Sep 9, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

"So in the middle of the civil war..." - yep! - THAT's my favorite.

1862 - what can we do?

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

I mean, war or no war, we need our condiments!

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

I have the gun(s). I just need a dog. I’m adopting one when I move. Thanks Amy!🏄‍♀️

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The friend and math meme are spot on!

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I had a chuckle with both of those...

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You can make a good case that the Ukrainian side of the war is being run by Jews, given Blinken and Nuland in the US, and Zelensky and Kolomoisky over there, but I don't think Putin is under anyone's control, and that's why the US establishment hates him.

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I pray for peace regardless. There was a very good and thought provoking article on Zerohedge related to the whole thing: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/only-thing-we-have-fear-extinction-itself I'm pasting some of the most pertinent comments:

"So I guess Doctorow is a bit off the mark in suggesting that “no one wants war.” Clearly, somebody wants war. A lot of very important “somebodies” wanted this war in Ukraine. They wanted war in the Balkans in the 1990s. They wanted war in Afghanistan, Iraq (twice!), Libya, Yemen, Syria, and a dozen places in Africa where we have almost no idea what’s going on.

“All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked…” I can’t help but think of the meme with two blank-face NPCs, one wearing a pink knit hat mindlessly repeating “Russia! Russia! Russia!,” the other with a red MAGA hat chanting “China! China! China!” Between them is the seal of the CIA with the eagle saying, “Yes, yes, my pretties. That’s it. That’s it.”

Here we are, 60 years after the fact, with the growing recognition by even the most spoon-fed normies that the CIA had something to do with the assassination of Jack Kennedy. In fact, we have here today perhaps the foremost authority on the topic, Mr. Jacob Hornberger. Yet doubting our rulers’ truthiness still is treated as a thought crime. A little while ago, Vivek Ramaswamy was the target of a media hate fest for (in the words of The New Republic) “spout[ing] conspiracy theories about January 6 and 9/11.” Oh no! “Conspiracy theories”! (Or, as they are known when they turn out to be true, “spoiler alerts.”) The heretic Ramaswamy evidently believes – shocking as this sounds – that our government has not been entirely honest about these matters. He must be a dupe for the Russians! Or for the Chinese! – which The New Republic also implies...

Keep in mind, we’re not talking about a mere political crisis that will get solved in an election or two. Not even about political and constitutional collapse, or even a financial and economic calamity – that’s coming too, in part because of the impact of the Ukraine war on the dollar-denominated global system – but a fundamental challenge to the social fabric itself, and not just in the United States.

A watershed was passed with covid and the measures – the lockdowns, the masks, social distancing and monitoring, the clot shot, censorship of dissent, all combined with a pervasive, inescapable external and internal panopticon: as the troubadour of transhumanism Yuval Harari writes, “we are seeing a change in the nature of surveillance from over the skin surveillance to under the skin surveillance” – supposedly intended to deal with a virus, accomplishing within a few short months what decades of climate hysteria could not, summed up under the moniker “the Great Reset” and its ubiquitous slogan “Build Back Better.”’

Taken together what we’re experiencing has all the appearance of a controlled demolition of all established human interactions in anticipation of their replacement by something we are assured by our betters will be an improvement. The contours of the “new normal” in the post-American America hurtling in our direction have already become so familiar as to need little elaboration:

Infringement of traditional liberties based on “keeping us safe”;

“Cancel culture”;

Blurring of the lines between Big Government, Big Finance, Big Pharma, Big Data, etc., amounting to corporate state capture; and, not directly based on supposed anti-virus measures but closely tracking with them,

Joint government and corporate promulgation of socially destructive, historically counterfeit ideologies (“intersectionality,” LGBTQI+++, feminism, multiculturalism, “critical race theory,”), with principal targeting of children subject to sexualization and predation by those expressing what were once quaintly known as abnormal appetites and identities.

These so-called “values” – which, remember, are effectively the official ideology of the West, which we seek “benevolently” to impose on the rest of the world, by force if necessary – in turn accelerate longstanding trends towards infertility and demographic collapse pointing to thinning the human herd and replacement via post-human society, transhumanism, and bio-engineering. This is not just “political” but a strike at the heart of human existence: the spiritual, moral, and even biological basis for marriage, family formation, and production of the next generation. In a word: depopulation.

