Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Amy Sukwan

Your lovely snap of the innocent, wide-eyed, beautiful toddler says it all. Even if people can't be bothered to fight to protect themselves, how can they not be willing to do so for their children and grandchildren?

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Sep 16Liked by Amy Sukwan

I have been chatting with you for a while now Amy. Had no clue until recent posts that you had such an understanding of finance. I’m somewhat literate but not an expert by a long shot.

Had friend for a short time in my college days. We went our separate ways. One night he showed me art that his father had done. Great drawing and such. One jumped out at me though. It was a drawing of the planet earth shrinking and imploding as the last dime popped out.

God I should try and find him. See if he can send me a pic. At that time I had no fucking clue about anything but I knew it was special. I think that’s kind of what you are describing here.

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That's a good visual on the drawing. I've been trying to think up more memes to draw out. I"m a jack of all trades type, but my technical day jobs have been in finance for 20 years. I've listened to many corporate executives drone on and came to the conclusion that the incentive structure is where the power lies. SOn I'm fascinated by the myriad ways they buy the world.

The fear is that in their desire for total control that they are willing to take everybody down with them...

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Sep 16Liked by Amy Sukwan

This is terrific

Just watched CBS “See BS” Sunday Morning with the heinous Dr. Peter Hotez who

never met a vaccine he didn’t like, lying for 20 minutes straight. Ironically, he has an autistic daughter.

I have to believe he KNOWS why she is autistic (most likely, anyway) and I KNOW he is laid generously and bestowed grants right and left. He literally can’t afford to come clean and tell the truth abt vaccines.

Oh, and “Dr. LaPuke” was right there feeding him the questions, the ones that set him up to spew more propaganda as an answer.


Rain, rain, go away!

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Peter Hotez wrote a book entitled "Vaccines did not Cause Rachel's Autism" which Toby Rogers reviewed. It sounds like the same nonsense I would expect. Parents are often desperate to blame anything but the poison that they allowed to be injected into their child's bloodstream and if you combine that with dollar signs and a chance at fame some useful idiot like Hotez will emerge. Some people need to lie to themselves and some people need to be lied to. I find such programming too toxic to muddle through...

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Sep 16Liked by Amy Sukwan

Don’t ask me to find it but I PROMISE you it exists. There is a video with Peter on Sept 2020 warning a committee of sorts. He was warning about the covid vaccines and the potential for Immune Priming. I considered that about the same as Original Antigenic Sin (OAS) and ADE. The difference between all of them is not something I can explain.

I remember the concern in his voice. While I cannot vouch for certainty, he did seem genuine. However he has proven himself to be a great liar.

If I could ever have words with the human rat I would like to ask, what gave you the confidence to support the vaccines in less than 6 months. But I don’t get to ask questions….for now 😉

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The planned crash of '08 launched The Good Club meetings in 2009 to "save the world".


In 2010, the Rockefellers ran Operation Lockstep planning exercise about locking down the world for a pandemic, err..."pandemic".

The movie "Contagion" produced by Kirsch's pal Jeffrey Skoll was made and released in 2011.

Klaus Schwab in 2009 was holding court and discussing how we are in a "global crisis" and this crisis included everything (all the usual emergency topics) and in 2020 Tulsi Gabbard (Council on Foreign Relations and prob. soon to be Sec. of State) echoed all the same talking points.

Gabbard said we are all in this together and have to come together as a global community to fight the new enemy: the Coronavirus.

All planned. All planned. All planned.



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The man at the fork transforming to a spirit with a dragon rider in the sky coming through a portal - or it’s something else. Need some help to understand that.

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I found that one unattributed and really like the image. I take it as guardian angels over all of us, but I am leaving it completely open to interpretation

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Good stuff...could be worthy of an article on it's own looking at the interpretations of this multi-dimensional choose your own adventure consciousness experiment incarnation story we are participating in!

