The books that made it into the Bible were essentially decided by Constantine. In the 300 years after Jesus hundreds of factions of Christians had arisen in the countries surrounding the Eastern Mediterranean. They were all a bunch of freedom loving rabble rousers who spent a lot of their free time debating power, corruption and divinity. Consequently, they posed a big threat to Constantine's power. Then his wife converted to Christianity.

He gathered Iraneus and some other guy who both proclaimed themselves to be bishops and had them organize the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. They called for a gathering of the followers of Jesus (who did not call themselves Christian) and hammered out what, of the many hundreds of books that existed at that time, would be included and what would not be included. They essentially excluded any books that promoted freedom and mysticism and included books that left the door open to the institutionalization of the church and the centralization of power. The latter became the Roman Catholic church, the book became the Bible and the religion became known as Christianity. I'm sure all of it would make Jesus gag today.

Constantine then gave those two Bishops some crack troops and they rode all across the region to destroy any remaining books from those rabble rousing early "Christians". That's why both the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hamadi Scripts were hidden in caves. The latter are the most mystical (Gnostic), which the Catholic church has always despised because they point out that no institution is needed to find God.

I see you and I and many of our readers as the modern day version of Jesus's rabble rousing early church.

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Thanks for the backstory! This looks like one of the most important canonical works whcih should have been included based on my first blush reading. It's one of the easier biblical texts to read.

So why wasn't it included?

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Jul 8Liked by Amy Sukwan

You might be interested in a new book by Tim Alberino, Henry, and Rodgers. They just put out The Book of Enoch Complete Edition. With commentary to better understand. Incudes 1, 2, and 3 Enoch. I've just started reading it. I was going to include the link from Amazon - but wow - WAY too long.

Alberino also has another book called Birthright. Also excellent. Every chapter a different topic. See what you think.

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Maybe because it hit on too many points that the powers of that time felt uncomfortable about. It's been many years since I read Enoch but it probably has to do with threatening power bases (rulers and religions) as well as promoting freedom and mysticism.

Jesus despised centralized, institutional religions. He loved freedom.

BTW, canonical means it was included in the Bible. Non-canonical are those not included. Some use the term apocryphal, but that refers to writings from a certain time period.

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Jul 8Liked by Amy Sukwan

Sort of predates the secular heretic in many respects.

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These two statements made it into the Council’s 66 books: “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30), and “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me’” (John 14:6). Odd that the Roman Catholic Church spent the next 1700 years locking worship into Latin, vying for blessings from Popes, requiring booth confessions, and directing people to pray to saints. But this is no time to be divisive. Everybody who loves Christ best stick together and get to rabble rousing.

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Jul 8Liked by Amy Sukwan


I had Catholic school for 12 years! My mother grew up with the Latin Mass.

Personally, you can have ALL organized religion. I want no part of it.

I only want God/Creator/Love. Truly…

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Jul 7Liked by Amy Sukwan

I think there is so much we don’t truly know about Jesus. Personally, I think his lost years were spent studying “ancient secrets” and meeting with many, many people. So, so much!

I was raised a Catholic, and I went to Catholic school for 12 years. I want nothing to do with dogma, and organized religion.

I want to learn all I can about God/Creator, Jesus, and so much more. Jesus knew the power of Love. He knew the power we have individually, in my humble opinion.

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I spent time at Self Realization Fellowship which was founded by Paramahansa Yogananda. There was a belief within that system that the lost years of Jesus, aka the time between 12 and 30, were spent in India. It is odd that those 18 years or so are just not there...

