This is the most depressing article that I've ever read.

The Beth story at least had Amy finding friendship.

This is just has Old People walking off a cliff and warning Amy to STFU.

edit: Because this is the internet, and text communication is not the best: Not a criticism of the writing or the article, you again took me to the place where the rubber meets the road, and I'm grateful for your abilities to do so...to just keep looking at the light, never flinching.

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I didn't found Amy's article depressing. Imo it's a very fair observation of how most people prefer to avoid the painful truth.

Here a quote by Paulo COELHO meant for those that 'can take it' (like Amy's mom):

> Telling the truth and making someone cry, is better than telling a lie to make someone laugh.

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Thank you. I'm not trying to depress anyone, just trying to explain things as I see them. Perhaps my mother is driving this guy to vax induced suicide. I have a peace of mind when I talked and nobody listened...

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To be clear, I don't think avoiding depression or dark thoughts or dark realities is a winning strategy in life.

This ain't Brady Bunch.

And I also have a dark sense of humor which sustains me, and then when I'm ready I can just take the full dose, no sublimation needed.

But I'm humbly sorry if this somehow gets translated publicly in some kind of neg.

You and I have discussed this a bit before, and you know I think you are just a monster talent writer. :) Love.

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"Depressing" and "very fair observation" are not mutually exclusive categories.

In fact, it's the "very fair" (blindingly real) that makes them depressing.

Glad that you liked it in a different way, though.

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This account reminds me of Hoarders.

Injection Hoarders.

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LOL don't be too depressed. My daughter has already called dibs on his room if and God willing when we come back to Las Vegas! My family has a very dark sense of humor. Since you do dream analysis I'm curious if you want to take on my last two. My father (deceased) was in both of them. In the first we were staying at a nice house with many connecting rooms, somewhere that felt like America but unknown location. My father was watching an old television in an upstairs bedroom separate from the main house. It was on "The Twilight Zone," one of his favorite old shows. My sister in law Tiona (also deceased) was asking me about the RV I was planning to repair. She was so excited about this big RV trip she was taking somewhere then a friend (alive) pulled up in his RV and everybody left the house except me my father and my younger daughter. She wanted to play in the swimming pool but it had no water in it. I told her to just fill up a small inflatable pool inside it but she left the hose on and the whole fancy pool filled to the top. That dream ended with me turning off the hose and worried about how mad my father would be about wasting so much water. In my dream last night my Dad was planning a birthday party for my older girl. He insisted I had to go through all these corridors to a place that had cake and party supplies and also VCR tapes of the family when we were younger. I was worried because I didn't have a lot of money to pay for everything, but then the man with the VHS tapes screwed up one of them by accidentally erasing some things, so he gave me a discount. That dream ended with me walking through this corridor looking for the birthday room for my older girl as my father said "You've got to do something."

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I will make a post out of it if you like.

Can you edit this comment into dream "beats", though?

Does that make sense?

It's hard to work with a wall of text and track what is moving, changing, developing.

I could try to splice it up but it really starts to run into "Operator Bias" then.

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You are welcome to make a post out of it I'd be really curious! My Father clearly is trying to communicate with me in my opinion. I remember the way the dream ended this morning with him saying "You've got to do something." It was a resigned sound, similar to things he had said in life. Like you've got to try, you've got to forge on, you've got to do what you can do and not worry about the rest. I'm not sure what beats are exactly. This is over the course of two dreams, of course, though both had a similar feel: grey. The sky was grey, the corridors were grey, the RV was a faded peach. Even the birthday cake was a faded pink. There were old family movies on VHS and an old black and white television show. The only two things that stood out in either dream as not grey were my daughter Eliza's bright blue and pink kiddie pool and the green round wheel hose spigot when I turned off the hose...

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Amy, this is on your mind, your soul's mind right now.

Carrying over from dream to dream.

Can you tell me when you woke up from, "Do something", #2.

