I think even the elites might splinter over mutual assured destruction. We may well see some of the Star Waars stuff they've been developing all of these years come to light...
Is it a FF, yep. Some support, in addition to the fine job you have done to support that conclusion:
On maps, rockets: I have been watching videos for some time. Never have I seen any wave of rockets that exceeded fifty, tops. video of attacks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6xBrZFEeiQ I have seen maps that say that there are 22 different locations, no supporting video. On paragliding: I have see three guys with gliders, no indication of where they were, nor when. https://twitter.com/richimedhurst/status/1710610952595382642 On force size: I did see an "assault" on a building but the group of soldiers labeled Hamas were actually by their uniforms Israeli police. https://patriots.win/p/17rSVFcfkG/hamas-is-going-from-house-to-hou/ Now I can look at all the maps in the world, but I see nothing on those maps that ties up with the videos I am seeing. Until they do, numbers, maps, all they are suspect.
On where is this headed, a few thoughts:
What if BOTH sides, Israel and Iran, think they are the ones in control of this new and horrid war? Is it possible? In keeping with that thought; I saw photos of Khamenei smiling like the Cheshire Cat, but they might not have been current. And as for Bibi, this is a Body Language expert reflecting on Bibi. I found it quite insightful: https://www.bitchute.com/video/pYPabQBIedtu/
Yet they may both be the mice in the trap. For the spring on the trap will be not only what weapons Palestinians may have, but who else in the neighborhood also has them. The Palestinians have asked every nation that sympathizes with them to join the fray by this coming Friday. And Hezbollah is already fighting Israel on the Lebanese border. Could easily see that spill over into Gaza, Israel. Now that a US carrier force (USS Liberty be damned?) is steaming towards Israel, "to help" and now that US special forces are already in Israel to assist with, "hostage rescue", we could see a number of nations jump in. Both Turkey and Yemen (got to love those guys) have said if the US comes in, they will as well. Is this a last, best shot by the Palestinians seeing the demands of Bibi's govt for their demise? Is this happening as a Israeli pretext to get the US (ever the fool) to attack Iran? As an Israeli pretext to level Gaza? As an Iranian means to remove the US from the region? Yes, probably. Everyone in this foray has agendas. I see gas lines and rationing in the West, gas prices through the roof worldwide. US stock market is up, something about weapons sales.... And the Davos crowd laughs.
There seems to be something in play that I labeled, "acceptable fear." If the govt tells you to fear X then you will, If it doesn't, then you don't.
I am surrounded by people (I am in a seriously blue state) who are right now living in terror of, "covid." Yet they all, to a man are completely oblivious to the local shopping mall lootings, innumerable shootings, and illegials booked into every hotel.
Oh, and the frosting on the cake? The Mayor has signed the city up to be a, "Davos" 15 minute City. Any concerns? Nope, crickets.
some takeaways: this is classic divide and conquer, a false flag, pretext for 15 min prisons and extending draconian control previously exerted over palestinians to all israelis. was the division of israel into 12 or 13 cantons a few years ago a warmup for this?
israel created hamas to fight the plo
old satanic euro royalty, club of rome are behind this
he thinks the globalists will build the 3rd temple in jerusalem to satan
While I agree civilians don't deserve to die horrible deaths, that doesn't establish an equivalence between the two sides. Palestinians have suffered in an open-air prison under an apartheid state for decades. This wouldn't have been possible without the ignorant, mindless support of the American public, who should know better than to believe the mainstream propaganda.
Amy, did you check the meme about the statement from Putin? It sounds like something that would come from Real Raw News, the Onion, or some other purveyor of ironic satire, rather than something Putin would actually say.
That could well be. I've been reading a bit on the historical background on the Rothschild family and the interest in Israel. Whether Putin said this is a question I'll try to dig into...
I was curious about the statement by Putin as well.
I like to read Rurik Skywalker and Edward Slavsquat about Russia. I think that they would say that that statment doesn't actually reflect Putin's true goals and motives, regardless of whether he said it or not. In their opinions, Putin is precisely in line with the WEF, etc.
I also follow "Skywalker" and "Slavsquat" on a regular basis. It seems to me that Putin's success in rebuilding the Russian economy and military, as well as his actions in Syria as well as Ukraine are hard to explain if he's really a perfect Rothschild lackey. Perhaps there's room to hope that he's doing his best for the Russians and the planet, while playing along with the Zionist agenda to the extent they're able to coerce him.
