I had a phone conversation with an old friend in Alaska, who is in an assisted living facility. His ill health led to him losing a leg, though that was before covid. He informed me that it costs approximately $16,000 to house each resident in the facility, of which there are about 120. He brings in just short of $3000 a month, pension and soc sec, of which they take $2800, leaving him $200. If he brought in 16,000/mnth they would probably leave him $200. He says the average "income" for patients is about $1000 in social security. He says such facilities in Alaska are a growth industry. The government is billed for the other $15,000.
$15,000 x 120 residents x 12mnths = 21.6Mil per year billed to the Governement. X's what must be 10,000 facilities nation wide? I guess 210bil ain't that much, but that doesn't include "health care", and then you are talking a trillion at least.
We can begin to see one of the reasons America is now 34tril in debt and growing, as tens of millions of boomers age out.
I suspect covid in part was an attempt to wipe out millions of such people. My friend said he never got covid, but he watched residents and nurses dropping like flies. Meanwhile the jabs are only making more to fill that gap left by covid protocol.
I suspect a lot of those facilities are owned by the Blackrock's of the world, parasites or rather like a cancer, defrauding medicare etc, but no one questions it because no one wants to take responsibility for indigent elderly. Health Care generally is even more of a racket. It is absolutely destroying the country, we are going to lose empire status, which is going to be very traumatic for America.
The best advice I can give is to listen to John O'Looney as to what may be next. If you don't know who John is his was one of the first voices raised against the vax. He was seeing white threads in the veins of those he embalmed, he did his best to warn people. And he has yet another warning:
Our, un-jabbed middle child is a first year medical student. She had to be careful where she applied and searched websites for their vaccination policies. We are hoping to pay for her tuition out of retirement savings as we do not want anyone to “own” her if we can help it. Paul’s plight reinforces that. She may need to make a difficult choice in a couple of years when she starts clinical rotations. I don’t want student loan debt to sway that kind of decision.
This is excellent information to know JuJu best of luck to her. My older daughter is applying to universities and has been thus far accepted to two different colleges in England (how this would be paid for is another matter but the base tuition on one of 30K per year was not as ridiculous as I first feared). She should be able to get scholarships and the like I graduated with student loan debt of about 13K which was paid off by 2009 or so. They have really made a mess of things...
We have seen so much of THAT these past three years, like the single mom (from Colorado?) who didn't want to take the COVID shots but finally relented because her employer mandated them (ILLEGALLY!) and she needed her paycheck so she could take care of her two little kids. But NOW there is NO paycheck and the mom is DEAD FROM THE SHOT! Leaving her kids orphans! Heartbreaking! And God only knows what's happening to the kids! Hopefully some good relatives were able to take them, because CPS is allegedly FULL of pedophiles and child trafficking! It is all absolutely insane and heartbreaking! We are living in completely crazy times!
I heard a quote from a tradesperson, years back, that he would work for free because he liked his job, even if no money was exchanged. He wished people would just take care of each other. I do think people would likely work less, and make different choices about what they would choose to do, but people would still want to work in a differently structured economy. I think alot of people appreciate the value of work that helps people in and of itself, if it was received with gratitude.
I enjoy working and if my needs were covered I would do a lot of things for "free." It's mostly all of the stuff I do now as I cannot work at a job that is morally incongruent with me. The difference is only that those jobs tend to be curiously low paying...
This side of the pond, unwarranted use seems to be on the rise. Covid stimulus might have played a role in some people losing all shame. Might be a local phenomenon though, I don't travel much so I don't know.
I have felt this way for a while now. Like it’s all fake. I have a very high-paying job that feels totally fake. But it’s very secure and very comfortable. I find myself thinking, “how long can they continue paying me this much money for so little work? And, do I really have any control over my own life? So I’m taking a severance package and starting my own junk hauling/moving business next month. And my wife is now a stay-at-home mom due to earlier revelations that it was completely stupid for her to go to work and then pay strangers to take care of the only thing that really matters, our 2 y/o daughter. For better or worse, we are going to have a real, tangible life again. No longer dependent on a Fortune 100 corporation, coddling us til death.
I commen thta completely! Money is at its root an abstract concept. I have seen budgets that varied by thousands of dollars per month. They try to trap you into a system where you "need" this. It's all an illusion. Bravo to doing tangible concrete work!
