I was talking to my Mom on Skype yesterday as she recounted the most recent health updates regarding her roommate. He is a 69 year old gentleman who has been beset by one health problem after another in the past year. My mother had to drive him to the VA hospital after his back pain became excruciating five days ago. She said the ER room was a little busy, but they decided to take him to the Urgent Care clinic which had no wait. The doctors thought it was a flare up of a herniated disk, the third time this year that has happened. They gave him a few shots and sent him on his way.
Mom then updated me on her one of her roommate’s other health problems. “I guess he’s back to constipation again, so he’s seeing a specialist tomorrow about it.” Mom informed me. The man had no prior history of gastrointestinal issues, but in the past several months has been having flare ups of Irritable Bowel Syndrome alternating between diarrhea and constipation. I’d heard about his bad migraine headaches in 2021 though Mom had told me that those seem to have faded. The VA did an MRI and couldn’t find the problem there.
Mom paused. “I guess he’s supposed to get a booster Covid shot tomorrow.”
I arched my eyebrow. “I thought he got a booster shot a few months ago?”
Mom sighed. “He did. I guess he needs another one.”
I couldn’t hold my tongue then. “Is he a fucking moron?”
“Well I’m just letting you know. In case there’s some other health issues.” My mother mused. At least she gets it, God bless her soul.
I’ve been pondering the chasm between the red pilled types who see the Covid “vaccines” as both unsafe and ineffective and who thus see death and injury everywhere in the jab’s wake and the blue pilled types who seem incapable of connecting it. Mom’s roommate, a former Army Medic who served during a peacetime chasm after the Vietnam conflict, always listens to his doctors. He dutifully gets a flu shot every year, and probably shingles and whatever else is asked of him. I noticed even before CovidCon that he seemed to go to doctors a lot and had a lot of little problems, from cataracts to prostrate cancer. Like most older people in the United States he has a series of prescription bottles on his table which in no way seem to be improving his health, just treating symptoms of one problem and maybe causing more issues than they solve. I made that observation to my mother years ago and opened her eyes to my simple, broad observation that the regularly jabbed seem to be in poorer health than those who, if not outright avoiding vaccines, get a lot less of them.
Since the Covid jabs it has gone over the top. This gentleman seems to be in doctor’s offices, clinics or ERs every other week or so. It’s one problem after another. A close friend of his, an elderly woman he drove around Las Vegas once a week to buy groceries and go to doctor’s appointments, collapsed in a Wal Mart parking lot last summer as he was helping her out of his car. The ambulance personnel thought it was heatstroke and wheeled her away. Then they said it was Covid so no one could visit her. She died a few weeks later in the hospital. I virtually guarantee based on her age and temperament that she was jabbed. What protocols this poor woman endured in the hospital is anyone’s guess. Las Vegas attracts a lot of people who are in some way cut off from their family, and she was no exception.
I had explained to my mother that, although I haven’t checked the list of 1291 known side effects to the Pfizer jab, all of her roommate’s problems could potentially be related to it. The flare up of so many seemingly unrelated health issues at once seems to be baffling his doctors, who willfully whistle past the graveyard regarding his jab status. Well we all know how well the US military takes care of its honored servicemen and women. Okay that was sarcasm.
I have told the roommate my reservations about flu vaccines and Covid vaccines. But he gets all of his ideas from a glowing box he watches in his bedroom every waking hour and he always trusts his doctors. He seemed to write me off years ago as a flaky “anti-vaxxer” conspiracy theorist who could confidently be ignored. I wrote him off years ago as a grown man who could reap the consequences of his own medical decisions. This time I am finding his and his doctors abject unwillingness to even consider that the “safe and effective” conjabs might have something to do with his declining health frustrating, in part because Mom is becoming burdened by playing nursemaid for his declining health. She told me years ago that she had no interest in marrying this gentleman (Even though many assume, with them being both elderly and living together, that they are a couple) because she had spent so long taking care of my father in his declining health that the idea of doing it again for a new man exhausted her.
A friend of the family insisted that our roommate had diverticulitis, which he suffers with also. Now that friend, who I call Scotty, has been jabbed and boosted too, but he might have the best excuse for it. Scotty is a retard, and I mean that in the developmentally disabled drives the train at Opportunity Village wins trophies at the Special Olympics sense of the word. He has a deformation of his lower face, a speech impediment and, according to his guardian ad litum, has the mental capacity of a 12 year old boy. He is, in short, a high functioning autistic. Scotty has an unlimited bus pass to anywhere in Las Vegas and gambles all of his money away, so he legally is not allowed to have financial control over his affairs. He takes whatever jabs his doctor tells him to, and might not legally be in a position to refuse even if he wanted to. But Scotty has a naive and trusting nature about these things. I don’t even try anymore to burst his bubble about it. Perhaps his impenetrable belief in the goodness of these “vaccines” will lead him away from harm.