A few years ago, His Royal Highness, the late Prince Philip of the United Kingdom, perhaps half in jest delivered this thigh-slapper: “In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation.” Some of you may have heard of groups like Extinction Rebellion and BirthStrike: “Are you terrified about the future that lies ahead for contemporary and future youth? Do you want to maximize your positive impact on the Climate Change Crisis? You can protect children while fighting climate change and systematic corruption by refusing to procreate!” Makes perfect sense: preserve a better planet for future generations by eliminating future generations. It reminds me of Otto von Bismarck’s comparing the idea of preventive war to committing suicide out of fear of death. (That’s not as abstract as it might sound. Recently a young woman in Canada seeking help for depression and suicidal ideation was advised by hospital staff that she might be interested in their tried and Trudeau-ed “Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID)” euthanasia program. Tempted to kill yourself? Let us help you!)

But why stop at half measures? The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement, VHEMT (pronounced “vehement,” according to their website): “We’re the only species evolved enough to consciously go extinct for the good of all life, or which needs to. Success would be humanity’s crowning achievement. May we live long and die out.”

Maybe they’re on to something! In his landmark work The Socialist Phenomenon, the late Russian mathematician and student of history Igor Shafarevich took note of what he believed is a collective human death impulse:

The idea of the death of mankind—not the death of specific people but literally the end of the human race—evokes a response in the human psyche. It arouses and attracts people, albeit with differing intensity in different epochs and in different individuals. The scope of influence of this idea causes us to suppose that every individual is affected by it to a greater or lesser degree and that it is a universal trait of the human psyche.

This idea is not only manifested in the individual experience of a great number of specific persons, but is also capable of uniting people (in contrast to delirium, for example) i.e., it is a social force. The impulse toward self-destruction may be regarded as an element in the psyche of mankind as a whole. [ … ]

With the failure of the Ukrainian offensive, Moscow now faces a dilemma. Do they move decisively to impose a military solution that ends the war, or do they continue to show restraint in the hopes that somebody, somewhere – Kiev, Washington, London, Brussels – decides it’s time to sue for peace? Keen not to take a precipitous step that might bring about a direct clash of NATO and Russian forces, so far they’ve opted for the latter – I repeat: so far.

The West faces its own dilemma. Do our rulers concede defeat, which effectively means the end of the Global American Empire (the GAE)? Or do they drag things out as long as possible, hoping Moscow will fall for another Minsk-type ceasefire, with the Kremlin playing the part of Charlie Brown taking another run at kicking the football, having been promised that this time we’ll keep our word? Or, mistaking Russian restraint for weakness, do they push the envelope by inserting a “coalition of the willing” into western Ukraine, challenging Russian naval forces in the Black Sea, encouraging and equipping the Ukrainians to step up attacks on Moscow and other Russian cities, staging some sort of false flag of the type that has proved so effective in other conflicts? In other words, do we double down? That’s in addition to opening up other asymmetrical theaters in the Balkans, Syria, Iran, the Taiwan Strait, and elsewhere.

In mistakenly projecting a rational actor mentality onto their opponents, the Russians seem to be acutely aware of the legitimate concern that decisive military action on the ground could panic NATO and trigger an uncontrolled escalation. They seem oblivious to the contrary concern, that, by holding back and waiting for a reasonable dialogue that will never take place, they are in effect encouraging their adversary to stage one reckless provocation after another – in the sustained belief that some deus ex machina can snatch victory from the jaws of defeat – resulting in the very uncontrolled escalation that Moscow seeks to avoid.

Even these speculations assume that the miserable specimens of humanity calling the shots in Western capitals would only risk a direct conflict but would not deliberately choose it. But is that assumption correct? As Doctorow notes, the old Cold War restraints have broken down. Maybe demonstration of a teeny-tiny, low-yield nuke is just the thing to show that non-human Vladof Putler that the GAE is serious!

What could possibly go wrong?"

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Sep 9, 2023·edited Sep 9, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

This is all evidence that “evil genius” is an oxymoron. Evil is stupid. Too many players with too many competing agendas and too many variables guarantee that humans will never achieve any kind of new world order. Evil doesn’t create or sustain order. It’s on track only to destroy many million more lives, which is stupid.

