I started my first substack in November of 2021. That year was, on every level, devastating to me. Mask mandates, Covid vaccine mandates (there was one in place for entering Phuket at the time) and Covid stupid had nearly confined me, my husband and our daughter to our modest bungalow here in Thailand. A combination of factors meanwhile had caused my income from editing to drop to almost nothing. I’d been known to be a long time antivaxxer, so as the rhetoric heated up, I noticed long time friends who seemed to fall out of the picture. My savings had dried up and credit cards were shutting me down to whatever I had already spent. The two books I had published in 2021 had sold about one copy each.
I am still digging out financially from the devastating blow, and your support is greatly appreciated. I don’t normally call out who my paid subscribers or generous ko-fi donaters are, as one early one made clear that the donation should be anonymous. I suspected that a few friends or family members who had been long time readers might have made their way on here, but that with the mood at the time they might not have wanted to be identified.
Beyond financial support, however, the feedback and commentary has allowed me to evolve the conversation and also to watch as other substack writers likewise evolve. We’re long past the fallout from the Covid mandates. A lot of people woke up, incrementally, to the idea that the world is controlled by a eugenicist elite intent on plunder, enslavement, and depopulation. As this period of increased deaths and decresed births continues, I think we need to begin turning to spiritual solutions.
Dr. Ana writes:
In this groundbreaking interview, my dear soul sister Cathy O’Brien and I discuss Mind Control historically and today implemented through the C19 nanotechnological synthetic biology weapons, media indoctrination and frequency weapons. I first read Cathy’s books over 15 years ago, as they were required reading at Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment. She and Mark Phillips came to RSE in 1996 to present their evidence.
Indeed, her books are enlightening to the degree that they shatter everything you ever believed about reality in US government and politics.
We discuss the DARPA Artificial Intelligence supercomputer that is mind hacking humanity, the satanic elitist plan to control and exterminate humanity and how vaccines were always a major planned part of this. We discuss the meaning of the assault on human blood, pedophilic child sacrifice and adrenochrome and how blood has been used to exert mindful control over the people. Cathy explains how the CIA infiltrated satanic circles and started using blood sacrifice and child ritual abuse for their MK- Ultra programs - imported from the Nazi knowledge through Operation Paperclip.
Cathy also discusses how the Bushes and Clintons were planning the absolute Mind Control through low frequency vibration like HAARP - which Clifford Carnicom and I proved in our groundbreaking research on the extremely low frequency susceptibility of C19 injected blood.
Have you ever been miraculously healed from something? Perhaps a long time medical problem in which neither conventional medicine or alternative medicine were ever able to fully address? In my post from a few days ago I was able to piece together something about my husband’s healing from epilepsy that I had never considered before: perhaps our brainwaves during sleep had synched in a way that healed him.
Sometimes I think the true third rail is the energetic frequency. It began with my comment that I do not believe that Jesus Christ healed people per say as much as he energetically attracted those who were ready to heal themselves. This sparked an interesting discussion:
24 hr agoLiked by Amy Sukwan
“His frequency attracted those who were ready to heal themselves.” Reminded me of this: “And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years, but no one could heal her. She came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped. ‘Who touched me?’ Jesus asked. When they all denied it, Peter said, ‘Master, the people are crowding and pressing against you.’ But Jesus said, ‘Someone touched me; I know that power has gone out from me.’ Then the woman, seeing that she could not go unnoticed, came trembling and fell at his feet. In the presence of all the people, she told why she had touched him and how she had been instantly healed. Then he said to her, ‘Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.’“ (Luke 8:43-48, Mark 5:25-34, Matthew 9:20-22) Frequency like a magnet. These are particularly good times to stay in range and tuned in.
21 hr agoAuthor
It is. I was not saying that Jesus did nothing per say but more that I saw it as an energetic dance between two partners...
8 hr agoLiked by Amy Sukwan
In 2016 I had a cardiac arrest. It was so sudden and painful that I could barely take a breath to speak. My son lined up his heart chi with my heart pulse on my wrist and he stopped it immediately. We both have absolute faith in exchange of chi (electro-magnetic energy) and so this did not surprise us.
I went to hospital for all the usual tests immediately but I never mentioned how I had recovered so quickly. I did not think they would understand.
5 hr agoAuthor
That's amazing! There's so many things we don't know or understand about healing in the body and much of this is because they've been incentivized specifically not to look at it. My husband has or had (hopefully past tense) epilepsy: every few months or so, usually in clusters, he would have grand mal seizures (the worst grade: foaming at the mouth, stiff body, loss of consciousness). This had followed on from a motorbike accident/head injury decades ago. I was advised by doctors to keep his head upright, put something in his mouth to keep him from biting his tongue, and time them, as any which lasted more than four minutes can cause brain damage. He was also prescribed a few different medicines for this, one was like this super sleeping pill that turned him into a zombie and another which seemed to be tolerated but did not stop the seizures. I tried supplements (melatonin, magnesium, niacin flush et cetera). He stopped taking anything and the seizures have stopped, on their own, with the last one being in June of 2021. But I've been sleeping next to him every night and sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night it is disorienting: I cannot figure out where my body starts and his body ends. I've had other partners in the past but nothing which ever has gone to this level. It's more than just synching heartbeats it's like synching brainwaves and I think it is what has led to the seizures (which predated me by over a decade) going away...
2 hr agoLiked by Amy Sukwan
100% agree. It struck me that Jesus said, “Your faith has healed you” instead of “I healed you” or "my cloak healed you." It's like her faith and his healing power became partners on the same “frequency.”
I had a few people who asked me about what had cured my husband of epilepsy. I could not give an explanation for it, but thanks to my wonderful substack commenters, I was able to link it to brain waves. I can think of a few other times when miraculous healing happened to me in my life. In January of 2019 I had to go to the hospital with what was later diagnosed as antibiotic resistent e coli. I took two rounds of antibiotics, ended up in the ER again, and at best the medicine prescribed kept me out of the hospital. My stomach always felt quesy no matter what I ate and worse if I didn’t eat. Oddly the food that was best tolerated was the most energetcially dead, like a McDonald’s double cheeseburger or something. I think it was because antibiotic and pesticide laden food kept the e coli more in check.
I tried probiotics, prebiotics, cleanses, flushes and nothing made it go away. But in March of 2019 I flew back to Thailand to be with my husband. The stomach pains stopped within 2—3 days of arriving. I don’t have an explanation of it.
Have you ever experienced an unexplained healing? This is the Rumble link to the excellent Cathy O’Brien interview…
More healing music:
People having the ability to self heal is definitely not undocumented. Consider all of the people participating in double blind studies. Some of those people have been cured/recovered, and were on the placebo. What is the explanation for that?
Sometimes, placebo performs better than the test medication.
The deeper we explore the evil and read it, discover it, the more insidious this whole pandemic becomes to demoralize our attitudes. Seems to the whole dark agenda is to get us angry, lash out. The whole transvestite attacks, now Biden says we are going to block the Sun. Watching Biden act his clown show is part of the act. Bumbling. While they surgically strip our rights.
The enemy wants us upset. Wants us to go to them to heal. Wants us reliant on them for our safety, security. While we face WW 3, border invasions, food prices, gender controversy, come on man.
They want your mind, then they’ll corrupt your body, steal your soul.
Within each of us, is the Christ that awaits our turning away from mankind, and totally in Faith Trust that what can change water to wine, calm a storm at sea, raise the dead, heal the wounded,
“ Even you can do more than me”
We just need to call on Jesus by name and ask
And allow with all the Faith we can generate.
We are the Healing we’ve been waiting for.