Attached a link to the 30 April 2021 submitted Post-Authorization report of BNT162b2 Vaccine Adverse Effects which Pfizer provided to the FDA, as required for continuation of approval for their covid-vaccine.

The one-sentence conclusion and summary on Page 29 reads > Review of the available data for this cumulative PM experience, confirms a favorable benefit:risk balance for BNT162b2.

The report also contains a 9-page Appendix LIST OF ADVERSE EVENTS OF SPECIAL INTEREST, listing all the different adverse effects that were encountered. They simply listed these adverse effects in alphabetic order, and a quick calculation shows that there are approx 1.300 (!) adverse effects listed.

It might have been shorter to list adverse effects which the receivers of their safe vaccine did NOT encounter after the jab...

> https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf

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As a PS on the document you linked: I love how the denominator of total doses shipped is marked (B, 4) presumably redacted. As a few researchers have noted it is very difficult to do an analysis without a denominator: everybody is left guessing what X is. Of course doses shipped does not necessarily equal jabs in arms, but the fact remains that these companies would know all of that that. Plausible deniability looks less and less

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LOL no kidding! All of these adverse events make sense as the spike protein moves around the body, causing tissues to attack themselves (autoimmune) plus clotting, neurological, nervous system, skin disorders. Really what is sad is how medicine looks at all of these as individual parts with individual symptoms and treatments instead of viewing it holistically. I've seen a few researchers try to reach the URF (underreporting factor) of these Conjabs by using events unrelated to the jabs, but what are they? Hangnails? Toe fungus?

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