Overpopulated with liberals.

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And worse liberals who are really totalitarians.

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The "earth overpopulation" is, in my view, kind of a paradox (philosophers and the like can build this better than a humble chemist, so fix this if needed.): If the Earth's resources are finite and human ingenuity is able to stretch them, we are fine; If the Earth's resources are "infinite" (i.e., well beyond what humans could reasonably explore) and human ingenuity is not able to use them, we are finished. I'm of the opinion that measured, well applied engineering solutions would solve a lot of our problems, but, like in big pharma, THERE IS NO $$$ IN SENSIBLE SOLUTIONS.

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Very excellently said! The money is towards keeping the money control system in place, which requires struggle.. Non solutions that make things worse are proposed every time

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And here we are...

On an unrelated side note: my brother-in-law was residing in Thailand as an English language teacher in 2004 when the tsunami hit; he was not living in the affected region, but he and his partner eventually were able to make their way to Phuket and adjacent areas. He purchased a lot of local arts and crafts stuff to help the locals, and eventually brought them back to Canada. I am glad to have some of this artwork in my walls and bookshelves. Today, when I look at them, I'm reminded of how much can change in a blink of an eye. Keep it up!

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I was not in Thailand or Phuket at the time but my first husband Oh helped in the recovery efforts afterwards in nearby Ko Lak. He told harrowing tales of like an entire bus full of 40 people who all died when the wave swept the beach road. He said bodies would become so filled with bacteria that they would bloat to several times their original size and sometimes explode. I happen to love living on the beach and have several times in my life but my daughter from my first husband has told me she doesn't want to because she's terrified of tsunamis. She picked up on some things her father said....but life is indeed short....

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So true. I lived on the beach and now landlocked on a small river in Tennessee. This, for a whole family of would be surfers. Hopefully your daughter overcomes her fear of tsunamis.

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I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter's fear. We were terrified ourselves, that Christmas day., waiting for news of my brother-in-law. My brother-in-law did not have the chance to help in the physical recovery efforts, but, instead, put money back in the local economy at the time. I'm in the North America west coast, and it looks like there's a "breach" in the Cascadian/whatever other plate is. We may all be due for a day of reckoning up here.

Sending you my most brotherly love. Pray for us at the West (LEFT) cost.

Thanks for all your writing. Much appreciated.

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Prayers sent. I lived right on Venice Beach CA for awhile we had a few tsunami warnings but never saw anything larger than a 2 foot wave you couldn't really tell from te rest of them...fear not and thank you...

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There probably are too many people on Earth for a tiny group to control through technology and propaganda. I guess 500 million is the critical threshold, cf. Georgia Guidestones haha!

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What scares me most about the AI technology is actually that it can easily be used to run all kinds of inhumane tests and the system would have no compunctions whatsoever about doing it. An engineer say who notices that after he pulls a switch a 5G blast is deployed which causes heart attacks in say jabbed recipients in the area will not want that on his conscience. The AI doesn't have that problem especially as it was mostly trained by depopulationists

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Very valid point. No more Schindler's lists!

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Brilliant again Amy thanks. Any economist worth their salt knows natural net fertility turns negative once household income goes above a certain level (26k USD pa atm).. it’s the “successful “ who stop having babies. These creeps just want to kill people. Didn’t know Wells was one of them

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Indeed it does. Those women who try to seriously climb the career ladder in academics or corporate are actively encouraged/told to sacrifice or at least severely limit motherhood until they are "stable." The poorer ones have no such aspirations...

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Many of them are far too self-absorbed and too addicted to money/power to have kids. But, just look at the kids that some of them had (Hunter Biden)! Maybe it's better if they were all sterile.

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I've worked this one out.

Somewhere, there is a human geography textbook that is used by the elite schools and universities that has a section on Malthus. The section abridges two pages. On the first page is the graphic of arithmetic vs geometric progression that Malthus postulated and a description of the problem. It reads as a fait d'accompli. On the next page is the caveat that Malthus never envisaged the agricultural revolution and so his theory was bollocks.

The eugenicists spat out by the privileged system of imperialist indoctrination simply never turned the page.

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They never did and they likely never will turn the page. They want problems that they can offer up solutions to, which always consolidate their own power and wealth often at the expense of the many...but more deaths and fewer births is a great thing, they tell us...

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Actually the earth is an oblate spheroid, since the poles are flat, caused by the bulging of the equator presumably due to the gravitational pull of the sun.

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True. Pita and Naam are flat. Kinda.

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By the way Easter is the celebration of the Spring Equinox when the number of daylight hours is 12

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I had a blond moment in posting Solstice instead of Equinox. It's been corrected thank you for pointing that out...

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Overpopulation is a relative thing.

First, relative to technology, which determines what counts as a resource; how those resources are used; and can in effect create space (eg a high rise as compared to an empty plot of land).

Second, relative to the type of human under consideration. Tokyo and Bangladesh are both packed full of people, yet the former is clean and pleasant, and the latter is a sewer. Why? Technology plays a role, yes, but what really matters is that Tokyojin recognize that the individual actions of everyone add up to big consequences for everyone - thus, for example, they don't litter.

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You make an excellent point there and there is a great deal to be said about both taking responsibility for your own space and respect for the commons. For example right now northern areas of Thailand are experiencing the worst air quality in the entire world. This has a few causes one is an abnormally dry dry season (Not a drop of rain in Phuket in close to two months) but it is largely being blamed on subsistence farmers in Myanmar burning their fields, a low cost way of jump starting them for the next planting season. In the background are grumbles blaming it on tooany people, too many farms, population growth et cetera. I think it is a problem, much like California forest mismanagement, which probably has many tenable solutions, but the capital is not there to invest in them. It just seems like narrative control of overpopulation and climate change being the reasons the air has to be so dirty..