Imho don’t even exist. No damn virus equals no variant that’s never been ID. It all a gas lighting Twilight Zone. As for the money 💰 system
F the student loans and release all the money Ukraine got and share with us the ones on a knifes edge. And how bout the trillions we are spending on illegal aliens to invade what was a country w borders.
Thinking it will get better 2024.
Money system has been corrupt since 1913
Gold off in 1972. Money 💴 system like health
Care like legal education like democracy are all
In need of repair.
6 shots Jesus plus others …. People volunteer
To exit hotel earth, compliments of the tiny fraction of evil mutha fuckers who take great joy in killing maiming. But we can’t say that
I see that is a student loan statement from Navient, one of the servicers of federal student loans. I have been researching student loan debt for over a decade, wrote many articles and those numbers are more the norm than people think. I am surprised they haven't moved to garnish his SS - which I have seen over and over happen to senior citizens struggling to get by.
It's possible that they have garnished Paul's very meager SS though I fail to see their point in doing so as the amount he supposedly owes is so much greater than projected earnings over time. It's some funy money math indeed!
It does not matter if he can pay off the debt. The only thing that matters is that the vultures are getting paid. That's the system we have in the US. Student loan debt is the most predatory debt on the planet. If they are garnishing is SS, it will show on his annual SS statement. I believe they can take up to 15%. At this point, all the money paid is going for fees and bullshit interest. It is all profit for the profiteers.
I’m 71, same as Paul. Never covid jabbed. Never had a flu shot and I don’t know what the flu is. I dropped my guard and let them slip in a shingles shot against my better judgment 10 years ago, just to learn later that it was ineffective and I should get another. I have answered the needle pushers with a verb and a pronoun ever since.
I can’t help but take some arrogant pride in this, so please forgive me. That being said, I have to admit that there was, for most of my life, a good bit of Paul in me with my relationship with the medicos. I always enjoyed a patronizing little pat on my head from the docs and dentists after I announced that I was adhering to all their rules and taking all my meds, and staying healthy as a result. Lollypop please.
Astute observations across the board, Amy; quick thoughts...
- Disappointed in where your poll is thus far; I voted "Up To Us (because ultimately, I think it always is), and to see so many in the 'worse than' category saddened me just a smidge.
- I noticed a change in how the holidays were celebrated this year as well; there seems to be a shift of perception going on.
- Yes, the Hong Kong percentages DID surprise me; I would think they'd be much higher, because.. well, China.
- I too will be watching the markets, with a close eye on gold and silver prices; every usury currency eventually collapses upon itself, and if something ugly this way comes? I am convinced there will be a 'pop' in those commodity markets beforehand.
I was making necklaces for my daughters which I wanted to have a signature vibrational energy supposedly most in tune with electromagnetic fields of the Earth by using gold, silver and copper beads. These were the original choices for coin money in Roman times though copper was replaced by bronze which is 87% copper and 13% tin because it was more durable for coinage. I had a broken necklace given to me by my maternal grandmother 30 years ago which had gold beads and pearls, and I had some silver beads a friend had given me 20 years ago because he thought I was artistic and might use them to make necklaces. I ordered the copper beads off of Amazon for $5.99. I'm watching this stuff too I suppose...
Paul owes over a THIRD of a million dollars, not just "over a quarter"!
That paper doesn't show his supposed monthly payment.
Student loans can't be discharged through bankruptcy, so the whole situation is absurd.
But what else is absurd that while he has gotten thoroughly scammed by the system (and college tuition and student loans and degrees are scams!), he is buying into other scams such as the COVID "pandemic" and of course the bioweapon shots!
One of the contributing factors to the pathological lies of the medical system during the Scamdemic was the number of doctors afraid to speak up and who sheep-like went along with the fraud. The oft-repeated excuse was because of their financial precariousness due to burdensome student loan payments (and I'm sure hefty mortgage and car payments, too!). Who knows? Maybe with a higher percentage of doctors not slaves to the system, more would have found their cajones and stood up for medical ethics and the health and well-being of their patients! —As opposed to being cowards who caved in to pressure to withhold information critical to obtaining proper Informed Consent, and going along with the deadly bioweapon mass-genocide program. Sooner or later they WILL be held accountable for the incalulable harms they have inflicted on so many innocent and (previously) trusting human beings! Plus they have contributed to the near-obliteration of what was left of a medical system already teetering on the brink of collapse under the influence of the criminals in Big Pharma.
