Sep 7, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

my husband was a first responder and he was tasked with recovery. Part of what he did was sift through the dirt brought to the Staten Island landfill by dump truck. They would dump the dirt and the debris onto a conveyor belt and he would look for human (or possibly) human remains. He found quite a bit of the smaller pieces as they had recovered most of the bigger pieces prior to this. I remember him coming home smelling like death when he handled the actual bodies or the larger pieces of bodies. It was a strange and surreal time.

He also saw the fuselage and smelled that jet fuel on that fateful day.

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

I also remember that we lost friends and neighbors that day. I remember seeing all the dads come home and knowing my husband was in the thick of it. I remember trying to keep normal for my homeschooled children.

What do I think about the origins. I think that Bush knew it was coming....and did nothing. Maybe encouraged it even. And I think that he and the rest of them used it to put a stranglehold on our privacy and our freedoms.

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Hugs to you and prayers for all that were lost...

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

Thank you.

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I was with a crew of guys tearing siding off a house in the west suburbs of Minneapolis. Our boss told us someone blew up the World Trade towers. The homeowner let us in the house to watch the footage. I remember feeling like life in America would be utterly changed, but I had no idea how. It didn't take too long to realize, when they pulled out the full text of the Patriot Act like immediately after, they have been anticipating this. The whole story seemed preposterous, but it wasn't until much later that I dug deeper and was like, this was a set up.

I decided that winter to do something interesting, so in 2002 I spent the entire paddling season soloing the Boundary Waters and Quetico Wilderness, May 01 - Oct 15.

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

full text of the modified second submission of the p.a.t.r.i.o.t. act. it'd just failed to be passed previous to the event.

the vote was called too soon for Congresscritters to read through the changes, much less the entire Security State Enablement Bill. a very few of them spoke out against that lack of due process but were assailed with the Freedom Fries patriotism attack on their viewpoints.

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

Where was I on 9/11/01? I was on a cross-country flight, returning to my home in Oregon--where I lived or 30 years! I had been visiting my parents for a couple of weeks in my hometown in upstate NY.

That morning, our plane got grounded during our stopover in Cincinnati--just as the historical incident began. We were stuck there for three days. I lucked out, having met a older gentleman who found us a way out of the airport for the night. He had found a local pastor who had made arrangements to bus stranded passengers to a local motel, where members of his congregation had prepared a nice cookout for us! They paid for our first night's stay! They got us a reduced rate for the second night—our plane flew out around 9 pm on the third day. They took us back to airport on the second day and returned us to motel for the night, as flights were still shut down. The general spirit was one of generosity, not hatred for the supposed perpetrators—same for the local media!

When I got back to Oregon, I started doing research on the whole affair. I’d worked as an investigative journalist for 15 years and wanted to know the Truth! I learned many interesting perspectives and information. Perhaps the most interesting was that I could have been on the flight that supposedly went down over Pennsylvania!! I had booked my flight on Priceline.com. The least expensive flight would have gone thru Newark, NJ airport. But, I had decided to go through Albany, NY to save my parents the hour they would save to drive me to and from the airport! Fate had decided that I was not to be on the ill-fated flight out of Newark!!

I learned much more about 9/11 in the ensuing years and became part of the “Truther” movement. Of course my research only strengthens my understanding that governments are completely corrupt and criminal, as are their enablers in the corporate media and giant corporations that control governments on every level in the US and many other places. And, yes, the C19 scamdemic was just another deceitful nail in the coffin for truth and freedom. Government actions from 9/11 led to the criminal Patriot Act and more dirty wars across the planet. The same is true with the C19 plandemic. The dirty US/NATO war in Ukraine is more of the same.

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Lucky you got out!

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"He was laying in bed watching Jerry Springer on television when the image cut to that of a smoking airplane sticking out of a tall skyscraper." I'm very curious about this sort of thing because all three planes that were allegedly used as weapons against buildings, allegedly penetrated completely that is for the WTC towers & Pentagon. However, total penetration by an airliner ( no matter how fast said airliner was allegedly traveling ) is impossible given the stated targets, in order to have penetrated the skyscraper wall, the plane would have had to displace >5 tons of mass ( & at 800 ft/sec ) bend/break sections of steel box columns, force a 5 meter diameter fuselage into a space of 3.6 meters between decks, the resistance would be sufficient to force the plane to shift in attitude before it could have penetrated completely thus precluding total penetration.

