Yes there is a better way forward for health care, but this "government solution" isn't it.

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That's for sure...

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11 hrs agoLiked by Amy Sukwan

But the idea that (whatever crap is in) the whackscene CAN be exhaled and then inhaled by all the people around you is very real; SELF SPREADING VACCINES are proven in gov. writings/patents. It's why I am refusing to live with anyone who is recently vaxxed with anything, because they are putting the bad jizz in many many medical products.

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Good point. They are trying to poison us, for sure. I mentioned having extreme fatigue along with a weird menstrual cycle in late 2022 after flying back to the USA that I believe might have been related to vaccine shedding.

That said it is clear to me that the jabs are only poisoning and that this horse is well out of the barn

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You are correct right down the line on vaccinations. See Dissolving Illusions.


What continues to baffle me is why the hell you want to go to the United States. Your blog is a catalog of everything that is wrong with it. It is a very big world full of delightful alternatives.

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I still maintain a lot of connections in Thailand and am seriously mulling my options here. The USA is a decision based on my family being there especially regarding my mother and my two daughters. In a more general way my husband got sucked in, just as my first husband was, into the immigrant visa only trap that the USA is so fond of. In short because he's married to me he can't come to America to visit because he will obviously overstay his temporary visa so he cannot be allowed in unless he makes a permanent visa to come to live forever in a country that he has never set foot in and therefore has no way of knowing his suitability for.

In a more general way I very much want my husband to be able to go freely wherever I go.

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My Ukrainian wife had more or less the same feeling, but she is long over it. She could not get a tourist visa, and was refused an immigrant visa because they feared that once she set foot on the magic dirt she would never leave. Fat chance! She has never been, and we have a wonderful life here.

I loved living in Vietnam and visiting Thailand half a century ago. I think you have a good deal. Appreciate it!

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They refused my first husband on a tourist visa over the whole America is so effing great you will obviously never leave so you can't come in the first place thing they do. With Ka I haven't tried directly on nonimmigrant but was strongly urged early on to only make an immigrant visa to the USA because he would be refused on any other type since he is married to me.

Regarding Thailand I think the rain is depressing me. I feel beaten down wherever I go lately though and have been trying to work my way out of that feeling...let's see how things go tomorrow

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Danang had three seasons - hot, cool and rainy. Saigon claimed four, not very distinct excepting the monsoon. I am sure that Chaing Mai would be different than the coast.

There isn't any perfect place, but Thailand by my recollection is better than most. I didn't like the traffic and pollution even in the '60s, but my guess is that the rest of the country is cleaner than Bangkok.

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Just to name a few alternatives in our neighborhood, consider Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia and Armenia. Your work as an author can be done from anywhere. We have a low cost of living. Socialized medicine works reasonably well - my wife uses it - but fee-for-service which I prefer is moderately priced. Though car ownership is cheap, public transport works. Apartments in Kyiv cost under $1000. Those within commuting distance in the low hundreds. Food is cheap. Ditto electricity.

But, mainly, they don't hassle you. The people are friendly and government stays out of your hair. This is not unique to Ukraine. I would add many countries in Latin America to this list.

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I'm skeptical of Ukraine right now though I hope all is well there. But otherwise you have a solid list. Unfortunately my husband's passport is being held by the US Embassy for the time being, and otherwise my income is quite low. The .gov freebies are what is running the show on immigration and migration anymore regardless of the type

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The U.S. embassy here is the best I have encountered. Treat us very well, but I expect it is an exception.

Ukraine at the moment needs men to work. Salaries aren't great, but cost of living is also low. Don't know how his work prospects would be in the US.

Another concern I would have would be racism. Not from so-called racists, but the simpering condescention of liberals.

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Somewhere between a quaint old 18th century notion about the consent of the governed and our 21st century panic over existential threats to democracy, we got comfortable with executive orders. Make it make sense.

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LOL! Nonsense indeed!

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If the world would wake up to the virus scam, none of this medical tyranny would be happening. "Viral contagion" is the globalist weapon of choice for creating division. Your family could serve as a poster for their divide and conquer tactics.

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Amen! I've mentioned in a few places regarding these specific issues our willingness to be a landmark case, a poster child, or whatever. I never heard back. The jabs were all refused. That's technically allowed but also not allowed.

Divide and conquer still rules unfortunately

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