I read about this chemical smelling smog some days ago here on Substack but I was not sure what to make of it. Yesterday and the day before I noticed multiple chemtrails in the sky here in Nevada. This morning it was strangely overcast and there was an odd smell in the air. We are all still a little bit sick in the Las Vegas house. Have you noticed it where you are? All of the above, of course, is an acceptable answer to the question above.
Perhaps people are beginning to bond around the common enemy and the common theme. This is not the one we should be praying to. Sometimes I think that only God can save us from this human created catastrophe.
A way to gain compliance in mind control is to make the orders nonsensical and arbitrary. This devalues agency and independent thought on the part of the subject. Could it be that this was so forcefully played that the tool was essentially broken?
It still seems quite obviously about following the money and that business interests at the top have aligned for the sake of their personal, government and corporate enrichment.
They just make a story that aligns both sides of the fence towards profits.
I had to look this one up. Yes, William Shakespeare died of unrelated causes a few months after his Covid jabs. How did they know that it was unrelated? Probably because the media was paid to report it that way and the medical personell were incentivized to sweep it under the rug.
I’m thrilled that I was listed on Yet Another Tommy’s post regarding Opinions on Wedge Issues. I can think of a few other issues (and writers) that might be pertinent on here. Do you believe that all wars are orchestrated from the top on both sides for profit and power? I heavily lean that way. Do you believe that nanobots or other self assembling technology is present in the jabs? I’m on the fence on that one. Do you believe there is an orchestrated global conspiracy by those at the top to depopulate the world of “useless eaters”? I lean that way. Do you think Geoengineering is changing the weather? I’m on the fence about the degree of control that can be had on this front. Is the Earth flat? I don’t think so.
It seems a polar vortex is headed towards the USA with only Las Vegas, Southern California and parts of Arizona spared from the brunt of it. Lucky me. Is this climate change, Geoengineering, or just natural processes?
Is there a spiritual war between good and evil? Celia Farber’s post regarding the designation of brain death for organ harvesting was thought provoking. This meme is true by all news accounts: the father spent some time in jail over it, but his son squeezing his hand three times after a prayer was proof that he was still alive and aware. The son did indeed recover afterwards and even was baptized with his father a few months later, which led to his Dad being sent back to jail over a judges inexplicable no contact order. Both sides assert that it was worth it.
Despite the possibly extra three year wait time on my husband’s visa, I suppose this is still true. Much like the father and son above I wouldn’t take it back. Not for a second.
Please do pray for Ka on this.
Then again here is an optimistic take. As an interesting side note we are both 45 right now. Is that a good omen?
It might be 500 years off but this song released by Zager and Evans in 1969 was another one of my father’s favorites. I’m worried this whole timeline will condense into this year. On the Thai Buddhist calendar, incidentally, both me and Ka turned three years old in the year 2525. Happy New Year 2568! Perhaps I’m missing the beach already
I do pray that Ka gets to come to the USA vaccine free.
That 2525 song....geez, in 1975ish I was playing Battling Tops and Rock'em Sock'em Robots, in an old friends' basement. Our soundtrack was that 2525 song, and it was on a 45 that had the song Build Me Up Buttercup on the flip side. We liked the song 2525 better, perhaps because it was.....stronger. Funny enough, I have a free box outside the house, and someone put an unopened boxed Rock'em Sock'em Robots in there. Yes, Mattel still makes it, but it's smaller now.