Are the Covid Jabbed Still Giving Off MAC Addresses?
Can the Human Soul be Hacked? I think not. But the Body Can Certainly be Poisoned
I hadn’t read or seen much lately regarding the more conspiracy leaning theories that Covid vaccines contain self assembling nanotechnology that produces magnetic properties or even give off MAC addresses, but then I saw this article on testing the theory with a simple Android phone and bluetooth. According to Thailand expat Aorotas he tried this out already. Here is what he found:
“This was revealed by doctor Delgado last year. When I was in France, I tested it multiple times and it is true, it happens (and it is the most creepy thing I have ever witnessed). Turn on the Bluetooth search and your phone displays a list of MAC addresses, which are 12-digit codes identifying nearby "devices" (in this case humans injected with the Covid vax), e.g. 00-B0-D0-63-C2-26.
You don't need to be near a 5G antenna for it to work, if you know Pfizer or Moderna injected people, you can try. Just turn on the Bluetooth search when near a group of people. The connection to 5G towers is interesting but unproven as far as I know.
In Thailand, I tried it a few months ago in a supermarket with lots of Westerners, and it happened too. Then I tried it again in a doctor's waiting room with only Thais and nothing appeared. I assumed they were maybe jabbed with Sinovac, which may not have this nanotechnology in it, but I am merely speculating.
By the way, I hadn't thought about this in months, and earlier this afternoon I suddenly thought about it again. Then tonight I saw your post… that's no coincidence, I believe in telepathy as I have observed it before with people with whom I am on the same "wave length".
Now I am not jabbed but I am in Las Vegas and we have a guy living with us who has taken five Pfizer mRNA things. He told me a few nights ago that his VA only offered him that one so he’s been very brand loyal. I have tried the bluetooth signal test with my two Android phones and I am not getting anything from him. There were no bluetooth signals around or house as of January 31, 2023.
The roommate had some type of strange monthly food benefit that expired on the last day of the month so we went shopping with him in both CVS drug store and Smith’s grocery. I picked up several bluetooth signals in the area, many 12 digit and starting with 509 and 50J. There were more close to the pharmacy area of CVS, which still did have signs up about getting Covid and Flu vaccines, but there was no one in the jab area. Some of the signals were for devices such as Samsung TV 6 and Samsung TV 4. The others might have simply been bluetooth signals that were left on customer’s smartphones or other devices.
This is how Doctor Luis Benito found bluetooth signals in the summer of 2021:
“When a patient appeared, often already up the stairs or at the beginning of the corridor, about 20 meters away from the practice, on my cell phone, I could see if one or two devices to connect to with Bluetooth appeared, one or two or none.
On my phone, I could check to see if the Bluetooth was detecting something or nothing and if it was something, it was a device with a MAC Address (Media Access Control) code. This is a unique identifier that electronic device manufacturers assign to a card or item that can be networked.
After attending to the patient’s medical requirements, I’d ask him whether or not he had been vaccinated for COVID. If the answer was affirmative, it was usually quick and without hesitation and if it was negative, it was often accompanied by a certain wariness, if not anger at the question.
A reaction that explained to me that, in general, those who hadn’t wanted to be vaccinated had been subjected to some kind of adverse social situation. After reassuring the patient, whatever his response, I’d write down on a sheet of paper the answer he gave me.
None of the 137 patients I asked refused to answer, If the answer was affirmative, I’d ask them what type of vaccine they had received, when, and if they had had any adverse reactions.
I’d then ask them if they had any cell phones or electronic devices such as wireless headsets or tablets on them, and if so, I’d ask them to turn it off for a moment. When they turned it off, on my cell phone, usually, one of the devices that registered to Bluetooth would disappear.
Out of hundreds Here are the results.
Of the 137 patients questioned, 112 said they had been vaccinated, and 25 said they hadn’t been vaccinated.
None of the patients who said they hadn’t been vaccinated registered on my cell phone any device available for Bluetooth connection, having ensured the disconnection of their cell phone, if they had one.
In 96 patients of the 112 who said they had been vaccinated, 96 of the 112 having switched off their electronic devices if they were carrying them, a MAC code remained on the screen of my cell phone, which I had already noted in my notes next to the patient’s medical history.
