Nov 8, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

GREAT Amy!!!! A meme says it ALL.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

Fauci is a psychopatic mass murderer!!!! He lied about HIV, suppressed effective treatments, and instead pushed the useless and deadly AZT — BECAUSE HE HAD A FINANCIAL INTEREST IN IT!


"Leopards don't change their spots"!

So of course he was going to suppress Chloroquine, Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, and everything else that works, and PUSH Remdesivir, the useless and deadly drug he put forth as the Official Proticol for hospitalized patients diagnosed with COVID BECAUSE HE HAD A FINANCIAL INTEREST IN IT!

(N.B.— patients admitted to hospitals for other reasons besides COVID were given the fraud PCR tests, TOLD they had COVID, then given I.V. Remdesivir for a virus they didn't have, which made them so sick they got moved to the ICU, put on a ventilator and murdered. Because the government PAID THEM TO DO IT!!!!!)

There NEEDS to be JUSTICE!!!!

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I absolutely agree there needs to be justice. Right now all I see is a doubling down by those in power to the point of total collapse and anihilation just to cover for their own crimes..

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan


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For what it’s worth - you are falling victim to the Israel/hamas tribalism effect that ‘powers that be’ are hoping you do.

...I know, from reading your blogs, you’re smarter than this.

*Please note, I’m not defending either side - I’m only highlighting the pro Palestine / anti Israel slant that your postings have had as of late ... that’s why my likes are far and few between.


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Am I though? I can understand that terrorized people are more likely to become terrorists. I in no way shape or form endorse the murder of anyone whether it be Israeli or Palestinian. I cannot support genocide whether it be at the hands of the vax regime, Hamas militants or bombs dropping on gaza. The marketing print says a glossy thing about deterrence using force and Israel has a right to defend itself. Once you peel back the print though you can see how the murderers at the top facilitated and funded both sides with reckless disregard for anyone's lives. To keep their debt based system of servitude propped up and themselves in power, they will take millions or billions of people down with them and start WW3.

It's the same every time. Label the other side as some type of dehumanizing thing, whether it be antivaxxers, human scum, hackable animals, human animals et cetera, explain why that labelled group is a threat to YOU and then proceed to exterminate them. If you need a little help in the form of false flags do those too.

I'm disgusted at the hive of scumbags and child murderers that sit atop the system. Hold them accountable...they're reckoning in lives and profitting in dollars...

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

And aren’t they terrorized by Hamas? Hamas does not protect them. They use them. All the humanitarian aid that’s been sent there and for what? To build tunnels and rockets to keep attacking Israel. You just expect Israel to roll over and take it? I wouldn’t take it. Nobody I know would accept it. Israel has a right to defend itself. Period.

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Hamas clearly hates Palestinians too. I see the same destabilizing agents at the top on both sides. I don't equate people as being represented by their leaders anywhere. This looks too planned

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You covered a lot there.

But, to answer your first question - YES.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

Thanks as always Aymeme !

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Nov 9, 2023·edited Nov 9, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

Minor detail... the bamboo and hemp meme is showing a Dracenia draco on the left, not bamboo. It's not even remotely related to bamboo.

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LOL thank you for catching that. It certainly didn't look like the bamboo around here which grows native nearby the river. The awesome growing speeds of hemp but also bamboo are amazing in the scheme of things and I love crossover plants that can be used for food, fuel, and building materials. My husband chopped up some bamboo and put it in brine a little before we left Phuket. It's very tasty in curries now I should do a post about that...

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It's an amazing plant. Largest grass on earth. Higher tensile strength than some metals. Fastest growing plant on land (only kelp is faster). Great building and craft resource (I used it extensively in my cob house). Great char resource. And, as you mentioned, the shoots and seeds of many species are edible.

I'd enjoy that post.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

That Lucas guy has been going off 😁

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You knocked it out of the ball park with these memes today!!!

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One of these days, we, and I mean we, are going to refuse to go along with the mass-murder by the Palestinians, Israelis, or any other groups that decide to kill. I suppose we will have to kill them, too bad, but that is just the way it is.

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To me it is not about groups but rather holding individuals accountable. Labelling a group wholesale for targeting or extermination has led us to this dark place. Jews will be used as fall guys in the end it was made blatantly clear that the people at the top do not care one whit about any of us. They're just shaking the jar. I do not believe that any religion other than perhaps Satanism endorses the killing of non-believers. This is true whether it relates to fundamentalist Wahabbi factions of Islam or beliefs about Christians worshipping a false idol in Jesus Christ. It's twisted interpretation of scriptures that serves the interest of those at the very top, who may call themselves Jews, but they are not...

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