Incredible story by BangkokTruthSeeker…

About your question regarding why Asia is less prone to Covid, I think one aspect to take into account is that there is a parasitic element to Covid. Asians (at least Southeast Asians) eat lots of antiparasitic food such as chilies and papaya.

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Great post! Glad you made it through all of the Death Hoops that were set for you.

Like a damn Hunger Games. 😮

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Wow! Terrific account! I'll share that! Excellent detail!

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I have often wondered who BTS is..... as i sometimes see an emoji from him but can not remember seeing a post of his in our little Gab group. Great to hear his story ( and thanks Amy for posting it ! )

Very thankful that BTS has made it through, and remained unvaxed .

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What a frightening story. Notice how well the doctor was prepared with talking points to counter the objections raised by the patient. Someone had to pay for that training.

It also wasn't her first time doing it.

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While this guy was smart enough not to take Remdesivir he fell for the bigger con: that he actually "had" Covid and got sick from it. Read this blog by Jon Rappoport who cogently questions and dismisses the idea that there is such a thing as a "killer virus" called "Covid."

The non-existent virus: it undercuts all other stories

by Jon Rappoport

February 1, 2021

In this article, I continue to trace the implications of the missing virus; I’m referring to the fact the no one has proved SARS-CoV-2 exists.

Here I take a wider look at the situation.

Apparently, the notion of a virus was born when germ theorists ran out of bacteria to explain illnesses. So they claimed there had to be a smaller invisible particle, which came to be called “virus.”

Since that fateful choice, researchers have encountered various problems. Chief among them: how do you to prove, in specific instances, that these viruses exist and cause illness?

Flashing forward—two modern avenues of proof have been invented. One, twist and reverse the meaning of “isolation.” And two, sequence the genetic structure of viruses by using pre-set computer programs to build, out of thin air, without justification, collections of genetic information, ending up with nothing more than virtual entities.

In past articles, I’ve analyzed and rejected both avenues of “research.”

In the first case, there is the unjustified presumption that the virus is contained in a soup in a dish in a lab, and this is called “isolation,” when it is actually non-isolation. In the second case, there is no true sequencing. It’s all made up out of unmerited supposition and guesswork.

However, 99.9% of mainstream scientists are true believers in their own methods and fabrications. They actually accept what they’re doing as science.

Therefore, in virology labs all over the world—including bio-weapons facilities—THE RESEARCHERS HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEY’RE DOING. THEY DON’T KNOW HOW FAR FROM REALITY THEY ACTUALLY ARE.


They’re taken in and fooled and bamboozled by their own theories.

It’s as if explorers tasked with mapping the moon, on site, up close and personal, are carrying out their jobs in underground coal mines. And they don’t recognize there is a problem.

The tenth of one percent of the researchers who do see a problem understand they have to keep their mouths shut.

Am I claiming, with finality, that ALL “viruses” have no physical existence? No. At least, not yet. That’s an open question.

In the case of SARS-CoV-2, I see no legitimate evidence for its existence.

And what’s worse, scientists are hypnotized by their own assumptions; and therefore, they’re immune from re-thinking what they’re doing.

It certainly wouldn’t be the first time a system trapped the practitioners working inside it.

It’s how you train humans to be robots.

At first, the humans follow the rules that define the system. Then they graduate to enforcing the rules. Their minds become excessively literal. They view alternatives as heresies.

“Sir, you have no idea what you’re doing. You think you’re discovering new viruses. You think you’re manipulating them to create new forms.”

“Don’t bother me, I’m busy.”

“You’re saying non-isolation is isolation. You’re using algorithms to invent ‘viruses’ made up of irrelevant data. They’re data constructs, nothing more.”

“You’re a blasphemer. Don’t bother me, I’m busy.”

“You’re fiddling with processes that have nothing to do with what you think they have to do with…”

“How did you get into my lab?”

“I brought a camera crew. We want to film and document every single step you take to ‘discover a new virus’.”