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Well obviously we just watched it on television and were nowhere near the Towers, so I can not vouch for what happened on the ground as much as I can attest to what was shown on TV. That said I'd say the "Did planes hit the towers?" is becoming a big point of dispute. I believe that something did hit the towers but the point is not make or break to me, as I think an Op with this level of sophistication would have covered all angles and still does...

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Sep 8, 2023·edited Sep 8, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan



3:30. "There it is....the plane went right through..."

"the plane coming out the other side..."

NY Good Day announcer. and then another Gleaming Talking Head. Image shows apparent CGI nose of plane exiting the Tower.

A bird damaged the hollow tip of another plane carrying NBA player Carmelo Anthony.

And this one makes it through intact through the Tower?

"completely in one side and out the other" says Peter Jennings voicing over.


This live chopper footage was never seen again.

Now...I suppose it is possible that this footage was faked and the TV announcer voices including Jennings were faked to "poison the well".

But it's telling that Amy's friend recounts the same imagery.


*edit to add: I'd link you to the odysee video where the clip comes from, but it has been removed.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

@Sage - I think that footage of Peter Jennings commenting on the plane going THROUGH the building is included in one of Jason Bermas (or maybe James Corbett?) documentaries, and then that footage never being seen on TV again. They also had interviews with people calling in to the show saying that it was a BOMB, there were NO planes.

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the show-stopper feature of this whole thing is the official story bit about a plane that could penetrate completely & disappear inside the building - - Simply NOT POSSIBLE . . Laws of Physics prove beyond any doubt.

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I was at the University. Someone mentioned a disaster was happening in New York so I looked on the BBC webpage which crashed from too much traffic. We all went home early to watch the news.

My best friend called me and breathlessly told me about the two other missing planes. Here in the UK it was indeed on all TV channels. The same shot of the plane flying into the tower was played again and again on a loop.

The next few days the newspapers were full of it.....I remember a huge diagram of the floor plan of one of the towers with a drawing of how the plane had penetrated it. And news of them having found the passports and a full page spread of the mugshots of the terrorists.

Then the next day it emerged that the 'terrorists' were alive and well and living in the middle east and weren't terrorists.

I was worried that it would be a pretext for the US to invade the middle east. Which of course it turned out to be.

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So it was all over the news overseas, at least in the UK. My first thought was that it was a pretext for war (it was) and later that it was to push the Patriot Act and erode US civil rights (it was). I also think it allowed the expansion of weapons of mass destruction at any time which they no longer try to hide...

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Oh yes it was huge in the UK. It was obviously a pretext for war. I went on a massive protest march in London against the invasion of Iraq.

I think that's when I realised that we don't live in a democracy. It was ludicrous to invade Iraq and nobody was in favour of it, but the government couldn't care less what we said or did. They had already made up their mind.

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And because we never reckoned with 9/11, which was always designed to pivot to a War on Germs, (Biden on 9/10/01 gave a speech about "anthrax in the hull of a plane or ship", and Bob Malone's boss Nick Jacbos at Windber Lab just outside Shanksville was meeting with Mossad the morning of 9/11 about ....ANTHRAX...)

Because we never reckoned, the MIC working at the behest of the Rockefellers All the Way Down just kept going with the unwinnable War on Germs to run alongside the unwinnable War on Terror, and this is how Global Fasicsm happens.

And they are going strong now.

We don't have a pol who will call out the Operation, and it is the same Op.

Some like Rennick will dance along the margins, but they are having a lonely time as four years into this and it looks like we may get locked down again soon.


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I'm not necessarily sure about the lockdown again. They're pushing it sure but people are waking up fast. I asked my older daaughter about her high school and facemasks and stuff and she had no idea what I was talking about--her exact words were "God I don't think anyone's talked about Covid anything in like a year." Today we went by the Phuket, Thailand high school around the time they were letting out for the day. I was the first time in several weeks that the timing aligned. I thought something looked odd and then it hit me and I started counting. Out of over one hundred students I saw plus random parents and other people near the main road, exactly ONE was wearing a facemask, a pretty appearing high school girl walking alone. It was like something happened here where it's just not a thing anymore...

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I almost want to see Tier Two contort into a pretzel and parse this all over again.

I am never going to underestimate what the Warehouse of Hammers will sign off on again.

Once the machine ramps up and (probably) they drop some more bioweapons in a splashy metro setting....I can almost see them pulling it off again.

