Yes, of course many of us have connected the dots. Makes one wonder WHY people are still getting the 💉 or taking a chance with theirs & their childrens’ lives! I think those who got the 💉are in denial (unless they have had side affects). Also, people are spreading misinformation about the side affects or deaths by saying it was something else. It would really help if autopsies were done on all of these “sudden deaths” & heck at this point on all deaths & one would think the dr’s & cdc etc, would WANT to find out if the 💉were to blame(which I believe the 💉are to blame for a huge majority of all). The problem is the drug companies have padded the pockets of so many people that would stop them. Sadly, it goes to show these people care more about the almighty dollar than human lives. They knew in advance what the 💉were going to do & even now with it so obvious, they spread disinformation (lies) so they can keep giving the 💉. I saw a video of Bill Gates saying he invested 10 mil & they asked him his return. & he said 20 to 1. Then another one where he said he did not make money off the 💉. He is just 1 of the greedy p.o.s without a conscience. There are many, which I am sure you all are aware. If all of us do not stop allowing these ppl to control us, it makes us no better than them. Have you heard of globalwalkout.com? Ck it out.

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I will check it out. Sometimes the autopsys don't even matter anymore. I read the story of the woman in Saskatoon, Canada who got a booster jab and dropped dead in the Shopper's Mart 7 minutes later. No health conditions and she had just been texting her daughter. They did an autopsy and claimed she died of "natural causes." What a clown world we live in. Obviously I can chop off somebody's head and they will die of natural causes too related to blood loss to their brain. One would think a real scientist somewhere would be super interested in finding out the mechanism of her sudden death from the jab to help save lives or something later. Somebody with compassion and a few working brain cells might want to immediately stop and recall at least that specific batch of shots and analyze them immediately. Instead let's just lie through our teeth and cover it up. The beatings will continue until morale improves.

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There actually are drs & others trying to help at the risk of their reps, threats made to them or even their lives. The problem is the misinformation spreaders who are, of course, either paid by the drug companies or are in denial & believe we are all nuts or lying. I find it difficult to fathom how anyone cannot see the writing on the wall, so to speak. Why do they think anyone would make these adverse reactions up? It’s beyond me why they cannot see that we are not the enemy, but are actually trying to help them by getting the truth out. If everyone would follow the $$ & just research & keep researching & listen to the injured & the drs etc. trying to get the facts out, maybe, just maybe, the ones who say the vaccines are good, will have a change of mind.

On another note, until people realize we are all being controlled by a small group of wealthy or the wealthiest, & all of us as a whole understand that we do not have to do what they say. These ppl have God complexes & feel entitled because of their bank accounts. It does NOT make them the boss of any of us. Yes, they control many people/organizations (fbi etc) but, that does not mean we as a collective cannot all come together & make changes. globalwalkout.com is a start in the right direction. Most of us just want to live our lives & be left alone, but when they start asserting their will on us & telling us how they think we should raise our children then we have the right to say no. It’s just like certain ppl are privy to certain things on this planet, but the rest of us are not (non military things) & think the rest of us are on a need to know basis. Well, what makes them so privileged. The planet is all of ours & things they find or discover should be shared with all. My point in this is that I am sick of these ppl believing they are better or should have more rights or more of a “say” in what happens to the whole. It goes back to $.

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"This does not mean that everyone who took the jabs is going to die soon." Perhaps, depending on how we define "soon." If Prof Cahill is right, soon might be 3-5 years for anyone who took even ONE shot.


"The biggest thing is to find ways to heal the jabbed." I'm not sure that is even possible, at this point. And, since Fauci controls nearly all funding for medical research, it's unlikely anyone will be able to undertake the study necessary to find a cure for his death shots.

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Perhaps but like everyone else I certainly hope not as I have many many friends and family who took this garbage. I also never underestimate the ability of he human body to heal from damage if you just let it. But the continued excess mortality is alarming and very scary. A part of me understands those who don't want to see it it is that painful to think about. We haven't gotten to everybody dies numbers but it is a big problem that is likely to get worse before it gets better

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Amy, this is an EXCELLENT article. Thank you!


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Amy, it seemed my whole Mac system was under attack the other day. Ended up reloading it from scratch, with the proper backup, but first had to wipe everything first. Otherwise could not get it to load properly. So far so good, have implemented some other security protocols.

Still would like to recover some particular files, but nothing critical.

