Yes...the walkie talkie one was super funny!

Life can be terminated with a swift bullet, but the person can die slowly. I was impressed by this fact when my second husband (we had divorced but remained super good friends and eventually even roommates at the time of his death from colon cancer) was in hospice and dying. I wasn't able to see him often because I was working five 12-hour shifts (which translated with commute time and preparation of my vehicle for the shift into 14-hour days away from home) so I could afford the rent and various utility payments due (since he had been dividing expenses with me). When I did see him, I observed how very extended the death process can be. He had accepted his colon cancer diagnosis and elected no treatment. I think he thought that he would rapidly die. He was a fellow Buddhist; he had no fear of death. Yet, I remarked to him the last time I saw (I was phoned during work and informed of his death that week) that, although he was well prepared to die, life has a tendency to hang on. He nodded and agreed with me.

Poisoning people, whether not not through smartdust and nanotechnology or scalar waves, is a slow process. Look at the huge numbers of cancer, strokes, heart issues, and neurological problems people who accepted the injection continue to encounter and fight even today so many years after the initial injections (as predicted by many doctors and researchers).

I saw my hairdresser yesterday. I only see her every three months because my hair has grown long since retiring and I need little service. I'm her first appointment. She immediately entered the salon, engaged with me, and went to the restroom to throw up.

My hairdresser remains the one last contact I have with people I knew prior to Covid. My Buddhist organization recommended the injection and required national leaders to vaxx. I no longer interact with them. My herbalist threw me out of her house when I said, very gently, that not everyone needed to vaxx to "end" the pandemic.

I haven't asked my hairdresser if she accepted the vaxx. Every avenue of approach felt invasive. We've been longtime acquaintances and friends to some extent purely through appointments--although those appointments go back decades. She's had this "problem" intermittently for four years. She can't keep food in her stomach. She tolerates meat and apples only at this point. She's getting every kind of scan and test starting next week. She's had previous testing with inconclusive results.

So, I'm chanting for her. For her to get well. For a valid diagnosis to present. For effective treatment to begin.

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I think they kill us slowly which means more money they can extract. And maybe even enjoy the slow torture eating the dark energy.

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The massage therapist in Bangkok that my wife and I go to has a similar story. Buddhist, multiple jabs, found her husband dead in the Lotus pose two years ago, and now rushes out of her sessions to throw up.

I'm willing to give Trump and RFK Jr. more time, but keeping these shots on the market hurts the injured people even if they aren't taking them anymore. It's like a rejection of what they went through to see them advertised as safe to take six or seven times.

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I agree DWB. I'm so delighted these days to see more and more studies, doctors, and researchers calling for the removal of mRNA treatment for infectious diseases. It doesn't work as we who read on this subject know. I say "infectious" because I realize that Western medicine has developed treatments for cancer and other diseases using this technology. IF the patient is offered this treatment, they have the prerogative to accept or decline. I try always to side with choice and freedom in choosing medical therapies. Otherwise, other than highly experimental procedures for known diseases, I liked what Kennedy said about mRNA therapy: this treatment for infectious diseases has not been thoroughly tested nor proven. I would add, imo, that the treatment even appears an abysmal failure and dangerous. Kennedy seems to be employing a cautious strategy to avoid an overt resistant response while Trump appears to continue pacifying a Big Pharma contingent as evidenced by his welcome to Bourla, attending a Black History month event, who was roundly booed from people present in the room.

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The walkie talkie one! 😂😂😂

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Great Memes!!! Love the Jesus taken the wheels, and dude I told him you have the same powers.

My 28 year old son constantly challenged me about his thoughts being his OWN are they my thoughts he ask?

How do we know for certain?

Think this falls into category: KNOW THYSELF

When I have creepy thoughts I just say get behind me Satan and thoughts leave.

It seems very real they are sending thoughts waves by EMF etc

we got some 5-6 billion vaxxed.,

They spent tons of money to convince people.

Are the globalist afraid of US?

they are absolutely terrified of US

in each a divine spark

Thinking it takes only a few to raise the many

Why else would they spend billions chemtrailing us

Putting poison in on good

Building these 5G towers

Injecting poisons

Wanting people subjected to cave man

zero power net zero not to make any offense to

The global warming monster that

Is the new boogey man


Eternal threat to our safety

Keep us in fear

In 15 minute cities

Fearing the next fake virus


Invading countries to F with community and traditions and nation’s sovereignty

Muslims creating issues in Europe

Why is the death cult so gung ho to:

Aborting babies

Vaxxing babies

Set blue team vs red teams

Always an enemy Russia

Me thinks there is a divine force that exist

However seems the demonic forces have the




MAD Psycopaths power deluxe

Since Divine is authentic True Power

it is the True Way

As Christ demonstrated by his passion

Or Buddha

Or Lao Tzu


Lucifer is a counterfeit god

attacks all sacred

Our soul

Our family




seem to be in an ascension of exposure of the evil


our own government using our own taxes to

support bioweapons


Terrorist Groups

Overthrowing governments our own too.

Now all things secret come to light

Revelation Maybe we can all experience a better life

That is more aligned with Spirit love

Family peace prosperity

Just think things could be better. For the first time in my awake political awareness life I actually feel optimistic about our direction

I think we underestimate our own divine power

Think the evil fuckers want to keep us in doubt guilt and shame

Ok sermon of the Roll your own Stone is over

Each of us is Divine!! Jesus said if you only knew dudes dudettes Mountain move

If you had Faith the size of a mustard seed

We play too small me thinks

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Lots of good ones here!

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Zelensky and globalist Empire feeding Baal

Spot on

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Do you wake often around 3 am? Did you know that nighttime is when the NOTSmartmeters send their data usage bundles, and your house power spikes and wakes you up. It is common now, but there is a fix. Take the circuit breaker challenge; just one night where you shut off the circuit breaker.

We did not consent to this unlawful and dangerous interference of radio frequency in our homes. Try just one night were you are not disturbed by these health robbing NOTSmartmeters. (Low blood oxygen is just one ill effect, does that sound....familiar?) Email me at my name, all one word, at protonmail. com and tell me if you get better sleep with the NOTSmartmeter off.

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If you can't hide a crime scene...

Love it!

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the one with the dog playing mosad was very funny

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I feel like a half wit, I don't get the "So I was like..." meme :(

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Frances, You're not the only one.... I'm an older person now (73) and getting used to not understanding many of the memes posted by younger people.

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Thanks for the support!!!

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