I have no doubt that debt entrapment is part of the ways that people are compromised. There's also the visa scams and the constant propaganda. At this point the medical field needs to practiclaly start from scratch and examine every underlying assumption one by one. But they can't make money off of healthy people, now can they?
Remember when Bill Clinton took office (maybe you're not old enough) but Hillary was making a big deal of inviting doctors and nurses to come to the White House and discuss ways the obviously-broken "healthcare" system could be revamped. I recall practically yelling at the t.v. (where we watched the news back then!) that reforming it was useless, that it needed to be COMPLETELY BULLDOZED OUT AND STARTED OVER FROM SCRATCH!
And guess what? It has ONLY GOTTEN WORSE from then!!!!! I worked within the System for twenty-five years untill I got TOOOO disgusted with it!
No, they can't make money off of healthy people, which is why they collude with Big Ag and Big Food to poison the American food supply with glyohosate, pesticides, additives, and INDUSTRIAL SEED OILS THAT HAVE NO BUSINESS BEING PUT IN A HUMAN BODY! Plus excessive corn syrup and sugar, of course. But it's the highly oxidative omega 6 linoleic acid seed oils (in virtually all processed foods) that are causing most of the serious damage to human cells and tissues (soybean oil, canola oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, peanut oil, high-linoleic acid sunflower oil, safflower oil, ETC.), CONTRIBUTING TO all of the "diseases of modern civilization"— cardiovascular disease, strokes, cancer, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, etc.
"Heart Healthy" polyunsaturated oils? LIES LIES, LIES!!!!!!! Instead they cause inflammation and poorly-functioning cell membranes and receptors, so that NOTHING WORKS RIGHT! Equals more disease and $$$$$$ for Big Pharma!!!!!
changes in 2005 to us bankruptcy law redefined "safe harbor" as safe harbor for bankster creditors to seize client assets. at that time, bankruptcy for student loans was further prohibited.
if you haven't already read/seen it, i highly recommend the great taking by hedge fund dude david rogers webb. don't agree with everything he says, but he makes an interesting connection between the rate of collapse in 1929, 1999 and now. he forecasts a bail-in (akin to what happened in cyprus) from bank depositors and asset seizures to usher in a cbdc in 2024
I have watched the Great Taking and find it extremely interesting. Yes I am concerned about bail ins and bank holidays. That said do they really have the firepower to enforce it in a systemic collapse of that magnitude? I do worry they might try to bring the CBDC in that way though: the only way to buy food or whatever is to download some app...
CAF says watch what happens on fridays. the rollout starts on the weekend when nobody's watching and on monday, boom. like in the handmaid's tale when the women all got debanked.
I'm currently trying to figure out how to dispute a fraud claim which was turned down because they deemed the "google Play" charges legitimate with no supporting evidence. I think they're testing us already...
Wow! You're right Paul will never pay off that debt, without winning the lottery.
It reminds me of Red Dwarf, where the main character was in stasis [on a spaceship] for (3) million years, and his accrued tax debt was so large it was the basis for the global economy! 😂🤣 Governments were borrowing against his debt.
I had to do a lot of traveling for work years the end of last year and the beginning of this year, and I saw almost nobody at the airport with masks. They still wanted people to wear them on planes in the beginning, so I just put mine below my nose so I could breath. You could take it off to eat anyway. The whole thing was so stupid. Most people complained about it too. That made me feel better.
But yeah, there are some people who get injured and feel special because of it, I suppose.
It makes me think of those people who walk across the road, and never look. "Let them hit me!" they might say, and they might mean it too!
I would much rather never be hit by a car! Similarly, I would rather not be injured by some toxic "vaccine." Especially when I had COVID-19 already in 2020, says the expensive employer paid nasal/brain swab test. And I'm 100% fine.
Amy, I'm like you, all of this is so surreal. And people's responses, rolling over and doing what they're told -- that was the scariest part.
Hopefully enough people have become wise to the scam, and won't play along next time.
Surreal is the best description of it. I do think a lot of people sense that the system is hopelessly fixed against them they just don't know what to do about it.
A lot of people go to their grave believing whatever it is that they believe. It doesn't matter whether the assumptions on which their beliefs are based are complete BS.
I got a chuckle out of the entire economy being based off somebody's debt! I think that pretty much describes where we are already!
