Collage of Compliance Part 9: The Virtue Signalers
All Three Have a Common Thread of California
My Collage of Compliance series of posts is always about people I know in real life who I know or in one case just strongly suspect have taken the jab (s) known colloquially as Covid vaccines. Obviously I love and still care about them and of course I check up to see how they are doing now. Most people it seems took the jabs so they could live their life again without financial penalty, as part of the usually unspoken coercion campaign we all endured. Only one that I have written about before, BFF 2, displayed any virtue signaling whatsoever. Part of my reason for using real people that I knew in real life was also to filter out the influence of maybetwitterbot43924 who was compensated to grandstand views that might not have been reflective of those of the wider majority.
I do however know some virtue signalers, so I felt like getting back to them. I’ll start with my background on an actress who I mentioned before. We grew up together in Toledo, Ohio, and she tracked me down on social media in California in 2010 or so.
I mentioned a disagreement we had regarding a mutual classmate, so I feel like elaborating on that story. The actress seemed to be in the habit of looking up former classmates who had emerged and left Toledo High. She had visited a mutual classmate who was living in Portland, Oregon and they had gone out to a restaurant for drinks.
The waiter at some point cut off the alcohol. Perhaps the actress was being too loud, yappy or inappropriate. According to her (feigning innocence) she pushed the waiter teasingly, which led to the manager being called over. An argument ensued and the cops were called. The actress was arrested and charged with public intoxication and misdemeanor assault.
This restaurant would not have gotten a good review from me. It sounded pussy that a male waiter and a male manager could not subdue a 5 foot 3 inch 110 pound gal even if she was whaling on them. The friend was not arrested, and the story does not end there.
A Mugshot-esque muckraking website picked up the story of her arrest and really slammed the actress into the ground. It was nasty and juvenile the stuff that they wrote and I could sympathize there. They found a bad angled photo of her where her teeth looked yellow and proceeded to call her black and yellow, implied that she had herpes because that was a speaking line she had had, and seemed to recount her failure as an actress. I asked my lawyer uncle what she could do in terms of a defamation suit. He said it would be hard to get damages as she didn’t make much money as an actress and said in her case “Maybe even bad publicity is good publicity.”
That was where I was stuck. The actress was sure that the mutual classmate in Portland had alerted the paparazzi. I didn’t think so. The website tended to pick up more Tara Reid esque stars behaving badly. She usually worked as an understudy and her few credited roles on film were at the say, Nurse #2 or Dogwalker level. Hollywood wouldn’t have been interested in writing a hate filled screed about her in my mind. But I suspected that a few vindictive exes from Toledo, Ohio were probably following her career and movements very closely.
She argued back that those exes couldn’t have found out about it unless the classmate had alerted them to the arrest in Oregon. She said a lot of bad things about the classmate that at a bare minimum if true did not say good things about the company that the actress kept. I hadn’t seen this other gal since high school. She’d always been a quiet smart type in all the advanced classes with me, who then worked as some sort of data analyst. Why would I care who she’d slept with or what drugs she’d supposedly done? I wasn’t sure the other woman had said anything as the actress had a unique name, meaning she was the only one with that first and last name anywhere, and arrest records are public. This horrible mugshot esque screed was showing up on the top Google search results for her name. She needed me to unfriend the classmate on Facebook in a show of solidarity.
Sigh. I do not now, and did not then, unfriend people. The exceptions to that are for obvious spammers (including those that have hacked known friend accounts) and anybody who sends me well, sexually explicit content. My kid plays on my phone are you guys serious?
I messaged the mutual classmate regarding this incident and asked her whether she had told anyone regarding this story. “No. Why would I?” Perhaps she had gossiped it back to someone who picked it up. Perhaps someone had picked it up without her help. How was I to know?
The actress had a tendency to go scorched Earth to smite her enemies as Leos sometimes do. She was very into astrology so I read her detailed birth chart. She was one of many on my August 1 cluster. Our Scorpio moons bounced off each other in a suspicious dance.
That said she had a lot of interesting quips. One was regarding Thailand with the restaurant owner. “People there just sound like they are so much closer to death.” She also made a comment regarding me that “Your eyes see straight into people’s souls.”
We went out to a restaurant in LA that she had worked at. The owner lavished us with food and drinks and very much wanted to talk to me. He had a dream of selling his restaurant and moving to Thailand, perhaps to start a bar or restaurant there. I had invested in a Siam Bar on Racha Island and recounted my experiences.
Some years later that fiery Leo actress moved to New Orleans, married, and had a precious baby girl. Her daughter is adorable and she always talked about getting little Boo-Boo into acting. I was less thrilled when I noticed that she seemed to have become a walking advertisement for Big Pharma vaccines, recounting little Boo-Boos every well child visit. She portrayed herself as a hovering, over protective helicopter Mom. I sometimes wondered if she was getting paid to promote them.
I’m more a let go and let God, co-sleeping with my breastfed kids all around natural type. But I can accept that if God has blessed someone with a child, they should do as they see best. I was surprised that she had a baby at all.
I’ve learned enough from the Mommy Wars by then to know that there is a certain type of mother that you do not engage with. They take differences in viewpoint as a personal attack on them, become more hardline and entrenched in their beliefs, and will resort to name calling, slanderous gossip and cancelling. She was just that type. I said a prayer for little Boo Boo after each of her many well publicized on Facebook jab appointments. The vast majority of children live through all of those well child visits. Statistically speaking a large number do suffer ill health effects, but life is risky. My child could develop some ostensibly vaccine preventable disease or my baby might play with a pretty snake under the bed because I don’t have her locked in a crib. Blame games and name calling have no place when a child suffers. But by the grace of God we live.