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Jul 8Liked by Amy Sukwan

Some Scriptural support that Jesus stayed local to the area. Jesus is 12 when he goes to the Temple in Jerusalem and then returns with his parents to Nazareth (Luke 2:39-52). He starts his ministry around age 30. Jesus' brothers' actions with Him in John 7 portray Jesus as a local Nazareth young man. Also in John 7, His fellow Jews seem to know quite a bit of Jesus' upbringing when they ask, “How can this man be so educated when he hasn’t gone to school?” "He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up" Luke 4:16 "All spoke well of him and were amazed at the gracious words that came from his lips. “Isn’t this Joseph’s son?”" they asked. Luke 4:22 Also, Joseph is not mentioned in other passages with Mary so he may have died while Jesus was still a teenager which would put additional responsibility on Jesus to stay local and to provide for His mother as we see Him assigning this duty (John 19:26-27).

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Jul 8Liked by Amy Sukwan

THAT is so cool Amy! It blows my mind! My parents have been “dead” for nearly 20 years, but my mom was really into this view…after she got out of the Catholic Church and woke up a little😉!

I love this subject! Amazing…

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There is some evidence he spent those lost years with Thomas in Kerala, India, which to this day has a large Christian population.

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Jul 7Liked by Amy Sukwan

Amazing! THIS is what has been “hidden”, and many other parts of Jesus’s short, miraculous life. I want as much research, and information on this as I can get!

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So many question would be answered if we had access to the archives sequestered at the Vatican.

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Jul 8Liked by Amy Sukwan

Forget the Vatican. Earthly institution. Your source is the triune God; prayer, reading the WORD, and communion with the Holy Spirit are the source of wisdom.

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Although I never remembered the Vatican, I agree. But it would be much easier for the masses to forget the Vatican if they knew what role it plays in all of the death and destruction that's occurring.

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Jul 8Liked by Amy Sukwan

They just excommunicated Carlo Marie Viganò so that’s a black mark.

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Really? I read and follow Carlo Vigano. On what grounds?

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You are correct. This is a spiritual war. I have come to believe that they have destroyed so much evidence (of the many times highly technological civilizations have risen and fallen) to prevent us from knowing that this is a prison of souls. Perhaps we cannot ascend past it, unless/until we (our avatars/bodies/vehicles) truly understand our true history? Maybe we keep getting recycled before we understand?

And the genetic manipulation is not new. Maybe our vehicles were previously genetically engineered (this isn't the first time) in order to make sure our avatars wouldn't live long enough to benefit from whatever knowledge we could acquire? Each recycling comes with a memory wipe, or perhaps these vehicles require this, in order to operate? Either way, it seems most of us have been here before, but very few remember.

God, tell me why youth wasted is on the young? And whom amongst us who manages to grow old, doesn't say "If only I'd understood this when I was young" ???

"Ascension: What is it EXACTLY? Is it the state where our soul no longer misses the experience and challenge of this physical density? Or is it when we go on to create with mere thoughts, that which we desire, no longer needing a reason, other than that it pleases us? Whatever the truth is, it is intentionally kept hidden. But it seems it's gotten much harder to hide it from us lately.

I once had a dream/vision of being gone from this world, and being able to instantly create anything at all from a thought. I was not longer the character/person. Just an energy that wanted to create. Soon I became bored of it, and wished only for the physical experience of that which I had created. I came to understand quickly, that I would need a BODY to feel emotions about what I had created. I missed my emotions, or at least I did notice they were now gone. So I sought out others.

I saw multitudes there, and for some strange reason I was aware of them all (who they all were) simultaneously. Some had a mild interest in me, those that had known me in this life, and the rest were simply "communing" or "conferring" about something I could not comprehend. I saw my mother. She glanced over and acknowledged me, but she was no longer in the "role" of my mother in this place. There was no "missing" anyone in particular. When I woke up my head felt like it was going to explode and I was sweating, unable to process all that I had seen. It took about an hour or so for me to start dismissing it all as merely a dream so that I could get on with my day. But it never left me.

"Oh very young, what will you leave us this time?" Cat Stevens

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The book of Enoch probab;ly first caught my attention to the reference as Enoch being in lineage to Methusaleh, the longest lived human recorded at a stunning 969 years. It throws off everything we thought we knew. Did the Great Flood cause us left to no longer be able to process vitamin C, shortening our lifespans? So much opens up. Read and decide...