But I admit that our pseudo-Slavic Substackers might be exactly right.
Your analysis and insight are spot on. It’s refreshing to see those who questioned everything these last few years continuing to do so rather than going full neocon and reveling in bloodlust like so many have.
Though I’m more of a Deist now, the following Christian perspective is one which one might say identifies modern-day Israel, on the whole, as a false-flag operation — namely, while they reject Jesus, the Son of God and Messiah, they condemn others for rejecting their God & persecuting them as the true people of God — the ‘separated ones’. Sound familiar?
This is an older article, but still relevant today (among those who discuss & debate such things).
Nah I don’t think it was. If you really think about it’s quite similar to 9-11. I believe 9-11 was known about and a certain small group at the top wanted it to happen. They ran interference for them to get them over the finish line. Would this be considered a ff? Then perhaps it was.
The idea that there was a controlled demo of the buildings is an escape from reality. Or perhaps someone who is thinking in an obtuse manner. This brings me to “why” even if Israel knew it was going to happen they did not/could not assist in the matter.
Far too many loose ends to tie up. Same with planting controlled demo explosives. Some people reach so far to bolster their theory they will claim the buildings were controlled demolition and then turn around and tell you how easy it was to pull off. That is a total lack of critical thinking on the matter. Doesn’t mean they’re not critical thinkers but on that subject have let their emotions get the better of them.
NOT EVERYTHING is a Conspiracy. Sometimes shit happens. However I understand brainwashing works both ways.
Imagine the manpower needed to wire up 3 extremely large buildings full of people with controlled demo charges all connected together in COMPLETE SECRECY! Haha you can’t ;)
Now imaging if Israel started telling multiple groups (Intel/military) to stand down and let Hamas militants through and sit back and watch as they slaughter your countrymen. How long do you think it would take before the lid came off of that? Answer is not very fucking long. Now think of the consequences of getting caught helping to orchestrate that by giving the orders.
Again that’s not to say certain elements of Mossad didn’t know about it ahead of time. What I am saying is it’s a moot fucking point because there’s simply no way to assist in concealing an operation that size without getting caught. Getting figured out would be the biggest scandal in world history and would earn the traitors a special place in hell.
This is NOT the same as quietly allowing the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor. It’s NOT the same as quietly allowing Muhammad Attah and crew to quietly train and hijack airplanes. In both of those cases assistance was undoubtedly lended to the enemy. In this recent attack it was most likely NOT.
So here’s what happened: The Israelis are one in the same with the US & UK. The leadership all the way down to the masses are filled with humans who have some of the worst traits. Just think of the 7 deadly sins and understand these systems built upon weakness and sloth have given way to a supreme form of hubris/arrogance. (((Their))) media has turbocharged all of this by teaching them not to improve themselves but to get better at lying and propagandizing.
This is where we are at today. All 3 nations are getting ready to get their asses handed to them. We sit at the eve of destruction of all 3 as well. About the only option they have is to kill off the planet with nukes. Hell I’m skeptical they can even be successful at that in this late hour. The old order is coming to an end. Brought on and nurtured by self imposed wickedness.
I've been contemplating what you wrote for a little while. Often missed in these conversations is the nuance that bad exists in all of us. Yet most of us fancy ourselves good people just doing their job. You are correct that one would assume any IDF soldier would not follow orders to say ignore a breach of the border fence, much less all of them. Some of the worker bees planting explosives in say the WTC complex should be asking questions afterwards if not at the time it was happening. Could an attack have simply been allowed to happen which also was convenient to the powers that be and was then seized for other pretexts? Of course it could.
But the Covid response more than anything opened my eyes to the idea that most people, through decades of indoctrination, compartmentalization and carefully laid incentive structures, might go along with a system that is ultimtaely suicidal to them and their families, even if their stated goals were the exact opposite. Some came down to following orders, some came down to being threatened, some came down to needing the money, some came down to wanting to be part of the in crowd. THis is something I had an substack post written about which was remotely deleted from my offline server. It's quite the quandry and I should rewrite it!
Have you ever put yourself in an elitist shoes. It not as hard as you might think. They are people just the same. Ditto for upper echelon politicians. Let me tell you what both have feared since the Dawn of civilization. They fear the unwashed masses in their own kingdom storming the castle more than any outside entity. It’s funny because ever since covid that has been what always scared me too. The mob rarely makes sense which leads to elites trying to master them with mind fuckery.
