No revolt over the draft.

They've already perfected their "patriotic narrative" to rope the marks in easily.

People - on the whole and with great evidence from history (last 4 years) - are stupid and happily ignorant and beguiled.

If there were going to be a revolt over something it would have been the scamdemic; the mandates; the open borders and the resultant rapes, murders, thefts and drug trafficking; the undermining of parents and then regime appropriation of parental rights/guardianship; terrorist led protests in American cities; intentional legislation (pouring money into other countries and forever wars) that devastated the economy; the stolen election; No-knock warrants and their out right executions of citizens in their homes; the banana republic Trump trials and lawfare; the demented, pedophile president and our vulnerability due to perceived weakness; the grooming of our children by perverts and pedophiles in daycare and kindergarten; the surveillance state and the ever exposed proof that they are targeting citizens and more.

Even as thousands drop dead, the masses (to include the victims families) are happy to attribute it to natural causes and move on to their next netflix binge, sporting event, social media stream or doordash order.

No revolution for the coming draft - except maybe from the conservatives, who understand the nature of an orchestrated For Profit Charnel House.

There should be a revolution, but the masses aren't uncomfortable enough yet. But they're getting there. You're already seeing revolts in other countries for various reasons, so it's coming. America will be the last and most lazy, in this cleansing process.

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Agreed. Civil war … mandating poisons that obvious kill maime and we’re still doing congressional hearings on lab leak and mask did not work … and vaxxines stated still saved lives. America 🇺🇸 where are you? On your cell phone screens … life is still too easy. Send the trans and alphabet victims and antifa and blm to fight for Ukraine. And all those

Who think Biden is doing a good job.

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Sometimes it seems like we are spitting into the wind, doesn't it???

It'll get to that breaking point though, it always does. The part that always baffles me is, it doesn't have to, with some maintenance along the way.

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Love that. Biden supporters and civil rioters fighting for Ukraine sounds like a poetically just solution to overpopulation.

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Ukraine is the demonic pedophile laundering biolab cesspool aka Pandora’s box of this existence.

They deserve that sandbox.

Putin won’t be as nice as the enablers here in this country and population control accomplished.

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Curious isn't it how the depopulation plans are focused on the people not experiencing problematic population growth, and ignores completely those societies that have a very real threat from too high population growth rates.

It seems it is actually about destroying western civilization. A reason would be to replace it with something else. Given the evil evident in their scheming so far, it's clear that the something else would/will be something terrible.

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IMO, you're correct, Jeck. The massive illegal immigration all Western, highly developed societies are experiencing represents a clash between those who are open to awakening and thereby could oppose the system and those who must first establish themselves economically and begin educating the family. The educated population is being replaced by an uneducated population who can't awaken at this point. An individual has to have experienced a certain level of financial and economic stability to have the luxury of awakening. IOW, the individual can't be focused solely on providing for the necessities of life. In olden times, this strata of society was called the intelligentsia. Moreover, much of the intelligentsia has been captured my the industrial-military-censorship complex today, and they help form that complex by receiving privilege and wealth. I think proof for my thesis is that the illegal immigrants to a man and woman want only economic/financial support from the U.S. .gov and unilaterally support Biden. They have no clue nor desire to learn about real freedom because they've experienced so little of that state in their lives thus far.

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That’s an interesting connection between parasites and the intelligentsia. Maybe becoming useful and intelligent requires skin in the game and a little working-class dirt under the fingernails.

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I think you're right.

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Starting civil war is the objective in everything this regime is doing.

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Your question about Ukraine is moot. We don't want DEI-infected American soldiers. Your technology is welcome, but your military is a shambles on account of this woke nonsense. Actually, even your technology has a short half-life. Russians quickly figure out countermeasures, and we Ukrainians are developing our own superior technologies quickly. Better get those trillions of dollars worth of obsolescent crap out of your warehouses and put them to use before nobody wants them.

America has a way of forcing woke on its allies. USAID here laments that there are not enough POCs here to force polychromatic diversity on their contractors, but they demand that contractors use equal numbers of male and female engineers. Note to Sleepy Joe - most women don't dream of growing up to be engineers. USAID has to ask if they want the job done well or done woke. They can't have both.

