That was fun. The apocalyptic outfit - my favorite - followed closely with wake up call. Nice. Danka needed the laugh.

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Mar 3, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

This set runs the gamit. Funny --> sad.

So glad I am not growing up in these recent generations.

LOVED the before/after pic of the tomboy who idolized her older brother. Similar story here. Because I was good at sports, thought I wanted to be a boy. LOL! So glad my mother couldn't remember to call me by my preferred "boy" nickname. It died a quick death back then. Now days - who knows what could've happened? Just sayin'

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Mar 3, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

My fav scene in Fargo is the scene where the couple is in bed, and the husband is lamenting that his design for stamps only made it on the 3 cent stamp....and how his wife comforts him by saying that when they raise postage the 3 cent stamp is needed....https://www.shmoop.com/fargo/three-cent-stamp-symbol.html Rock on for your ducks drawing, am glad you still have it. Ducks are really my favorite creatures, Muscovey ducks especially. I wrote a song to my Muscovey, her name was Haroldella. https://soundcloud.com/jacquelynsauriol/01-ode-to-heraldella?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing

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Mar 4, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

Synonym rolls.

Very delicious.

IMHO, Vietnamese and cassia synonym, 50/50, for best flavor.

Don't forget the Organic butter, and use enough salt. ;)

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Why do I think liberal dem woke madness is going to get much worse before it gets better?

Maybe because I just spent the morning on a liberal heterodox website being called a fascist, narcissist, liar, troll repeatedly. I kept telling them, check your shadow projection, but it only made them more vicious.

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Good day to laugh, lol. Love the synonym rolls. And of course the apocalyptic fashion statement. Someone should do transgender fashion. Fascists never fail to provide sources for comedy.

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Mar 4, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

That was great!

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