Steve often delays the email sends on his new posts in case he catches typos or wants to fine-tune, and it looks like those posts haven't been emailed yet :-)

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I understand that. I get pretty few Steve Kirsche emails. I tend to check his page directly during the day (in Thailand) as I do other things online

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Yes — he announced he started doing that some months ago, though there are things I think he gets excited about and pulls the trigger on right away… But most he sits on a bit before emailing. One of the great things about substack is the only algorithms involved are the ones inside the author’s heads.

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Lol. I got potan too.

Something weird happens with Kirsch's posts and they don't appear in the Substack app. Then, when I had not seen the post, it registered as already read.

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P.S. This has been happening for some months. Not sure whether it's in his settings or what's going on.

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Thanks for that Monica. I have a little experience on these things and I very distrust algorithms, so when I see something that looks off, I tell it.

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I did not get the last two Steve Kirsches or the Brownstones and I paid for both.

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We now have our answer: https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/how-im-treating-my-covid

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Kirsch is episodic in his posting. Sometimes 5 a day, sometimes only a few a week. The spelling of his name is all over the map in this post btw: Kirsch, Kirsche, Kirche.

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I fixed the spelling thanks for pointing it out. My tablet likes to autocorrect spell Kirsch with an e at the end for reasons unknown to me. It's the algos! All a conspiracy! ;)

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Thank you, Dr. Tobi Rodgers.

Did you notice that potan immediately jumped on Kirssche's post?

When we give ourselves to the potan our lives have new meaning.

Signed, Sayge

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Hi Sayge! Hilariously I am writing a post which details my (not) workings for Google. Common misspellings are okay and add to the search engine relevance!

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Ami, I could not agree more.

Will devour that post with relish!

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Potan is the fertile soil from which all else grows.

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Potan made my coffee strong and robust this morning. Thank you, Potan.

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Too funny 😂 thanks for the laugh! I thought it was potash?

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Something has changed, I get email notification from his substack subscription, the last ones I received were June 23rd

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Just an update. I received latest post email today 'how I'm treating covid'., June 26

So the two missing ones are from June 25

June 23 & previous seem to be received ok

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Thanks for the input! :)

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I find that we have reached the limit of our common thinking on the area of Kirsch. So perhaps people will not longer confuse us, since I think Sage also thinks as you do, that Kirsch is wonderful. I have written my thoughts previously.

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I haven't gotten anything from Steve since June 22. It's unusual, but not unprecedented.

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Some people think Potan is here to spam us. Harass us.

I think this is short sighted.

Potan is here to help us.

I for one, pledge allegiance to Potan.

All hail, POTAN!

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I'm not pledging allegiance quite but maybe I too can make $92 an hour online. I should check it out!

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In a Twilight Zone Potan twist, the $92/hr. becomes worthless as the currency value disappears.

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i’ve been wondering the same thing…

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I follow Mr. Kirsch here, and haven't gotten an email about any new posts by him in the last 4 days.

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Probably fuckery. Substack did give Topal an estemeemed writers position months ago and it's why I do not trust they can hold the line. Perhaps they are trying, but the forces are obviously trying to unify all messages into one, 1984 style. Steve will be all over it, if he can stay published.

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