“The second time I got the uh, the shot, I was so sick.” Scotty told me months ago on Facechat.
“Those shots are garbage.” I told Scotty then. My comment went over his head.
“Your Mom. She don’t take the…vaccine.” He was struggling for words and also seemed to think he knew some profound secret. “I worry that she will get sick. From the Covid.”
At least his heart is in the right place. Scotty doesn’t listen to me, but he has a far better excuse for his lack of listening skills and direct contradictions in logic than most people do. He is mentally retarded. I can give him a pass.
As damage from the jabs piles up and as evidence of declining immune system function and negative efficacy from the conjabs comes to light, I wonder how long so called intelligent people can hold onto their illusion. They seem stubbornly unwilling to notice that they just had Covid for the fourth time as they explain that it would have been so much worse without the jab. They never connect that their aunt’s stroke or their stepfather’s heart attack could be in some way related, and often block people who dare to point this out. They complain about their health problems but become indignant when someone points out a possible correlation to the shots. Now they’re on their second booster. Would they rather be dead than wrong? They might end up being both.
I have to put myself in their shoes and realize that they don’t want to contemplate that abyss known as our own mortality. If you took the jab and are suffering from it, you probably know on some level that doctors can’t help you and you can’t unvax yourself. So you might be desperate to attribute your problems to something else, anything else. Maybe you got Covid again because you went to that party where nobody was wearing a facemask. Maybe your aunt died two weeks after her booster because she was taking birth control pills. Maybe the rise in heart attacks is because of too hot of weather, too cold of weather, too much sex, too little sex, long Covid, short Covid or sleeping on the wrong type of pillow. Those ridiculous news headlines blaming anything and everything but the jabs for the slow motion train wreck we all see is actually an emotional comfort blanket for many of the “vaccinated.” It’s clickbait for the triple jabbed who want their problems to be because of anything else, in the same way that the “antivaxxers” rush into alarmist headlines that say “Covid risk 8 times greater in the jabbed” or “Death risk 151 times greater in jabbed teens.” It polarizes both sides though, who are arguing within a paradigm that was not of their own making.
Charles Eisenstein explained this best with his analogy: “Imagine we live in a prison. The warden says, “OK, food rations are being reduced. We have to decide whether to give more food to the older prisoners, who are in more fragile health, or to the younger prisoners, who have more life ahead of them.” A furious debate ensues, with each side making valid moral appeals and sophisticated logical arguments. All the while, what is not talked about? Well, things like, Why must the rations be cut? Why aren’t we allowed to have prison gardens? Why we are in prison to begin with? If the warden successfully defines the debate, his power will never suffer challenge. He has contrived a debate that can never end, because in fact both sides are right.”
Maybe if you’re in that state you never see the jailer. Instead, to prove the “antivaxxers” wrong, you just need a few more hits of that White China. See it’s not dangerous! You affirm to yourself. I didn’t die…
CashApp $AmySukwan
This is the most depressing article that I've ever read.
The Beth story at least had Amy finding friendship.
This is just has Old People walking off a cliff and warning Amy to STFU.
edit: Because this is the internet, and text communication is not the best: Not a criticism of the writing or the article, you again took me to the place where the rubber meets the road, and I'm grateful for your abilities to do so...to just keep looking at the light, never flinching.
I am today watching an old friend, now 88 years old, die slowly from the injections. Only a couple months ago he was in great shape for his age, living alone, driving to see friends and family and run errands, all the things he enjoyed doing. Within what seemed like a few short weeks, he developed congestive heart failure, which led to a steady decline in his overall health. Now he's in the hospital and awaiting transfer to hospice care; his kidneys and other organs are failing, and he will be dead before the end of the week. He was double jabbed and double boosted. Though I told him my views on the so-called vaccines, he still listened to his doctors and took the fatal shots. I'll miss him terribly, and I now know how quickly these fatal shots work on people. It's not pretty; its not fun to watch, and it's doubly troubling to know none of this was necessary or did any good for anyone, no matter what they believe for themselves.