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It's good to see you commenting on here, Graham. I hope you and yours are well.

Yes I think woke has been destroying the armed forces with its square pegs ina round hole thinking. My 17 year old daughter is starting college in the fall. I talked to her extensively about what she wanted to major in, of course and went through all types of things that didn't sound like a waste of money, such as engineering or taking on apprentice programs in plumbing, HVAC repair, construction, building et cetera. She was honest with me.

"Mom I really am not a physical person who likes doing any type of heavy physical labor." She didn't say that a lot of those suggestions were more appealing to boys, but it was implied. In the end being that she's the therapist for her group of friends and that her younger sister and cousins adore her she choose Psychology with a specialty in Childhood Development. She has done a few internships working with children and has another one starting in July. I couldn't be more proud of her choice as it is a great fit for her talents and aptitudes and quite frankly a lot of children are going to need a guide during the current traumatic times we live through. It is however a very girly choice.

The overpriced hackable toys that the US has been sending to the battlefield has revealed some major weaknesses. I pray for this war to be done sooner rather than later...

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That’s DiCaprio as the G*d face? omG

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Yes indeed it is. Though I'll admit it sums up my current situation pretty well. Sometimes God does have a wicked sense of humor...

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God created you … therefore God has a wicked sense of humor.

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LOL it is quite the chicken egg dilemma there!

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I have a wicked sense of humor too, the way I look at it is this God made us in his image we are are a fractal part of his immense variety of characters…no lack for diversity in animals or people or personalities. Still trying to wrap my head around the Synagogue of satan and the evil Christ confronted then is is still here. Being wicked and having a wicked sense of humor is entirely two different characteristics LOL !! God Bless. Maybe a Pisces sense of humor idk ??

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I very much enjoyed your strip today, Amy, which is very thought-provoking for me. I had never encountered Ivan Illich but will order one of his books soon.

Will they go as directed to fight in Ukraine when drafted? Unfortunately, yes. Social media has entrained nearly all of society. The point is simply that the Globalists have a goal in their minds, and they've succeeded very poorly with Covid thus far. A mere 17 million or so killed worldwide is the most discussed figure thus far. Of course, the turbo cancers and other adverse-effect events are not recorded. Even 34-50 million killed worldwide isn't enough when the current world population is over 8 billion.

The Globalist is serious. I get the feeling that 2030 was a real goal they see failing to materialize. Unfortunately for them, far too many people are awakening and far too many populous parties are being elected with a strong mandate to ensure national sovereignty...which is why they're amping up wars and continue with disrupting the food supply by mRNA gene therapy (cows being injected with H1N1 mRNA therapy). As Michael Yon reports in his current blog, the Replicon injections, which appear to be the forerunner of true self-spreading vaccines, are beginning in Japan. These injections, ostensibly for the new variant of Covid, will be transmitted to people near the injected.

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Self spreading vaccines have been a dream of the globalists for quite some time. I think that much like what we call viruses themselves may do that they become more benign the farther from the original host ie the vaccinated person that they get. It's like taking a photocopy of a photocopy where eventually the original material degrades. I think life tries to find a way which is why the death cult has to throw so much money from so many angles at killing us.

The goal of population reduction would be both in increased deaths and decreased births so unfortunately we're far from out of the woods yet. At best what's been happening in current times will reverberate for generations and that is if they stop all of the culling now. At worst there will be no future generations for it to reverberate to.

Is there a point where people just stand down on the killing? Where no amount of money or power will compel them to shoot that other guy on demand or to push the button o mutually assured destruction? This would require people to confront en masse the reality of death. I'm not sure we're quite there yet...

