So far no one I know has died suddenly or developed a turbo cancer since early last year. All but maybe one of them stopped taking the shots. The one I don't know about was the biggest vaxx pusher of all, and bragged about bullying people into taking them.

But like you noticed in people, she absolutely does not want to talk about it. She seems kind of crushed - she had brought Twitter snark into real life and used it on everyone around her to get them to take the shots, and loved doing it. Then, slowly and steadily, people around her got cancer, died, suffered brain injury, or with her best friend, developed a strange gray pallor and lost all motivation in life.

It makes me angry how the DOD essentially recruited people like her to do this sort of evangelizing. They tore families apart.

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They absolutely recruited a bunch of useless idiots to push these jabs on everyone. There was a time the actress friend was pushing both baby vaccines and then Covid jabs so hard that I basically hoped she was getting paid by someone to do it. She might have been she had a large following especially from our hometown and as a struggling actress she would have been easy to compromise that way. But I wonder what kind of price got paid she went from all these gajillion posts to scrubbing her whole history from the Internet. Did she pay with her life or some horrible injury to either her or family members?

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Pure blood, so 'm doing fine. While I am not privy of the jab status of some of the following persons, I can report the following:

(1) Late 2021/Early 2022. Neighbour diagnosed with aggressive cancer; gone in a matter of weeks;

(2) Early 2022: Neighbour incapaciated post mandated jab; on disability, unable to work;

(3) Fall 2022. Female, 45, the aunt of one of my students, heart attack (deceased);

(4) Spring 2023. Female <50; neighbour, jabbed, heart attack (surviceed; recovering nicely; on disability).

My students are college aged, and I have been in post secondary education for 17 years. 2022 and 2023 (so far) have been the years in which I had the highest number of justified absences due to the passing of student's friends or family members.

I guess I live in an area that got some of the really bad batches.

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I personally know one dead (https://www.altamesafuneralhome.com/obituary/danielle-carmichael), one case of myocarditis, and one case of tachycardia requiring surgery, all obviously from the toxxine because they all occurred shortly after taking it.

I have no doubt whatsoever that that jab is very dangerous. Our public health officials lied to us.

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Most of the folks in my life who got it are fine including those who took it unwillingly. There's a friend I would get into text arguments with about masks and lock downs when all of this started but we're still good.

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God Bless

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In 24 months time this will read very very differently, namely the tsunami of DEATHS Youl have to mention......

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It could be but I certainly hope not. I still would like to solve the mystery surrounding the actress...

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