We lend too much credence to money and greed. That’s a lazy or sub par excuse to explain a situation. It’s probably a 1 on a scale of 0-5 on the motivation scale. We should come up with a ranking system Amy.
Haha I think Dante Alighieri beat us too it a 1000 years ago. Those sins as they’re called are what drives men to do some truly unspeakable acts regardless of status. That’s just me being philosophical. It feels good at the moment.
Let’s address the WTC. Amy no one could plant those bombs to take those buildings down. Think on it. They were controlled explosions/demonstration according to those people who weren’t going to be fooled by government right? Please then tell me who planted them there but better yet….HOW?
Lol I wrote up some of this on blogs like yours on the 9/11 anniversary this year. No one really wanted a piece of me after I demonstrated how silly it was. HEY I miss simple things all the fucking time. I think it embarrasses people to admit they were wrong. I’m being honest, I don’t really mind to be honest. Haha that’s probably why I rarely am 🤣🤣
It’s Simple dear Watson: I was reading a former spook Larry Johnson sonar21.com He has a friend who is well informed about demolishing buildings in a controlled fashion. He told Larry it would take 2 months to rig the towers and that was humping it. This type of implosion has much to do with timing by blowing main support structures in sequence.
Lol if you had to connect all that horseshit and keep all the evidence hidden it would take years. It would take a large amount of worker bees as well. Far too many to trust the silence. I’m sorry, I don’t care how rich you make someone when you kill the people they care about some of them are going to snap. You don’t mind paying them but it’s pointless because the only way they remain quiet is if they are dead.
So 9/11 wasn’t blown up by our hands exactly but it most likely was indirectly. The situation in Israel was even far less likely it was know before hand. Hey trust me I am NOT sticking up for those conniving fuckers lol.
Tell me do you really believe BLM is pulling Hamas? Haha Ugh they might be but they really have no clue what they’re doing. (((Some))) look at the approval numbers and hatch brilliant ideas. It makes me SO FUCKING ANGRY they continue to pull it off; time after time 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡…and conservatives play into it. Not talking about this blog btw.
Lolol Little Johnny Conservative and Joe Normie say “Hey look who BLM supports we better stand with (((them))).
Amy there are plenty of conspiracies. We don’t have times to get taken by wrong ones. Idk why I listen to jackasses like Mike Adams and Alex Jones. I think it’s because I trust their hearts (maybe lol). Or maybe it’s just for the entertainment value.
Does anybody think a bunch of little elementary school kids (20+) didn’t get mowed down by some clown who probably had all kinds of friends in shadowy corners? It just didn’t happen huh? Barack Obama got all his Hollywood buddies to setup some crisis actors. Lolol yet I listen to them for some goddamn reason.
Hey thanks for listening to me rant. Tell Sage I’m sorry and I didn’t mean to tell her she was spinning her wheels. Will tell her too when the time is right. All the best ☺️🥰
LOL to greed envy sloth wrath gluttony lust and all that seven deadly sins stuff. The problem on one side is that although there are obvious holes in the official story of events, those pointing out the holes are usually short on alternative explanations that are really workable in real life. So it comes down to shadowy forces and sort of a "well they lied to us about everything so obviously they are lying to us about this" type of reaction. I call this knee jerk conspiracy theorists, who believe that the exact opposite of what the official narrative is true. This still unfortunately lands them on a dichotomy so the fighting still grows.
I tend to go with more of a follow the money type of thing, because it seems to be the best predictor. It's still too early to tell exactly in this Israel Hamas conflict, but obvious winners will likely be the entire financial system, which needs to be kept propped up, at the expense of freedom of movement and association for the rest of us, which will likely drastically raise prices even further. I think if WAR EQUALS PEACE then the opposite may well be true: PEACE EQUALS WAR (on the financial system). It's a mess out there..
Greed is tricky I guess. It’s not as simple as it sounds. It no doubt has led to dirty deeds but I don’t rank it up there with most of the others. Me and my neighbor discussed recently. We joked about being someone like a Musk or Bezos. I don’t think they care so much other than to keep score. Maybe that’s my naivety?