The actress went full tilt on the Covidcon. I couldn’t really blame her as she was working as a waitress in the French Quarter when lockdowns hit and she did have a one year old baby at home. For her it was a chance to make more at home watching Netflix and being with her baby than she could by working. For me her fanaticism about it showed a stunning lack of empathy and a failure to consider the vast supply chains of workers that had even made this grand experiment possible. I am sure I made my opposition to all of these measures known but in dramatic fashion she ginned up the Covid death of her youngish neighbor as sort of a debate ender. People are dying and screw your freedoms and whatnot.
I think the post that led to her unfriending me in 2020 was actually about Joe Biden. She posted something about how she could see the love he had for his son brimming in his eyes and if you did not vote for Biden you had no soul. I took issue with her word choice there and responded.
“Don’t bring my immortal soul into this. We’re talking about a politician here.” I don’t play hero ball and suspect I would have said the same thing if someone had advocated for Trump instead in this way.
I remained Facebook friends with the LA restaurant owner who had wanted to sell his business and move to Thailand. He sold his business in 2020 and travelled the world, but it became obvious in late 2021 by his Europe trekking that he was definitely jabbed. He posted a profile picture of “I just got my Covid Booster!” in early 2022, along with a background picture of the Ukrainian flag. The actress chimed in excitedly “I can’t wait to get my booster next week!” below his profile picture. She had been so fanatical that I hadn’t even tried to check on her in 2021. It didn’t sound like she had changed her mind.
She had a lot of publicly available posts of her now super adorable 3 year old she wanted to get into acting. I suspected that unless something had changed that she would be jabbing her baby as soon as it came out for that age group, and I prayed for the child. I checked her facebook in late July 2022 and was shocked to discover that she had scrubbed almost every picture of her child and most of everything she had posted. There were no updates of any type.
I went on google to search her name, that unique name that she had that made her so easy to search for. Chillingly her top Google autosuggestion after her name was “obituary.” Apparently I wasn’t the only one worried about her and little Boo Boo.
I sent her a friend request. She accepted immediately and I scrolled through her not public posts. Almost all of it was about astrology, though there were a few pictures of baby Boo Boo. All of her virtue signaling had been washed from her Facebook. I gathered that she is separated from her husband and moved back to California. That might explain her reluctance to post pictures of her three year old as women going through custody disputes don’t want to give ammo to the other side. I was just happy that both her and her daughter appeared well and am happy if someone who is not me got to her about the danger and futility of giving her child this jab especially. With 5% uptake I have to assume that there is big pushback on the Covid shot happy parents.
The restaurant owner from LA moved to Thailand earlier this year. He’s in Bangkok now the last I checked. I don’t know if he’s started a new venue there we messaged earlier in the year when he was in Phuket regarding meeting up. It never happened. The actress has definitely indicated that she still talks to him as half the information I know about her is from something she posted on his facebook. I suspect they might have gotten intimately involved at some point and I wonder what was said about me? Maybe I’m being paranoid there.
Then again the actress unfriended me, again. I liked a few of her astrology posts. I commented on nothing. That’s interesting in its own right. Did she forget who I was, accept my friend request for minute, and then remember oh wait she’s not good? Did she just want to say “Hey I’m alive and so is little Boo Boo. Now that you’ve seen it leave me alone.” Or was it for other reasons?
I tend to prefer my debates being more on the level, so I have to give my last virtue signaler credit there. I was in the Lake Shrine Royal Choir in Pacific Palisades and we were always trying for the highest first soprano descant. She is a lifelong born and raised LA woman, hard core bluecheck down the line Democrat and has always been staunchly pro vaccine, as her mother was a nurse. I’d commented in the past that at least she wasn’t a hypocrite about it, as she gets flu jabs and pneumonococcal and whatever else every year. Her political preferences have always been regurgitated MSNBC or CNN talking points. I didn’t check on her much in 2021 because like most of the virtue signalers I didn’t want to read it and I already had a pretty good idea of what she was going to say anyways. I rarely saw original thoughts in this space.
She seems fine, in the sense that her personal pictures and whatnot are just her doing her happy California thing. A few weeks ago I posted a link to my substack about rising cancer rates. She posted a Factcheck about the vaccines are safe and effective that essentially looked like a circle jerk of 100 experts parroting the line. There were no studies or substance whatsoever in the Factcheck, which was disappointing as the science links they provide are usually laughably bad methodology. Then she posted something about how Covid vaccines make cancer rates fall! I had to read that one, which was all theoretical: they are investigating mRNA to treat certain cancers, and Covid jabs are mRNA, so they should make cancer go away too. I can make a theory that the sky is pink the evidence shows cancer rates rising in tandem with the jab rollout. You can cite confounding factors but this was just on the opposite side of the fence. Perhaps the jabbed will live forever, if they believe it to be true.
Do you have any virtue signalers? How are they doing now?
“Your eyes see straight into people’s souls.”
Your eyes have an internet connection, too!
"(blank), I know you see right through me. I get that. I know that Amy does as well"
Signed, Me
And this is another insanely good post.
In my extended family the virtue signalling is gone, but the vaxxed are grouping together and distancing themselves from the unvaxxed, and it's not due to fear of Covid.
I believe on some sort of spiritual level their bodies are telling them that the injections are bad for it - that something was not right after getting injected. It's impacting them in subtle ways right now as they come to terms with what they did.