One of my favourite pass times is to turn back the Skyclock and look at the transits of major events in my life: still have yet to be let down or surprised. So while astrology can be predictive, perhaps its better use is to help understand events either in the moment or in hindsight. Which could be helpful over the next month or so!

Thank you for the shoutout; restaurant looks full of revolutionary renovation potential.

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I'll keep the skyclock in mind thank you!

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Astrology meme I just made:


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Odd that a Libra who is all about justice and balance wouldn’t even have a glimmer of interest in astrology.

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I'm very interested in astrology. I just don't believe.

otoh - it's a joke.


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I believe in that meme!

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To admit what's really going on...

Oh Amy! I needed that one.

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Is the coral reef you've been mentioning? They say this one was from people dragging anchors:


(1/2) Dept of Marine & Coastal Resources investigated damage to coral reefs at #Phuket's Racha Yai Island aft a FB complaint & found damage to boulder corals, dwarf staghorn corals, & blue corals caused by dragging chains & anchors over 50 meters in length & 80 cms in width.

2/2) One artificial coral block was also broken and damaged.

Officials will gather information, assess the value of the damage, and coordinate with relevant agencies to file a daily report with the Chalong Police Station. #phuket #coral #thailand

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astrology is not predictive but it is illustrative, as explained in the book of genesis: the stars are there to give us signs. for example, the "greatest conjunction" a.k.a. the christmas star, when saturn and jupiter come together at the cusp of aries and pisces at time of jesus' birth. this just happened 12/25-26/24.

make of that what you will

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I laughed so much. Thank you, Amy.

I voted "not at all" in the poll.

More generally, I don't believe anything has any predictive predictive ability. Not even science.

I think we make our own path as we walk.

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I very much ascribe to astrology. One’s astrological chart can give one a good picture of the good and the stuff to watch out for in one’s personality. It also changes as one gets older, various planetary transits happen our charts at cyclical intervals, that very much are a predictor of what one is currently experiencing. I find it to all be quite informative.

A great astrologer to follow online is from the UK, Pam Gregory. She is a bit heady, and for the “novice truth seeker” she may be a bit too much. For a lighter astrologer I recommend Betsy Gutting. And then Illuminated Tarot/Jenna Fontaine is very good and does a weekly tarot/astrology reading “for the collective”. (This week’s reading is linked below.)

All are on YouTube.

Pam Gregory:


Betsy Gutting


Illuminated Tarot Jenna Fontaine



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thanks for the links FL

my go-to is adrienne elise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxGaJo_XCMg

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Most of those Pomeranian calories are in the gravy.

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Thanks for the great memes! Passing around a good laugh is helping me to still have friends even though they disagree with everything I think.

PS, don't give them any ideas about the ducks and the quail, cuz you know they're already on to Ostriches - James Roguski has it covered...

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Even by virologies own logic containment cannot work unless the goal is to eliminate all life...

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I was also born during March in Canton Ohio, albeit much earlier than you. Happy Birthday and best wishes for the business!

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I am a Shamanic Astrologer and I see several interesting points on your chart! For instance, your Virgo Ascendant conjunct your North Node, your Pisces Descendant conjunct Mars, and your Moon conjunct Uranus! Also you're having a series of Saturn transits across your Pisces stellium and the eclipse this week is conjunct your Nodes putting a focus on themes of destiny and current life intent and purpose!✨ ... so much to unpack!

Shamanic Astrology really puts an emphasis on the importance of knowing our soul's intent in this current incarnation within the Great Turning of the Ages we're ALL experiencing. This approach has nothing to do with "predicting" or keeping people bound by their "personality" traits. We seek to assist individuals in reclaiming the sacred archetypal essences of each sign and cycle in ways that serve the current life direction (Ascendant) while removing any hierarchical or judgmental distortions that have overtaken "mainstream" astrology. (Yes, even astrology has been hijacked!)

Let me know if you (or anyone here reading the comments) would like more insight ... I love sharing this approach of astrology!! 🙏💞🌃

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I've always been curious about astrology but never greatly intrigued. My experience with "predictability" was that I usually forgot or never observed the prediction. I always viewed astrology as an amusing game. One astrologist who was prominently included in many Bay Area publications had an esoteric/spiritual approach which I appreciated.

A few years back, I engaged in a forum sponsored by a mystic/psychic person involved in feminine mystery schools. I was intrigued and hung around a few years participating heavily. (If one wants an understanding, one must participate fully. Coincidentally, I was instructed by a "spiritual grandfather" during meditation to seek out an understanding of feminine mysteries during this time period.) Such a pathway is not my own, but I developed a rudimentary understanding. I feel more comfortable with Eastern traditions and particularly feel comfortable around people like Shaolin masters. I don't relate to esoteric Eastern monk traditions like the Tibetan or lesser Hinayana Schools.

Many of the people posting on the forum believed in astrology. I noted how seriously they discussed the various aspects of charts and planetary movements. One poster offered free charts as an attempt to improve her skills. I got one, but, I'm ashamed to say, immediately lost interest when I received her very kind product. The science of astrology had no value or meaning for my life as the entity I now live. I also only can guess at my birth time so, perhaps, I'm not so moved to "understand" astrology as I can never be sure of that time.

I simply haven't been interested in this study in this lifetime, but I came to realize that many people do and many people attain excellent insight into their lives. I think astrology requires deep study, and those who do so gain tremendous benefit and an opening into viewing the Universe from a different perspective or angle.

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Louie Clark a 7 year boy with a stroke? One must wonder if the vaxxines played a role. That’s really sad. Sad that democrats wouldn’t give an applause to the 13 year old boy who survived brain cancer, and became a secret service agent. Pisces ♓️

Happy birthday on 18th.

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Happy Birthday to you as well!

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Thanks 🙏 unbirthday stopped counting

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Astrology is fascinating. Thanks for the funny memes. Painting potatoes for the Easter spud hunt. At least we have 🪺. Your headaches gone? Apparently nicotine patches working for most of the poisons we have been assaulted with via spray or shedding.

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My headaches are not entirely gone but seem to be getting better. Nicotine has usefullness as a drug but smoking as a delivery system is not a good choice...

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The nicotine patches Dr Ardis on Rumble makes a strong case to use combating the poisons being shed.,

Smoking is not good delivery system.

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I liked the story of you and Steve.

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How did you get a new spirit guide? I need an upgrade! My three serious BF's were all aquarius... I didn't choose them for their signs... but it is the sign I am most compatible with (gemini here). It's a fun hobby I haven't looked at in awhile. I have been too immersed in substack (world news/events) for four blessed years (that I will never get back). 🤪 Maybe astrology would help my outlook. The restaurant looks great! Happy to hear you are feeling better.

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My spirit guide came to me in a dream. He is a black man who has a very cool dog with white and brown spots. He talked to me at length in the dream and invited me to a house party in Detroit to meet his family. Unfortunately me and Ka kept on boarding the wrong airplane...

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I have pretty much ditched “the news” (and I mostly consume ‘alt-media news’,) and put my daily focus of reading and listening on astrology and astrology tarot videos. I find that content much more life affirming and not all doom and gloom like the ‘news. I find a have a far better day when I start my day with astrology/tarot messaging. And I am far from being a “namaste/bliss ninny”. And I live in Commifornia.

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