Having left the UK I miss the ability to refuse being muzzled by simply saying 'I AM EXEMPT' - no one is allowed to challenge you on this, not even the police.
It's tricky in Thailand. If you say something they don't want to hear their English skills dwindle to zero. A direct confrontation of this type often becomes a get in the back of the line type of thing: and I mean the very back. I've thought a few times of just sitting on the floor in shops after say 15 or 20 minutes of having everyone who comes in line after me served before me. One gal at 7 Eleven heard me say that to my husband and realized that would be the greater embarrassment, so I got checked out 😆
A few weeks ago France stopped the masks (except for public transport and medical settings). A few days before the mandate stopped I went into my kid's school, a supermarket, and a farmers market mask-free - no one said anything. You were treated as if you were a ghost.
For me, mask mandates and its enforcement not just by authorities but also by members of the public is the most idiotic and sinister aspect of this scamdemic.
I wonder do I know of your friend who was in Peace Corps Ghana. I still have my yellow WHO card with a long list of jabs from my own "service" there from 2004-06. Unlike your friend, I look back on that with horror. If I knew then what I know now, I would have never. And probably a lot of the illnesses that we poor volunteers suffered that were blamed on malaria and other tropical acclimation diseases was rather our ill effects from multiple rounds of injections
I didn't say this in the article, but my friend's memory of those jabs seems different than mine was: I remember her writing me a letter complaining about being horribly sick with malaria shortly after she went there. I also remember her coming back at the thinnest point I've ever known her to be. I tried to compliment her on it and she told me "Yeah it's because I was sick so much I couldn't eat." Your dates roughly match with her time there I think she was a bit later. Last name Shriner. It wouldn't be the first time I've been in it's a small world on substack: Steve Kirsch shared an article about an unnamed Navy Commander resisting the jab mandate. I might know the Commander..
I really appreciate that guy I have heard him talk on Reinhard Fuellmich stuff before. It is interesting about the snake antivenom that has actually come up for real here: my husband got bitten by a pit viper and I was researching it. It turned out he was correct the snake didn't envenomate (actually it couldn't envenomate it bit at an odd angle in his knee with only one fang in). Sadly I do think somebody is trying to kill us: one really only needs to watch a few horror videos out of Shanghai to come to that conclusion. They feel like you're watching a sacrifice to Lucifer
I am cleaning out stuff, just in case I become some sort of refugee and I have saved too much stuff that has little relevance. A good water filter makes more sense or even a can of soup. Just came across an article in a section called Living Well.
"Most studies at Mayo on optimism have found that people who are optimistic have a better quality of life and life longer." My optimism is not even measurable. But I love the company you keep. Maybe I'm trying to sense resilience.
"I began 2021 with a declaration that I was going to turn away from writing essays and work on a screenplay instead. I noted a congealing of the body politic into mutually non-communicating reality bubbles. When there is no agreement about what is a valid source of fact, persuasion cannot bridge the divide. Besides, as the saying goes, you cannot reason someone out of a belief they didn’t reason themselves into to begin with. I was fed up and wanted to try something else. Or so I told my readers. And so I told myself."
Amy, I don't think I have any BFFs. I have had good friends, and I am reasonably certain that in the 15 or so good friends from my college days, I would be the odd man out. I only heard one say they would be jumping to get jabbed before they were even available in their age bracket. She wrote, "they were extremely safe and well-researched."
There would be no reasoning to get past that divide.
So here we are and there they are. Not sure what comes next. Does anyone?
Thanks! I tell the stories this way to try to get past the reasoning divide. This vax or not to vax divide has been going on for decades in the Mommy wars so I have experience with it. What usually happens is both sides shore up their internal reasoning and become polarized (you're killing your baby by jabbing/not jabbing!). At the end of the day though, there is no I told you so laughter if your niece or friends child dies. I don't have a lot more BFFs to talk about, so there's that, but the former stripper should be featured, just for the laughs..
Our family used to get together a couple of times a year for reunions -- that stopped because a couple of us siblings are not Vax'd.
When everyone was wearing masks, I wore a garlic bulb around my neck, and told people, as a scientist, I could assure them a garlic bulb was every bit as effective as a mask.
I live in the wilderness. A 3 mile drive down a dirt and gravel road gets me to a 2 lane blacktop. If I go right, I go into a liberal Democrat small city with a large University -- everyone is vax'd and wouldn't let you into their shops w/o a mask. If instead I turn left, I go into a small rural Republican town where no one wore a mask and a sign on the door of one cafe said "We love seeing your face".
