I get more deep wisdom from your memes and videos than from hours and hours of reading;-)


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May 19Liked by Amy Sukwan

The Doctor God lol. Did you make that up or was it George? Sorry haven’t listened to the vid. It’s funny as shit tho 🤣

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I came up with that one myself!

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May 19Liked by Amy Sukwan

That is a beaut 🥰🥰🥰

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Most of the doctors making these predictions are more likely to die from their jabs, so........maybe they should stop making death predictions, eh?

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Look into Germanic New Medicine and the 5 Biological Laws...very interesting. What if all disease is a biological response and tissue/body adaptation to emotional attacks and trauma? I've been following this practice for over 10 years and it's life changing. There is ALWAYS a conflict associated.

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Do you know the story of Pablo Kelly?

He's a guy who was diagnosed with brain cancer ten years ago. As it often happens, they said it was probably nothing. Then he had to insist to have an MRI and other explorations. They said "it's inoperable, sorry."

He went keto. Real keto, the difficult one. He's still alive. And he speaks in favor of the high fat therapy for cancer.


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Good George Carlin video. Here he is talking about germs.


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Oh Amy...I needed that!

Thank you. Xo

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thank you. genius. kaizen.

find Norman Cousins soon. Biology of Hope - Anatomy of an illness.


@nutridetect on twitter.

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Proving I wasn’t a KISS fan, I got this earworm: "Call it! Call it! Call it out loud!" If we are The People, no doctor or political body is The Man.

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