This IS the reality we are dealing with, Amy, fer sure. Full on depop, maybe losing a third of people over the next few years, no precedent in our lifetime. This Virgo rising (who is also a Virgo sun, to which some astrologers have just said to me, "Oh, I'm so sorry honey", because it translates as a rising sign moving towards the sun sign; a Virgo evolving moving towards a....Virgo. Maybe they simply cancel each other out, leaving me with a Libra moon to sort it all out? Ha! I never have been very neat and tidy that's for sure, perhaps emotionally I am tidy), anyway, this Virgo rising is having some difficulty imagining just how this new great 'future of fewer' will work out for the Cabal elites who are enforcing it upon us. Their lawns will grow long, their cars will stay broken, and their houses will go without maids. All in all their plan lacks knowledge, mercy or forethought, but other than that...it's a quite successful plan so far. I would eat the rich, but they are full of toxins; I wouldn't feed that meat to a mean dog. It would make it meaner!

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LOL my personal astrology always has me humming "Danny's Song," which has a line in it "Pisces Virgo rising is a very good sign." Virgo can be a bit nitpicky and perfectionist, but as I've noted to my Virgo older daughter, it is a mutable sign. These are the signs most accepting of change, albeit sometimes grimly so. This goes back to the four seasons of Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter in non equatorial climates: the cardinal signs (the builders and doers) come at the beginning of each season, so Aries with Spring, Cancer with Summer, Libra with Fall, and Capricorn with Winter. The fixed signs (resistant to change) come in the middle of the season, so Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. The mutable signs are at the end of their respective season and anticipate the change soon to come (Gemini from Spring, Virgo from Summer, Sagittarius from Fall and Pisces from Winter). Yes all of my earnings calls mentioned staffing shortages in various ways. It seems these corporate types are recognizing that punching down endlessly doesn't end well. It also turns out that endless share buybacks do not run a successful business: employees do. It reminds me of a native American saying I heard "Only when the last river is dried up, the last buffalo slayed, the last field burned to the ground will man realize he cannot eat money." I'm paraphrasing but now I want to find the original quote...

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Apr 30, 2022·edited Apr 30, 2022Liked by Amy Sukwan

You just doubled my knowledge of astrology, with the cardinal/fixed/mutable explanation...of course it makes so much sense, seasonally...ps agree-endless share buybacks, ie profittaking, rhymes with muckraking....thank you Amy :]

ps on muckraking, i see it can be a good thing...if done right...best https://www.studentsofhistory.com/muckrakers

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