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It is engaging

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Mortgage debt the most enslaving of all personal debt. Currently personal debt around 19 trillion as Americans live a affluent and luxurious lifestyle they can’t afford. Thus they go along to get along and will turn in those that do not making the cows waiting in line at the slaughter house number 1 meme of the day…

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Sep 17Liked by Amy Sukwan

People are shocked and dismayed to see all the starter homes gobbled up as investment properties and the monetization of everything is one reason, along with every industry (stock) needing to be a growth industry (stock). Real estate doesn’t go to zero. It’s not gold, it’s illiquid, but it’s about the next best thing. No one is making any more, ask Bill Gates, ask the Chinese, all buyers of US Ag land. Property rights are the basis for much of English common law. In the US, law is modeled on English common law (Louisiana excepted), and in the Declaration of Independence, pursuit of happiness is a proxy for property. It’s why the American dream of owning a home is critical. People are more engaged when they own property and they are in a way more free despite the obligations. The last 50 years the political agenda has tried to take that from us. Not always with intent, but at the end of the day intent only really matters among one’s inner circle/intimates.

Our leadership is engaged in what Thomas Sowell calls stage one thinking. Most of the plans over the last 50 years were trying to save today, the hell with tomorrow. And now here we are after 50 years of fiat currency, 45 years after de-industrialization, 30 years of NAFTA, 23 years after 9/11 with the artificially low interest rates that produced the 2007 post Lehman brothers bust and that caused the explosion of home prices since 2019 and inflation.

They won’t stop until they have completely enslaved us and taken us back to being cogs in the wheel. It’s what the left has in common with the Islamists. 1492 or bust…

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Amy Sukwan

"Nothing is sticking out to me on this assasination plot."

The main point that should stand out is that the round of golf was apparently not planned and a last minute opportunity that Trump took. So for the assassin to know where and when was a decision made within a day, if not in just hours, with awful timely inside information. It'll have to be found just how organized this was, but at least a fairly complete prep was necessary and the attempt seemingly being planned to have the kit ready.

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I agree about the unscheduled golf being a big problem and it would be the first question for Routh: how did he obtain this information? AT the time I wrote this it was still breaking news so this was not sticking out because I assumed that perhaps Trump played golf every Sunday afternoon there, or that locals maybe knew this schedule or that it was posted somewhere i.e. that it was easy to find information (as one would assume would be the case with a campaign rally). Yes it sticks out now!

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Good stuff Amy, especially the focus on what's right there, in your face, on the dollar bill. Along those lines, let us resolve to get the arch criminals like FDR and evil Abe off the money. Not to mention a giant monument to the country's most heinous despot on a Dakota mountain. #RushmoreNeedsaMakeover

~~ j ~~

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Sep 16Liked by Amy Sukwan

Not buying into this ass ass i nation attempt either; anything, anything, anything to keep the headlines off of the genocide. coke and pepsi both poison.

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Terrific memes, highly appreciated on Monday morning!

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Amy Sukwan

Great memes Amy!! Especially like the Overpopulation Myth, All seeing eye on dollar bill, and the Planned Parenthood ones. Yes, it's necessary to follow the money..but this will only lead you to partial truth because it is only part of the problem...albeit a mammoth one!!

