Here are my suggestions, audio visual.

1. Make 2-3 pro quality videos of vaccine injuries.

2. Do a professional elephant slide presentation. Multi-cameras and a live audience asking questions.

3. Have the "debate" with the experts that he has and present the opposing views and call them out for not coming on. Have the discussion without them.

4. Make a documentary ala Planet Lockdown with guests like Jimmy Dore, Max Blumenthal, etc. others from the political spectrum. Ryan, Whitney, new faces, new perspectives.

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#3 yes — can probably have one of his experts dig in and do a pretty good job as opposition

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See, I actually think that this could work to tone down the "opposition" angle and present it as, "let's get to the truth".

At this point, People are pretty settled in, so the only people to sway may be the ones who are ready to go back and here the entire line of logic.

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And perhaps all substack writers. plus Del, RFK/CHD, Dr. Malone, And all the other “big guns” put out the video on the exact same day. All the substack/CHD followers post it to social media the same day— or everyone day for weeks. **Seeing a random terrible vax injury story from a friend of a friend of the injured (who died) post that sent me on a serious year of researching and changed me into a solid anti-vaxxer.

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That is the next step.

Flooding the airwaves. And (my next plank of "solve") hammering all platforms to run the stuff.


Flood the airwaves with the same digestible messages.

And badger those soft indies to get on board.

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Jul 19, 2022Liked by Amy Sukwan

let's get the kids involved. big money prizes for the best tiktok vid. what's the new tiktok? find it and use it. 30 sec clips with people they look up to: kyrie irving, nicki minaj, bryson gray

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These are fabulous suggestions. What does Steve say?

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Haven't heard anything yet...I'll give it time...

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Jul 19, 2022Liked by Amy Sukwan

I'm thinking Kirsch or other techies could make an app to identify an increased risk of 'died suddenly'. They could offer small amounts of cash or a free app in the future to families who could provide Fitbit data of their deceased loved ones. Once they get that data, they might find similar patterns to data from individuals right after the jabs. Here's one example of fitbit sleep data after astrazeneca https://www.reddit.com/r/fitbit/comments/mzougj/post_astrazeneca_vaccine_sleep_details_in_comments/

I've never used a Fitbit but it looks like it can also provide data on heart rhythms and blood oxygen which would be important for an app like this. We need an app to create a buzz!

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Great and timely post Amy.

Steve has offered $1m rewards to be proven wrong on all his data and research put forward around COVID-19 before, and was met with crickets. There still seems to be uncertainty around the proven existence of COVID-19 as a virus that has been isolated, as opposed to existing only as a computer sequence. Fact check site is interesting on this - https://fullfact.org/health/Covid-isolated-virus/ - basically contradicts itself by disregarding Koch's postulates as being obsolete and irrelevant...

Ergo, I'd like Steve's latest reward to prove / disprove this. Find out if the injection is the virus. Early treatment competitive incentivisation is a great idea, as it seems to be proven to be effective (https://vladimirzelenkomd.com/treatment-protocol/), also many studies spearheaded by Dr. Tess Lawrie on ivermectin: https://t.me/CoronaInvestigativeCommittee

Dr. Peter McCullough is posting about how to detoxify the spike protein inflammation from the injected - surely an increasingly important topic to address, lest we become unprepared for a long-term disabled and chronically sick society. His telegram channel link: https://t.me/PeterMcCullough

Another good telegram channel posting stats mostly from UK about the V@x injured: https://t.me/childcovidvaccineinjuriesuk

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Thanks for the links! I want to say that somebody offered a $100,000 reward to isolate and purify SARS CoV 2 but it wasn't Steve Kirsch and nobody took him up on the offer. There's something in those jabs that's for sure. I've always been on the fence on the virus. I think they are looking at something but the idea of what it is and why it is there is not as solid of science as they would like you to think...

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1,5 million € for a virologist who presents scientific proof of the existence of a corona virus, including documented control experiments of all steps taken in the proof.


No indication that it has been claimed yet.

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You are brilliant, Amy. Gonna link this on his board right now.

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deletedJul 19, 2022Liked by Amy Sukwan
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Those are great suggestions! Yes I recall reading about those baby breathing monitors when everybody was concerned about SIDS deaths coincidentally after the vax schedule exploded in the late 1980's. It made total sense for a concerned parent but some of them were quietly pulled off the market because too many parents were noticing that the monitor was set off right after the baby's vaccines. They've been covering up for big pharma for a very long time...

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Bet its still hard to find whether they had shots or not reliably through insurance…

Thinking prevalence of the diseases low enough in US that one could do a reverse RCT on TDAP. Delay the shots by a year in some and compare SIDS rates.

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