I could go on and on -- but this MSM Hyped-Hysteria CoVid-1984 Mass-Psychosis Fear- Pandemic sure has separated people ... I'm most amazed at my scientific colleagues at Universities ... I think the Universities are Purveyors of Narratives rather than Centers of Critical Thinking .... Maybe it was always that way and I never noticed it.
I live in the boonies myself there's no bears or wolves to contend with but we do have cobras. It is horrific the degree of division these policies have wrought all over the world. Red areas do seem a lot better...
Best to avoid the shedding, anyway, is what I tell myself. Oh, the gall, to discriminate against the vaxxed, but now it's a defendable stance, scientifically. There is no time limit on this as far as I know. We simply don't know exactly HOW dangerous they are to the unvaxxed.
I'm been scratching my head from around late 2020 as to why the majority of my friends and colleagues are/were pro-narrative. Listening to Mattias Desmet did help as that did explain why those I know of an anxious disposition fell completely for the narrative (and are upset with me for challenging it) but I am still scratching as I struggle to understand those who may not be true-believers but still holding onto the narrative even as it's crumbling away. The most common response I get now with my (still) pro-narrative friends is: "you cannot convince me".
My colleagues work as analysts so I wonder how the heck you guys are not spotting all the cracks and lies in what the authorities & MSM are saying and doing.
Those friends who fell for the narrative out of fear I can to some extent understand their position; it's those who claim not to be afraid but yet still support the narrative - these ones are the mystery. Could it just be due to cognitive dissonance? Sunk cost fallacy? That they feel they've invested so much, given up so much that it's too painful to acknowledge they've been fooled?
It's not always the case but I do find that among my friends those with more of liberal leaning (but clearly not libertarian!) were more supportive of narrative and covid measures. So as a left-leaning liberal I found it bonkers that my heroes now are on the right of the political spectrum - folks like a handful of Tory MPs, Florian Philippot, Ron DeSantis, Rand Paul, etc.
I do wonder if having grown up in Thailand and seen how the state manipulates (often without subtlety) public perception, I developed a nose for sniffing out the bullshit that is the covid narrative and the creeping of totalitarianism.
Having left the UK I miss the ability to refuse being muzzled by simply saying 'I AM EXEMPT' - no one is allowed to challenge you on this, not even the police.
It's tricky in Thailand. If you say something they don't want to hear their English skills dwindle to zero. A direct confrontation of this type often becomes a get in the back of the line type of thing: and I mean the very back. I've thought a few times of just sitting on the floor in shops after say 15 or 20 minutes of having everyone who comes in line after me served before me. One gal at 7 Eleven heard me say that to my husband and realized that would be the greater embarrassment, so I got checked out 😆
Are masks still required in Thailand?
A few weeks ago France stopped the masks (except for public transport and medical settings). A few days before the mandate stopped I went into my kid's school, a supermarket, and a farmers market mask-free - no one said anything. You were treated as if you were a ghost.
For me, mask mandates and its enforcement not just by authorities but also by members of the public is the most idiotic and sinister aspect of this scamdemic.
I wonder do I know of your friend who was in Peace Corps Ghana. I still have my yellow WHO card with a long list of jabs from my own "service" there from 2004-06. Unlike your friend, I look back on that with horror. If I knew then what I know now, I would have never. And probably a lot of the illnesses that we poor volunteers suffered that were blamed on malaria and other tropical acclimation diseases was rather our ill effects from multiple rounds of injections
I didn't say this in the article, but my friend's memory of those jabs seems different than mine was: I remember her writing me a letter complaining about being horribly sick with malaria shortly after she went there. I also remember her coming back at the thinnest point I've ever known her to be. I tried to compliment her on it and she told me "Yeah it's because I was sick so much I couldn't eat." Your dates roughly match with her time there I think she was a bit later. Last name Shriner. It wouldn't be the first time I've been in it's a small world on substack: Steve Kirsch shared an article about an unnamed Navy Commander resisting the jab mandate. I might know the Commander..
The govt isnt trying to kill you but the people behind covid are. Share this with your BFFs.
I really appreciate that guy I have heard him talk on Reinhard Fuellmich stuff before. It is interesting about the snake antivenom that has actually come up for real here: my husband got bitten by a pit viper and I was researching it. It turned out he was correct the snake didn't envenomate (actually it couldn't envenomate it bit at an odd angle in his knee with only one fang in). Sadly I do think somebody is trying to kill us: one really only needs to watch a few horror videos out of Shanghai to come to that conclusion. They feel like you're watching a sacrifice to Lucifer
I am cleaning out stuff, just in case I become some sort of refugee and I have saved too much stuff that has little relevance. A good water filter makes more sense or even a can of soup. Just came across an article in a section called Living Well.
