuse to tie any of it together.
Tlhanks for answer my note on ratio injured to vax. I read most all your posts. There is something just truthful and pleasant about them Please don't try to be different. Just keep speaking from your heart, if that is indeed what I perceive. What you need is somebody you don't know giving you advice. Some of the stats are hundreds or thousands even injured to one dead. I think this is partly accounted for by the stacks of bodies that get reported once in a while. And surely they don't mean for any stacks of bodies to be found. Pretty easy to just keep track of which hospital patients never get a call or a visit. Or even the write up they give when check in alerts the staff that this is one they can kill. God Bless You. Hey do you know any Bible verses about astrology like. "The stars in their courses fought against Sisera" SP. or "canst thou bind the sweet influence of the Plieades" In Gen 1 God made the starts for signs among other things. My very knowledgeable and not at all given to making stuff up in the Bible said you can't prove that stars aren't angels as the terms are very much interchangeable in the Bible. Too far away you might say? I think the answer to that is distance has a considerably different nature where like the angel that placed one foot on the earth and one on the sea raised his right hand and swore by Him that liveth forever and ever that there shall be time no longer. or something like that. I'm saying what is far away in a dimension with no time? Pisces are the best females. We capricorns are the best males. or close. Ha.
I once got into a disagreement with Jehovah's Witnesses, who interpret the Bible as saying "astrology bad." Indeed there are texts referring to mediums and necromancers and fortune tellers as bad, but those are somewhat different things: mediums and necromancers are communicating with the dead and fortune tellers are trying to divine the future. I consider astrology in a somewhat different category for example the three wise men found baby Jesus due to the placement of the stars in the skies: Genesis 1:14 And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years," A prudent farmer would be tracking this and personality types may logically relate to the season of birth, which would have been especially true in an era when very few travelled far from their place of birth...
Shakespeare meets Vaccine Injury Denial. Listen to Turfseer’s hit song PERCHANCE TO DREAM.
Sun in Capricorn, "Resolutely asleep". All encompassing and profound! Thank you! As is "scuttle around as if.............."
The Atlantic has a circulation of 833,000 and 700 staff. Some of them will read the article "Did a Famous Doctor’s COVID Shot Make His Cancer Worse?" and will still likely remain resolute, but not as asleep.
THE MYOCARDITIS BLUES. A man sings the blues after coming down with side effects from the mRNA vaccine followed by a deadly heart inflammation.
Safe & effective documentary is well balanced but still too long and therefore not palatable for most of the disillusioned ones. You might try getting them to watch the same main character of the documentary - Dr. Aseem Malhorta - with Dan Wooton, a 9 minute video on youtube:
This one has made people close to me reconsider their previously fanatically zealous stance on getting more boosters. I followed up with this video after joking with my old man that if a gene therapy injection is good enough for 8 mice, then it's good enough for my Dad! He laughed nervously, and since has not booked in for the bivalent (meaning 'double strength' in Latin)...
Never give up, never surrender, never compromise who you are and the right path you are walking on through history. It has always been noted that throughout history when dissidents stop speaking out, that's when the worst atrocities are committed by the state. In the same vein, when we stop speaking out to try and save our family and friends from the democide, for the sake of avoiding confrontation and arguments - that is when those we love are at their most vulnerable and at their most impressionable.
Short simple quips are best it seems. Glad if it got through to him
I wrote a song in honor of this post:
People's brains.
Brains are broken.
Pacific Palisades.
Just want to normal.
Their brains are broken.
Broken broken broken.
Is an Op.
Did you like my song?
Love it but I am curious the notes...yes most I think just want normal. Me too! Most people are so desperate to go back to what they knew that they will endure all kinds of horrors just to get there. The smart money says the path forward is going to be different from the path before.
I'm thinking of it like a rhythmic chant with inflection. Call and response type deal.
The simple one-two...followed by the response.
Peo-ple. (boom-boom) (slight pitch drop on second syllable with emphasis, dah-TAH
People's brai-ins.(staccato ta-ta, boom boom)
so the last word is always the same OG beat (boom-boom)
Just wanna be (staccato) Nor-mal (boom boom) etc.
Soprano is rushed first syllable to "pran-o" (boom-boom)
Pacific Pal(i-rushed) sades" (Pal-sades)
“Doctor” Fatty Arbuckle and his “patient” Buster Keaton join forces to remind us “Trust the Science.” Watch the hit music video TRUST THE SCIENCE RAG here:
My ex, who was one of the last people I ever though would get an experimental "vaccine" injection, has now said she wished she hadn't gotten the two she was coerced into so she could keep her paraprofessional teaching position.
