May 20Liked by Amy Sukwan

That you keep writing through all this speaks to your discipline and devotion to your family and to creativity. The monster thrashes, destroys much, in its death throes. It's fate is sealed, ours is not. best A

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I do believe the monster is in its death throes as it were but if history is any guide I'm deeply worried about it trying to take everybody down with it. The best I can do is record the times as they're happening

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May 20Liked by Amy Sukwan

So far I’ve been able to keep the needle out of my new cat and he is sparkly and alert. His two half-brothers, both multi-vaxxed, are duller and act as if they are in a cloud.

The uncomfortable thing is that some of my wife’s friends prefer their cats dulled down and just sitting there. I think there’s an element of society that prefers people to be like that also.

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I don't jab our pets myself but many were vaccinated before we got them. I think our shi tzu Max is a little autistic from it he goes quickly from docile and friendly to wanting to snap at strangers for example, with no rhyme or reason. There is something to be said for animals being docile and compliant they are less likely to run away for example. It blows my mind how few people seem to notice that their furry friends especially the over jabbed and chipped shelter pets seem to have significant health problems by 10 years old or so. I never remember that growing up...

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Jun 19Liked by Amy Sukwan

In various comments I've always suggested people "simply" bribe the vaccinator to get out of various shots, but until today I was just an internet commenter. I've broken the law before, but it was always either something I was doing purely personally or that was consensual. For example, in Missouri I used contacts to arrange an evening meeting in a remote parking lot and once there, they called and told me a new location to go to and make the cash-only buy ... of raw milk.

I'm under family pressure to get our new cat vaccinated and what I learned from Covid is that it's better to have the fake paperwork done long before it's necessary. I went to a local Bangkok pet hospital where there are no other farangs around and spoke to the doctor on the sidewalk - a young kid (I'm almost 60), soft-spoken in that Thai manner, smart, friendly .... innocent. We had to talk awhile until I saw his face change and he understood how I wanted him to help me.

I am scheduled to go back tomorrow and I will, but I feel like I corrupted one of the youth of Thailand. He could have gone his whole life without being bribed - I mean, who else in Thailand pays 500 baht to NOT inject a cat with the rabies vaccine? But then again, even though he means well, it's a corrupt system and I really love this little animal.

Life is easier staying behind a keyboard.

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I've been pondering the missing dogs in Thailand phenomena: today we went back to our old bungalow now completely destroyed in our old neighborhood. Not a single dog was anywhere to be seen in the neighborhood even Jungo who was there before. I strongly suspect and fear that Daisy and Shadow were poisoned in around February of this year as Cooper had been before. But I blame the doctors in part because they are heavily pushing the rabies vaccine on people who have had encounters with dogs who snapped or bit them. Of course barking dogs chasing after motorbikes is a feature in Thailand especially in rural areas. But I've had two people in Phuket who have recently told me that they were pushed into the rabies vaccine (at their expense) after a dog bit them, but in the woman's case she said the dog simply snapped at her and did not break skin (none were my dogs, incidentally). If you have the added expense and danger of being pushed into that vaccine after any dog encounters it will make you unlikely to want any dogs around at all...

Sadly Phuket is supposedly canine rabies free. Not that rent seeking doctors will tell that to the money sign walking through the door...

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May 21Liked by Amy Sukwan

“From a following the money perspective it seems the dying American empire is trying to maintain hegemony in a multipolar world.”

There you go; it’s all right there. What you just stated is at the root cause of just about everything “they” do. I have found that if you look at things thru that lens things start making sense. The Empire is withering on the vine now.

While I believe that it a good for humanity it will also hold untold challenges ahead. Unfortunately we are at the point now where the realization is setting in. It’s such an emotional conflict for me personally. On one hand I want to spike the football on their grave. And on the other it’s completely terrifying.

This is a VERY dangerous situation that involves an animal that knows it’s gravely injured. One that could lash out at the world and all of its inhabitants.

Great memes as always Amy 😊

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The 72 virgins cracked me up, but I sobered up quickly. A time to laugh, a time to cry. May hope endure. Best to you, Amy.

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May 20Liked by Amy Sukwan

Praying for Ka to be free to travel.

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Me too...

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May 20·edited May 20Liked by Amy Sukwan

That Ernest Hemingway quote is spot on!

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"I’ll be praying that WWIII doesn’t light up actively. You can’t raise the dead but hopefully their sacrifices will not have been in vain…"

Bless you, my child, and all of your friends & family, you have arrived.

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Thanks for doing far more than your fair share to help awaken humanity, Amy. Only history can judge, but I suspect that the CovidScam will go down as the largest, most significant crime of all time. Let's hope so, anyway! 😜 ~~ j ~~

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