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Our DNA was altered/programmed to assure we would not live very long. Or a "wall" was built into the matrix (game?) to assure "they" would be able to "win" (whatever that means;-). Rigged, all of it. And knowing this is the beginning of the end of their game.

But what is OUR "game" exactly? Without their familiar constructs, many feel completely lost. But this is only because we forgot that we are CREATORS.

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Genesis 6:1-5 might offer a clue to altered DNA and reduced lifespans. "When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. Then the Lord said, ‘My Spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.’ The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown. The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.” Maybe it doesn’t take as long these days for wickedness to infect the human race.

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Yes indeed!

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One interpretation is that, as we descended from a more etheric form--following the evolution of the planet (Earth), we became one with the heavy materiality which naturally shortens the life span. The reason for this is that lessons can be learned in the etheric and astral planes but are solidified in the material...if that makes any sense. And just my understanding. According to Cayce and Steiner, the initial physical human form which materialized fully in Atlantis lived for a 1,000 years. They were lighter (full of light) and less dense. They were in direct connection with what people call God and Angels. Children of the Law of One or the Amilius Group. Then, as Atlantis became more material and the spiritual condition deteriorated (Sons of God mating with human females), the human form sank, too. Poor judgement was exercised by those offspring as the use of the crystals, which had been purely spiritual in nature and used for the furthering of humankind, became captured by "Sons of Man" who had no such inclinations. They misused the technology; conquered other people; and eventually broke up the continent of Atlantis and sank the final portions. They persist today in those who advance transhumanism and the capture of nature under their dominion and who seek an existence outside of physical death without submitting to the spiritual laws all souls must follow for advancement.

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Awesome views on these subjects. Rings true. Thank you!

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Yes, Methuselah’s dad. One of the few but fascinating statements about Enoch in the canon: “Enoch walked faithfully with God; then he was no more, because God took him away” (Genesis 5:24).

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Yes there is some speculation that Enoch never died and that his coming back to the physical Earth plane and his subsequent death would be the signal for End Times...

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Joy, Amy & others here, you might enjoy the work/s of Robert Monroe. His last book is the best, Ultimate Journey.

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Thank you for the tip. I must acquire this work, and give it a good read during a sabbatical. I need this.

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According to Steiner, the next level of existence or life is becoming etheric. We have (supposedly) essentially three bodies: physical, etheric, and astral. (Some sages hypothesize more.) Those ready will start incarnating in etheric form within the next 1,500 years or so. They'll no longer incarnate on this densest material plane called Earth. The next plane is New Jupiter according to anthroposophy which is living and developing in etheric form.

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I like this idea.

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The top biblical scholar I’ve ever studied under strongly believes Enoch IS a legit work. He knows the bible— every word, in all 3 original languages, and readily quotes it more easily than I could tell you the words to Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. He’s been a complete life changer and game changer for me bc he made the WORD come alive for me! I heard him 33 years ago, in the wee hours with our firstborn. I was too tired, too

lazy to get up and change channels. He answered a life long question for me about the military and from there, I was HOOKED. I’ve studied under him ever since. If you’d told me I would adore a TV preacher — I’d have laughed.

He says, and backs it up perfectly with scripture—- that The End begins when Israel becomes a nation, which it did in 1948. THAT generation will see Jesus return! 2024-1948= 76 years. Now the question is, what exactly constitutes a generation? It depends who you ask/what country. I’d guess God would mean Israel. I think they say 78 years is the lifespan of an Israeli? So… I’m watching for the antichrist to “appear where ought not”, on the Mount, and then for the two witnesses to appear, for the antichrist to slay them as the whole world watches, then for them to rise again the 3rd day. (Search your fave version of the bible and any key word. Example: “KJV two witnesses” or, “KJV Abomination of Desolation”— like that. You will find every scripture reference that contains those words. It’s amazing!)

