way too many out there who still don’t understand that they are victims.

really worried that the next time the focus will be on the kids.

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They've been going after the kids for a while now...

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yes, if not another fake pandemic that specifically targets them, then converting all the childhood schedule to mrna

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Kids were dying from traditionl vaccines just not in large enough numbers to alert the rest, so to speak. With mRNA I'm not sure there would be any kids left after a few years of the childhood schedule. I can't imagine any children surviving it...

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Yes, I also cannot imagine babies of mRNA modified mums (and dads) surviving the current schedule as typically applied to grow up healthy. I know of two such babies recently born to separate pairs of multiply dosed parents. Both only a few months old. I am observing both.... and praying...

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That's all I do with my friends as well. I don't know anyone known jabbed personally who has had a baby, though I do know of the child of a friend who gave birth to a preemie in 2022 who seems healthy now otherwise. She never advertised taking the vaccines though nor did her husband, so I can't really say...

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

It already is on the kids…everywhere! I think that’s what made me the angriest, besides losing my job/career of 23 years. Every time I saw a mask on a child, (let alone anyone) and seeing parents with no mask on! Our society has become a fishbowl of mental illness. Parents are suppose to be the adults in the room and set boundaries that children NEED. From what I’ve seen, they simply want to be accepted by society. Not cool, in my opinion.

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I was most saddened by children in facemasks myself. In Thailand there was a period where I could almost not go out in public over the mask frenzy. I remember seeing child of about two years old with one of those sad superhero facemasks on who just stared at me like I was some sort of alien with my unmasked face. I wondered to myself what of life could this child possibly have in this despotic hellhole?

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

I refused to go anywhere except the grocery store until the “suffocation device” mandate was ended. I refused to wear a mask grocery shopping. It was like going to battle (I prayed before I entered the store or said Psalm 91) lol! And I won, except for one time.

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Jun 5, 2023·edited Jun 5, 2023Author

It was a huge battle that gave me nightmares. I think the police came to arrest me over it after a bitter argument with a temperature check lady at the local farmer's market. Thankfully they stood down I was home by then. I was forced to cover my nose one time by a cop who followed me throughout a market when it was known that I was a troublemaker of this type. I hyperventilated, fell down, ripped the Goddamned facemask off me as a crowd was gathering, ran to my motorbike immediately and started it up as the cop was flgging me down to stop. I hightailed it out of there like I was a criminal who had just heisted a bank. "You don't understand!" I told my husband. "If they send me to jail they will force me to put on a facemask! If they send me to hospital they will force me to put on a facemask! If they send me to America they will force me to put on a facemask!" I could wear one under my nose, uncomfortably, if I had to for short periods of time. I could not wear one covering my nose for longer than I can hold my breath. It was a real problem over here. After that I started telling anyone who would listen clearly in English why I couldn't wear the goddamned things. Maybe it made a difference because masks have slowly gone away here...

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Thank you for standing against the mask.

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

Amy, you sound exactly like me! I was forced to wear one last year for two hospital visits. I had no choice. The surgery was necessary.

For doctor and dentist, I refuse to wear one. In fact, the nurse followed me into the exam room with the “plastic” blue mask. I simply said, “No, I will not wear that.” She had no idea what to do or say. They aren’t used to that…PRICELESS!🤣😵‍💫

I’ve been followed, berated, kicked out of Depressway (Safeway), refused service. You know the deal!

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

There's plenty of arrogance, stupidity, and insanity to blame as to the reason this all happened. However there's some evil skimming around at the top. Have heard the virus and vaccines were developed with the blessing of DARPA and probably the CIA. There's 2 things that prove the dark forces involved.

--Purposely and strictly prohibiting Doctors from administering early treatment drugs. Sure people can say it was over money but there's no doubt another motive. Jury is still out on that I think. Still haven't figured it out yet. Supposedly IVM and HCQ were listed in the NIH papers as an effective treatment for SARS-CoV-1. Heard that more than once from the late Dr Zelenko. They continued this long after the vaccines were administered to the vast majority. The bill had already been paid by Western Govts and the check had been cashed.

--The complete and utter mind numbing pursuit to inject pregnant women and then children. When we got to the pregnant women flags should have fully raised and trumpets blared. Especially within the medical community although 95% of them were snowed under same as the general population.