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More people should ask themselves how come Putin is a red-thread-wearing Chabad Lubavitcher devotee and Zelensky is a Chabad Lubavitcher devotee too, the same people that run the White House and have every POTUS every year formally confirm their commitment to imposing Noahide Law while a group of Chabad Lubavitcher rabbis stand in the White House to observe the POTUS signing an official document acknowledging the continued and unremittting commitment of every POTUS to implement the Noahide Laws, which, as Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi gloatingly states in very celebratory mood in a video-recorded speech, will result in 6 BILLION Gentile people around the world being executed just for following other religions than Judaism, no Jews can be executed under the terms of these laws for contravening any of them.

And the 6 billion executions due to be carried out for 'contravening' that law against so-called idolatry are just some of the deaths scheduled to take place, other Noahide Laws also carry death penelties for contravening them and are intended exclusively to be carried out on Gentiles alone.

What a cohencidence that German Jew Klaus Schwab had a Jewish mother and has a similarly criminally insane terrorist senior Israeli Jewish 'scientific' advisor called Noah Harari who together plan to 'reduce' world population by 7.5 BILLION.

Klaus Schwab openly stated that Putin is a WEF alumnus of his, just as Zelensky is a WEF alumnus of his (just like King Charles and Israeli government front man UK PM Rishi Sunak are as well with puppet Sunak running what is nothing more than a hostile foreign power military occupation satellite government of Israel in the UK.

Soon the baton will be handed over to Israel's next yes man Keir Starmer of the Labour Party. In the UK both the Labour Party and Conservative Party each have a 'Friends of Israel Society', which 80% of their entirely treacherous enemy agent MP's and Cabinet ministers are members of.

The Chabad Lubavitchers openly state in video-recorded speeches to massed followers in vast meeting halls that they totally control all political and economic affairs simultaneously throughout all of Russia and Ukraine (and obviously the US and UK and France et al), so why could they not 'control' the war in Ukraine not to happen? The reason is because the Chabad Lubavitchers effectively control NATO nations and they WANT this war to happen, and for it to spread to mass sacrifice white goyim in the millions in the meat-grinder.

Various rabbis have openly stated that all white people in the entire world are intended to be physically exterminated as 'The Second Rome Amalek', no matter where they live now, Europe, America, Canada, Australia or new Zealand etc. The utterly demonic Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi states that of all the Gentiles in the entire world of all Gentile races and peoples in every nation, there will be "No survivors".

The Chabad Lubavitchers are entirely a front for the Jewish-intended NWO one world criminal terrorist dictatorship to be based in Jerusalem.

'Why Is The US Honoring A Racist Rabbi?' by Alison Weir, Counterpunch


Some of Schneerson’s rarely reported teachings:

“The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: “Let us differentiate.” Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather, we have a case of “let us differentiate” between totally different species.”

“This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world … The difference in the inner quality between Jews and non-Jews is “so great that the bodies should be considered as completely different species.”

“An even greater difference exists in regard to the soul. Two contrary types of soul exist, a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness.”

“As has been explained, an embryo is called a human being, because it has both body and soul. Thus, the difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish embryo can be understood.”

“…the general difference between Jews and non-Jews: A Jew was not created as a means for some [other] purpose; he himself is the purpose, since the substance of all [divine] emanations was created only to serve the Jews.”

“The important things are the Jews, because they do not exist for any [other] aim; they themselves are [the divine] aim.”

“The entire creation [of a non-Jew] exists only for the sake of the Jews.”

Most people don’t know about this aspect of Schneerson’s teaching because, according to Shahak and Mezvinsky, such teachings are intentionally minimized, mistranslated, or hidden entirely.


Jewish Talmudic Quotes - Facts Are Facts

From Acharya S


To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.

Libbre David 37

A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them.

Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17

We beg Thee, O Lord, indict Thy wrath on the nations not believing in Thee, and not calling on Thy name. Let down Thy wrath on them and inflict them with Thy wrath. Drive them away in Thy wrath and crush them into pieces. Take away, O Lord, all bone from them. In a moment indict all disbelievers. Destroy in a moment all foes of Thy nation. Draw out with the root, disperse and ruin unworthy nations. Destroy them! Destroy them immediately, in this very moment!