This was definitely an external directed targeted attack not related to hacking or phishing.

Any concerted examination of my files would reveal tons of old Communist literature, recent SARS-CoV-2 literature, non-classified military, medical, political, political, climate but little not generally available with a comprehensive net search.

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One out of a ten thousand vaxxed dead So what are the chances that My friend Andres from Latvia, has now lost his Father. I learned about his brother dying when he came to visit after I hadn't seen him for a year or so. I asked him about how his brother died cuz you kow what I'm thinking. He ran his motorized bike into something. Aortic separation. HMmm?! Sounds suspicious to me but can't drill more for info. So I told Andres, :"Google died suddenly or died unexpectedly." He sheepishly said, My mother died unexpectedly. Then a month later I learn his father is in hospital with Heart Trouble. Never had heart trouble before. Now Dad is gone too. I have a limited social circle. Couple I know had just begun a live in stint taking care of of somebody;s old mom. She got vaxxed and immediately is incapacitated. can't take care of herself, at all. Can't speak. That all I know for pretty sure. 2nd Smartest had 300 at his wedding less than a year ago. now 30 are injured and 7 dead, That 7 injured to each death. The lady makes one injury I know of. Not sure people inclined to talk about those. And most people I know not Vaxxed. My experience bears no resemblance to either 1 out of 1000 nor to 1 out of 73, But from what I gather, the 1 death to 7 injuries looks like a typical spread. I think VAERS can more easily cover deaths than it can injuries cuz, of a number of different reasons.

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I keep hoping that most of the apex parasites in power were dumb enough to get the shots with the corresponding damage. So far I only remember seeing two mentions of congresscritters kicking off from what looks like injection damage.

If the apex parasites were removed from the equation the rest of us would have increased odds of survival.

One thing that makes me hold a little more hope for the future is that most of the survivors of the bioweapon test program could end up being us noncompliant types who didn't buy into it.

If so, it'll be harder for the tyrants to maintain control as we begin to be a greater proportion, or maybe even a majority, of the population.

I feel sorry for the suffering of those who got coerced into being injected, and even those who let themselves be suckered into believing in the program. Unless they're in positions of power, I'm not necessarily wishing them to reap the known effects of the injections. But, at the same time, I'm not unhappy that the tendency to compliance is reducing the numbers of the compliant.

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Ah makes sense. At that rate we’re at Logan’s Run by 2030. Maybe thats how they picked the “30”.

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Oct 2, 2022
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I think substack found a profitable market niche though I am sure the pressure is on them. Being a long term antivax person I already saw the space brownlisted, blacklisted and demonetized YEARS ago. I got in the habit of memorizing author names, not publications and learned a few things about RSS feeds. Thus far I haven't had to use it in part because what they like to do with smaller voices like me that are just piping in is brownlist them: basically make sure you have no followers no likes and nobody sees your work. Part of my consideration for changing my name to Amy Sukwan (which by the way is pronounced sook wahn) was precisely because I saw the power of a unique name, i.e. I am the only person with this name (it is my husband's last name, obviously). Now that is getting real interesting because I did a google search yesterday for a publication I had done and google has wiped my data: nothing about my profile on goodreads or substack or the article I was looking for could be found. My web results almost entirely centered around my book the Secret Marriage, which sold like two copies, even though I have other books that did better (Even 21 Things to Do With Jackfruit did better) so they are brownlisting big time. Their problem is they depend on the tech manipulations too, plus a critical mass is being reached. VAIDS is the big problem I see moving forward...I plan on writing a follow up about my jabbed friends in Collage of Compliance. All of them...

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Oct 2, 2022
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I sent links to some of my featured friends and family in the Collage of Compliance series. The silence was, well, deafening. Two things that I know well that people do not want to think about is their mortality and that they allowed themselves to be deceived. Covidcon has both elements. I would be terrified if I was jabbed to contemplate sudden death too much, though through personal experience I have a clear view of risk. I know every time I hop on a motorbike to go to 7 Eleven something could happen. I get on the motorbike anyways. I do see substack traffic move around a bit over time I had some heavy followers early on who dropped off but new ones have been popping up and generally it's been growing, slowly but steadily. People based in Thailand tend to be most consistently supportive. I think they give certain antivaxxers who have reached a critical mass an outspoken voice because it gives the illusion of a free market, but then they slander them of course. For most of the rest you will muddle along in obscurity as the bots play mind games...

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