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

And our military. That is when I really started to be afraid of what was coming next.

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I guess the banshee-loud denouncements of off-patent hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin first made it clear there was a financial incentive behind the vax. Still, it wasn’t entirely clear that the vax itself was a physical threat. Every jab-induced death is outrage, but somehow the miscarriages grieve me most deeply. My newborns were each a life-changing event for me, and I’m not even one of those men who can get pregnant. (I laugh to keep from crying.) The cruelty is unfathomable. This is no less than spiritual warfare. We best be marshalling our forces.

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They are still going after the kids in Thailand:


"Dr Tares recommended parents promptly bring young children for Covid-19 vaccination. He said there were fewer undesirable symptoms among the young than among older children, and the Covid-19 vaccine has has proven internationally to be very safe for recipients."


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Horrible. But are parents still going all in on the death shots?

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Not sure. Schools in Bangkok still forcing the kids to wear masks. I've been worried about the 10 year old child of a family friend returning to school and whether or not he'd be pressured or forced to get boosted (parents had him injected twice so far). We've yet to find out.

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Where do they do the boosting?

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Not sure if this is up to date:


"A walk-in free vaccination service is also available for adults at the following 11 hospitals under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA)."

1. Klang Hospital, Monday to Friday, 8am-3pm

2. Taksin Hospital service at Platform Wongwianyai shopping mall, Monday to Friday, 8am-2pm

3. Charoenkrung Pracharak Hospital, Monday to Friday, 8am-2pm

4. Venerable Thawisak Jutindharo Hospital, Monday 1pm-4pm and Tuesday 8am-noon

5. Wetchakarunrasm Hospital, Monday, 1pm-4pm

6. BMA Ladkrabang Hospital, Monday to Friday, 8am-2pm

7. Ratchaphiphat Hospital, Monday to Friday, 8am-3pm

8. Sirindhorn Hospital, Friday, 1pm-3pm

9. Bang Khun Thian Elderly Hospital, Monday to Friday, 8am-3pm

10. Khlong Sam Wa Hospital, Wednesday to Friday, 1pm-2pm

11. BMA Bangna Hospital, Monday to Wednesday, 8am-11am

Also the benevolent central group is getting in on the action. From April 27th:


"To serve people unable to travel to the health centres, the city has been coordinating with Central Group to set up a mobile vaccination unit at Atrium zone, 5th floor of CentralWorld shopping mall on Rama I Road."

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

The jab is the ticket. It’s funny because what I mean by that is it might be our last best hope. RFK Jr on the trail along with celebrities like Jamie Fox and athletes such as Damar Hamlin are bombarding the zeitgeist. I can prove the importance of the jab. All one needs to do is look how TPTB swarmed both the Hamlin & Fox situations. That reaction only happens out of panic.

What’s the worry? I will only give you the short answer but TPTB fear the general population snapping out of their coma. Once that happens there’s no going back and no retreat. The mask that hides their Totalitarian agenda comes off. They will have no choice but to show themselves because they are running out of time. Imagine a rally or protest where hundreds of thousands show up with anger and purpose and no sign of partisanship.

I believe TPTB have already lost. Russia was supposed to have been isolated and scared at this point. This would also extend to the Chinese. Had this happened I’m not sure anyone could have stopped Klaus’s grand Great Reset agenda. However that’s not happening. The Elite Western Powers (Old Order) have no desire to live in a world where they do not call the shots. They will continue to escalate and test both Russia & China up until a metaphoric redline is crossed and nuclear Armageddon kicks off. I don’t believe anyone wants this but think of the Hitler in his bunker story.

So IMHO we must indeed pray for the jabbed. We must encourage and entice them to take notice however we can. Only a solid mass of people can run the politicians who will start WW3 out of town.

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I tend to agree. I think they rushed it and it is coming unraveled. Shame is their last card to play. There will be those that would rather bury their child and not let anyone know they died rather than being forced to confront the blame...

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

And what a horrible realization. I cannot even imagine dealing with that insane nightmare.

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

"Shame is their last card to play. There will be those that would rather bury their child and not let anyone know they died rather than being forced to confront the blame..."