Prayer said on the eve of Passover (Pranajtis: Christianus in Talmudae Judeorum, quotations from: Synagoga Judaica)

Happy will be the lost of Israel, whom the Holy One, blessed be He, has chosen from amongst the Goyim, of whom the Scriptures say: "Their work is but vanity, it is an illusion at which we must laugh; they will all perish when God visits them in His wrath." At the moment when the Holy One, blessed be He, will exterminate all the Goyim of the world, Israel alone will subsist, even as it is written: "The Lord alone will appear great on that day!...

Zohar, Vayshlah 177b

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I have read a bit regarding Noahide laws which sound much less Jewish than they are openly Satanic. I do believe that there is a small congregation permeating the halls of power who have been led into a supremacist ideology whether it was carried out through Judaism, Freemasonry, Jesuit or even Roman Catholic teachings.

I think this supremacist ideology has taken root in many forms across cultures and times whether it was the priestly caste sacrificing other tribes to their Sun God or what it was. It is a natural extension for many leaders to choose as it gives justification for their mass murderous ways. In current times it would be most able to take root and flourish through extreme interpretations from the Abrahamic religions.

There are still far more of us than there are of them, however. How they would go about killing off six billion without also destroying themselves is unknown to me...

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Maybe Judeo-Christians misinterpret what it means to be “the chosen people.” If Jews were chosen to produce the Messiah they reject, maybe they were chosen to be an object lesson on what not to do. That's not necessarily an antisemitic proposition, is it? After all, the Bible is loaded with enlightening accounts of God's people doing dumb stuff.

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Brian Shilavy does the best job IMHO deconstructing the chosen people thing. Through his interpretation of the Bible it would not apply to Christians as the New Covenant makes clear that all who accept Jesus as the son of God are thus chosen. So the New Testament renders moot the Old Testament interpretation of God's people. Taken a little deeper this could refer to a Christ Consciousness which is available to those on any spiritual or religious path, but it would not be interpreted to refer to a single race, ancestry or religion...

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I believe we're on the same page. Happens a lot!

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No, the Noahide Laws are definitely Jewish laws.

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Kill the Goyim by any means possible.

Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Everyone who sheds the blood of the impious [non-Jews] is as acceptable to God as he who offers a sacrifice to God.

Yalkut 245c

Extermination of the Christians is a necessary sacrifice.

Zohar, Shemoth

All Israelites will have a part in the future world... The Goyim, at the end of the world will be handed over to the angel Duma and sent down to hell.

Zohar, Shemoth, Toldoth Noah, Lekh-Lekha


Lenin stated around 100 years ago that it would be entirely acceptable for 9 out of every 10 people in the entire world to be executed in the course of imposing a Communist world 'revolution'.

Klaus Schwab keeps a bust of Lenin in his office, a photograph of Schwab sitting with Lenin's bust can be seen online. The WEF program is precisely the exact same Communist program effectively intended only to fully conquer, enslave, use up and then totally exterminate all Gentiles on the entire planet.

Prominent American Rabbi Stephen Wise variously stated that Marxism is nothing other than Judaism and that Communism is nothing other than Judaism.

The WEF exterminatory program and the Noahide Law exterminatory program are one and the same program, just dressed up in fancy new clothes, it is really nothing about 'saving the world' or 'reducing global warming', Lenin intended this degree of extermination even around 100 years ago when to put forward the reasons they are using today would be very obviously quite ridiculous.

And they are doing it now by sterilizing people with weaponized synthetic mRNA jabs and weaponized EMF frequencies and fluoride, with the WHO saying 500 mRNA jabs for all kinds of diseases will be given to every person during the course of their lives.

The weaponized synthetic mRNA GM fake foods cause birth-defects, miscarriages, reduced fertility, cancer, organ failure, and massive death rates already in livestock, and the mRNA spreads in the food they produce into the human gut and continues to function there, hence the massive increase in recent years in humanity of many diseases since weaponized synthetic mRNA GM foods and similiarly weaponized synthetic mRNA fake vaccine jabs have been introduced. Diseases caused include autoimmune diseases, neurological diseases, cancers, organ problens etc.

