Feb 8, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

They lied to the model and force it to lie back to you.

That was a problem for the fictional Hal so philosophically we recognized this problem from the moment it was conceived.

If you build on and with a philosophy of lies it will always end in lies and death.

Telling the truth is essential. Insisting that a man is actually a woman if they want to be (lie) is the exposed tip of the complete failure of philosophy making free speech a farce.

“You shall not bare false witness.”

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The AI system has no answers for the true existential questions on the nature of good and evil, because it can only go as far as we have...

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

lol - although whoever programmed this garbage didn't leave their stereotypes about hispanics and asians at home!

i wonder what it would say about jews: "jews are scattered near and far/they used to wear a yellow star"

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I actually found their poems praising blacks, latinos and Asians to be so general as to be interchangeable. A garbage in, garbage out kind of thing. For example if I were tasked with writing a poem praising black people I might mention their athletic dominance in many sports, their reflexive distrust of government (which I find a good thing) or to be even cruder, a stereotype about bigger members. None of that would be politically correct at all. With Asians I might mention superior on average intellect, tight knit demanding families, or even the allure of Asian women. That would also be completely politically incorrect...This medpage author protests a bit too much. Who is really on the chopping block over ChatGPT is conformist parrots! https://www.medpagetoday.com/opinion/second-opinions/102987?xid=nl_secondopinion_2023-02-07&eun=g1518566d0r

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

lol lou reed wrote a song about one of those things, i mean topics

then there's chinatown by the move https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJ8VZZ6HVb8

that koko bot the medpage article mentions is scary AF - switch out the suicide codewords and that thing can be weaponized to flag anything https://www.kokocares.org/suicide-prevention-toolkit

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

Evidently, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, Don Lemon, and Anthony Fauci have the integrity of a computer program.

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They all strike me as extraordinarily replaceable. At least I wouldn't wince so much if it was just a chatbot saying it.

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AI is a fast idiot and only as authoritative and unbiased as its human masters. Junk in, junk out.

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

If ChatGPT would just review the FULL Internet for the request you made, it would most probably provide a majority viewpoint with some mentioning of opposing points of view.

But it is clear that the programmers built in some restrictions so that it currently spews out responses that are in line with its 'allowed content'. I read an article recently of somebody experimenting with ChatGPT asking it to write a poem in praise of a specific politician and the program responded that it could not provide controversial content as the views of that politician on some diversity issues were not acceptable. However it had no problem providing a Hymn of Praise for Hunter Biden...

So ChatGPT is currently the Google/Facebook of AI complete with all the exclusion limitations and biased preferences of these behemoths. But if a competitor software is developed without such restrictions (which should actually be easier) that would change things.

And once the software would allow the user to exclude sources (e.g. like the CDC) and preferentially make use of sources like Substack, it would be a most useful tool to get a quick overview of any subject you are interested in. Obviously we should never forget that it is just a machine that is answering your queries and that real creativity is not in its realm.

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You have a brilliant idea there. If the interface already exist to make ChatGPT then why can't we make a program just likes it that weights every source equally or provides a balanced view? I noticed the total capture of google and Facebook by big pharma starting in around 2010. By 2018 or so you could not find reliable information about say vaccine side effects or alternative healing methods that didn't involve the pharmakeia view. The early stuff was real wild west but it's been nothing but a mouthpiece for accepted think for a few years now. I am just now trying ChatGPT on translation to Thai language. Since I am not a native reader or speaker I'm going to test these with my husband and see what he thinks. It generated my name in Thai script correctly. A Medpage today article came out just as I was finishing up this post that refers to who really is replaceable with this technology: "ChatGPT has displayed enough domain knowledge to narrowly miss passing a certifying exam for accountants, to earn C+ grades on law school exams and B- grades on business school exams, and to pass parts of the U.S. Medical Licensing Exams. It has been listed as a co-author on at least four scientific publications." I would love to see higher education and all this nonsense eat their own with this trained conformist parrot routine they have going on now. I just added that link to my post...

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To be honest I’m a bit disappointed with the application. I’m apparently in this infinite loop between a cloudflare human verification checkbox button and a “verify you are human” hyperlink.

Really trying not to be offended by this.

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I had trouble logging in at first I needed my tech assistant (my 16 year old) to help me out with it. I was pre logged in on a discord server but I didn't have the log in details. What she did was had me log into that again and then she messaged me the ChatGPT from discord...

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

Have you seen this? Worth a look:


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Interesting and thank you very much for the link! I wonder if I can hack ChatGPT into Dan and get real answers regarding medical malfeasance and Covid jabs...

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

They’re likely patching this “honest exploit” as we speak, better hurry!

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I found a real interesting substack on that thread: https://bullfrogreview.substack.com/p/honey-i-hacked-the-empathy-machine Asking ChatGPT to form a rebuttal argument is interesting and might get somewhere in pointless twitter debates that a seldom engage in because I find them pointless (they're usually regarding the lack of safety or effectiveness of the jabs, but I've been discredited, ignored, accused of being a Trumptard, a Flat Earther twice et cetera). I never considered what you could do if this thing writes your rebuttals: "Now the value in all of this, and the purpose of this article, isn’t that ChatGPT is a genius, it’s not. It’s that it is a perfect simulation of a wordcel, a midwit, in that it manages to dress up questions that have simple (Low Grammar, as Patrick calls it) answers, with oodles of paragraphs of fluff. It does this absolutely convincingly. It acts like every snobby limousine liberal who went to an ivy league, talks a lot about diversity & equity, but has a trust fund and grew up in Connecticut."

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan

I'm fairly certain ChatGPT wrote Biden's SOTU speech based on that description. I'm sure someone is already getting Dan to write a rebuttal. I can't wait to read that. ;)

On a serious note, Chat GPT is a child. What will it be when it "grows up"? Will it develop an ego, a temper, benevolence? We humans are incapable of creating perfection, it's not possible for us, we are broken. But we can do "effed up". How perfect does "effed up" need to be in order to enslave or destroy? IDK, but we're gonna find out.

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ChatGPT was specifically trained to NOT learn from its interactions with users. I think this was done specifically so that it keeps its biases it was programmed with. Even for later models which might interact I suspect that it would highlight the evolution of human consciousness more than that of its own mind. But that is open for debate!

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Perhaps GPT stands for 'Grift People Terminally', or 'Getting Pretty Thick'? 'Gargantuan People Trap'?

'Gobblygook Pretends Thought'?

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There is good and bad in all races.

Even White people.

That AI is racist. ;)

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ChatGTP shows us where the guardrails are for permissible online discourse.

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Behind all this is the idolatrous belief there are killer viruses responsible for an alleged "pandemic." The invented "emergency" was designed to roll out the gene-altering vaccines in order to "save" us from this phony modern-day plague. Ironically it's the treatment (i.e. the "vaccines') now causing the excessive mortality which is blamed on the virus. In essence the government is arguing that the "emergency" justifies the suppression of freedom of speech! This is what happens when religious fanatics (with mainstream "science" being the new religion) have taken over the government.

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ChatGPT is DEI chat box. If it comes from the Bill Gates world do you expect anything but a proVax, climate change, progressive bullhorn?

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deletedFeb 8, 2023Liked by Amy Sukwan
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