People having the ability to self heal is definitely not undocumented. Consider all of the people participating in double blind studies. Some of those people have been cured/recovered, and were on the placebo. What is the explanation for that?

Sometimes, placebo performs better than the test medication.

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I wrote about wanting to study the placebo effect in graduate school: https://amysukwan.substack.com/p/studying-the-placebo-effect-a-study It's a fascinating area of study which is normally sidelined. Yet some people seem to heal from their belief in n intervention and others seem to get better with no help at all. Perhaps for some it is the power of prayer...

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Years ago, 20-20 had John Stossel! I real journalist.

John always had the most interesting stories. One that comes to mind was about neck pain. All during the 80s there were commercials about neck pain medication. There were numerous neck pain pills.

But then, as if overnight, everyone had lower back pain. In the 90s we were inundated with commercials for Doan's Back Pills and other seemingly magic pills that could "target" your pain. Total nonsense but commercials still running constantly.

John was interested in why chronic pain switched from neck, to back. How did that make any sense? The subject for his piece was his brother. John’s brother suffered from chronic back pain, he had been checked out and there was no mechanical damage to his spine.

Then Stossel quoted a university study, where they looked at back pain cases for hundreds of people. Many of the people that had verifiable mechanical injuries, reported no issues with back pain, while many people who had no damage had chronic back pain.

None of it really made any sense, unless it was a mental thing. Perhaps that’s part of why placebos work sometimes. The issues are not mechanical, they are mental. There is something that is causing the pain sensation relative to stress, or some other external stimuli.

I’ve always considered chronic pain a possibility because of allergies, and how people react to things they are allergic to. I have had fevers because of allergies. But if I use an allergy medication, the fever would go away. Allergies are the bodies response to something. If you can have a fever, why can’t you have other reactions, ones that might cause pain?

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The mental processes are just not studied at all. My husband's epilepsy supposedly spanned on from a ype of brain injury where seizures can be the result about 50% of the time. But why 50%? Some people with the exact same type of neurological injury never developed it at all. Nobody really knows why. I knew his were much worse during times of stress but there wasn't a clear rhyme or reason and medicine was useless. Then they just went away...

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Right. They are never studying the anomalies. It's just like the cholesterol nonsense. Good and bad cholesterol. The whole reasoning behind the administration of statin drugs is based on a study that never linked cholesterol with plaque buildup in arteries. There was no causal connection between the two.

There are many people with through the roof "bad" cholesterol, and absolutely no arterial plaque buildup. Why is nobody studying them?

Because they aren’t looking for the cause of the plaque buildup, they have a drug to treat cholesterol levels.

The reason this hits home to me is an older friend of mine. He had to have a triple bypass. He was feeling down, and went to the doctor. They found out that he had grown his own bypass, which apparently isn’t that uncommon.

After the surgery, they put him on statin drugs to lower his cholesterol. Next thing you know, he has another blockage within 9 months. So what good did the statin drugs do? It took 60+ years for his first blockage, then 9 months for the next blockage -- with the drugs that are supposed to stop it?

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I think that most drugs brought to market have had diminishing returns in terms of real world health for decades. What they've gotten better at is gaming regulatory agencies based on hypothetical connections, ignoring of side effects and grift. The metric that should ALWAYS be used is all cause mortality. Who cares if a Covid jab say made it less likely to have Covid by half if it quadrupled my risk of a heart attack? Who cares if Gardasil prevents HPV if it causes POTS and infertility? They've been gaming statistics with very narrowly defined metrics for a long time...

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Absolutely. It's just like the survivability for COVID-19. The CDC doesn't list that value as percentage of survivors. It's listed as "infection fatality ratio." Why? Because most people don't know how to convert a ratio to a percentage. So the numbers are large and confusing. They do this both ways.

If the ratio looks "bad," or otherwise doesn't support the outcome they are trying to push, they'll convert it to a percentage, and if the percentage looks bad, they'll convert it to a ratio.

Percentage of survivors = 100 - (Fatality Ratio*100)

It's always a game to keep people looking in one thing and not at the big picture, and you're 100% right about Gardasil. it's a horrible vaccine that's injured countless numbers of people! They were trying to offer that to my 11-year-old son at a pediatric care visit! I said HELL NO!

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I used to have chronic, disabling lower back pain, so much so I ended up having to quit my job but was denied disability. Starting in late 2019, I unexpectedly lost 50+ pounds due to another condition, and poof, my lower back pain has disappeared. I wasn't really "that" much overweight according to the standard height/weight scales. My BMI was 26. Much of my extra weight was in my hips and butt, common for the women of my family. Not one of the multitudes of doctors I saw, ever suggested losing weight as a solution, but surgery and lots of pills were. Now, I'm considered underweight with a BMI of 18 but feel and look pretty good, especially considering my age.