HOWEVER there’s a lot to say about money. Not so sure Greed touches on that one. The most powerful people in the world don’t care about accumulating money. Instead they lust after having the ability to create/control it. I don’t think there’s anything more powerful than that. Food. Oil, commodities; real estate….all take a back seat to those who sit on top of the monetary thrown. Now I sound like a conspiracy theorist huh haha.
Trying to think of that movie 7 which was fantastic and one of the best ever. I contend Zionism and Bolshevism are probably two sides to the same coin. Shhh can’t say that too loud tho. Also can’t deny Russia making jabs at the U.K.(Anglo Saxon) Empire either. It’s no doubt those groups are responsible for most of the turmoil in the world.
HOWEVER one must ask what would it be like without them? People have a hard time with this question. Where would we be? If we could see both outcomes which one would be the most comforting? It’s easy to blame and complain; believe me I’m guilty.
Have enjoyed talking to you. Admittedly I am quite concerned we have reached a precipice. One that is not easy to either pull back from; but worse, revert back. I suspect a major player is going to throw a haymaker before Christmas rolls into town. Idk it’s really hard to gauge as we are inundated with so much bullshit.
Latest play in old playbook but also really significant and suggests we're nearing the end of their control, imo.
I think even the elites might splinter over mutual assured destruction. We may well see some of the Star Waars stuff they've been developing all of these years come to light...
Amy you might love this:
Alec Zeck and Ihsan Abbas.
A beautiful conversation.
YES. False flag. Same ole playbook, and they never let it collect any dust before they roll it out AGAIN.
Endless war!
War, plague, famine, death...where have a read about those before?
Thank you Amy!!
Deep state has been wanting to attack Iran for a while now, so this Hamas incursion is a convenient excuse.
And Bibi was happy to have something to distract the Israeli public from his unpopularity.
And to distract from the death of the Israeli poster boy for the toxxine, Yonatan Erlichman. He was only 8 and died of a heart attack.
Hamas is evil for butchering random civilians, but I have to suspect that Mossad/Bibi allowed it to happen for PR reasons.
Is it a FF, yep. Some support, in addition to the fine job you have done to support that conclusion:
On maps, rockets: I have been watching videos for some time. Never have I seen any wave of rockets that exceeded fifty, tops. video of attacks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6xBrZFEeiQ I have seen maps that say that there are 22 different locations, no supporting video. On paragliding: I have see three guys with gliders, no indication of where they were, nor when. https://twitter.com/richimedhurst/status/1710610952595382642 On force size: I did see an "assault" on a building but the group of soldiers labeled Hamas were actually by their uniforms Israeli police. https://patriots.win/p/17rSVFcfkG/hamas-is-going-from-house-to-hou/ Now I can look at all the maps in the world, but I see nothing on those maps that ties up with the videos I am seeing. Until they do, numbers, maps, all they are suspect.
On where is this headed, a few thoughts:
What if BOTH sides, Israel and Iran, think they are the ones in control of this new and horrid war? Is it possible? In keeping with that thought; I saw photos of Khamenei smiling like the Cheshire Cat, but they might not have been current. And as for Bibi, this is a Body Language expert reflecting on Bibi. I found it quite insightful: https://www.bitchute.com/video/pYPabQBIedtu/
Yet they may both be the mice in the trap. For the spring on the trap will be not only what weapons Palestinians may have, but who else in the neighborhood also has them. The Palestinians have asked every nation that sympathizes with them to join the fray by this coming Friday. And Hezbollah is already fighting Israel on the Lebanese border. Could easily see that spill over into Gaza, Israel. Now that a US carrier force (USS Liberty be damned?) is steaming towards Israel, "to help" and now that US special forces are already in Israel to assist with, "hostage rescue", we could see a number of nations jump in. Both Turkey and Yemen (got to love those guys) have said if the US comes in, they will as well. Is this a last, best shot by the Palestinians seeing the demands of Bibi's govt for their demise? Is this happening as a Israeli pretext to get the US (ever the fool) to attack Iran? As an Israeli pretext to level Gaza? As an Iranian means to remove the US from the region? Yes, probably. Everyone in this foray has agendas. I see gas lines and rationing in the West, gas prices through the roof worldwide. US stock market is up, something about weapons sales.... And the Davos crowd laughs.
I sometimes fear that people won't see it unless it hits their stomachs...thanks for the insights I'll check them out...
You're entirely welcome!
There seems to be something in play that I labeled, "acceptable fear." If the govt tells you to fear X then you will, If it doesn't, then you don't.