I think you're right. Everyone knows that things are being driven off a cliff, but doesn't know what to do. I would just say to sure up what you can personally, and ride it out. If the wheels fall off, it will get nasty, but what else are regular people to do?
I used to say vote, but I don't think we can anymore. At least not on the national level.
You would like Red Dwarf, it's rather dated now, but it's really pretty a pretty good show.
Amy, I was struck by your remark "how many derivative contracts were written on the back of this? " and I think you just put your finger on something important....we have financialized almost everything here in the us, which is why the market does not reflect (nor does money anymore) the underlying economic activity....
The cookie has to crumble...and timing is everything in this life.
Makes me think oddly enough of all those young men we are letting pour over the borders....of military age. I keep thinking there is a connection.
A new police force to herd the unvaxxed into camps...while the vaxxed keep dying? Saying it is a new variant? and also to vote democratic I think, but that is just an off benefit....
In the meantie, our cities and real estate in them are declining in value and being sold to foreigners...and this is deliberate...so the question is, who is buying the real estate? China? Globalists? Someone is gonna own everything n this country and take us without a fight.
Discussing these topics with a Ukrainian friend over Christmas, I was amazed at how little of it he sees. No vaccine issues. No Covid issues. He has to stretch to believe what I tell him about drugs, feces, snatch-and-grab, carjackings etc. etc. in the major cities of the US.
Paul is very lucky to have you as a friend.
I had a phone conversation with an old friend in Alaska, who is in an assisted living facility. His ill health led to him losing a leg, though that was before covid. He informed me that it costs approximately $16,000 to house each resident in the facility, of which there are about 120. He brings in just short of $3000 a month, pension and soc sec, of which they take $2800, leaving him $200. If he brought in 16,000/mnth they would probably leave him $200. He says the average "income" for patients is about $1000 in social security. He says such facilities in Alaska are a growth industry. The government is billed for the other $15,000.
$15,000 x 120 residents x 12mnths = 21.6Mil per year billed to the Governement. X's what must be 10,000 facilities nation wide? I guess 210bil ain't that much, but that doesn't include "health care", and then you are talking a trillion at least.
We can begin to see one of the reasons America is now 34tril in debt and growing, as tens of millions of boomers age out.
I suspect covid in part was an attempt to wipe out millions of such people. My friend said he never got covid, but he watched residents and nurses dropping like flies. Meanwhile the jabs are only making more to fill that gap left by covid protocol.
Nothing about our economic mess is sustainable. The U.S. WILL collapse economically.
I suspect a lot of those facilities are owned by the Blackrock's of the world, parasites or rather like a cancer, defrauding medicare etc, but no one questions it because no one wants to take responsibility for indigent elderly. Health Care generally is even more of a racket. It is absolutely destroying the country, we are going to lose empire status, which is going to be very traumatic for America.
The best advice I can give is to listen to John O'Looney as to what may be next. If you don't know who John is his was one of the first voices raised against the vax. He was seeing white threads in the veins of those he embalmed, he did his best to warn people. And he has yet another warning:
Our, un-jabbed middle child is a first year medical student. She had to be careful where she applied and searched websites for their vaccination policies. We are hoping to pay for her tuition out of retirement savings as we do not want anyone to “own” her if we can help it. Paul’s plight reinforces that. She may need to make a difficult choice in a couple of years when she starts clinical rotations. I don’t want student loan debt to sway that kind of decision.
This is excellent information to know JuJu best of luck to her. My older daughter is applying to universities and has been thus far accepted to two different colleges in England (how this would be paid for is another matter but the base tuition on one of 30K per year was not as ridiculous as I first feared). She should be able to get scholarships and the like I graduated with student loan debt of about 13K which was paid off by 2009 or so. They have really made a mess of things...
Hey Amy which colleges is your daughter considering?
I have spent most of my career studying and working at Universities here in England.
I'll get back to you when I ask her thanks!
When the government got involved....
Congratulations for being smart and doing the RIGHT THING!!!!!
Her life may depend on it. She does not intend to get it. But tough life choices become tougher if the albatross of student debt is around her neck. 😒
"tough life choices . . . "
We have seen so much of THAT these past three years, like the single mom (from Colorado?) who didn't want to take the COVID shots but finally relented because her employer mandated them (ILLEGALLY!) and she needed her paycheck so she could take care of her two little kids. But NOW there is NO paycheck and the mom is DEAD FROM THE SHOT! Leaving her kids orphans! Heartbreaking! And God only knows what's happening to the kids! Hopefully some good relatives were able to take them, because CPS is allegedly FULL of pedophiles and child trafficking! It is all absolutely insane and heartbreaking! We are living in completely crazy times!