"Most studies at Mayo on optimism have found that people who are optimistic have a better quality of life and life longer." My optimism is not even measurable. But I love the company you keep. Maybe I'm trying to sense resilience.
First paragraph of Charles Eisenstein letter:
"I began 2021 with a declaration that I was going to turn away from writing essays and work on a screenplay instead. I noted a congealing of the body politic into mutually non-communicating reality bubbles. When there is no agreement about what is a valid source of fact, persuasion cannot bridge the divide. Besides, as the saying goes, you cannot reason someone out of a belief they didn’t reason themselves into to begin with. I was fed up and wanted to try something else. Or so I told my readers. And so I told myself."
Amy, I don't think I have any BFFs. I have had good friends, and I am reasonably certain that in the 15 or so good friends from my college days, I would be the odd man out. I only heard one say they would be jumping to get jabbed before they were even available in their age bracket. She wrote, "they were extremely safe and well-researched."
There would be no reasoning to get past that divide.
So here we are and there they are. Not sure what comes next. Does anyone?
Thanks for the wonderful read. Its good!!!
Thanks! I tell the stories this way to try to get past the reasoning divide. This vax or not to vax divide has been going on for decades in the Mommy wars so I have experience with it. What usually happens is both sides shore up their internal reasoning and become polarized (you're killing your baby by jabbing/not jabbing!). At the end of the day though, there is no I told you so laughter if your niece or friends child dies. I don't have a lot more BFFs to talk about, so there's that, but the former stripper should be featured, just for the laughs..
Our family used to get together a couple of times a year for reunions -- that stopped because a couple of us siblings are not Vax'd.
When everyone was wearing masks, I wore a garlic bulb around my neck, and told people, as a scientist, I could assure them a garlic bulb was every bit as effective as a mask.
I live in the wilderness. A 3 mile drive down a dirt and gravel road gets me to a 2 lane blacktop. If I go right, I go into a liberal Democrat small city with a large University -- everyone is vax'd and wouldn't let you into their shops w/o a mask. If instead I turn left, I go into a small rural Republican town where no one wore a mask and a sign on the door of one cafe said "We love seeing your face".
I could go on and on -- but this MSM Hyped-Hysteria CoVid-1984 Mass-Psychosis Fear- Pandemic sure has separated people ... I'm most amazed at my scientific colleagues at Universities ... I think the Universities are Purveyors of Narratives rather than Centers of Critical Thinking .... Maybe it was always that way and I never noticed it.
I live in the boonies myself there's no bears or wolves to contend with but we do have cobras. It is horrific the degree of division these policies have wrought all over the world. Red areas do seem a lot better...
Best to avoid the shedding, anyway, is what I tell myself. Oh, the gall, to discriminate against the vaxxed, but now it's a defendable stance, scientifically. There is no time limit on this as far as I know. We simply don't know exactly HOW dangerous they are to the unvaxxed.
I'm been scratching my head from around late 2020 as to why the majority of my friends and colleagues are/were pro-narrative. Listening to Mattias Desmet did help as that did explain why those I know of an anxious disposition fell completely for the narrative (and are upset with me for challenging it) but I am still scratching as I struggle to understand those who may not be true-believers but still holding onto the narrative even as it's crumbling away. The most common response I get now with my (still) pro-narrative friends is: "you cannot convince me".
My colleagues work as analysts so I wonder how the heck you guys are not spotting all the cracks and lies in what the authorities & MSM are saying and doing.
Those friends who fell for the narrative out of fear I can to some extent understand their position; it's those who claim not to be afraid but yet still support the narrative - these ones are the mystery. Could it just be due to cognitive dissonance? Sunk cost fallacy? That they feel they've invested so much, given up so much that it's too painful to acknowledge they've been fooled?
It's not always the case but I do find that among my friends those with more of liberal leaning (but clearly not libertarian!) were more supportive of narrative and covid measures. So as a left-leaning liberal I found it bonkers that my heroes now are on the right of the political spectrum - folks like a handful of Tory MPs, Florian Philippot, Ron DeSantis, Rand Paul, etc.
I do wonder if having grown up in Thailand and seen how the state manipulates (often without subtlety) public perception, I developed a nose for sniffing out the bullshit that is the covid narrative and the creeping of totalitarianism.