I am surrounded by people (I am in a seriously blue state) who are right now living in terror of, "covid." Yet they all, to a man are completely oblivious to the local shopping mall lootings, innumerable shootings, and illegials booked into every hotel.
Oh, and the frosting on the cake? The Mayor has signed the city up to be a, "Davos" 15 minute City. Any concerns? Nope, crickets.
As someone who will never use a cellphone, I guess I have to scratch terrorist off my things to do list.
I do have a mobile phone but I'll scratch it off my list anyways!
I have one too, an iPhone, but my granddaughter usually has it.
funny how the bond market in the us was shut down in order to avoid a repeat of the 2019 repo crisis.
then a day later a bunch of dudes with bucket loaders and homemade helicopters bust through the most heavily surveilled border on earth.
interesting video of your old pal david icke with israeli activist shai danon https://rumble.com/v3o5p35-a-view-from-israel-david-icke-talks-with-israeli-freedom-and-peace-activist.html
some takeaways: this is classic divide and conquer, a false flag, pretext for 15 min prisons and extending draconian control previously exerted over palestinians to all israelis. was the division of israel into 12 or 13 cantons a few years ago a warmup for this?
israel created hamas to fight the plo
old satanic euro royalty, club of rome are behind this
he thinks the globalists will build the 3rd temple in jerusalem to satan
"ZioSatanistpedophile Agenda."
I like it! (The word, not the agenda)
I think I made it up, but it might need more aconyms to emcompass it. Maybe it can be like LGBTQT+++XL or whatever we're up to on that one...
This is excellent!!
While I agree civilians don't deserve to die horrible deaths, that doesn't establish an equivalence between the two sides. Palestinians have suffered in an open-air prison under an apartheid state for decades. This wouldn't have been possible without the ignorant, mindless support of the American public, who should know better than to believe the mainstream propaganda.
Amy, did you check the meme about the statement from Putin? It sounds like something that would come from Real Raw News, the Onion, or some other purveyor of ironic satire, rather than something Putin would actually say.
I just dug into the quote by Putin. I found it from an independant source as supposedly a comment he said to a Kremlin tour group in 2017...
Thanks, Amy! So it was off the record, and reported as hearsay. It's probably to Putin's advantage, that nobody knows for sure what he really thinks.
That could well be. I've been reading a bit on the historical background on the Rothschild family and the interest in Israel. Whether Putin said this is a question I'll try to dig into...
Amy have you read this man's work:
I was curious about the statement by Putin as well.
I like to read Rurik Skywalker and Edward Slavsquat about Russia. I think that they would say that that statment doesn't actually reflect Putin's true goals and motives, regardless of whether he said it or not. In their opinions, Putin is precisely in line with the WEF, etc.
I also follow "Skywalker" and "Slavsquat" on a regular basis. It seems to me that Putin's success in rebuilding the Russian economy and military, as well as his actions in Syria as well as Ukraine are hard to explain if he's really a perfect Rothschild lackey. Perhaps there's room to hope that he's doing his best for the Russians and the planet, while playing along with the Zionist agenda to the extent they're able to coerce him.
But I admit that our pseudo-Slavic Substackers might be exactly right.
Your analysis and insight are spot on. It’s refreshing to see those who questioned everything these last few years continuing to do so rather than going full neocon and reveling in bloodlust like so many have.
Though I’m more of a Deist now, the following Christian perspective is one which one might say identifies modern-day Israel, on the whole, as a false-flag operation — namely, while they reject Jesus, the Son of God and Messiah, they condemn others for rejecting their God & persecuting them as the true people of God — the ‘separated ones’. Sound familiar?
This is an older article, but still relevant today (among those who discuss & debate such things).
The globalist are the pulling bgg the ccx strings..bibi is now a globalist and this could not have been done without his deep state involvement
The Ever-Growing List of ADMITTED False Flag Attacks
Bad Moon Rising
Amy, your insights and thoughts on all this are greatly appreciated.
Nah I don’t think it was. If you really think about it’s quite similar to 9-11. I believe 9-11 was known about and a certain small group at the top wanted it to happen. They ran interference for them to get them over the finish line. Would this be considered a ff? Then perhaps it was.
The idea that there was a controlled demo of the buildings is an escape from reality. Or perhaps someone who is thinking in an obtuse manner. This brings me to “why” even if Israel knew it was going to happen they did not/could not assist in the matter.
