Dec 13, 2022·edited Dec 13, 2022Liked by Amy Sukwan

My pronouns are Don't/Travel. I think the last time I travelled by plane was to go to Hawaii more than 15 years ago. Once I realized a plane had to land on a little spot of land in the middle of an ocean to get me back home, it really freaked me out. That was the last time I bothered to travel by plane, never again. Back and forth across the country on trains a few times, much more my speed. A neighbor became a big plane pilot a few years ago, and now I am wondering how his body is coping with the jabs he inevitably took. I wonder if he is now disqualified from flying, but I am afraid to ask. He seems quite out of sorts. Turtle woman signing off.

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I'm grateful there are still two pilots at least...that's still a mess though. I've been to Hawaii a few times it's warm and beachy yet I never ever wanted to live there. It is too smack dab in the middle of the Pacific Ocean for me to ever feel comfortable...

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When I crossed the border from Tijuana to San Diego, after 6 months in Tijuana, the American border agent pretended to be incredulous that I'd spent 6 months in Mexico. He kept asking me what I was doing in Mexico. I kept repeating my story, which is true: I'm retired and have no reason to live anywhere in particular, so I might as well see the world while saving on rent. He pretended not to believe my story. He finally let me through, and asked me to send my luggage through the scanner, the first time that happened. The other 2 times I crossed the same border, I didn't have to scan my luggage.

Of course, he knew perfectly well that Mexico is practically overrun with old gringos. Blatant hypocrisy. A couple of days ago I was on a bus in Mission Beach, or maybe Pacific Beach, it's hard to tell the difference if you're new, but at one stop 3 obvious recent Mexican fence-jumpers got on the bus, didn't pay, which was fine with the driver, got off a few stops later and said gracias. They all looked like they'd jumped the fence earlier that day, backpacks, tired looking, big water bottles, etc. Apparently the bus drivers have been instructed that illegal aliens don't have to pay. And the Mexican guys knew where to go, like there was free housing for them in very upscale Pacific Beach or wherever I live now.

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I've got to wonder what their computer screens are telling them and what these screeners are thinking. I really appreciated the black immigration officer at LAX he just like dropped the pretense and just was like look its telling me you haven't been here in awhile so I gotta ask these questions. I sensed he was getting tired of it. Obviously legal crossing? Fifth degree questions. Shady sex traffickers? Let them through. It's a crazy world...

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This whole post gave me a panic attack.

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LOL it's probably not going to make a travel brochure. The funny thing is in a past not that long ago if I'd had an epically effed booking like this I might have told them to extend my trip so I could check out Japan. Instead with the facemask thing I was just like please don't send me to quarantine jail I am a US citizen I have rights! I wasn't even supposed to be here today!

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This is our world now.

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Sad but true

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I am more optimistic as we are getting some of the truth coming out. Eventually things will be eased since the trend is unrestricted travel. See Europe and the US. Asia usually is behind in trends anyway.

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The US still extended out its jab mandate on foreigners. This one is huge and affects me too, as I've been working on my husband's visa for three years. Actually I'm writing a post about that right now. In general there has been a pushback and this is a great thing. I suspect they might have finally broke the system....

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I probably should clarify US domestic. True it is hard for non US citizens. Other places its back to normal…not the new normal we were told.

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by Amy Sukwan

Eighteen years since i was out of Thailand . And that was just a short trip to Vietnam. Nice trip by car from Chiangmai down to the beaches in Prachuap Kirikan around March every year are all i need .

All my adventures, and there were lots and lots, are fortunately in my past . I have had enough for 3 lives. Now, though old age is nothing to wish for........ at least it comes at a time when I want basically nothing to do with the really weird goings on in the world. And probably coming to everyone's neighborhood soon.... if it hasn't already.

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Dec 15, 2022Liked by Amy Sukwan

This is a great description of the current world travel situation. My wife and I have basically decided to eventually buy a second home on a lake to replace what would have been a bi-annual international trip for our family. For now we are hunkered down in Iowa. Iowa is the hidden gem of liberty (It has been open and free of statewide restrictions since May 8th of 2020). Let me know if you want to come and stay with us to cover the next presidential election cycle!

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I've passed through Iowa many times on Interstate 80. It's pretty rolling hills but is a bit chilly for me in the winter months. Thanks for the invite though I've still got an RV to fix up on the side here. I suspect I'm going to be hedged on the USA and Thailand for the next little while as part of the path God chose for me. The travel is a lot more of a chore and a lot less of a holiday anymore though...

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Dec 15, 2022Liked by Amy Sukwan

We understand. The plans of God are beyond our understanding. We are here If you ever need a friendly and completely private place to stay. This new world takes a new way of doing business and having relationships. As an example, we really want to go to Jerusalem but I'm afraid to tell my wife that it may never happen. Not because we can't afford to go but because we can't comply with the current and coming 2030 requirements for international travel. Iowa is a great place but January and February are soul crushing exercises in emotional and physical survival. I think the issue is the flat prairies leaving nothing to stop the wind. God blesses us continually no matter where we live. I can't complain and even if I did, what good would it do;}

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The upcoming regulations need to be fought against tooth and nail for me, so perhaps that is why I am in a situation with my husband's visa and everything else in limbo where very long form travel is necessary just for the sake of seeing my own family. This digital dystopia is not a future I ever want to see my children growing up into. God Bless and stay warm if I am ever in the area I may well drop in. I used to be known for doing crazy things like that...

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When Flying remember the Nazi airlines required many pilots to be vaxxxxxed or they were axed.

During the Thanksgiving holidays on takeoff from Chicago, the pilot died. The co-pilot was an instructor who recognized the problem took control. There were reports the airplane banked at first. On takeoff or landing, the surviving member may only have seconds to recover before disaster. And of course the airlines (Starting with cargo flights) want to decrease flight crew to ONE!

In this case with only one pilot, everyone would have died.

Even though the airlines are trying to keep these stories hidden, there are other incidents with the vaxxxxxxed pilots having attacks including death.


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The pandemic - more specifically the vaccination mandates that were imposed - have led to problems sorting out travel requirements all over the place. More so if the traveller is unvaccinated. Since the pandemic started, border entry requirements especially to countries in Asia are all over the place. Some - like the Philippines - STILL have some places that have specific entry requirements on top of the entry requirements to the country which is less onerous as it used to be.

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