No kidding! The system is set up to entrap us into perpetual Slavery.
Tons of heartbreaking stories
Good insight.
Nice writing Amy.
I heard a quote from a tradesperson, years back, that he would work for free because he liked his job, even if no money was exchanged. He wished people would just take care of each other. I do think people would likely work less, and make different choices about what they would choose to do, but people would still want to work in a differently structured economy. I think alot of people appreciate the value of work that helps people in and of itself, if it was received with gratitude.
I enjoy working and if my needs were covered I would do a lot of things for "free." It's mostly all of the stuff I do now as I cannot work at a job that is morally incongruent with me. The difference is only that those jobs tend to be curiously low paying...
re handicapped parking spaces:
This side of the pond, unwarranted use seems to be on the rise. Covid stimulus might have played a role in some people losing all shame. Might be a local phenomenon though, I don't travel much so I don't know.
I have felt this way for a while now. Like it’s all fake. I have a very high-paying job that feels totally fake. But it’s very secure and very comfortable. I find myself thinking, “how long can they continue paying me this much money for so little work? And, do I really have any control over my own life? So I’m taking a severance package and starting my own junk hauling/moving business next month. And my wife is now a stay-at-home mom due to earlier revelations that it was completely stupid for her to go to work and then pay strangers to take care of the only thing that really matters, our 2 y/o daughter. For better or worse, we are going to have a real, tangible life again. No longer dependent on a Fortune 100 corporation, coddling us til death.
I commen thta completely! Money is at its root an abstract concept. I have seen budgets that varied by thousands of dollars per month. They try to trap you into a system where you "need" this. It's all an illusion. Bravo to doing tangible concrete work!
I think the shots are decimating families,
Still trying to scare us with “viruses” that
Imho don’t even exist. No damn virus equals no variant that’s never been ID. It all a gas lighting Twilight Zone. As for the money 💰 system
F the student loans and release all the money Ukraine got and share with us the ones on a knifes edge. And how bout the trillions we are spending on illegal aliens to invade what was a country w borders.
Thinking it will get better 2024.
Money system has been corrupt since 1913
Gold off in 1972. Money 💴 system like health
Care like legal education like democracy are all
In need of repair.
6 shots Jesus plus others …. People volunteer
To exit hotel earth, compliments of the tiny fraction of evil mutha fuckers who take great joy in killing maiming. But we can’t say that
But we can write it. Until some black helicopters
Start harassing you.
Merry Christmas 🎁🎄 Amy best of life
Here in the States!
I see that is a student loan statement from Navient, one of the servicers of federal student loans. I have been researching student loan debt for over a decade, wrote many articles and those numbers are more the norm than people think. I am surprised they haven't moved to garnish his SS - which I have seen over and over happen to senior citizens struggling to get by.
Thanks for a really great post.
It's possible that they have garnished Paul's very meager SS though I fail to see their point in doing so as the amount he supposedly owes is so much greater than projected earnings over time. It's some funy money math indeed!
It does not matter if he can pay off the debt. The only thing that matters is that the vultures are getting paid. That's the system we have in the US. Student loan debt is the most predatory debt on the planet. If they are garnishing is SS, it will show on his annual SS statement. I believe they can take up to 15%. At this point, all the money paid is going for fees and bullshit interest. It is all profit for the profiteers.
I’m 71, same as Paul. Never covid jabbed. Never had a flu shot and I don’t know what the flu is. I dropped my guard and let them slip in a shingles shot against my better judgment 10 years ago, just to learn later that it was ineffective and I should get another. I have answered the needle pushers with a verb and a pronoun ever since.
I can’t help but take some arrogant pride in this, so please forgive me. That being said, I have to admit that there was, for most of my life, a good bit of Paul in me with my relationship with the medicos. I always enjoyed a patronizing little pat on my head from the docs and dentists after I announced that I was adhering to all their rules and taking all my meds, and staying healthy as a result. Lollypop please.
Astute observations across the board, Amy; quick thoughts...