Far too many loose ends to tie up. Same with planting controlled demo explosives. Some people reach so far to bolster their theory they will claim the buildings were controlled demolition and then turn around and tell you how easy it was to pull off. That is a total lack of critical thinking on the matter. Doesn’t mean they’re not critical thinkers but on that subject have let their emotions get the better of them.
NOT EVERYTHING is a Conspiracy. Sometimes shit happens. However I understand brainwashing works both ways.
Imagine the manpower needed to wire up 3 extremely large buildings full of people with controlled demo charges all connected together in COMPLETE SECRECY! Haha you can’t ;)
Now imaging if Israel started telling multiple groups (Intel/military) to stand down and let Hamas militants through and sit back and watch as they slaughter your countrymen. How long do you think it would take before the lid came off of that? Answer is not very fucking long. Now think of the consequences of getting caught helping to orchestrate that by giving the orders.
Again that’s not to say certain elements of Mossad didn’t know about it ahead of time. What I am saying is it’s a moot fucking point because there’s simply no way to assist in concealing an operation that size without getting caught. Getting figured out would be the biggest scandal in world history and would earn the traitors a special place in hell.
This is NOT the same as quietly allowing the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor. It’s NOT the same as quietly allowing Muhammad Attah and crew to quietly train and hijack airplanes. In both of those cases assistance was undoubtedly lended to the enemy. In this recent attack it was most likely NOT.
So here’s what happened: The Israelis are one in the same with the US & UK. The leadership all the way down to the masses are filled with humans who have some of the worst traits. Just think of the 7 deadly sins and understand these systems built upon weakness and sloth have given way to a supreme form of hubris/arrogance. (((Their))) media has turbocharged all of this by teaching them not to improve themselves but to get better at lying and propagandizing.
This is where we are at today. All 3 nations are getting ready to get their asses handed to them. We sit at the eve of destruction of all 3 as well. About the only option they have is to kill off the planet with nukes. Hell I’m skeptical they can even be successful at that in this late hour. The old order is coming to an end. Brought on and nurtured by self imposed wickedness.
I've been contemplating what you wrote for a little while. Often missed in these conversations is the nuance that bad exists in all of us. Yet most of us fancy ourselves good people just doing their job. You are correct that one would assume any IDF soldier would not follow orders to say ignore a breach of the border fence, much less all of them. Some of the worker bees planting explosives in say the WTC complex should be asking questions afterwards if not at the time it was happening. Could an attack have simply been allowed to happen which also was convenient to the powers that be and was then seized for other pretexts? Of course it could.
But the Covid response more than anything opened my eyes to the idea that most people, through decades of indoctrination, compartmentalization and carefully laid incentive structures, might go along with a system that is ultimtaely suicidal to them and their families, even if their stated goals were the exact opposite. Some came down to following orders, some came down to being threatened, some came down to needing the money, some came down to wanting to be part of the in crowd. THis is something I had an substack post written about which was remotely deleted from my offline server. It's quite the quandry and I should rewrite it!
Have you ever put yourself in an elitist shoes. It not as hard as you might think. They are people just the same. Ditto for upper echelon politicians. Let me tell you what both have feared since the Dawn of civilization. They fear the unwashed masses in their own kingdom storming the castle more than any outside entity. It’s funny because ever since covid that has been what always scared me too. The mob rarely makes sense which leads to elites trying to master them with mind fuckery.
We lend too much credence to money and greed. That’s a lazy or sub par excuse to explain a situation. It’s probably a 1 on a scale of 0-5 on the motivation scale. We should come up with a ranking system Amy.
Haha I think Dante Alighieri beat us too it a 1000 years ago. Those sins as they’re called are what drives men to do some truly unspeakable acts regardless of status. That’s just me being philosophical. It feels good at the moment.
Let’s address the WTC. Amy no one could plant those bombs to take those buildings down. Think on it. They were controlled explosions/demonstration according to those people who weren’t going to be fooled by government right? Please then tell me who planted them there but better yet….HOW?
Lol I wrote up some of this on blogs like yours on the 9/11 anniversary this year. No one really wanted a piece of me after I demonstrated how silly it was. HEY I miss simple things all the fucking time. I think it embarrasses people to admit they were wrong. I’m being honest, I don’t really mind to be honest. Haha that’s probably why I rarely am 🤣🤣
It’s Simple dear Watson: I was reading a former spook Larry Johnson sonar21.com He has a friend who is well informed about demolishing buildings in a controlled fashion. He told Larry it would take 2 months to rig the towers and that was humping it. This type of implosion has much to do with timing by blowing main support structures in sequence.