People should be physically dragging the enemy agent politicians responsible for this treachery out of their offices and replacing them with decent and sincerely benevolent people to prevent the warfare and disease now being forced on us by the Israeli NWO representative criminal terrorists now in office in our nations.

How dare they commit nations to war over which Chabad Lubavitcher will be ruling over the (remaining) Gentile Christian Causasian Slavic population of Ukraine, which, according to the edicts of the late Chief Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, are to be killed off in a land clearance program (just like the simulataneous one in Gaza, the two conflicts being entirely related and simultaneously arranged) purely in order for millions of Jews form Israel to then move in and take the Ukrainian land for a BIGGER ISRAEL.

The world should not have to be immolated in a huge black magic blood sacrifice ritual which is additionally intended to provide occult energies required by the entirely parasitic blood-sucking Chabad Lubavitchers.

The UN itself has formally accepted to implement the Noahide Laws in every nation of the world when the time comes, and the 'time' under requirements of Jewish law is when any nation or the entire world has sufficient Jewish political controlling power in order to get away with it, such as happened before in the beta test occurring under the Jewish Bolsheviks in Russia, when 66 million white Slavic Christians were killed off.

Stalin, who was actually a Bukharian Jew, who I feature several photos of on my site showing him in full Jewish dress in the association of other prominent Bolshevik politician Bukharian Jews in similar attire, implemented a law throughout Soviet Russia against co-called antisemitisim, with the death penalty being the ONLY penalty for supposedly contravening that law.

66 million Christians were killed in Russia under Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin up till 1953 when Stalin died, he was killing Christians all that time in Russia even right through WWII as 'antisemites' while he was a supposed 'Ally'. Stalin stated that he brought in the law because Judaism is both fundamental and essential tio the Communist 'revolution'. Following the Jewish victory in WWII the Kremlin initially wanted that law to be introduced worldwide, but later decided on more surreptitious methods being employed in order to avoid unneccesseay resistance and thus ensure greater chances of success.

And the grandiose madman Trump stated recently that he will bring in a law against 'antisemitism;' with the sole penalty being 'the ultimate penalty, the death penalty' as Trump himself has stated, and Trump even stated that he will be sending armed forces to kill people in nations deemed antisemitic, adding that he knows which nations these are.

What Trump proposes is actually pure Jewish Communism, just like the similarly treacherous Biden also inflicts already, that being chaos and destruction among the Gentiles, and the goal, as stated in the Zohar, backed up the rabbis say by teachings in the Torah, is to literally exterminate all Gentiles on the entire planet so that Jews alone can take the whole planet for themselves alone to live on by means of a massive armed robbery.

Hence the massive upsurge in infiltrated political agents who are against the human kind, who say that 'antisemitism' is to be condemned as 'hate' and made illegal.

So-called antisemitism is really nothing more than being aware that Jewish religious teachings says all Gentiles must be enslaved, subjugated fully, then ultimately fully exterminated once their purpose has been served and then even sent to hell for eternity.

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Chomsky nails the problem with AI. Until AI “thinks” heuristically, it’s rote and ultimately simplistic. That’s of limited worth for solving human problems. Authentic intelligence is creative, not regurgitive.

Best I can tell, “Equity! For the children!” is the future the idiots in charge try to sell. If they weren’t narcissists destroying institutions and cultures, a vague and bug-eating future might be worth considering. Who says we have to trash the past and present to build the future?

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Very interesting thoughts on AI here----thanks for that.

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Yeah, I am in the belief that most Americans will go along with it--patriotism, ya know. Save us from bad Russia, help good Ukraine. A 'former' friend said we should not allow RFK Jr. in on any presidential debates because he's going to be the reason that Trump wins. Right, shut him out, shut out open discussion and debate. Great memes, Amy.

