Timely question. I just read and reviewed Woke Eugenics by Ed Dutton and J.O.A. Rayner-Hilles. It has precisely one review on Amazon, which no longer accepts my reviews due to my bad attitude about vaccines.

Very short synopsis: You cannot fix evolutionary problems with political solutions. Woke is a product of evolution, and we have to evolve out of it.


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"I am in gratitude for this site allowing the conversation to evolve in the ways it has."

Me too!

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Apparently, I've managed to digest over five million words this summer, from 264 Substacks - including yours! Now I realise why I need to replace my reading glasses so often!

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Sep 21Liked by Amy Sukwan

The last book I read was the autobiography of Phyllis Diller "Like a Lampshade in a Whorehouse". A hoot!

Am currently reading Turtles All the Way Down.

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I haven't read either, but I could use comedy/satire writing so I might like the Phyllis Dillar one...

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A few of my substack reads; The Charlotte Pendragon Diaries by Charlotte Pendragon, Postcards From Barsoom, Amy’s Newsletter, Cedar’s Substack.

& some of the real, made from trees, books that I've open right now; Mary Renault's The King Must Die, E. J. Renehan Jrs. The Lion's Pride, and Rose & Milton Friedman's Two Lucky People.

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Sep 21Liked by Amy Sukwan

I quickly scrolled over at least 90% of the words they think I read, looking for the juicy parts. And I wasn't disappointed!!

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I used to read a-lot of (books) but not so much anymore…now I read mostly Substack…and I was surprised how much I read this summer on the Substack Summer Recap.

Substacks Read: 135

Posts Read: 2,483

Words Read: 2,987,310!

No wonder I’m not reading books!

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I can be a voracious reader but I haven't popped open a paperback book in months. Sometimes I do for long international flights but lately I've made that my designated movie watching time.

Substack attracts long form readers and writers and thinkers. Many of these categories have overlap. t's good to know that they still exist.

I have a lot of writers I read on here over a wide variety of topics. I rarely can make it through videos and have a preference for the written word ie I will read a transcript of a video much sooner than I will click on an actual video. Some substacks are one hit wonder types where they have maybe one great beautiful essay but if they post other things I find it very off target for me. Some are excellent at putting together research but extremely evasive about their personal details or background while others such as Naomi Wolf and Mark Oshinke are great memoirists who like me like to share details of what they are seeing on the ground. I have an interest in so many topics I feel like I've read something from hundreds of different writers. I don't agree with anybody all of the time but I have never unsubscribed. Unfortunately this means my inbox is always overflowing!

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not a book (thank god) and not trying to push fear porn, but this is what we're up against. forewarned is forearmed

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“ Follow The Science “. Sheryl Attkisson ……eye opening …..

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