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Almost might be the word. When even CNN pushes back on St Anthony (even though if you watched the interviewer on that clip he looked seriously possessed or on some extreme hardcore drugs) it might be less about them trying to kill people and more that their "mitigation efforts" are known to kill more...

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

One UK newscaster screwed up and said Building 7 had collapsed 20 minutes before it actually did. The anchor was standing in front of a camera shot of downtown NY, and you could plainly see Building 7 was still standing! I guess they didn't synchronize their watches very well. 🤷‍♀️

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There were no planes. All we saw was a fake video of a plane passing right through the south tower and coming out the other side. It is an impossibility for a flimsy aluminum tube to penetrate thick steel girders and steel reinforced concrete. No black boxes were found.

WTC 1 & 2 did not collapse, they disintegrated to fine dust. Look up Dr Judy Wood "Where did the buildings go ?"

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I linked to Dr Wood's fine work in this substack. Were there or were there not planes? I have definitely talked to people around NYC who believe that there were. I think they needed something kinetic but also agree that the anomalies of collapse do not add up

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Sep 7, 2023·edited Sep 7, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

thanks for linking to the judy wood video.

i think 9/11 is both-and rather than either-or. my eyewitness #3 was in tower 1, was knocked to the floor when something made the tower sway suddenly. he said that if the floor hadn't been carpeted he would have broken his skull. he got out via the stairs to the path train station in the basement. so you're right, something hit the towers.

DEWs were definitely involved as well. wish the web hadn't been scrubbed of all the images of that famous half-burned police cruiser - completely torched halfway through, the rest of it pristine. plus all the cars in the embassy suites parking lot across the street, burned to a crisp, hundreds of feet from the towers. foreshadowing for maui.

my most vivid 9/11 memory was after a pretty uneventful day where i was living at the time. went out to a bar that night with a bunch of friends where i first got to see tower 2 collapsing on tv. my jaw dropped. "that's a controlled demolition!" everybody at the bar looked at me like i was nuts. no amount of persuasion would convince them otherwise.

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sorry for the typos, the substack correct button has disappeared

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just tap on the “…” for that option

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

Just like "Lahaina" its never just one thing, its always dozens of 'things'

Just like Building-7, and eye witnesses seeing guys place bombs

The planes and hijackers are/were real, but they were just a part of the overall-MIL mission.

Just like COVID, and mRNA now nobody can simplify or explain the US-MIL OP because it has/had 1,000's of components.

Same for Lahaina, same for WTC-911, Same for COVID

The pentagon was taken over by Mossad back in the LBJ era, all they do is plan. Some say that the plane that hit the pentagon was the real target to destroy their own records.


People cannot accept the fact that a dozen poorly trained saudi teens with box-cutters took over 1/2 dozen planes ( 4 were sucessfully hijacked ) and flew them to targets; The fact is that all this stuff is easy, back in that day; But lots of the Bullshit on the OP is to create mythology training explain how complex and it would not be possible for trained teens to do such; Sure they did, they had the best training and funding available from the Mossad back prior to 911

But like Building-7, it didn't matter only one plane needed to get in and provide the cover, all building's were wired to jack hammer down by explosives placed at columns.

We know silverstein owner of WTC buildings had them insured and worked closely with the planners, again 1,000's of people were involved in this OP, just like Lahaina., or in the case of COVID 10's of 1,000's.


Regarding the 'dust' on site and mess, imagine that jack-hammering effect of all those building coming down on themselves;

Lastly another major element is that there were said to be major gold vaults in the basements of those buildings and near those buildings, again a well planned Mossad robber.

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Sep 7, 2023·edited Sep 7, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

I didn't think much of it when it happened, as a 21 year-old who didn't care about politics or "world events".

15 years later, a much more serious Aoratos came to the conclusion it was an Israeli op to justify destroying the countries which were in the way of the Greater Israel plan (cf. the excellent research by Laurent Guyénot and Youssef Hindi, among others).

Dick Cheney was the most pro-Zionist agent in the White House since LBJ.

All one needs to do is look at the so-called neocons' (which is just another word for Israeli agent) Greater Middle East Initiative (2002), which is a copy-paste of the Zionist Yinon Plan, which detailed in 1982 how Muslim countries were to be divided up and weakened to ensure the supremacy of Israel.

Until 2016, all America's wars were Israel's wars, and the American taxpayers were footing the bill.