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I couldn't agree more. Anytime I really ponder the neccessities of life this ego and power and money never comes up. It creates misery each and every time it is given expression in an epoch

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

I want to help the aliens overthrow our leaders!!!!!

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Me too!!!

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

I love the A1 sauce meme

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It oddly makes sense if you think about it. Both sides probably ate beef rations and probably were complaining about lack of flavor...

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Flesh eating shrimp are endangered. Let 'em eat.

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Sep 14, 2023·edited Sep 14, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

Homemade A1 sauce from https://dinnerthendessert.com/a1-steak-sauce-copycat/

Simmer all ingredients 20 min or till thickness achieved, strain out garlic and orange pieces.

1/2 cup water

1/4 cup golden raisins

1/2 cup aged balsamic vinegar

1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce

1/4 cup ketchup

1/4 cup dijon mustard

1 pinch cayenne pepper

1/4 teaspoon black pepper

2 garlic cloves cut in half

2 tablespoons onion chopped

1/2 teaspoon celery seed

1/4 teaspoon kosher salt

1/2 orange cut into 2 pieces

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Thanks for that one!

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All soo true. Thank You 🙏🌈🙏 we are being played and mocked at least we did not get stuck at

Burning man or took the shots. And the more I see pictures of Mike the more I realize she he is a man.

Which brings up some serious questions!!

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It does. I never payed the least bit of attention to Micelle Obama before. I alwys assumed it was a marriage of convenience but it does add a layer of speculation: how muc of what we've been told is true? Is any of it?

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This adds layers of complexity like the chef dead, Obama gay, fraud schooling,

Me thinks he will be the target of much more info just starting to percolate out.

Birth certificate

Iran cash

Iran weapons

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Obama seems to be pulling Biden strings

I’d say everything done is to destroy

What America is

Secure borders

And then to really look at Michelle

Mike I never paid any mind.

Manchurian candidate

We vote for a colored man

8 years

Then called racist

That just seems a bit off odd

Chef thing is strange

Obama black eye. Cut on face

Hand bandaged

This is strange

How often do you get a black eye

Just saying

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

Great----still smiling and shaking my head!

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

I love these... but I'm going to take issue with the burning man targets. Burners know full well what they're getting into, and they practice radical self-reliance, and they help each other out. It's cool and edgy to rag on them, I know. But most people doing the ragging have never been to one. I've been twice, and both were profoundly transformative.

Burning Man is a demonstration of what community COULD look like. People help each other out, and share (especially in emergencies), and it works.

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Sep 9, 2023·edited Sep 9, 2023Author

I've been invited but have never been. There did come a point where I think it became a bit too corporate. Self reliance and community is part of the reason that it didn't turn out worse. It's been a meme rich environment and I was perhps being lazy...duly noted!

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I’m like Kermit but mouth open at a firehose of reading and dissident commentators reaching for Valium.

Oh and two kids and mortgage is fun too

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

The Israel so-called funny was worthy of the Third Reich and beneath you

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Worthy of the Third Reich? This entire meme set was about divide and conquer strategies which sounds like exactly what your name calling is...

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

Hmmm. I was wondering about that meme myself. Is the name-calling a reaction to an undeserved provocation? Is Israel supporting both sides? I guess I'm not familiar enough with this characterization of Israel supporting both sides behind the curtain. It seems a bit of a provocation when the US is an open supporter of Ukr - into the billion$ -- around $77 billion - if I am reading this right. So why the "call out" on Israel? Please clarify and help me understand. Thanks.


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I'm glad if it opens up the conversation that's why! From a quick survey into the meme scape I can say that the whole Elon Musk/ADL tiff has lit off a firestorm which I suppose could be called anti Jew or anti Israel. I definitely have subscribers who think that 9/11 was a MOSSAD operation. Now for me personally I think this meme is aiming too low: if there is an elite and religious behind the curtains conspiracy to rule the world through endless wars, death, destruction and subjugation of populations all while putting key Ops of power and influence under the same umbrella, I don't think it is Jewish so much as it is Satanic...actually I'd be happier if it really was Israel putting on a show as horrific as the carnage is! That doesn't sound quite as likely to take everybody with them!

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