Here are two anecdotes from this Thailand based reader to give you a modicum of hope, Amy. Last week I spoke with the owner of a long established gold shop in Yaowarat (China town, Bangkok) - where I bought the wedding rings for my wife and I a while back. I asked the (Thai) gold shop owner for this thoughts on the CBDC "digital wallet" 10k THB giveaway scheme. He replied:

"I think they (govt) shouldn't do it. It is a trap. It will bankrupt the country financing this 'free' giveaway. Thais will just find a vendor that will swap the tokens for cash, perhaps 7,000 THB with their fee taken. Cash is still king in Thailand."

Yesterday, I was out in Nakhon Nayok with my wife and her family, for remembrance rites at a temple for her late grandmother - passed away in 2020. After the chanting with the monks was finished and we shared some food, my wife's Mother began talking animatedly about the CBDC. Her sister in law asked "why is it so bad? I am thinking of registering my shop with the digital wallet so that people can use the digital tokens to buy my products".

"Do not do it. Do not accept it. IF you register your business with the digital wallet, you will never be able to convert those tokens into cash. You can only spend it on government approved products, within a 4km radius of your house registration address. You will be tracked and taxed automatically. Use cash" - my mother-in-law said. This really pepped me up and had me smiling all day long afterwards.

I think perhaps more Thais than I had realised, see this digital wallet as just a carrot based trap.

Cash is king.

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That's good to hear. Speaking of trends which I see globally among actual people I associate with, I notice an interest in growing food, free and low cost energy sources, increased interest in nature and a moving away from screens. Even 2 or 3 years ago on Nai Yang beach when crowds would show up on nice days 75% of them seemed to be on a smart phone, many to take selfies and pictures of their kids or family on the beach, but also just staring at the screen instead of socializing. Some days ago on a nice day I was on the beach with my husband and hadn't pinpointed what seemed so different. The number of screen people has dropped to maybe 1/3rd. That's a big change in a short time here...

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Thanks for your comment; I had been considering moving to NH, as they have a group called the Free State Project, Porcfest, etc. Attracting Libertarians. But as I am looking at their latest videos, they are heavily propping the CBDC stuff, and do not give any indication they support cash. Soooo......will do some more investigating there, but that's a red flag for me. What could be easier than to get all the free thinkers together in one spot and lock the cage with digi$$??.

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BTC tulip bulbs down big too

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Yep I've been reading about the crypto crash...

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Aug 5Liked by Amy Sukwan

Aren’t the medications, as well as unwholesome, a 6 month delaying tactic, preventing your travel? What would happen if he just pretended he’d taken them? If he takes them you might end up with a pharma ravaged husband for them still to say ‘too many scars, sorry no visa’.

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It doesn't prevent my travel apparently but it does prevent his. It is similar but different to if he'd been forced to take the Covid jabs to "prevent" something and then had become sickened by the medicine. I think he's taken enough of it let's put it that way. Now would liver scarring say be used by them next to say sorry he can't make a visa? Only if they can link it to another "contagious" disease, so I suppose they've got their hepatitis diagnosis ready to go.

The number of things which might have caused these pulmonary nodules (two with one on each lung the largest supposedly being 1.2 centimeters) is extremely extensive and without a chest contrast scan from the past (ie to see if these are growing, going away, or are more steady state) it could be anything. If my husband had been in the USA a doctor might have seen dollar signs to label it preliminary lung cancer and start him on KEYTRUDA or something. Here with the panel physician the lucrative treatments are only for "contagious" diseases that prevent immigration

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Aug 5Liked by Amy Sukwan

I understand (though I meant lung scarring ie he’d have taken drugs pointlessly because they were never going to sign the visa). I think he should go on holiday to Mexico. Then no US visa required, free passage and a life of freebies 😉😝)

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I don't suppose it would do any good to ask the doctors for verifiable proof of TB infection. The kind of proof that would hold up in a court of law. Right now it seems you're being forced to take their word about some nebulous, dreamed up story. If you ask them, be sure to record it. Go on the offensive!

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If the current WH assumes Trump will win, and they want to throw everything into chaos and leave him holding the bag, they’re good to go.

Isn’t there considerable ambiguity about whether Trump “ordered” shutdowns, and if he did, wouldn’t they be beating the GOP to death with proof? He certainly talked about it, and that might be ambiguous enough to solidify the case, but I thought he ultimately left that call up to the states. At any rate, his enemies are nasty as he can be. Sir Doge of the Coin seems to agree.

Prayers up for Ka.

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two wings, one bird. The cabal owns all the puppets on the board and the board itself. Who better than wounded "saved by God himself" Trump to usher in his "great friend" Jamie Dimon's JPMorgan stable coin as the "greatest currency ever" and start WWIII as the "greatest war ever." Oh and usher in the bird flu jab, as the "greatest vaccine ever, even better than the covid jab." The "Dem" party is in controlled demolition. Don't buy in.

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I say commit with an open mind and keep your eyes open. Better to live deluded by hope and self-efficacy than resigned to helplessness.