“Absolutely not. You’re not official. This is a high-security facility.”

“In other words, sight unseen, we have to accept your claims as if they were law.”

“Yes, that’s the rule. We’re not running a debating society. We’re doing science.”

“But you see, that’s the point. You’re NOT doing science.”

“What are you saying?”

“You have no idea what you’re doing. You THINK you’re discovering new viruses. You BELIEVE you’re manipulating them. But you’re only working with self-generated fantasies.”

“I’ll tell you what. I’ll inject you with one of these fantasies and let’s see what happens.”

“You don’t possess an actual specimen of an isolated and purified virus, separated from all other material.”

“Here it is, in this dish.”

“No. LOOK AT IT. In that dish, there’s a soup. It contains human and monkey cells, toxic drugs and chemicals, and other genetic material. It’s the furthest thing from ‘isolated’.”

“We know the virus is there. Some of the cells are dying. The virus must be doing the killing.”

“No. The toxic drugs and chemicals could be doing the killing. Furthermore, the cells are being starved of nutrients. That alone can explain their death. Think it through.”

“There’s nothing to think about. Our procedures have been verified by thousands of studies and published scientific papers.”

“Consensus is not the same thing as truth.”

“Security, come to the lab. We have a non-certified intruder. Escort him from the premises.”

“That’s your bottom line?”

“Our work is classified. You’re a civilian. We pronounce; you obey.”

“And that’s science?”

“Absolutely. Didn’t they teach you that in school?”

“YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU’RE DOING IN THIS LAB. You’re a prisoner of your own illusions.”

“Security, hurry it up. This man is a subversive…”

“Suppose you believe you’re working with viruses, but you’re only working with IDEAS AND STORIES ABOUT VIRUSES?”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re not really isolating anything. And you’re not sequencing anything. The sequences are just INFORMATION cobbled together from genetic reference libraries by computer programs. It’s all, at best, a digital metaphor for what you believe exists. You’re generating fairy tales.”

“Even if that were true, it would be the closest we could come to reality. Nothing is perfect.”

“A rock is perfect. You see it, you kick it, you sit on it.”

“Viruses are very small.”

“Even more reason to be sure you’re dealing with something actual.”

“We use PCR technology.”

“But it only looks for a piece of RNA you ASSUME comes from ‘the virus’. Since you don’t have an isolated and purified virus, you have no reason to assume the RNA comes from ‘the virus’.”

“Security, take this man to his car. Take the film crew with him. They have no right to be here. This is a government-funded facility. Private citizens have no access to government.”

CHIEF SECURITY OFFICER: “Actually, I’d like to hear the rest of the conversation. My sister just took the vaccine to protect her against ‘the virus’, and now she’s in the hospital…”

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I read a lot of Jon Rappaport and remain virus agnostic. I'm sure they are looking at something and perhaps more importantly the patents on the jabs and the virus tie together. As a side note our neighbor is suspected to have died from Covid. My husband has proposed the most likely alternative there: he thinks his liver failed due to taking too much paracetamol/acetaminophin/tylenol. Nawan liked to drink, not really alcoholic about it as he worked the fields all day, but definitely settling in with a bottle of whiskey at night and if there was a get together at our house let's just say he got helped/carried back home next door a few times. Thais meanwhile pop tylenol like they're candy when they are sick, and he was oh so terrified that he had covid that he slept outside, so he was almost certainly self medicating to an extreme degree. Sussing out the interactions between and among the psychological, physical, spiritual and inside and outside attacks is a great task. I just hope the two sides can come together for a common cause.

