The U.S. was the only country to use nuclear weapons and now it has unleashed biowarfare. It was all done in the service of international finance capitalism, which is now collapsing and is being exposed as the source of the carnage. Their evil is not sustainable because people will wake up and survive in spite of them.

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Local officials must be pressed to pursue charges. To be successful, resistance must be distributed and nonviolent.


Names must be named


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Excellent post.

It is so bizarre to be witnessing all this insanity. Maybe some of the injected women who only took one or two shots have been able to overcome the spike damage, but for those who went "all in" with the shot brainwashing, I fear for their ability to ever carry a healthy baby to term. And if some of the hypotheses about nanoparticle self-growing structures in their bodies turn out to be correct, especially the suppositions about 5G being able to activate some "sleeper cell" technology to cause a future mass casualty event among the "vaccinated", all bets will be off. Even the potential problem of the shots causing an autoimmune reaction to the protein essential to placental development could make everyone who has had even one shot effectively sterilized. Those people who concocted this entire disaster may have been so thorough that the ONLY humans that will survive to carry on the species will be the UNvaccinated.

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deletedOct 10, 2022Liked by Amy Sukwan
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I'm not sure how it gets up to three if it stops at one but I do understand the gist. Most people are unaware of how catastrophically say men's sperm counts have been plummeting especially in western countries. If it continues on that trajectory I read most men would be infertile by 2045 and that was before Covid jabs appeared on the scene.. I think we are bombarded from so many directions that I sometimes think it is miraculous that we live at all..

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Oct 10, 2022Liked by Amy Sukwan

It is only a matter of time for humanity...

This is my own observation. I'm not throwing in the towel as much as I'm facing the stark reality.

Look around. Is it a world you want to stick around in?

The blood supply has been tainted. The milk supply has been tainted. The jabbed are dying. Food shortages. War. The list goes on and on...

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Oct 10, 2022·edited Oct 10, 2022Liked by Amy Sukwan

Its only a matter of time for the Davosees. They can't even blow up a pipeline effectively.


WEF dirigibles like this one are not very maneuverable:

Globalist Banker Says ‘Ban on Cash’ Will Give Central Banks ‘Absolute Control’ Over Your Money


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Oct 11, 2022Liked by Amy Sukwan

And then there's the continuing fiasco in Ukraine -


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Kunstler is often right, but I don't like his potty mouth. When I have the patience I'll read that but he's probably right. Anyway, Ukraine is definitely a fiasco.

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Oct 11, 2022Liked by Amy Sukwan

Really? I can't think of a better way to describe America's current situation than a clusterf***.

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If they are childless there WON'T BE three generations!

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deletedOct 10, 2022Liked by Amy Sukwan
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Oct 10, 2022·edited Oct 10, 2022Liked by Amy Sukwan

That makes more sense.

That's bad news about your daughter's classmates! Children are so trusting of what parents do to them or allow to be done. On top of everything else, like possible death in the near-term, what psychological damage will be done when they figure out that they may never be able to have children of their own? How will they feel about their parents, and people in general, for lying to them and committing this horrific crime?

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