What was your affect when you woke up? Or during the end of the dream?

Like...sad, hopeful, anxious...?

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Anxious mostly. I got news on my husband's visa to the USA and very soon I have to well, do something. My younger girl is done with her online school for the summer had a 91% average or so. I do not have a jab mandate to return to the USA. My husband does.

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Yep. 😢 God, it’s depressing.

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I love reading thorough write ups like Margaret or Etana.

Or diving into the science with Andreas, et. al.

Or the numbers with Kirsch or Jessica.

Nobody. And I mean ABWOLUTELYNOFREAKINGBODY sends me over the emotional edge like our host, Ms. Sukwan.

Yes. This one will haunt me for several days. Sigh.

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I am no good at untangling dreams, I hope you can Sage. I have had dreams like that in the last year, wandering in a non existent addition of my old family home, (sold illegally) but without seeing my aunt, mother and dad (all died in less than 6 months last year). I am a little envious she saw her dad and sister in law in her dreams..But the VCR tapes really bother me for some reason.. That part of them were erased....

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The VCR tapes bother me too. In the dream I'm supposedly having a birthday party for my older girl, who was born in 2006. Yet the videos were from long ago, like late 1970's early 1980's home video footage of family scenes. These types of videos if you've ever watched them are a kinda greywashed technicolor dream. The red and yellow stood out like on t shirts of children playing but why would my girl be really interested in this stuff to begin with?

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I would go with Sage, she is good at things. But to me, erasing the tapes seems like erasing part of your history, your family history....and since you noticed the colors, it might mean something...I am going to look up the meaning of red and yellow...but I don't think it is about your girl right now being interested in this stuff....it could be about you, and what is missing from your childhood? or what you have forgotten...or it could be a note from you to your future daugher... we all want to learn about it our parents when we are old (older)...and the elephant of the family (the ones who remember) die...and there is no one to remember how you were as a girl, or how much our ancestors come out in us even if we didn't know them??? Just stabbing in the dark here. I lost a four generation home...and though I only knew my great grandmother...every piece of furniture, every linen sheet, all accumulated over generations, was dear to me and made me feel safe. There is safety in family. It was a big old house, too big for one, but I was never afraid in that house....never afraid of the portraits on the walls...great great granmothers etc. ...even when there were storms and the electricity went out. I think there is safety in knowing where and from whom you came from..

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Boy those sentences were perfectly hidious. I'm embarraseed. Ending in a preposition...I shall go out in the back yard now and eat worms.

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It's about you, and when you were a child, yeah?

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So you are good at this!

Gaps in memory? Repressed?

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No I suck at dreams,(actually, I don't like thinking about them because they come too near some deep feelings) - so I'd rather hear from you...but I am weeping now for some reason...you both together hit my heart hard..but in a good way, like truths always are no matter how hard they are to accept.

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I am today watching an old friend, now 88 years old, die slowly from the injections. Only a couple months ago he was in great shape for his age, living alone, driving to see friends and family and run errands, all the things he enjoyed doing. Within what seemed like a few short weeks, he developed congestive heart failure, which led to a steady decline in his overall health. Now he's in the hospital and awaiting transfer to hospice care; his kidneys and other organs are failing, and he will be dead before the end of the week. He was double jabbed and double boosted. Though I told him my views on the so-called vaccines, he still listened to his doctors and took the fatal shots. I'll miss him terribly, and I now know how quickly these fatal shots work on people. It's not pretty; its not fun to watch, and it's doubly troubling to know none of this was necessary or did any good for anyone, no matter what they believe for themselves.

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I hear you, Joe. I've had similar experiences with 2 friends, now gone.. It's so strange, even disorienting, to be in such unchartered waters. There's no playbook. No precedent on this level. And you are so right in that it is doubly troubling......... Thanks for sharing that.

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Such real comment here. Rubber meets the road alright. Thank you.

Let pain be glory’s mask.

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