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Believing in specious theories that claim particular viruses cause particular diseases is a way in which people no longer have to be responsible their own health. Instead it's the way pharmaceutical companies can trick you into believing that the only way to combat the illness is to take their vaccine. All this stems from the illusory belief in the opinion of so-called "experts" whom the people place their uncritical faith in. The mantra "Trust the Science" represents unbridled "advice" from a gigantic coterie of morons. Watch TRUST THE SCIENCE RAG on Youtube. “Doctor” Fatty Arbuckle and Buster Keaton join forces to remind us “Trust the Science” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szPvXq8UXGU

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great repost but I can't find BangkokTruthSeeker

Below is what is happening with the drug kickbacks from Pharma to the hospitals. Happens in doctor's offices too. This is from Butchered by "Healthcare," my book. I am at robertyoho.substack.com, and you can find ways to download my book free there if you look. Best and I subscribed.

It is a demanding job, and the oncologists have a terrific financial conflict of interest that makes it harder. They retail chemotherapy infusions for about a 20 percent markup. Inside the specialty, they call this “buy and bill.” By 2013, 65 to 70 percent of oncologists' income was drug charges. Their pay doubled from 1995 to 2004, when it was $335,000, and then it went up again to $445,000 by 2017.

Drug representatives stay in touch with oncologists and let them know whether they are “making their qu otas.” The companies offer doctors higher percentages for certain drugs if they order more. This is an inducement to raise the doses of drugs, which can be harmful. In one egregious case, medications were promoted in this fashion to treat anemia that also increased the chances of premature death. Their sales were $37 billion between 1996 and 2009. Otis Brawley, in How We Do Harm, said, “[These] drugs were not used to cure disease or make patients feel better. They were used to make money for doctors and pharmaceutical companies at the expense of patients, insurance companies, and taxpayers.”

If two physicians made a deal like this between themselves, prosecutors might throw them in prison. “Fee-splitting” is a similar, perhaps nearly identical crime where a physician kicks back a commission to another doctor for a patient referral. Federal Stark laws applying to Medicare and Medicaid plus many state laws impose criminal penalties for this. (Between lawyers and realtors, however, referral fees are accepted practice.)

Regardless of the exact legalities, our primary priority must be our patients, always. These harmful and unethical incentives draw us away from this duty and must be made illegal if they are not already.

New chemotherapy medications can be 300 times (not 300 percent) more expensive than old ones. Cancer treatment expenses per patient are often over $100,000 a year. Jerome Kassirer adds:

One oncologist half-jokingly told me, "Chemo is our cardiac cath, or our arthroscopy," implying that chemo offers a profitable "procedure" for the oncologist [which is] "the dirty little secret of oncology." …Some oncologists… make an income of nearly a million dollars a year by pushing chemotherapy… approximately two-thirds of the income of oncologists in community practice was derived from intravenous or intramuscular drugs… [Quoting Dr. Eisenberg] "the financial conflicts I have identified in our discipline... are so pervasive and insidious that we continually must remind ourselves as to the real purpose of our work.”

On the Take: How Medicine's Complicity with Big Business Can Endanger Your Health (2004)

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BangkokTruthSeeker is on some Thailand expat groups but not on substack. Following the money is always a good way to go to find truth. I've been thinking that with the whole (unrelated) Paul Pelosi attack thing. The guy who did it sounds like a mentally unbalanced semi homeless nutcase. I've seen the type in Venice Beach myself. But they got a place in Berkeley. Even if the house got burnt to the ground due to a meth lab fire, that land is probably worth close to $1 million. So how are they paying for everything?

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From Cassandra's Secrets:

The updated Golden Rule is that those with the gold make the rules, so learning the funding source explains a lot. I used to think it explained everything until I understood psychopaths. See chapter two, three, and four to learn about them.

Free copy at: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/t2feeen29q

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There is no virus! There is 5G and that tends to be saturating establishments like hotels and hospitals. Look up the symptoms of electro-magnetic radiation if you don't believe me.

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There's something, though the interaction between it and both Covid and the spike protein jabs fascinates me. I've read an odd rumor that the mass stampede deaths on Halloween in South Korea were related to mass heart attacks. If true it would indicate a radiation bomb of some sort, or that would be my best guess anyways

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