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i would argue that the universe is sonic. first there was the word, right? and sound = vibration = the energy/matter continuum as things coalesce. and this amp doesn't stop at 11, you can just keep turning it up.

sure there have been bumps in the road but the human population keeps growing and we have never run out of resources. just with the supply chain we have now, we could feed twice the current global population - if the cabal doesn't keep blowing up stockyards and packing plants, that is.

and with the ongoing dieoff and fertility crisis the undersupply of humans will result in an oversupply of resources.

trouble is, i'd rather have my tiny apartment in a big city than a huge lonely mansion.

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Well, they do keep blowing up packing plants and even stockyards.

It's immaterial anyway, sooner (more likely) or later the planet is going to enter another glaciation and 90% (at least) will be gone.

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Observations of the stars rotating counter clockwise around a central point in the northern hemisphere, clockwise (opposite direction) around a completely different central point in the southern hemisphere, and straight up and over at the equator cannot be explained by a flat earth model. This only makes sense on a spherical earth.

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Yes that is one that doesn't easily fit. My biggest question mark has always been around lunar eclipses...how does that happen on this model?

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A lunar eclipse is when the earth is between the sun and the moon and the moon is in the earth’s shadow. Most often the three are not totally in line so then it’s just a full moon (the earth’s shadow is above or below the moon).

How we can tell the moon is a sphere is it looks like a circle from every point of view. If it were a disk, only those positioned directly underneath would see a circle, everyone else would see something oblong depending on the angle of view.

The shadow of the earth on the moon is also a circle from every perspective, which is another way to tell the earth is a sphere.

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Love this. Somewhere in here I know is a connection to Turtle Island. It is turtles my friend all the way down.


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The volume of a sphere is given by 4/3 pi R cubed

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I don’t worry about a lack of resources so much, but more-so the amount of waste both biological, chemical and physical we humans produce.

Personally, I believe the earth is probably round but quite open to the idea it may be round and flat. I actually flew around the world once and couldn’t see hiow it could be flat. I then noticed the United Nations logo and thought that it’s possible. They have lied about so many other things

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I have flown from one side of the world to the other quite a few times. That and my long time interest in astrology have led me to tend to believe that the Earth does possess large scale curvature. But I thought John Carter did an excellent job of proposing an alternative that basically integrates all of the above, with the Earth not just being a ball of rock floating through space but as an interconnected dynamic of its own...

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Pragmatism : A practical, matter-of-fact way of approaching or assessing situations or of solving problems.

To Ninja..... what i see is what we got . One big fkn mess . Big, fat, lazy, greedy, stupid, selfish, 2 legged homo sapiens who only care about themselves. Y'all already know that I am a reincarnation of someone that lived before. I talk with him sometimes. We are very disappointed how our species has completely wasted our special gifts , and instead become a horror show ....controlled by the more industrious evil ones who now Own us . Numbers don't matter. They will still own us .

Can this planet carry another 20 billion people ? Sure, why not . Just the same as a baseball field can accompany 20 guys on a team.... or a football pitch 40 or so . Technology will solve it all . We will be playing not in two dimensions. Not three. But unlimited possibilies. We wil solve the plastic and waste disposal issues by creating new technologies to turn them into food. In capsules. We will no longer be compelled to hold our media devices, as they will be implanted in our bodies.

Already we walk so much less than ever before. We are attached to our devices . We "travel" in our devices. We communicate not in person...but through devices. We are not humans . And that is why I am sure the world will always be able to accomodate an infinite amount of useless eaters. Technology ! The opium of the masses . Humanity : love, caring, physical interactions, togetherness, equal opportuninity, FREEDOM ......... If those qualities are ever to arise again, I think we would have to start all over . Two people, then four . Then eight . How many of you believe that we could have it turn out differently next time ?

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"Humanity : love, caring, physical interactions, togetherness, equal opportuninity, FREEDOM ......... If those qualities are ever to arise again, I think we would have to start all over ."

In other words, the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one, as has happened before. I agree! ;-)

Not sure how many people would be involved in this new cycle though.

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Whether the Earth is actually flat or more of a convex plane remains to be seen.

I think that what most "flat-Earthers" question and refute is the heliocentric/spherical model, with valid reason: this model was made up and heavily promoted by the Pagan, anti-Christian elites following Luther's Reformation, in order, among other things, to lead mankind away from God and the original Bible (which they rewrote, redacting all references to the flat Earth). They influenced opinion and "science" (the most prominent figure in this psychological operation being Copernicus in the 16th century) to advance their ideological and political agenda.

Another issue is the fact that there does not actually exist a real picture of the Earth as a whole, they are CGI and NASA admits so itself.

And last but not least, I believe it is important to reconnect with our senses and innate common sense. When I am standing outside, my senses tell me I am on still plane, that the Moon and Sun are not very far and that they are moving around me, not me around them (let us not forget that according to the heliocentric model, we are supposed to be on a ball spinning at 1,000 mph). Sure, "science" has an explanation for all of this, but if this is the same "science" that recently told me one of the symptoms of a deadly virus was not having any symptoms, well… I'll pass!

If anybody is interested in the occult origins of the heliocentric/spherical Earth model, the documentary Heliosorcery is very interesting:


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Yes the only theory I can figure for the elites pushing the spherical consensus is that it draws people away from the Bible and God. I'm still perplexed at the astrology though!

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I recently began reading theories about the universe being essentially electric, and "planets" and "stars" being electrical phenomena such as sonoluminescence. So far it makes complete sense to me.

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That one makes total sense to me as well!

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too many rich people, we could stand to lose 90% of them at least

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It depends on how you define rich. I believe even the quirky mega billionaires the Bill Gates or Elon Musk say are just a front cover for the real hubs of power that remain in the shadows behind them

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