I think you'll want to watch this Amy.


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DuPont’s old slogan, better living through chemistry, was a dark joke. That and the Kafkaesque catch-22 you laid out makes me wonder what happens if the next plandemic is a lethal and untreatable virus. Most likely, the covid vaxxed will get fake vaxxed again, and they’ll die. The unvaxxed will again refuse to get vaxxed, and they’ll die. That’s bad, but not all bad. “Take heart. I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

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When I was growing up in Toledo there was a Dupont chemical plant nearby. In walking to the high school each morning we cut through a field in the back of it. One afternoon my best guess is that they released something into the water as I saw the minnows in the creek die in front of my eyes. Not long after that the creek bed was completely dried out and the area remains to this day fenced off to everyone. The Dupont plant has been closed for some decades now but I still wonder what they released into the water.

I've been on deep musings lately. I've been wondering this morning where my husband was born in a very specific manner, like in which house, the exact spot. The houses here in Thad Phanom are of a very sturdy construction and the bones of them are all many decades old. Mar had told me that Ka was born in her words not long after midnight at around 2 AM which jives with a journal Father Sukwan kept of the event for birth registration later for school. But surely as a home birth she had a midwife or two assisting her who might know more...

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That’s an interesting muse. These days, where my people came from is more interesting than where I’m going and far more relaxing. Sounds like you can use some relax for a change. BTW, my books on Buddha came in. I should lay off Substack and the newsfeeds and read something else for a while.

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I think the problem with current medical development involves the actual method of discovery and validation of truth. "Scientists" observe externality; develop an hypothesis; devise experiments to test their hypothesis; refine their hypothesis into a theory which "accords" with externality often defined as "reality;" and ultimately produce one result, the abeyance of one symptom in a disease, and pronounce victory. The "abeyance of one symptom" becomes the standard of care and evaluation. No one looks into the body to ascertain whether or not their "cure" has endangered other parts of the organism. They don't care. They're in the money and, subsequently, fight like hell to advocate their approach and product over all others. WHEN discrepancies are shown or people cured by other means, they're denigrated, maligned, and shamed. This brief description constitutes our current medical treatment. In other words, it's a sham. Their "method of discovery" is narrowly focused upon certain observable "facts" like identifiable organisms often where no causality is ever shown. They peer into anything material and observable ignoring a whole realm of medicine which must be discovered via intuition, feeling , and imagination and for which no one bothers to develop a theory or machine to "validate" anything. This brand of medicine might well be described as "material science medicine": only that which can be observed is considered real and valid. "Cures" are summarily dismissed as positive thinking, spontaneous remission, and a host of other "observable causes."

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Southern border (where you could catch TB) is looking better and better.

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tell Ka i'll trade him my asymptomatic torn acl for his asymptomatic tb anytime

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I've seen credible studies on excess mortality and morbidity estimating that up to 20 MILLION have died worldwide from these jabs with hundreds of millions injured or disabled - and that doesn't factor in the stillbirths and miscarriages!

And the former CDC director is now admitting "significant side effects" and that the jabs were basically useless for those under 50... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/the-mrna-death-toll-is-bigger-than?utm_campaign=comment&utm_medium=email&utm_source=substack&utm_content=post

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That comic had me cracking up.

Solid research.

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