1 Timothy 6:10 King James Version For the love of money is the root of all evil Okay, smack down on the bible quote. We have been hearing this quote our entire lives. I cannot be the only creature who sees yet another obvious example of the perverted truth put forth in the Bible?? Love of money has never been the root of all evil. Does money exist in nature? Obviously, no it does not. Energy is the currency of nature. Timothy 6:10 is a partial truth which people latch onto because this planet was enslaved (most recently at least) using a money based system of control. Yes, I innerstand that the implied meaning is about the universal problem of wanting something your neighbor has which you do not currently have, leading to the trespass known as theft. God's natural law addresses theft..so why pump out this partial truth about money and root of all evil? Is Timothy 6:10 a mis-translation? Is this intentional deception? Why do people rarely question this? Many people take the quote literally and end up deceived. If the biblical statement were actually true, then what happened before money was invented, or barter or trade for this matter? Was there still evil? Pretty sure the answer is yes. Does evil exist outside of 3D earth realm? If you believe evil is only here in the physical..I have some very concerning news for you, LOL. Was there not humans who killed other humans because negative or demonic entities influenced them to kill & maim? Follow the money...oh wait there was, generally speaking, no money prior to Babylonian money magic system. Did people perform human sacrifices solely to get access to coinage, a bumper crop yield or their enemy's used furniture collection? Some yes. All, certainly not. CONclusion, the bible statement is not universal truth. I get the point..we are dealing with the Babylonian money system so this is where our focus is. Is it possible this misdirected focus on money (a.k.a mind control) was and STILL IS to get us to conveniently not notice the spiritual source of evil? Intelligence is the ability to navigate the current situation or paradigm you are presented with WHILE being able to critically think and discern beyond the given framework into the universal nature of truth. Okay, said my peace..love it or no. Edit: Adding an additional thumbs up for the Glenn Greenwald quote too. Wish this was plastered in front of every NPC in Murica!!

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There are many people who have taken apart that Bible quote. Some say the operative word in it is LOVE, which would represent an inverted perversion of what LOVE actually is. To take that to a spiritual dimension is not as hard as you might think when viewed through that lens, as it represents LOVE of a signifiar (most commonly represented as money) rather than a love of God, creation, or your fellow man.

As the spiritual source of evil is in Biblical terms represented as the Devil, who rejects God and thinks he can do better than the creator, I can see how this can be represented as a perversion towards the material realm, whether it is represented as a LOVE of money, power, hierarchy et cetera. Love of ego? Love of status in this material life?

That's my take...

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Amy Sukwan

Thanks for your insight! Inversion is certainly the theme of this whole shit show unfolding in the spiritual war and spilling over to earth.. I still think the root of evil is deeper than what is stated by the Bible There is willful contempt for humans, creation, life itself, consciousness, oneness, earth - which manifests into a desire to rob energy in every way possible. My hypothesis is that joy and peace are a slightly higher vibrational energy than love. The antithesis of love is fear of love. The dark side takes joy (or what may be the pure antithesis of joy) in the active destruction of joyfulness and peace within humans and on earth. Killjoys and destroyers of peace. To me the full inversion of joy and peace reveals a layer of hatred that goes beyond the mere inversion of love. I don't know if we have words to describe what is beyond the inversion of love. I may be wrong, but I still sense the Bible..or at least what is (falsely) presented to us as the Bible is not absolute truth. I hope the coming years will reveal more on this. I say bust open the Vatican archives and lets find out what depths of truth has been hidden from us! Thanks for enduring my rant and for ferreting out these fantastic memes. interspersed with your observations.

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There is most certainly a vile contempt for God's creation that exists as the pulsating heart of evil. I've heard wild theories of all types including that an alien species is ultimately behind this system of enslavement. To me it is very clear that they have a desire to keep people on lower energetic fear based vibration through their chaos...

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People are shocked and dismayed to see all the starter homes gobbled up as investment properties and the monetization of everything is one reason, along with every industry (stock) needing to be a growth industry (stock). Real estate doesn’t go to zero. It’s not gold, it’s illiquid, but it’s about the next best thing. No one is making any more, ask Bill Gates, ask the Chinese, all buyers of US Ag land. Property rights are the basis for much of English common law. In the US, law is modeled on English common law (Louisiana excepted), and in the Declaration of Independence, pursuit of happiness is a proxy for property. It’s why the American dream of owning a home is critical. People are more engaged when they own property and they are in a way more free despite the obligations. The last 50 years the political agenda has tried to take that from us. Not always with intent, but at the end of the day intent only really matters among one’s inner circle/intimates. Our leadership is engaged in what Thomas soul calls stage one thinking. Most of the plans over the last 50 years were trying to save today, the hell with tomorrow

And now here we are 50 years of fiat currency, 45 years after de-industrialization, 30 years post NAFTA, 23 years post 9/11 and the artificially low interest rates that produced the 17 post Lehman brothers and the cheap

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