In fall of 2021 I was screaming at the top of my lungs for people to wake up. This continued up until the summer 2022 and I gave up because of what I just quoted from you. This acceptance actually helped ease my burden and calm down. Was not in a good place. I instinctively thought if we could wake enough people up we could stop a lot of pain that lie in store for humanity. I think I was right but came to the conclusion it was NEVER going to happen in the numbers necessary to effect change.

I think if the proverbial straw breaks the camel's back the courage will spread fast. Of course they will never blame themselves for the same reason they refuse to accept things now. Guess who they will blame; Big Pharma and Big Govt and that's good enough for me. I want to see thousands at rallies absent partisanship and pissed off as if their lives depend on it because more than likely they do. Now we have a war that needs to stop before it escalates into the unthinkable. I would say there's a 75% chance this will happen without harsh interference from Western Civ. I have my reasons :)

Have a great day gotta get to work.

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Have a great day at work! My thinking is similar if history is anything to go by. And yes there may be cowardly types who turn on dime from blaming the unjabbed and unmasked for their illnesses to blaming the government for lying to them. That's good enough for me too!

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

Excellent comment!

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

Thank you

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Jun 5, 2023·edited Jun 5, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

Is forgiveness for me and my soul? Or is forgiveness a response to repentance? If there is no repentance can there still be forgiveness? Philosophical musings.

Do I blame the victims. On some level I do? I am only human. If only people had said no to power overreach then none of this could have happened!

I also recognize that people are the products of their upbringing, their circumstances, their education level, their environment. Thus, the blame would more accurately have to be far greater than on an individual person level. We live in a society that has systematically disempowered and cowed so many. This is a whole society failure. A society shaped by failed governments. It is also a long planned event, at least 60 years in the making, eased into place with careful psychological conditioning escalating over the years, and enacted on the population by cold, hard, humanity hating, narrow-minded men and women (Watch the just out Plandemic 3!).

My thoughts: https://open.substack.com/pub/supersally/p/there-has-been-a-whole-of-government?r=l1r7e&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

Why did I not buy in? My accident of birth (well, maybe not an accident at all if you believe that somehow, we chose to live now and for this), and my neurological prowess, combined with education, training and circumstances led me now. That path was certainly not an easy one. My outlook and circumstances led me to being able to say no. I think I am privileged. But I also know other people whose lives I would consider much harder and much less privileged than me, with far fewer resources, far less formal education (for all that is worth), who also said no! Who continue to stand up.

I blame the human weakness (malleability), the societal decay and the instigators. I try not to blame the victims who did, I have to believe in compassion, as they saw best. I forgive the victims, but not the circumstances that caused this. But some people are both instigators and victims. How do I reconcile this? Then some knew, totally knew what they were doing. Those people I will not forget nor can I forgive (yet). Maybe I will be able to forgive when justice if served.

Do I forgive myself for not having tried harder (though I really did try) to stop my loved ones taking these products, to educate others as best I knew how?

Is it really up to me to forgive? I believe I must act with compassion where I can. I must act with love. I must do what can reasonably be done for the survivors. Neither love nor compassion mean being walked over or taken advantage of.

I fear that we are fast approaching days when resources may mean we have to choose who can be taken care of and to what degree. Will there be easy cures for those harmed. At this point I don't think so. We are going to have to work out how we hold onto our humanity in the face of this.

Do I put all my resources into someone who has taken 6 doses of mRNA and is suffering terribly? Or do I take care of an orphaned child who has not been subjected to the gene experiment? We are going to have to forgive ourselves as we make what were previously unimaginable choices.

These musing went way further than I first intended. Love!

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

Super Sally, this is what I am thinking and feeling too...its not as clear cut as to forgive or not...and whom.

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Precisely! 🎯

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Good points Amy and great post. Forgiveness is the real art and the correct spiritual path. We must hold the real culprits responsible. This goes way way beyond just the vaccinated and the Covid debacle. It goes to the heart of who holds us hostage and why. Covid, the vaccinated are all designed to keep us in chains. Once we figure the Covid thing out to our satisfaction we will have a world to wrest back from this brink of extinction mandated by this one world government.