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

Now expanded to NOT only Ukraine, but all the Land from Poland to Iran to be "Greater Israel" the new Yinon Plan.

They now even include the Hawaiian Islands;

Some may not realize but the original occupant of Hawaiian Islands a 'missionary' name DOLE was a christian-zionist and he was front loading even in 1890's a home for Zionism, other choices were baja-california ( mexico ) then un-occupied and Oregon Willamette Valley was long choice as the "new israel"

Today they have largely expanded to the entire earth;

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

Which makes perfect sense, because once the MOSSAD killed JFK in 1963, then it was easy with their boy LBJ to take over the US-GOV & Pentagon.

But then ZOG had owned DC since 1871, and the FED-RES ( jew-buck) fiat since 1913,

Once upon a time Rothschild said "I care not who owns a gov, just who controls their money", they went way beyond that from ownership (1871), to the money 1913, and then post 1963 weaponizing the US-MIL to be a ZOG Mercenary army so that ZOG could have "Greater Israel", which is now all the best places on earth;

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

I remember a clear, blue quiet sky on Lake Michigan in Chicago. Gorgeous.

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Yes I remember. Because the JFK fiasco wasn’t enough.

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It’s interesting that you have a clear memory of watching it on television, which I don’t dispute, but I have heard the footage of the planes crashing into the towers wasn’t played on television until the day after the event, so is this a case of the Mandela effect?

Here’s what I remember: My husband was driving me to work, and we were listening to NPR (I know, I know, but it wasn’t pure propaganda then). When they announced the first plane’s collision, my husband’s first words were, “What did they do?” We both knew immediately it was orchestrated.

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I have a definite memory of watching it on television and that morning not the next day. It's odd because I was not a TV watcher even then but I was getting ready for classes and my boyfriend had the boobtube on. I remember the way the screen cut to it. Not every station played the exact same footage but for the first one hour or so many did...

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

Yes, I watched it the day of, for sure, too.....

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Mar 30Liked by Amy Sukwan

I saw the collapse live on TV. I had a few colleagues who were in Manhattan that day and reported seeing some of the injured on trains headed back to NJ. My husband still has the 9/12/01 newspaper with the photo of a person jumping from one of the towers above the impact rather than suffocate or be burned alive.

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Really interesting! Maybe it's something you can delve more deeply into if you're curious. I wish I remembered where I read/heard them discussing that the footage wasn't available until the following day.

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Perhaps it depends on where you lived. I think part of the confusion we often face with these is that they can make the experience different for each person, so then an objective truth can not as easily be reached. Like with the Lahaina fires most first hand accounts say that water was turned off, but some do not. So then the argument becomes about who is "right" about the water. Could it have been shut down in some houses or areas but not others?

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My understanding is the footage wasn't obtained and distributed until the following day, but who knows when it comes to psyops? ;-)

Or maybe it was the footage of the first plane that wasn't available until later but the second one was shown the first day because they were on the scene after the first event 🤷‍♀️

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They did not cut to footage of 9/11 until after the first plane hit the towers but it was on the screen I believe (albeit a distance shot) when the second plane did, though then they cut to closeup footage if I remember correctly. Footage of the first plane hitting the towers I don't think was available until a day or two later. Nobody had a reason to be watching the twin towers instead of Jerry Springer until the event happened...

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The first plane footage was "discovered" as the French filmmakers happened to be perfectly positioned on Church Street to capture it shooting a firefighter documentary. 👍😅


These two promising young Naudet Bros filmmakers would go on to make Presidential films. So...made guys now.

The plane "melts" into the building like a knife through butter.

The second plane footage I have video of Good Day NY running live or on a delay of :17s is the quoted standard.


That video is incredibly dubious. The voiceover of Peter Jennings, I cannot get over and reconcile. Now either that footage was CGI and unwitting Gleaming Talking Heads voiced it over, or the well was poisoned later with fake voice overs.

Watch for yourself, relevant portion is at 3:30.

I ran a 500-comment thread on this and finally found ONE person who saw Plane #2, but importantly did not hear the plane.

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I missed this post by you so let me view the footage. Some I think was Good Day New York stuff but I definitely saw a plane sticking out of tower 1 in whatever I saw: it wasn't much but the back part though didn't really see wings. On the one hand in 2001 video cameras, unlike the smrtphones everyone owns now, were somewhat rare. On the other hand though Manhattan is one of the most touristed areas on Earth and there would have or should have been some folks maybe pointing up at the towers (more likely with regular still cameras though).