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I'd guess my BMI is around the same as yours right now. I've had times it rose to right around 25-26 also. I tend to think it's better to be thinner than fatter, though I suppose weight can serve a protective purpose in some people. To good health!

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You're right. That's the same thing that happened with my wife. She was overweight, and having more pain and general uncomfortableness. When she lost weight, the majority of her problems went away.

It doesn't have to be the weight itself that does it though. The state your body is in relative to any given weight changes many aspects.

The best book I've seen on the subject is "The Obesity Code" by Jason Fung. He covers countless studies, and goes over the effects of elevated insulin levels, and how that can effect other bodily processes. You can get the book on Amazon Kindle for $10. It's really interesting.

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The deeper we explore the evil and read it, discover it, the more insidious this whole pandemic becomes to demoralize our attitudes. Seems to the whole dark agenda is to get us angry, lash out. The whole transvestite attacks, now Biden says we are going to block the Sun. Watching Biden act his clown show is part of the act. Bumbling. While they surgically strip our rights.

The enemy wants us upset. Wants us to go to them to heal. Wants us reliant on them for our safety, security. While we face WW 3, border invasions, food prices, gender controversy, come on man.

They want your mind, then they’ll corrupt your body, steal your soul.

Within each of us, is the Christ that awaits our turning away from mankind, and totally in Faith Trust that what can change water to wine, calm a storm at sea, raise the dead, heal the wounded,

“ Even you can do more than me”

We just need to call on Jesus by name and ask

And allow with all the Faith we can generate.

We are the Healing we’ve been waiting for.

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Beautiful post ☀️

Thank you.

I have been in a similar space, particularly since the beginning of this year. I struggle to find a balance between the darkness and my ever increasing awareness of the evils that most certainly exist, and a very strong calling to be the light which I seek.

I will be opening my Friday meditation session up to the substack community (hoping for this Friday). It is a sound bath, often with gentle guided breath work, and occasionally some discussion after. The Tibetan singing bowls, crystal bowls, Zaphir chimes, tubing forks, among a few other instruments kept me sane during this crazy few years. I truly believe that we have the power to heal and that raising our collective vibration has more potential than most imagine.

At any rate, I’ll post a link here when I get it all together. It will be free for any and all.

Thank you again for your post today. I needed it on a breather from a pretty long drive...and Dr Ana’s interview was a perfect listen. 🙏🏼☀️

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It is so difficult to keep balance during these times. On the one hand there is increasing knowledge of the evil in the world, but I think there will be diminishing returns on those just railing against it, as this promotes a type of hopelessness and also feeds the monster with energy. I also see dminishing returns for data driven STEM types: we already know. I often tune out by listening to music and haven't changed that. Sometimes I like to sing, which seems to raise the collective vibration a great deal. Please post here I will check it out!

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Strangely enough, I did. This is back around Y2K, I had broken my shoulder (again) in a motorbike accident, and it refused to heal (like the first time when I was 17). The grey haired surgeon said we will x-ray it again and if it still hasn't begun to heal we'll be looking at at non-union or a plate with 6 screws. It had had an incredibly long screw in it, about 4 months too long now.

Well, the day came and I went for the x-ray, and then waited for the reading. I prayed to the Lord to help me make the right decision. Then, the doc called me out to the x-ray, "Look, it's a miracle, it's healing right up."

God had spared me of making a decision, he made it for me.

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It's beautiful when that happens. Sometimes you just have to trust God...

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Some believe the original Essenes came from Buddhist countries. The Buddhist waited for Maitreya. The Jews and the Essenes probably waited for a Messiah. Both Buddhists and Christians like to hold their hands together in front of their hearts. It is very similar.

When Yehoshua [Jesus], born a Jew, baptized, probably with the Essenes, he probably began a his life like some kind of monk with healing abilities. When the Christians begin to be mentioned, we hear nothing more about the Essenes, so they appear to be the same group.

Yehoshua often sat in stillness and owned nothing, the Buddhist monks do it too, AND they are plentiful in Buddhist countries. I bet their compassionate vibrations have a very strong healing effect on the community.

When I arrived in Thailand, my dermatitis disappeared in a few days and never returned. I began meditation i Laos and met Yahweh for the first time in Cambodia, shortly afterward.

When I came home, I was chocked by the general sadness in Sweden. Very strong contrast. Thailand is in general more mentally healthy.

Begin ecological farming, even if you begin in a limited way! You learn from doing.

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It is limited but we do some ecological farming I've even written a few books about it. The vibration is different here my dreams often have greater spiritul clarity. It is believed in some Vedic texts that Jesus spent his lost years, between the ages of 12 and 30 or so where there's nothing really said about him, in India...