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The infighting among the vaccinated and the unjabbed was just yet another technique utilized to keep us divided from each other. At this point I think all but the most willfully blind realize that they might be shamed by some purebloods for coming forward with vaccine injuries or even announcing deaths in their family. This is becoming too big to hide but there are so many existential threats I think forgiveness is the only path forward

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Agree 100%. I’m trying to explore the permutations which extend far from this latest example of totalitarianism. The subject is very large and very important. They want us divided and at each other’s throats. Forgiveness is for everyone - including for our own failings.

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

Like I said, I can kinda forgive them and myself...I expected too much of what I thought were people...but I will never forget they are not people...just sheep.

But for the perpatrators on up the line...no forgiveness yet until they are held to account.

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

There will be no forgiveness on my part until there is accountability and punishment. As for the sheeple who took the jab, including my family members, I live every day with the fear that they will die soon.

No, I cannot forgive yet.I can forgive a lot of the sheep like my family for getting the jab, and I think I am at the point where I am no longer raging against my particular sheep for being sheep...I have finally figured out it is pointless to yell at a dog because they cannot get up on their hind legs and speak french...but I will never forget that most people I know are sheep/dogs...I no longer expect them to act like people...so I've kinda made some peace with that...but the perpatrators - my own government?- no, no forgiveness. Starting with my local school board and going up from there.

No forgiveness yet.

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Perhaps one of the most reprehensible things they did during the pandemic was glorifying cowardice. They did this early on with how you too could be a hero while sitting on your ass at home and doing everything that you were told to do. It created an unusual situation where the voices most championed were those who echoed the script. Those types tend to be the least confident in their own words and thoughts anyways. They also weaponized compassion, which was flipped into rather the opposite of what it really is, which is a respect for other's individual circumstances. Instead it became this broad mass of "people" It was sad all around

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If for no other reason we must forgive the sheep for our own sake. Learning to forgive ourselves and others is critical. But we must hold those who are the perpetrators of our destruction accountable for our own sake and that of others. In ways they never intended we are all indeed in this together.

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Forgiving yourself is of paramount importance. I have been waalking through all of that myself in the last several days as I've been rereading my writing and trying to get my books together. In 2021 it almost felt like this nightmare had been foisted on me for bad things I had done which I still felt shame for. It is at the base. "Let he who hath not sinned cast the first stone" indeed!

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Agree 100%. We come to understand our own spiritual potential. Plus “forgive them they know not what they do.” This isn’t understood as a spiritual war for no reasons. We are most certainly in the midst of a spiritual war. In the sense if we don’t figure this out here and now we are sunk as a species. Why we must lay all of our cards on the table and learn to use our human capital in ways that will benefit everyone. Be notoriously notable.

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

I have found, that by studying the methods of psychological manipulations and how well they work, even amongst the very well "educated", it's a bit easier to see what has happened and why people did what they did. The brain and the mind are two separate entities but both can be manipulated to a fair extent, without one's knowledge or cooperation. I believe that social media and getting phones into everyone's hands (even babies!) plays a huge part in the success of this transformation of society into mere sheep. Studies show that "screen time" inhibits proper physiological development of the brain, thus parents shoving a phone in front of a restless child in a restaurant accomplishes much more than a quieter child. Teenagers become violent if their phones are taken away from them. Kids today have little idea what it's like to have a real conversation and interaction with the people that are physically around them. The look for accolades and acceptance from random strangers on the internet for their presentation of the life they live, which most times is completely fabricated and at odds with reality. I dread the day that the internet and/or electrical grid goes down for good. This subject is another rabbit hole I believe people need to investigate, to understand better and prepare for what I believe is coming. If you're a parent of young children, please take heed. It's not just what they watch and hear on social media, it's what happens to their brains and minds as they learn to depend on that little black mirror as an integral part of their lives.

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You are absolutely correct. Having no electricity has bizarrely been a Godsend in some ways. Now I shut down my phone at night whether it has battery or not and I find that I sleep better. Having dedicated times when things are on and I am working online versus other times when I am brainstorming/relaxing/doing something else is so good for the soul. I never lost my gift of conversation skills though...

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

You are very wise, Grammy. I left my phone at home by accident yesterday, and had a few minutes of angst. I did tell the office and sent an email or two to sister/friends that I didn't have my phone in case they texted...but just from that, I myself realize how much of a security blanket it is...