At the time she did get the first, she was in college "health" classes that considered the latest greatest shots ever to be the bee's knees and appeared to be pretty brainwashed.
My family is mostly against the shots, too much Cherokee history in the family to trust the Man very far I suspect.
My 18yo daughter went and got the shot while a runway at 17. She's always been a hypochondriac so it's hard to tell if she's sick more often or if it's just the same old same old. She, my ex, and my ex's mom are the only ones in the family I know of who've had positive-PCR covid, all three were injected. I'm hoping my incoming unexpected grandchild isn't shot-damaged as my youngling got preggo shortly after turning 18. Birth defects aren't common in my family with one heart problem as the standout exception. My daughter has zero coherence regarding government malfeasance, "I don't want to hear your crazy government theories" she said last time I offered her data in response to something stupid she said. While I feel sorry for the situation she's put herself in with repeated poor life choices, I'm guiltily glad she's not my responsibility anymore.
Prayers for your grandkid...and all the rest...
Thank you, the positive thoughts to tweak the quantum underlying reality are appreciated.
Regarding the teeth, one possible culprit could be the masking - "mask mouth". It causes a build-up of bacteria in the mouth. Plus, especially with the cloth ones, people wear the same one for very long times, and whatever is causing their gum disease or cavities just gets worse and worse.
Humans aren't meant to have a bacteria-laden blocking their breathing.
That's a very plausible explanation
Thanks Amy
I don't know if this is best to post here on an old thread. But couple things m ight be interesting to you. When I was keeping up with this, that means around others that shared that interest, I got to be pretty good at guessing people's sun sign. Easiest to guess is if they are air or fire. Capricorn, me, surest thing about astrology is that earth and water hang together. You could bet on it. If you in company of a new group, maybe half a dozen or a few more, if you find yourself enjoying the company and everybody else is too, Then you are in earth and water. Except Leo. Leo hangs out with earth and water more often than not. . I was hanging out with four strippers 15 years ago and had been for 5 years or so. I brought up sun signs. I don't talk about it so much anymore. Well. we are all Capricorns. Sagitarius, I don't know them. Not aquarious hardly either. Gemini annoys me. you pisces if I remember. If I could think of how to test my earth and water thing I'm sure it would prove out. Hey, did you record that dancing spider or did you just post somebody else's? I think that is neat Love and Appreciate You and what you do.
That was me recording the dancing spider. My actress friend is Leo August one
Thanks, Amy.
I don't know that I'm getting through to anyone. Mostly the topic is avoided. My friend who had a stroke shortly after taking the J&J shot (who I implored earlier to please wait on taking any jabs) has never said anything about it. (Though his wife was quick to tell me it had nothing to do with the shot.) Though recently he remarked at a rare dinner we shared, that there seemed to be people trying to take over the world. When I told him that years ago, he rolled his eyes and said "Not everything is a conspiracy, Kathleen." I was astounded. No acknowledgment of what I'd been warning about, it was like he was giving me new information. "Really? Huh. Well, gee, M, look who's catching up." He looked confused. I honestly don't know if he remembers...
It was depressing.
I have a similar experience with many people. I've decided that if it got into their collective awareness to be retrieved at a later time with no memory of where they had read or heard it before that that was good enough for me. BFF 3 in particular basically laughed me off in 2020 about how public health was good and how she didn't think they were trying to kill us or anything. I'm curious how she feels now. Becoming conscious is a process...
That's the best approach though depending on the relationship can be challenging. This is a 30 plus year relationship, so it feels deeply disconnected from that pov. Still, in terms of people seeing through, you're exactly right. It doesn't matter.
Are you a PISCES, Amy?
Songs decrying mask-wearing and the mindset behind it.
A duet between a mask-wearing zealot and a medical freedom fighter. Listen to IT’S JUST A MASK. Subscribe to Turfseer’s Newsletter.
Watch O HOLY ROMAN, a song about a child who asserts his independence from other children who wear the mask
Watch POD PEOPLE BARBECUE. Origin of mask-wearing zombies revealed in song!
The people graduate “with honors” from this institution of “higher learning.” Watch SHEEPLE UNIVERSITY.
BONUS: Free Download. THE ALTERNATIVE COVID-19 NARRATIVE HANDBOOK. A Collection of useful links. Get it here:
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