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It is a FACT ( the laws of physics support this ) that NO airliner ever flown could have done as was alleged by the media on 9/11/2001. 4 plane crashes where the plane disappears upon crashing . . like POOF, now you see it, now you don't, somebody borrowed Dumbledore's wand?

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MAA you are ‘forgiven for listening to the 9/11 coverage on NPR! I too am a ‘recovering NPR/PBS listener and News Hour/Frontline watcher’! 😉🙄😜

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

I was driving to work and heard it on the radio. I called my 19 yr old daughter, who was already at work and told her the US had just been changed forever. A TERRORIST ATTACK on US SOIL! Later, I watched a small TV in someone's office, as both towers fell. For days, there was nothing on TV but all the re-plays of the planes crashing, people jumping to their deaths, and the buildings falling into a pile of dust. I do NOT remember any mention of Building 7, though. It all just hurt my GUT! I don't remember exactly when I became aware of a different story than the "news" laid out but I do remember being ❗️astonished❗️ when my husband mentioned he thought the government, OUR GOVERMENT, was behind it! It took a while to digest that thought. 😢 I think coming to terms with that allowed me to more easily believe our government being behind all the covid scams and the deadly jabs. It would be interesting to do a poll of people who still believe that "al Qaidda" was behind 9/11, if they also believe in the official covid masking and jabs narrative.🤷‍♀️

James Corbett has some of the best in-depth research documentaries of 9/11 that I've seen.

Here's the 9/11 "conspiracy theory" explained in less than 5 min. Kinda tongue in cheek humourous.


9/11 Whistle Blowers


Jason Bermas has put out several good documentaries, like Loose Change: Final Cut and Fabled Enemies. He goes into the behind-the-scenes details like who owned the buildings (insurance payoffs), and what govt agencies and other businesses were on the floors that were hit by "the planes". And the PA plane that went down in a field but absolutely NOTHING left- no fuselage, no engines, no wing parts, no plane seats, bodies or body parts, or scattered luggage. Pretty strange, that one. 😕



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remember having a meeting the following day & driving down the freeway was worrying about the overpasses blowing up

also remember the evening skies devoid of airplanes cued up for LAX, my mom used to call it the string of pearls

in those days had my mom to talk to about everything, miss her more than ever

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I remember my words as I saw the smoldering side of WTC2.... "They let this happen. ". I looked into the JFK assassination and I began to no longer believe in the narrative that was fed then at the time. I remember being fearful of the Anthrax scare and taped up my bathroom, which had stayed until we were remodeling it almost 20 years later. It was a great reminder to me and that's why I was seen as a "conspiracy theorist" to my husband when C-19 happened. I said it wasn't adding up right when he said that we should stay home for two weeks. I was wrong about Jade Helm (he never lets me forget that) but I knew that I was right about this. I made him a bet that they are going to lock us down again this month. I'm partially looking forward to being right, but also dreading it because I'm looking for a job. I don't want the poisoned pokes.

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

Amy thanks for remembering the clear blue sky that days and for about 5 days after. I was in az... with my Cinese "sister",,, we stayed until all our colleagues who had relatives or friends in the towers got back via rent as l cars..and then we drove cross country back east ..without stopping. Remember the black smoke over nyc... I bought the terrorist story for a couple of years..but I worked at 7 wtc and started to wonder after watching video of it..now I think bbn you are right. Opening volley of the war was 9/11...covid ivthink marked the end of ww3 against us all. We have lost.

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

Things like this always brings me back to the creation of Space Force. Why was Trump so set on getting that up and running? And where are they now? 🤔

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

I usually don't do tv and radio Nooz, so I had no idea what was up until I got to work somewhere in the 10-11 am (MT) range that day.

I went in the building, radios on loud throughout the place, and made my way to the shop. people clustered around a TV there.

I asked them WTH was going on with everyone playing the Nooz. someone said "a plane was flown into the WTC."

the gasps and googly eyes when I replied are the main thing I remember other than the Nooz being on everywhere.

"stupid fuckers should've picked a military target instead of civilians. going for civilians is unethical."

my mouth doesn't get among well with the Party line, and never has

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Like you I do recall the clusters of people around televisions. Besides the lack of chemtrails on the drive back that point sticks out to me, as well as the way the TV stations that morning all turned to the same picture within a few minutes of each other...

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May I invite people to see:



enjoy & feel free to comment . . .

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