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Jun 7, 2023·edited Jun 7, 2023

I have to admit, I'm the same, to a point. At my age, it's a "safety measure" - if I were to ever get stuck somewhere with car trouble or something like that. I do remember the days of walking a couple of miles to find gas or a pay phone, which even back then wasn't the safest thing to do by yourself. I really want to find an old flip phone that will still work on the current cell towers.

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Jun 5, 2023·edited Jun 5, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

How much blame should we place? I'd say: As much blame as you would on anyone else who willingly endangered you, your family, the world as a whole, and the future survival prospects of your children.

Like, imagine you're on a cross-country journey and the person you're splitting the drive with decides to pull over at a rest stop and give themselves leprosy.

But here's the catch: We can't afford to expend energy on blame at a time when we need to marshall as many collective resources as we can. Cooperation becomes an existential imperative now.

So I clicked on "Another Answer" above.

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I understand your answer completely, which somewhat summarizes the two main arguments in the zerohedge comments. On the one hand their cowardice and compliance, which was actually tested with facemasks first before the vaccines, allowed a great deal of avoidable tragedy to unfold. On the other hand what is done is done and the only way to deal with the few who control the many is to get the many on the same side. I also agree it is becoming existential to do so: with shedding, bioweapons research, nuclear annihilation and other prospects on the horizon it's more important than ever if anyone wants a future...

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One thing I keep asking myself: Why have we allowed this? I mean collectively, as a species. Why have we paved the way for these conditions? What is behind our unconscious desire to be led in this parental kind of way? And, contrary to current appearance, both "liberals" and "conservatives" are driven by that same desire - it just expresses in different ways.

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Jun 5, 2023·edited Jun 5, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

Totally - and I should've gone further with my analogy: it's more like being on a ship in the middle of the ocean where 80% of the crew >aggressively< pushed to allow themselves to be force-contracted with leprosy >and< even went so far as to insist that the rest of us be thrown overboard or imprisoned below decks.

I mean, where do we go from >that<? Particularly when we're being bombarded by poisons - from the jabs, leaked disease, toxins in the air, water and food supply - while >also< having to figure out how to prevent a terrifying incursion into our bodies by malevolent totalitarian elements that have suddenly coalesced into a single mechanism like something out of Transformers!

Of course, I'm not saying anything you don't already know. Somehow, we have to try to remain focused while we're being sandblasted with fear - about future pandemics, about Ukraine, climate change, and now UFOs and AI.

I have no doubt that AI is an abominable idea with stupendously dangerous potential. But compared to the media clampdown on covid dialogue, why are stories about the dangers of AI being promoted so much?

This is why it's so important that you're asking this question - a lot like the way Charles Eisenstein has encouraged people to surmount their own bitterness. I have a visceral, involuntary sense of disgust towards anyone who couldn't make the basic calculation that allowing the forceful invasion of the body was beyond the pale of unacceptable.

More importantly, I feel a deep, automatic mistrust, an instictual sense of "I can't count on you to keep yourself alive in the face of the most easily-identified threat. And you made it EASY to get yourself devoured."

Like, "Ya might as well have just walked yourself up to a slaughterhouse and knocked on the front door." Not to mention that too many people I know and care about fell for this ruse. I've long contended that human beings instinctively know when we're being lied-to. I never buy it when people claim to be mis-led.

We're only mis-led when we >allow< our instincts to be short-circuited by other desires. Trusting institutions and maintaining the illusion that everything is being taken care of is apparently so alluring that milions of people were willing to risk their lives and children despite how >obvious< the lie was here.

I think part of the reason is that almost >no one< - even the most ardent, off-the-grid libertarian - can answer the fundamental question: without government, what are YOU (we) going to create in its place? We can't avoid that question anymore.

Eugyppius and Toby Rogers have pointed out that the elite class are willing to sacrifice >themselves< to preserve this illusion. Wow. Are the actors at the >very< top injecting themselves? Probably not. But there are still plenty of rich, powerful people who did.

That means there's something deeper going on - collectively speaking, and I have a hunch that your question somehow points to whatever that something is, however dimly I can make it out.

(I don't mean to grandstand on your page, btw, but your posts get the thoughts flowing.)

