Jun 21Liked by Amy Sukwan

Damn Amy! You’re an excellent artist! That looks like chalk???? Very cool! 😎

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Jun 21Liked by Amy Sukwan

Or pencil…

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It's colored pencil I think the outline was sketched in pencil and charcoal. The rough dimensions are 32 by 24 or so. Thanks... :-)

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Jun 21Liked by Amy Sukwan

Thanks Amy! ✝️💜

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Empowering acts to decide that internal changes need be made. I’ve given up cannabis, tobacco,

Worrying, will continue with my coffee and cream.

War might be coming I’d like to it start at our own southern border actually. And evacuate all of up to 60 million invaders. Ukraine one wonders that if we could connect the demonic pedophile world masters who insist on protecting itself from a winless war …

So bc the democrats have essentially no candidate, for the avoidance of an election WW 3 is started

And you’re sending a group of kids who have been

Vaxxed and influenced by hating America 🇺🇸

And that may not work out very well.

I saw a Rebel Flag today!! Don’t see many now.

The Gay long flag will definitely help keep out all undesirables. And do any of these illegal guest ever had a vaxxine?

I’m thinking Trump Wins then all hell breaks loose.

Hoping the white patriot hats have their act together because if not we may go Mad Max

That Rebel Flag dust off…

Nice drawing Amy!!!

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Thanks fellow Pisces. I've been reading the outrage porn regarding mass deportation of illegals and, having endured five years of hell on my husband's visa to come to America thus far, I have a different take. This pendulum will swing back too far methinks.

For one thing the LEGAL immigration process, especially if it is not sponsored by a corporate entity or NGO which has bought our whore politicians in order to suppress wages for American people via HB1 visas and other schemes, is extraordinarily difficult and costly. Because of this a lot of people with family in America fall through the cracks and in certain situations might feel they have no choice but an illegal border crossing to join with loved ones. Their illegal status is held against them for the rest of their life, creating a caste class who can be further exploited to suppress wages for the American working class and used to divide and conquer via race wars by the elites against everyone else. Those immigrants can be used as scapegoats and some performance theater by our grand politicians can be used to look like they're doing something. Obviously these corporations have a heavy vested interest in not doing a damned thing but they can use anti immigrant legislation to tighten the noose and create a slave class. Obviously this benefits them.

The second thing is this. Strong anti immigration policies in Asia are based on a common sense approach of disincentivizing especially illegal stays. They are also based on racial homogeneity (ie I stand out as a white person in Thailand).

With point one this is really common sense things like making it close to impossible to get a job (free benefits are out of the question), travel freely, put your child in school, or obtain medical assistance unless you pay for it out of pocket. You also need a visa stamp assumed before you even board the plane or cross the border. Since there are no freebies there's very low incentive for migrant hoardes, unlike in America where they've been promised all expenses paid and sums of money that might be more than they could earn in a year in their home country.

But one problem I see here is with point number two, which is the racial homogeneity of most Asian countries, which are shockingly populated by overwhelmingly Asian people. You stand out here as a non Asian person. America's melting pot diversity makes this mass deportation pipe dream more likely to spark civil war and gross injustices. How can you tell visually an African American for generations from a Moroccan illegal who entered last month, or a multi generational Cuban family from that Venezualan rapist you heard about? You can't...

I think changing the incentive structure is the only peaceful way to deal with this. It's a tall task...

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Good memes Amy, I did grin out loud at Blame The Planets!

Getting your Ka Visa to the U.S.: I wonder if it would be useful and not too costly dealing with a professional firm for the paperwork hassle? I don't know anything, pro or con, about these guys; https://www.siam-legal.com/US_Visa/us-visa-tourist.php , and I am definitely not recommending them or anything , but I came across them on the net and passing it along just in case if may be of use.

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Liked by Amy Sukwan

Love it. None of us waste time wringing our hands when we're all looking for solutions.

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Right now I might need a lawyer to deal with the doctors. THe big holdup is that they want the medical certificate. I'm looking into a second opinion (literally). Thanks for the link..

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Re: Automatic registration for the draft, the despicable House passed it a week ago, but as far as I know the Senate hasn't. If anyone has any updates on HR 8070, please let me know. Until the NDAA is passed we can still call the Senators with some outrage ...


Great stuff as always Amy, thanks!

~~ j ~~

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Jun 21Liked by Amy Sukwan

No intention to quit smoking, booze, or coffee.

I'll learn astrology!

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Jun 21Liked by Amy Sukwan

Amy. Amy. How do you find the BEST memes on the planet?

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Her secret is she does it herself, no staff attends to it for her.

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LOL that is correct! I just go with what I see that inspires me, makes me laugh or makes me think. I'm the first to admit that virtually none of them were created by me...but the commentary is my own...

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Jun 21Liked by Amy Sukwan

And that's correct; with everything I know today I wouldn't enlist in the military.

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My very military family on my dad's side universally warned me and my brother off of joining in the Post 9/11 years. Patriotism was at an all time high and I was naive, so in looking back I'm grateful for the warnings. It's only gotten worse since then

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Jun 21Liked by Amy Sukwan

Quitting coffee is no joke. Good job! I made the choice to wean myself from coffee when I was preparing to go to Air Force Basic Training, because I knew it wouldn't be available there. I started weeks in advance, cutting it with decaf then straight decaf. No headaches or tiredness when I was all quit, and I did sleep better. I started again later, but limit myself to two cups in the morning no matter what.

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Quitting coffee was no joke for me either. It started with a random thing some weeks ago where in switching busses from Bangkok to Isaan land up north we had to rush onto the bus and many places in Thailand to this day do not offer hot coffee. So long story short I went about 48 hours without coffee and had a pounding headache on the bus which got me thinking about how I had never quit coffee since I started. A few days later I had a dream about doing so and decided it was time to do it. It was really tough for the first week or so. I bought some herbal non caffeinated tea but it was pre sweetened to syrupy levels making it practically worse than nothing at all in the morning. I tried Milo and a few other hot beverages but that first week was a lot of headaches, a lot of irritability, and I suddenly discovered that I like Siestas. Sometimes it's interesting just to challenge yourself

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Nature is heavenly.

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Giving up dependency is the definition of independence.

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Terrific selections.

Thanks Amy.

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If you don’t want to learn astrology you can learn feng shui and blame the furniture

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Neil Oliver, talking with Tucker Carlson, made a point about how 5% of a population makes dramatic differences. For example, the number of American colonists who took up arms against England were nearly insignificant compared to the sum of all American colonists. “For three-quarters of the war, few middle-class Americans bore arms in the Continental Army” (smithsonianmag.com). Consider how a few wealthy elites have controlled the masses, and take courage understanding the power of a few, right? I like your idea of cleaning up my own act and seeing the impact a better me has on my limited sphere of influence. It only takes a few like “better me” to ignite a mass of “better us.” History proves that truth, and hope inspires us to keep chipping away at the corruption and weakness in and around us.

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