- Disappointed in where your poll is thus far; I voted "Up To Us (because ultimately, I think it always is), and to see so many in the 'worse than' category saddened me just a smidge.
- I noticed a change in how the holidays were celebrated this year as well; there seems to be a shift of perception going on.
- Yes, the Hong Kong percentages DID surprise me; I would think they'd be much higher, because.. well, China.
- I too will be watching the markets, with a close eye on gold and silver prices; every usury currency eventually collapses upon itself, and if something ugly this way comes? I am convinced there will be a 'pop' in those commodity markets beforehand.
Thanks for a great post!
I was making necklaces for my daughters which I wanted to have a signature vibrational energy supposedly most in tune with electromagnetic fields of the Earth by using gold, silver and copper beads. These were the original choices for coin money in Roman times though copper was replaced by bronze which is 87% copper and 13% tin because it was more durable for coinage. I had a broken necklace given to me by my maternal grandmother 30 years ago which had gold beads and pearls, and I had some silver beads a friend had given me 20 years ago because he thought I was artistic and might use them to make necklaces. I ordered the copper beads off of Amazon for $5.99. I'm watching this stuff too I suppose...
Indeed you are, and wise for so doing.
BTW I absolutely LOVE copper - the 'People's Metal' - and I always try to keep a few pure-copper coins handy. Powerful energy in that element. <3
makes you wonder why copper pipe has been switched out for pvc in new construction - and how expensive copper pipe has become, if you can even find it
Paul owes over a THIRD of a million dollars, not just "over a quarter"!
That paper doesn't show his supposed monthly payment.
Student loans can't be discharged through bankruptcy, so the whole situation is absurd.
But what else is absurd that while he has gotten thoroughly scammed by the system (and college tuition and student loans and degrees are scams!), he is buying into other scams such as the COVID "pandemic" and of course the bioweapon shots!
One of the contributing factors to the pathological lies of the medical system during the Scamdemic was the number of doctors afraid to speak up and who sheep-like went along with the fraud. The oft-repeated excuse was because of their financial precariousness due to burdensome student loan payments (and I'm sure hefty mortgage and car payments, too!). Who knows? Maybe with a higher percentage of doctors not slaves to the system, more would have found their cajones and stood up for medical ethics and the health and well-being of their patients! —As opposed to being cowards who caved in to pressure to withhold information critical to obtaining proper Informed Consent, and going along with the deadly bioweapon mass-genocide program. Sooner or later they WILL be held accountable for the incalulable harms they have inflicted on so many innocent and (previously) trusting human beings! Plus they have contributed to the near-obliteration of what was left of a medical system already teetering on the brink of collapse under the influence of the criminals in Big Pharma.
I have no doubt that debt entrapment is part of the ways that people are compromised. There's also the visa scams and the constant propaganda. At this point the medical field needs to practiclaly start from scratch and examine every underlying assumption one by one. But they can't make money off of healthy people, now can they?
Remember when Bill Clinton took office (maybe you're not old enough) but Hillary was making a big deal of inviting doctors and nurses to come to the White House and discuss ways the obviously-broken "healthcare" system could be revamped. I recall practically yelling at the t.v. (where we watched the news back then!) that reforming it was useless, that it needed to be COMPLETELY BULLDOZED OUT AND STARTED OVER FROM SCRATCH!
And guess what? It has ONLY GOTTEN WORSE from then!!!!! I worked within the System for twenty-five years untill I got TOOOO disgusted with it!
No, they can't make money off of healthy people, which is why they collude with Big Ag and Big Food to poison the American food supply with glyohosate, pesticides, additives, and INDUSTRIAL SEED OILS THAT HAVE NO BUSINESS BEING PUT IN A HUMAN BODY! Plus excessive corn syrup and sugar, of course. But it's the highly oxidative omega 6 linoleic acid seed oils (in virtually all processed foods) that are causing most of the serious damage to human cells and tissues (soybean oil, canola oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, peanut oil, high-linoleic acid sunflower oil, safflower oil, ETC.), CONTRIBUTING TO all of the "diseases of modern civilization"— cardiovascular disease, strokes, cancer, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, etc.