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I enjoy reading them think away! There is a spiritual outline which goes very far back in human history. What could shut down the human survival instinct and need to propagate? A lot of deep abiding physical and psychological trauma certainly helps. Are we children of God or a plague on the Earth? The elites clearly think of us as the latter. Some of this stretches way back for me regarding vaccines: after my daughter was vaccine injured and I began researching, I of course felt this desire to talk to other parents about what I knew and warn them off of jabbing their kids. Most of the time they didn't listen. Some even shamed me back for being an antivaxxer. The overwhelming majority of the antivax people I spoke to had come into it the same way I did: believing what they were told without question until a greivous injury or death occured. In the current charged environment I wonder how many won't come forward. I've been doing some Internet searches for my actress friend I wrote about in the Collage of Compliance series. She went hard core virtue signalling all about the vax, was all over social media about it, and from what I knew of her she would have been gung ho to jab her then three year old daughter as soon as it was approved. She has since disappeared from the Internet. She took out all of her social media, even though she was rabid on it all before, took out all updates and pictures of her kid who she was so into taking a gazillion pictures of who she wanted to get into acting. No obituaries or anything either, but I fear that something terrible happened to either her or her child and she is hiding out over it. I'm thinking she's not the only one like that...

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And what do we do to receive those people - no doubt totally shattered by grief. (Gloat? Hell no.)

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For me the ones I have known personally like that are in their own hell. I'm just sad for them

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I can imagine - it's one thing to be injured when you're anticipating it. It's another to have everything you thought was true turned inside-out. Talk about a rude awakening (or, um, insult to INJURY...) Are you able to ask any mutual friends about her?

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I remember the phrase "you should evaluate a public policy by its consequences, not by it's intentions."

I apply that to this habit of blaming the victim. The intention of blaming the victim is to shock people to cause them to reflect on their actions, and a change behavior. How is that going? Are there more examples of victims of anything overcoming their situation by that technique, or more examples of people doubling down in their misery?

It's not meant to be a depressing thought. But you know what they say: a pessimist is an optimist who knows the facts.

Now, I'm going to conjure my bad mood by listening something by Beethoven.

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Shame as a strategy I think should be applied to people in positions of power and prestige who lied, especially knowingly. You are absolutely correct in that I've never seen the tactic work in social groups to cause a change in behavior. Usually they retreat and suffer alone.

I remember some weeks ago the German monk ws lamenting that Beethoven had not written any pieces with lyrics. "Ode to Joy!" I said immediately and then started singing it in German "deine Zauber bin den weider voss de mode streng getheit...'' anywho since that was the only one I ever sang for a choir now it's going through my head again...enjoy your music. :-)

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I don’t watch tv. Which puts me at an advantage of remaining distant from the non stop onslaughts of “ no one is safe”.

Have 2 close friends in healthcare that quit their jobs before yielding to mandated vaxs. The forced get jab or lose job is was cruel. Forced

Jabs to attend college simply unjustified. They the people who created this situation knew that

Free beer, donuts, cash, actors, ads, billions of dollars to get people injected was pure evil.

No way should children be getting these shots.

Have family friends that got the jab for their own reasons. What has now happened is they have divided us friends, families, for an unjustifiable

Fuckery that will haunt us till death we part.

I truly hope each F ukker who played a role

Gets their just karma, hope people think twice before getting another vaxx.

Mandates are the cruelest. We have been fucked over by government, social media, msm press, corporations, tyrants, peer pressure…just to lead a normal life. Normal life is shredded

This game ain’t over either. The Amish did not

Have tv they were not influenced. Everyone has an adult choice unless they're kids. Hard choices… especially at the beginning.

Most people just want to get along, some of us did not go along. Pure evil is seductive, and until we face this evil it will continue to gas light, victimize, shame, guilt, pit each of us against each other playing the what IF game.

Divide conquer. Pandemic now of the vaxxed who are paying with their lives for a decision made, a fatal decision.

Most vaxxed friends family are ok?

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

I don’t believe that anyone who was jabbed deserves ‘blame’.

The blame is more rightly directed at those that orchestrated, and pushed the propaganda and fear.