I do not believe in rapture. The bible says He is “against those who see pillows to their arms to fly away, like birds”. (KJV - pillows) He is not a huge Hoover in the sky, sucking people up. The NEW heaven and NEW Earth are HERE, ON the earth. We will live through a time of great tribulation, which will be shortened for the sake of the elect (See KJV- shortened for the sake of the elect) to 3.5 months, at which time He will appear. When He appears, we (who remain and who KNOW Him and who have studied to show ourselves approved) will be LIKE Him. I personally

can’t wait.

*** Not that I’m typically vengeful but I hope we also get to see Fauci and Gates, etc. burning and begging for mercy. Just sayin’…!

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Thanks you for all of that. I'm basically a pan religious reductionist at this point. Regarding this I recently read a fascinating thing regarding the Kali Yuga (ithe end of days in Hindu) which contrary to that wikibullshit story about being in 400,000 years, is actually in 2025. Dovetailing with all of the other ones. Methinks we're in for a bumpy road but I am not one to prophesize...

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I think we are def in for a bumpy road. I’m so curious abt the elections in the USA, I think there will be “big doings” regarding that, of course.

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What if We stopped looking at the Gospel in a dogmatic sense, and look at Jesus’s teachings as a philosopher?


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Jul 7Liked by Amy Sukwan

In the self portrait, the eyes......you really picked up on the light in the eyes.

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The Balenciaga photos are like most of the "high fashion" photos for decades. They essentially convey the image to shut up; don't question; and remain passive. The bondage element is always an encouragement to remain passive and allow things to happen to you. The escape into some kind of super fairy-tale reality conveyed the same. Remember all those perfume commercials which were simply montages of beautiful people and beautiful scenery with hip images of "cool"? With nonsensical tag lines like "She fell into the breeze" or something like that to convey a sensation that had nothing to do with smelling their perfume? High fashion is one of the darkest fields. The book "Nathalie: Confessions Of A Fashion Model: The Dark Side Of The Fashion Industry - Monarch Mind Control, Slavery And Sexual Abuse" is very explicit on her subconscious interactions with the Globalists and their blood ceremonies.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7Liked by Amy Sukwan

If Kamela adopted Blues Traveler's "Hook" for her campaign theme song, an excerpt could double as stump speech and minimize her cognitive load. I’d go with Tyrus’s suggestion to punctuate with bongo drums. "It doesn't matter what I say so long as I sing... with inflection that makes you feel... I'll convey some inner truth... or vast reflection but I've said nothing so far... and I can keep it up for as long as it takes... and it don't matter who you are if I'm doing my job... it's your resolve... that breaks... there is something... amiss I am being... insincere in fact I don't mean... any of this still my confession... draws you near... to confuse the issue... I refer to familiar heroes... from long ago... no matter how much Peter loved her... what made the Pan refuse to grow?... suck it in... suck it in... suck it in... if you're Rin Tin Tin or Anne Boleyn... so, desperately I sing to thee... of love, sure... but also of rage... and hate... and pain... and fear... My name is Kamela... elect me as your president... and I will do... the goodest job."

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Jul 7Liked by Amy Sukwan

F M 8's stubstack outlines how to remove the morgellens fibers, by temporarily disabling their cloaking charge, our bodies are able to expel them. This guy is a hero. https://firemedic8.substack.com/

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There are a number of ways to read biblical text, among such ; As the word of God, as man's changing understanding God, as man's changing understanding of himself, as history allegorically noted. Choosing one method of approaching the text does not, in any way, negate the others.

& yep, yo mama was just ahead of the times; THE END OF THE WORLD IS NEAR, RE-TENT!

Lost texts, Gnosticism; Chen Malul over at his Library of Babel has an interesting write on the Gnostic Acts of Thomas; https://malulchen.substack.com/p/the-story-of-jesus-christ-and-his

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Whoa...the Carl Jung quote! Mind blowing.

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