"Heart Healthy" polyunsaturated oils? LIES LIES, LIES!!!!!!! Instead they cause inflammation and poorly-functioning cell membranes and receptors, so that NOTHING WORKS RIGHT! Equals more disease and $$$$$$ for Big Pharma!!!!!
changes in 2005 to us bankruptcy law redefined "safe harbor" as safe harbor for bankster creditors to seize client assets. at that time, bankruptcy for student loans was further prohibited.
if you haven't already read/seen it, i highly recommend the great taking by hedge fund dude david rogers webb. don't agree with everything he says, but he makes an interesting connection between the rate of collapse in 1929, 1999 and now. he forecasts a bail-in (akin to what happened in cyprus) from bank depositors and asset seizures to usher in a cbdc in 2024
130 pp. pdf https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/1ee786fb-3c78-4903-9701-d614892d09d6/taking-june21-web.pdf
video https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/events/the-great-taking-film-premiere/great-taking-film-premiere-event/
I have watched the Great Taking and find it extremely interesting. Yes I am concerned about bail ins and bank holidays. That said do they really have the firepower to enforce it in a systemic collapse of that magnitude? I do worry they might try to bring the CBDC in that way though: the only way to buy food or whatever is to download some app...
CAF says watch what happens on fridays. the rollout starts on the weekend when nobody's watching and on monday, boom. like in the handmaid's tale when the women all got debanked.
I'm currently trying to figure out how to dispute a fraud claim which was turned down because they deemed the "google Play" charges legitimate with no supporting evidence. I think they're testing us already...
Wow! You're right Paul will never pay off that debt, without winning the lottery.
It reminds me of Red Dwarf, where the main character was in stasis [on a spaceship] for (3) million years, and his accrued tax debt was so large it was the basis for the global economy! 😂🤣 Governments were borrowing against his debt.
I had to do a lot of traveling for work years the end of last year and the beginning of this year, and I saw almost nobody at the airport with masks. They still wanted people to wear them on planes in the beginning, so I just put mine below my nose so I could breath. You could take it off to eat anyway. The whole thing was so stupid. Most people complained about it too. That made me feel better.
But yeah, there are some people who get injured and feel special because of it, I suppose.
It makes me think of those people who walk across the road, and never look. "Let them hit me!" they might say, and they might mean it too!
I would much rather never be hit by a car! Similarly, I would rather not be injured by some toxic "vaccine." Especially when I had COVID-19 already in 2020, says the expensive employer paid nasal/brain swab test. And I'm 100% fine.
Amy, I'm like you, all of this is so surreal. And people's responses, rolling over and doing what they're told -- that was the scariest part.
Hopefully enough people have become wise to the scam, and won't play along next time.
Surreal is the best description of it. I do think a lot of people sense that the system is hopelessly fixed against them they just don't know what to do about it.
A lot of people go to their grave believing whatever it is that they believe. It doesn't matter whether the assumptions on which their beliefs are based are complete BS.
I got a chuckle out of the entire economy being based off somebody's debt! I think that pretty much describes where we are already!
I think you're right. Everyone knows that things are being driven off a cliff, but doesn't know what to do. I would just say to sure up what you can personally, and ride it out. If the wheels fall off, it will get nasty, but what else are regular people to do?
I used to say vote, but I don't think we can anymore. At least not on the national level.
You would like Red Dwarf, it's rather dated now, but it's really pretty a pretty good show.
Amy, I was struck by your remark "how many derivative contracts were written on the back of this? " and I think you just put your finger on something important....we have financialized almost everything here in the us, which is why the market does not reflect (nor does money anymore) the underlying economic activity....
The cookie has to crumble...and timing is everything in this life.
Makes me think oddly enough of all those young men we are letting pour over the borders....of military age. I keep thinking there is a connection.
There is a connection. They're hoping to use them with visas and deportation forevermore as the threat unless they tow the line. Now what is the line?
A new police force to herd the unvaxxed into camps...while the vaxxed keep dying? Saying it is a new variant? and also to vote democratic I think, but that is just an off benefit....
In the meantie, our cities and real estate in them are declining in value and being sold to foreigners...and this is deliberate...so the question is, who is buying the real estate? China? Globalists? Someone is gonna own everything n this country and take us without a fight.
Thank you for your on-the-ground view.
Discussing these topics with a Ukrainian friend over Christmas, I was amazed at how little of it he sees. No vaccine issues. No Covid issues. He has to stretch to believe what I tell him about drugs, feces, snatch-and-grab, carjackings etc. etc. in the major cities of the US.
There are pockets of normalcy remaining.