Blame, I think, is a coping mechanism. It is a vehicle for directing unresolved conflict and emotion. Culpability is distinct. ‘Blame’ originates in the 12th c, and meant ‘to find fault with’. ‘Culpable’ stems from culpa, which has an older meaning of ‘state of error’, implies being ‘worthy of blame’, which is why it is used in reference to crime.

Point being: are people actually guilty of a crime for taking the jab? Or did those that touted it as an antidote to the fear people were awash in participate in the true crime of deception and misdirection (sometimes through ineptness or wanton ignorance, but also in a much darker maliciousness, and all points between)?

Making a poor choice, or being influenced by propaganda, or complying to avoid pain, is a far cry from committing a crime or intentionally deceiving others. This is related to the reason why I choose not to use the phrase ‘pureblood’.

The impulse to ‘other’ those that choose/chose differently is very powerful, but ought to be carefully examined and reflected on. There’s an easy conflation that happens when one confuses those that planned, orchestrated, and implemented, with those that complied and went along (to whatever degree).

It’s simplistic to put people in buckets—it can feel ‘right’, but like most things, it ends up being grossly inaccurate and overly judgmental.

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

I never had kids, but parents have been successfully groomed by financially incentivized pediatricians that vaccines are the best thing since sliced bread. Youtube is filled with parents videotaping their babies being stripped, pinned down and jabbed… the babies scream incessantly while the parents chuckle. The poor babies seem to instinctively know that stuff is bad, and it’s got to be traumatizing to them on some level to be assaulted 72 times in 18 years. These same parents faithfully get their annual flu shots, because lifelong grooming is hard to undo.

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Toby Rogers has mentioned the psychological trauma that is inflicted on these babies. It's ritualized Satanic abuse, done while their own parents hold them down and sometimes ridicule them for screaming out. They've been targeting mothers for a very long time especially...

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As someone who fell prey to the idea that I would never see my parents again (in hindsight those who went to the hospital were being murdered), who has since declared everything about covid policy to be a lie, who has written in detail about that lie, I have little more patience for the "purebloods" who preen themselves as better than the rest of us, than I do the covidian true believers.


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And let's not forget all of the jabbed sheep who were demanding that unvaxxed people be jailed or even executed. The zombies who go along with this crap are more dangerous than the ones who plot and execute it, because it needs massive enforcement to work. The brain-dead zombies are the people around us who fight to make sure we get jabbed too. They try to isolate us, discriminate against us, INJURE us. They will be the first people to fink on people who are unjabbed and advocate for our destruction. THEY are the enforcers.

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I’m in your “it depends” percentage, although on second thought, I don’t really blame them at all, except for the early and enthusiastically jabbed. I consider them gullible bandwagon builders. It’s impossible to imagine more than a few demented souls taking the jab knowing they were inviting serious damage to themselves and others. There are easier ways to hurt oneself. When covid first hit, I considered it all but obvious that it was an intentionally released biological weapon. When the vax came out, I didn’t see any reason to suspect it was a weapon too. Fortunately, I had time to be skeptical long enough for it to start looking simply ineffective. It took a while to prove to be downright dangerous. By then, people who didn’t have time to remain skeptical had families to feed and not much reason to feel their government would sell their health and lives for a piece of BP’s action and population control. At worst, they accepted what they thought was a modest risk for staying on a payroll. BlackFlagUp has good reason to be paranoid, but there’s no point in yanking every jabbed citizen’s benefit of the doubt. That’s just ugly ungracious and more the tone of an instigator-troll than a problem solver. There’s no better time than during a crisis to stay under emotional control.

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That's how I see it. I have no idea what this young man's opinion regarding things were, but I do know that it takes an incredible amount of courage to admit that you've been duped or conned. So to me his parents bringing this lawsuit forward is something that they should be lauded for. It's as easy for the jabbed to hate on the unjabbed as it is for the tables to turn around. I wrote my collage of compliance series in part to explain all of the individual circumstances in people I really know. Some were onboard since day one. Some were skeptical at first but then realized getting the jab was the winning team at the time. Some convinced themselves that they had made this altruistic choice even while quietly admitting they did it to travel for work or something. Some didn't want it but held their nose when their livelihood or future looked on the line. All were either uninformed or coerced at varying levels. How easy is it to forgive some of the hateful things that were said? That gets tricky...