The magneticism signal fell out of favor as a likely reason for the jabs causing problems. Yet we swim in an electromagnetic soup. The excess deaths data remains as elevated as ever. Forbidden knowledge TV had this to say regarding what is in the vaccines in October of 2022:
“The primary material for creating these micro-sculptural complexes is graphene oxide, the presence of which is decisive for the self-assembly of these structural complexes.
The main mechanism of the exfoliation of graphene oxide in the body, into quantum dots are natural biodegradation mediated by the enzyme myeloperoxidase and the Teslaphoresis mechanism, which are microwave electromagnetic fields emitted from mobile phone signals with different frequency ranges.
Graphene oxide injected into the body acquires magnetic properties in contact with hydrogen and living cells. This is why most injected people have exacerbated magnetism at the point of the inoculation and subsequently in the upper solar plexus and the skull.
Graphene oxide is detected in the body by our immune system as if it were a pathogen. Once injected, it has an affinity for the central nervous system – basically, the spinal cord and our brain, because of its higher electroconductivity. In the central nervous system, it causes the immobilization of limbs, strokes, paraplegia and alteration of the nervous system.
Graphene oxide has a blood clotting factor and increases thrombogenicity or thrombus proliferation. The ultimate consequence of thrombi is all kinds of cardiovascular accidents, such as embolisms, ischemias, strokes, aneurysms, etc.
Graphene oxide also has an affinity for electrical organs, such as our heart, especially when its cardiac activity increases and therefore, its electrical activity. At that moment, this graphene oxide targets the heart and inflames it, generating myocarditis or pericarditis.
In addition, graphene oxide has the ability to absorb electromagnetic radiation from our environment and multiply it with a transistor effect. Thus, it causes small discharges that cause arrhythmias in our cardiac system. This explains why so many athletes are suffering from arrhythmias when they have increased cardiac activity.
Consequences of these arrhythmias are fainting, blackouts or syncope linked – or not – to unexpected or sudden death. A large part of our vaxxinated population is suffering unexpected or sudden death when interacting near these microwave sources.
Graphene oxide also has the capacity to generate mutagenesis, chromosomal alteration and cancer, so that people who have recently suffered tumors or neoplasms after vaxxination will rapidly resurface a line of metastasis and those who are completely healthy will be at high risk of developing cancer.
Graphene oxide is extremely toxic and its toxicity is also dependent on the electromagnetic radiation it absorbs. Wherever it goes, it generates tissue inflammation, systemic or organ inflammation and a cascade of free radicals.”
I agree with the premise of the article that all of these adverse health effects are plausible as the result of toxins such as graphene being intentionally injected into the body. Such a mass poisoning would obviously represent a crime against humanity on a never before contemplated scale. Such nefarious intent would explain the absolute obsession with getting a jab in everybody’s arm by any means possible which still continues with college booster mandates and bans on international travel to this day. Presumably there would be experiments within the broader tests and the batches and the outcomes could easily be tracked by AI with automated matching to medical records.
I do believe that such a nefarious system could poison a majority of those injected and that such damage would likely be cumulative. I do not believe that such a “vaccine” could hack a person’s soul or turn some of the jabbed into the equivalent of remote controlled zombies. I do think that the powers that be would like to experiment on the general population in such a matter in order to determine how far their transhuman fantasies could go.
I’m of the opinion that the ability of AI to take over the world and take over humans is greatly oversold. A lot of the magic of it is sold on the backs of very cheap overseas task based labor. There’s some component that is missing there, and I don’t think humans can create life without it.
They can be mass poisoned, though. It seems to me there is a global fight against forces of healing and forces of killing. I’ve been looking into ways to detox from the electromagnetic energy myself.
I assume that if there is a signal it fades over the course of time as the body tries to rid itself of the toxins from the jabs. I also believe that the jabs were refined to mostly less immediately lethal versions over time. But the cumulative damage is still out there. I doubt a blast of extra strong radiation would turn anyone into a remote controlled robot. It certainly might be capable of killing and sickening a lot of people, though, especially those already vulnerable due to mass poisoning.
What do you all think is causing it?
"or turn some of the jabbed into the equivalent of remote controlled zombies"
Yeah, but the covidians I encounter sure sound exactly the same...
I was thinking that this might be why they want the unvaxxed to take the original jabs first even though they're outdated. Maybe the originals have the building blocks for the graphene technology.