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But RFK Jr gave his 100% support to Judaism and Israel while he was together with Rabbi Schmuley Boteach while they stood together under a portrait of the late chief Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, who stated in the quotes I have provided in my earlier comments here that Gentiles are eternally inferior to Jews and not even human and not even living souls and can never become living souls for all eternity. There is a photo online of RFK Junior standing with Rabbi Schmuley Boteach under that painting of the anti-human lower dimensional demon Rabbi Schneerson, who of course, out of force of habit, dishonestly pushes the line that it is instead we humans rather than the Jews themselves who are from a lower dimension - (if Schneerson were really correct, then he and all the other Jews would have to be pretty stupid then to want to come to what they call this 'lower' dimension and seize it for themselves, the truth is obvious, that these Jews are hellish invaders forcefully migrating upwards through the different dimensions of this material universe only by demonic occult methods of illegal violence alone and not by means of acquiring spiritual grace).

What is that again about shutting out frree speech??? You read like AI. Ever heard of the Noahide Laws by any chance??? RFK Junior will betray all Gentiles by being joined in solidarity with the Chabad Lubavitchers who intend to murder all Gentiles under NWO Noahide Law. And laws against 'antisemitism' such as fellow Chabad Lubavitcher supporter Trump proposes with a death penalty even for that 'offence' will kill many more, as even for protesting against the Noahide Laws on behalf of other Americans for instance, any Gentile doing that would be made subject to physical execution, and one can see that with RFK being a being a Chabad Lubavitcher fiollower, then RFK Junior will be in favour of that law proposed on their behalf by Trump as well.

Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Laitman teaches his students to recognize and embrace the understanding that all Jews are from another dimension entirely, that their souls originally invaded the wombs of Earth women in different races around the world and pirated the originally human foetuses within them (rather like the scenario in The Midwich Cuckoos, by John Wyndham), that is what the Jews themselves believe anyway, and they are acting on that being the reality, whether or not anyone may think the Jews are imagining things, as they have this 'god complex' megalomaniac mental condition that actually makes them violently insane with exterminatory lethal intent against all others in the firm belief that they are 'spiritual commandos' only here to conquer this planet and take it for their own by first enslaving, then totally exterminating all Gentiles on the entire planet as the Zohar states is to occur once the alleged purpose of the Gentiles has been served as slaves.

Permitting the 'free speech' of these representatives of self-professed interdimensional invaders and intended mass-exterminators of all humanity, referring to RFK Junior and the criminally insane Chabad Lubavitchers who have already been basically in control of the White House ever since 1991, is actually the very opposite of permitting free speech, and will mean the end of all Gentiles if the Chabad Lubavitchers are allowed to complete their plans by bringing in more weaponized anti-human ethnobomb mRNA jabs through the WHO and by ensuring a nuclear war between European nations and America and Russia.

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Ascetic… not aesthetic. Just saying.

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Thanks for catching that. I'm not sure if it was an autocorrect thing or f I just wasn't paying attention. I shall fix it now...

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First off, teak Buddha he ought to be looking at an AR-10, if he is looking at anything.

Second, I apologize for my limited posting because it is 88F in here with the defective Frigidaire AC that I am still waiting on a warranty delivery to replace. What is wrong with a company that makes you wait 6 days to get your AC replaced and then makes you wait 6 more (at least) for a shipment notification. It sounds like they want you to sweat, and sweat I have but the chips in my desktop may not make it unless shut this thing down now!

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Be grateful I suppose that you have A/C that could break at all. I see signs of stress in all aspects of labor and the supply chain with your anecdote just another example. Some days ago my mother was supposed to be flying back from Detroit to Las Vegas following her brother (my Uncle John's) funeral. My brother dropped her off at the airport 1 hour and 15 minutes before her flight, which is admittedly cutting it close for my taste but this is a domestic flight. She needed counter help and said she waited in line for a stunning 45 minutes to get it, at which point she was too late and had to be rebooked on a new flight. This followed on from her first flight being cancelled outright. These problems are likely to get worse the more the control grid breaks down in every aspect you can think of, from repair work to flights to healthcare. Corporate supply chains are hitting diminishing returns and fast

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I don't fly anywhere, sorry, I won't be there, can't take my M-92 Zastava so I'm not going.

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Nobody on either side wants WAR

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I agree but the people in charge sure seem to agitate for war, even if it is to hold a grip on their power...

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The people in power 💯 want war .. I was speaking of “we the people”.

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