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

repeat of my post from gab after reading https://home.solari.com/deep-state-tactics-101-the-covid-injection-fraud-its-not-a-vaccine

I don't get it. Ninja doesn't get it . Articles such as this ( from digital currencies to lockdown cities to one world tyranny , etc ) have been coming out weekly for a few years now . What is true ? What is happening? What do you sideline warriors suggest WE can do about it ? Yes...... every article has that big, big WE waving through the air .

The only results I see are philosophers and Jordan P wannabes trying to impress the rest of us "WE" ...... you know, the one half of one percent who actually even give a hoot about this underground movie. As popcorn eaters burp and pension boys throw spitballs . HA ! But god forbid anyone says ...."hey, if all this shit is true ,we're toast ! Its all one big club ( though, AO, there are still many "groups" within that club) .

So, what is the PLAN ? read this article again. WE are screwed . ( if the scenario presented is on mark ) . What you gonna do ? hmmmm guess i'll just give it a salute . Maybe watch a Red Sox game today. With some Chardonney .

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Jun 6, 2023·edited Jun 6, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

It really depends. Many who took it had no access to contrary opinions since that was what they were hearing or the videos/posts were taken down by the social media sites. Aside from those who were brainwashed, lots of people were truly coerced into it. The real pandemic was fear which led people to do irrational things.

Those who now regret it are now sharing the same thoughts that would make them anti-vaxxers. The ones who should be blamed now are those who pushed it, and now with all the evidence still want to push it. Also those in the medical profession who stayed silent while people suffered through side effects and died, yet still pushed the "safe and effective" narrative.

At the end of the day, the regret and guilt of giving in is going to be a trauma those who took it may not recover from. Many feel the guilt of not standing up when their instinct said to. Meanwhile, the unvaccinated are still around and doing just fine, but many have the trauma of going through the government-sponsored hate and discrimination. Everyone - no matter if you are vaccinated or not - got screwed big time. We as a whole society now have a trauma one way or another that we may not recover from.

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

Lots of good comments, many from people who sound "angry". We should be angry , instead of those who look for excuses for what has and still is transpiring. There are still lots and lots of people worldwide who still don't get what and who is doing this . Even when someone tries to "wake them up" . Wnat amazes me is that many of them are people I know who are not dummies. Or, so i thought. Most people just want to get by . They want to believe that all will be ok .

The evil ones are well hidden from the populace . Like godfathers, they are untouchable and really only known by a very small percentage of us . Until they are taken out ..... things will only get worse.

Hope, and Faith, and Gods I doubt will bring that about. Nor small demonstrations. We are already trapped , one click away from no media, no food, no services . Nah............. tomorrow will be different.

I will just become an optimist . Ahhh, i feel so much better now.

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I ponder who would take out the evil ones at the top. I think the hitmen turning on their masters would be a sort of poetic justice. The problem they have is that they can't really control the collapse. They take out the creature comforts and conveniences that keep many trapped in the system and all hell breaks loose. I suppose I'm an apocalyptic type of optimist....

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

I DO blame the ones that fell for the 'cult'. I had to put up with people talking about what they would wear, when they would 'time' the injections (in case they felt unwell afterwards and needed time off work??!!!!!) and then how they would get a booster and a flu shot (together or solo?) and then WHAT side effects they had had!!! All like this was part of 'belonging and doing my part'. NO you idiots!!!! You are dumb sheep and lemings and you deserve everything you get! You are EXPERIMENTAL sacrifices!!!! And you let it happen to you you *expletive deleted* so don't complain to ME!!! I do NOT accept they were innocent. Because of them and their WEAKNESS and FEAR, I was 'hunted, shunned and maybe put in a camp to die would be good for those who refuse the sacred jab" ... Yeah. Because these idiots couldn't handle that REAL STRONG and INFORMED people stood up and said NO - my body my choice!!! I am disgusted by them. My own Mom was persuaded by my Dad to take it so she could 'travel' with him!!!!! Their health issues are worse now. Now they want us to forgive them, for ostracizing and penalizing us the ones who said NO we are NOT lab rats? NO we have FREEDOM of BODILY INTEGRITY? WE ARE NOT SLAVES? No. F them.

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