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Hey Amy. The meme up top is makin' me laff out loud right now.

I started the 9 frequency vid you included and then opened two more browsers with different frequencies playing behind yours. I picked them at random and they fit together. I'm gonna open a few more browsers playing different frequencies. This is very unusual...EDIT: 7 browsers, 7 different frequencies. I'm listening as I type these words. Headphones. They all fit together somehow.

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That's really cool! Maybe I'll try that myself...

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Amy, you were talking about healing your husband. I think that’s very real thing:

First I Ching says when we raise our inner self we raise those around us. All that are connected to you.

Also a Neruda poem that’s talks about no physical boundaries between two people who are deeply connected. I’ll find that poem.

Lastly: recently heard a gentleman from podcast say we are living in a soup of atoms. There are no physical borders between bodies, we may appear as solid where skin ends.

Since Love is the Apex of our existence then

Love plays vitally to our healing ourselves and others.

IOU a Neruda poem:

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I'd love to read it!

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Pablo Neruda

I love you without knowing how

or from where

i love you simply

without problems

or pride


I love you in this way

because i do not know any loving but this

in which there is no i or you

so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand

that when i fall asleep

your eyes close

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Beautiful! It sounds about right. It made me think of my husband's favorite song for me (English subtitles version): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsHNUOgJJZU

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One of my favorite poems.

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Thanks for the song, and subtitles !!!

Eternal is Love. What is deeply established remains by roots and wings.

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When I get inside later on laptop

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Living to Die Another Day

Inspired by Cody Jinx song Lifers

Living to die another day

Getting knocked down,

Getting back up,

When theres nothing more to say

When the sunsets

When the bones ache

Working all day

All just to live another way

Blood, sweat, tears, take

Their toll comes what may

Night comes to awake

Tucking under the bedroll

Goodbye Sun

Moons passing by

Crossing connections memories, miles all cry

Eagles fly solo

Six Pelicans in tight formation

There too I go

One indivisible Nation

Just within a breath away

Heading upriver

Living to die another day

The modern world of social media hacks twitter

Technocrats still say...

"Get Back In Line,

Stay in your own lane,

Only speak when spoken to"

A surveillance state of pain

The only way is standing up and breaking through.

Kings buried down Cemetery Lane

Death the great equalizer will happen to you too

Finnegan Gets back on his horse

Time to flaming loose, timing to unwind

Unwinding time

Simple of course

Riding East chasing the perimeter

Along the canyon walls

Where nature takes him by a Holy Force

Part silence, spaciousness, stars, singing her source

Out here we are:....

Living to die another day

Working until the day is done

Moving Heaven and Earth

With our hammers, shovels, trucks

Momma gave me birth

In God We Trust

On the perimeter looking in

Until the day is done

Get back to the throwbacks

Getting to the heart of the matter

Calling out bull shit and the Mad Hatter

When life is held in the balance

When the life we all knew lay shatters

When my conversations go to the Throne

When the small crowds in laughter

Living to die another day

Until the day is done

Till the blood moon comes

Till the imagination runs

Streaming miles and scenes

With people walk between the seams

Out here nothing is as it seems

Out here we are:....

Cascading down the East sides

God, rolls out before dawn

Lighting his dancing rooms of countrysides

Shines his lights upon

Living to die another day

Until the days done

Dancing with the sage, and canyons rims

The cresting river waves

To the barges, trains, traffic begins

Engines wind,

Tires roll,

Weaving with the strong winds

On we all go

Go again

Living to die another day

Until the day is done

Where friends and messages come

Staying alive these days is the way

Sudden deaths


Turbo cancers

Auto dissorders

In our immune system we trust

Not manmade law and orders

Hard to trust anyone these days

Critical point where time leaves a mark

These wounds cut deep and we say....

Living to die another day

Until the day is done.

We don't give up,

We dont feel intimitaded

Cowboy Up

Perhaps a bit more jaded

Living to die another day

Until the day is done

Till we have the Serpents on the run






Someday you will say

Living to die another day

When the day is done

Imagining that day

Where truth will belong

Telling you my friend

You too will be an I AM

When Integrity Always Matters

When there is a fire in your belly

When A Holy Spirit moves you on

When the quicksilver mind becomes

Living to die another day

Until The Kingdom Comes

When the work day is done

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Jul 2, 2023
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Breaking out of unhealthy relationships can certainly lead to healing and staying in one which has been outgrown can negatively affect health. Part of the problem with the medical care model is that such a wholistic view is almost never mentioned or acknowledged: it's always just take this pill. It's a sd state of affairs..

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