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A funny thing happened to me this morning. A Russian guy recently came to into the camp. He needed google translate to figure out where he could stay. I get the feeling he fell on some hard times. I've met both Russian and Ukrainian men of a certain fit age let's call it and I don't judge at all on either side. I wouldn't want to die for these assholes either.

But for the fast few days with the aid of google translate he's been asking for hot water for his coffee. Since there is no electricity I fire up my little cooker with wood.

It's been raining the last few days which always makes getting the fire started a royal pain. I was busy on an earnings call this morning and the Russian guy said no worries he'd get the fire going.

I came back some minutes later and noticed he was still trying to get the sticks to burn with his lighter. Sigh. I put a candle to it and got it going in a minute to heat the water.

It occured to me then that many many people around the world wouldn't even know how to start a fire without modern aids. I suppose I did spend long hours on rainy mornings last year learning exactly how to do it and what burned best in these conditions. It seems like such a simple skill but it's not in modern times...

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Helpless soul blessed to have a cup of hot water. That’s a trip, Amy. “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (Matthew 25:40).

It’s sobering to imagine the impact of a long-term power or water outage or food supply-chain failure in a major city. It would make ”The Grapes of Wrath” look like a family picnic. Did you see Tucker’s interview with his neighbor? The guy is a farmer/rancher/prepper in rural Maine, and he’s given some thought to urban collapse. Great question at about the three-minute mark: “Am I going to be able to live like I’ll have to live if . . . “ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SejsFCUWf4

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Big canary in the coal mine is waiting for Turkey. That is the lynch pin in any reset,

Bien slide same as before.




If your interested in my speculations lol there is the list.

Friend said it best it only crashes when the super rich can profit from it.

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War and collapse do go hand in hand. They're trying to grab everything they can for their bunkers methinks...

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yeh its just seeing how much they get exposed this time. That is what is most interesting.

Every thing they do now with pluto retrograde is going to hyper expose them. So yeh I don't think they will be too popular wherever they go everyone is sick of the scooby doo ending..... "He got away." this is the big one...me thinks in pure speculation style.

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Great, great post Ames.

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Aug 5Liked by Amy Sukwan

A prayer for your husband. Diagnosis sounds fishy to me.

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HODL... it's going to be quite the week...

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Excellent deployment of Solzhenitsyn. Everyone needs to read the Gulag Archipelago again. It is even more relevant than 1984 or Brave New World because it is true.

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Good luck. Thanks for the memes.

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What do you think? is the women's movement being buried? Can we use non-violent direct action still to try to get some of our rights back? Or is it a lost cause. Not looking forward to being jailed with men who say they are women...


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Possession is 9/10ths of the law. My ex Joe used to say that to me a lot. My point here being that avoiding the popo and poltical prosecution becomes very important. It's where I thought the Canada Trucker's revolt was really an unsung hero about how to do it. Of course they had to break that up but they had to bring in outside UN troops and fuck with the financial system.

In this clown world staying out of jail becomes both paramount and difficult...

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Aug 5·edited Aug 5Liked by Amy Sukwan

No, the 5k ransom is looking better and better all the time.

No guarantees in life, at least none better than this one.

Don't wait till Trump is "selected."

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All is race - there is no other truth. Biology exists. It's relevant. This is at the heart of all the above you post. For those who cannot or will not acknowledge it, continue to reap the benefits of a strong ethnocentric nepotistic group fostering voraciously deceitful in-group preference - herding together others with strong in-group preferences - against high-trust societies (Whites mostly but now inclusive of the Japanese to a lesser extent - but growing) who think their nations are "ideas" as part of "the West" and aren't based in biology.

Ideologies (religions, political views) are often masks for genetic markers. The fight for ascendancy wages via genetics inside of groups - and outside of them. Is it all Indians who are making Canada shit? Is it all Arabs making the UK shit? Is it all South Americans who aren't of White descent, making the US shit? - not per se - there are exceptions within all groups. That said, individuals do NOT exist in nature and never have. You can take this "exceptional" person A out of Haiti, but Haiti remains with them - and comes over with their familial connections, their remaining in-group preference, and their genetics if they breed. Again, these are exceptions. Again, individuals don't exist in nature. One must look at the GROUP the Lindberghs, the Wright brothers, the Chaucers, come from.

"Who are these voraciously ethnocentric herders who lead these Bolshevist and Neo-Conservative factions replacing us?" you ask. Well, they're no less than the same who created Bolshevism via their strange ideological/religious tenets (see Moses Hess and his advocacy for race war so his special Messiah can come and wipe out all Nordic peoples and Semites can finally rise - in "Rome and Jerusalem"):



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https://mail.proton.me/u/1/inbox/NvQIH6wizQtBByGxIVPXPvXHmaVfpX5WWkPsYBNYpbG0IULoaxXK6qIQF5zOMbAETUY6aJ05N_-4IH3eaXkuxg== Nagase MD on Substack, re a treasury certificate listing all the bank accounts and balances held by King Santiago S. Martin of the Philippines.

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I have taken antibiotics one time in my life, they made me so lightheaded I almost crashed a car. Never again.

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