Lol if you had to connect all that horseshit and keep all the evidence hidden it would take years. It would take a large amount of worker bees as well. Far too many to trust the silence. I’m sorry, I don’t care how rich you make someone when you kill the people they care about some of them are going to snap. You don’t mind paying them but it’s pointless because the only way they remain quiet is if they are dead.
So 9/11 wasn’t blown up by our hands exactly but it most likely was indirectly. The situation in Israel was even far less likely it was know before hand. Hey trust me I am NOT sticking up for those conniving fuckers lol.
Tell me do you really believe BLM is pulling Hamas? Haha Ugh they might be but they really have no clue what they’re doing. (((Some))) look at the approval numbers and hatch brilliant ideas. It makes me SO FUCKING ANGRY they continue to pull it off; time after time 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡…and conservatives play into it. Not talking about this blog btw.
Lolol Little Johnny Conservative and Joe Normie say “Hey look who BLM supports we better stand with (((them))).
Amy there are plenty of conspiracies. We don’t have times to get taken by wrong ones. Idk why I listen to jackasses like Mike Adams and Alex Jones. I think it’s because I trust their hearts (maybe lol). Or maybe it’s just for the entertainment value.
Does anybody think a bunch of little elementary school kids (20+) didn’t get mowed down by some clown who probably had all kinds of friends in shadowy corners? It just didn’t happen huh? Barack Obama got all his Hollywood buddies to setup some crisis actors. Lolol yet I listen to them for some goddamn reason.
Hey thanks for listening to me rant. Tell Sage I’m sorry and I didn’t mean to tell her she was spinning her wheels. Will tell her too when the time is right. All the best ☺️🥰
LOL to greed envy sloth wrath gluttony lust and all that seven deadly sins stuff. The problem on one side is that although there are obvious holes in the official story of events, those pointing out the holes are usually short on alternative explanations that are really workable in real life. So it comes down to shadowy forces and sort of a "well they lied to us about everything so obviously they are lying to us about this" type of reaction. I call this knee jerk conspiracy theorists, who believe that the exact opposite of what the official narrative is true. This still unfortunately lands them on a dichotomy so the fighting still grows.
I tend to go with more of a follow the money type of thing, because it seems to be the best predictor. It's still too early to tell exactly in this Israel Hamas conflict, but obvious winners will likely be the entire financial system, which needs to be kept propped up, at the expense of freedom of movement and association for the rest of us, which will likely drastically raise prices even further. I think if WAR EQUALS PEACE then the opposite may well be true: PEACE EQUALS WAR (on the financial system). It's a mess out there..
It’s a great response 🥹
Greed is tricky I guess. It’s not as simple as it sounds. It no doubt has led to dirty deeds but I don’t rank it up there with most of the others. Me and my neighbor discussed recently. We joked about being someone like a Musk or Bezos. I don’t think they care so much other than to keep score. Maybe that’s my naivety?
HOWEVER there’s a lot to say about money. Not so sure Greed touches on that one. The most powerful people in the world don’t care about accumulating money. Instead they lust after having the ability to create/control it. I don’t think there’s anything more powerful than that. Food. Oil, commodities; real estate….all take a back seat to those who sit on top of the monetary thrown. Now I sound like a conspiracy theorist huh haha.
Trying to think of that movie 7 which was fantastic and one of the best ever. I contend Zionism and Bolshevism are probably two sides to the same coin. Shhh can’t say that too loud tho. Also can’t deny Russia making jabs at the U.K.(Anglo Saxon) Empire either. It’s no doubt those groups are responsible for most of the turmoil in the world.
HOWEVER one must ask what would it be like without them? People have a hard time with this question. Where would we be? If we could see both outcomes which one would be the most comforting? It’s easy to blame and complain; believe me I’m guilty.
Have enjoyed talking to you. Admittedly I am quite concerned we have reached a precipice. One that is not easy to either pull back from; but worse, revert back. I suspect a major player is going to throw a haymaker before Christmas rolls into town. Idk it’s really hard to gauge as we are inundated with so much bullshit.
Goodnight….TTFN 🥰